Operation: Sexy Claus Week #4 10.10.11 (Closed Group)



  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning wonderful ladies! Week #4 Woo!

    Well I am pretty excited about the participation we have had going on. I hope everyone is still just as committed to this now as they were in the beginning! I know I am!

    This week please make sure to put in your weight into the spreadsheet....measurements will be done again next week, so be ready for that.


    Question of the Day: Give me something that you are going to commit to doing for the next 7 days...with no room for negotiation, and why is this so important to you?

    Sigh...the numbers on the scale just keep going higher and higher... :( but, for the next 7 days, i'm going to commit myself to not quitting. it seems like in this battle, every time i get discouraged, i dig myself into a deeper hole. so, for the next 7 days, i'm going to recommit myself to my goal of being healthy and i'm going to support that but, keeping my diet clean and working out consistently. next week, will be much better for me.
  • beachgirl667
    beachgirl667 Posts: 55 Member
    I am committing to working out 6 days this week! And doing weights at least for 2 of them. I have really been slacking last week. Ready to start it out right! Woo! Hoo!! Hope everyone has a fantastic week:)
  • alice0711
    alice0711 Posts: 99 Member
    Question of the Day: Give me something that you are going to commit to doing for the next 7 days...with no room for negotiation, and why is this so important to you?

    im committing to eat 5-6 mel per day (small portion) ,go to gym 3-4 days (busy week) and also drink more waters because i would like to lost 3 pounds this weeks then i can treat myself something nice for celebrate lost 40pounds so far. I had great nsv weekend, at party i met some of my friend who i hadn't seen for while, say i look i had loss weight and i took twice water bottles instead of alcoholic.

    Good luck, everyone :)
  • tburnett80
    tburnett80 Posts: 77 Member
    Question of the Day: Give me something that you are going to commit to doing for the next 7 days...with no room for negotiation, and why is this so important to you?

    To give my workouts my all..
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Good morning, all!!

    Well, I am exactly the same weight for the 3rd week in a row. Disappointed but not discouraged. So for the next 7 days I commit to drinking at least 70 ounces of water a day (half my body weight in ounces), to continue to stick to my TurboFire schedule, and to stick very strictly to my WW PointsPoints plan . I have to break this plateau!!

    Hey there! Question for you...have you ever tried zig-zagging your calories? I think with you being pretty close to your goal...this may work for you.

    I would be willing to try! I read about it briefly a while back, but really didn't understand it. I'll take another look though. Any guidance would be much appreciated :flowerforyou: .
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Not sure how reliable or accurate this website is but here's a link for calculating your calorie zig-zagging for the week: http://www.shapefit.com/calorie-intake-calculator.html
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi ladies! A quick post b/c I am at work... I was at 179 this week...up almost 3 lbs from last week.. I have been teeter tottering for like 2 months now and I am so sick of it.... this week I commit to exercising every night but 1... this will be difficult as my church is in revival this week and so trying to work, get a workout in, and church all week long I know if I don't put in an effort to do it I won't...plus they are calling for rain all week, will just make me flat out lazy hah.... so I commit to exrecising, logging every day as there is no excuse for that one... and getting more water in a day :)

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    LW: 157
    CW: 156.4

    Yay!! Down a little bit more! I really am surprised especially since my thanksgiving turkey dinner and pumpkin pie, I was sure it was going to be a gain.

    QOD: I commit to keep on zig zagging, since it seems to be helping so far and getting 5 workouts in this week.

    Let's keep it up! You are all showing amazing progress.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Totally forgot to weight in this morning, so I will be on that tomorrow (damn holiday today threw off my schedule!)

    I am pretty sure I am going to be up this week. I feel gross and bloated. This is probably due to a few big meals because of thanksgiving. This week I need to totally kick some *kitten*...

    As for this week... no ifs ands or buts - 100oz of water a day... I can't go to bed til I have it all in me. That's 12.5 glasses of water which is TOTALLY doable, plus it's 2/3's my weight (in oz of water). So this week, I will be posting about my water.
  • this week I am going to commit to making conscious choices about what I am eating and if I slip up really ramp up the excersing to compensate. With all the traveling I've been doing I really haven't been watching calories or making smart choices time to step it up!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    CW: 179

    Question of the Day: Give me something that you are going to commit to doing for the next 7 days...with no room for negotiation, and why is this so important to you?

    I am going to stick to clean eating this weekend. This is something I tend to slip up on so this will be a real challenge for me.

    Congratulations on all the losses this week, keep up the Great work everyone!
    Have a Great Evening!!!
  • _Splenda_
    _Splenda_ Posts: 22 Member
    Hey guys!

    LW: 138.6
    CW: 137.6

    Lost a lbs from last week (i'll take it)

    This weeks major goal is to complete at least 4 2 a day workouts. one at 5 am, 2nd at 7:30 PM. And to burn at least 1000 cals per day :)
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I will commit to drinking 80oz of water each day. I was getting in 80 each day, but then I slipped back down to 60-ish and I need to keep it up there to keep my eating in check! So, water it is!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. It's the CDN long weekend, so I don't have access to a scale right now either...

    * QOD: I'm going to do my stretches EVERYDAY! I've been really slacking on them, and they make me feel a lot looser. My neck is totally tight. I need to stretch everything out good this week. I'm also starting the 17 DD on Wed.

    Krys... Work it all the way to that goal! You're gonna look FAAAB!

    maipai21... CONGRATS on 199!!! AMAZING job! You deserve it!

    brooke0206... I'm starting the 17 DD on Wednesday!! Best of luck!!
  • Well i am down on the scale this week.

    Question of the Day: Give me something that you are going to commit to doing for the next 7 days...with no room for negotiation, and why is this so important to you?
    I am going to commit to making exercise my #1 priority and not let anything or anyone get in my way.:drinker:
  • Sho_Rowell
    Sho_Rowell Posts: 104 Member
    Last week: 177
    This week: 181 :(((

    Just got back from a 5 day cruise where I pigged out and did not drink very much water! Hopefully this is water retention. We'll see next week. Had a blast on vacation tho and rocked my 2 piece!
  • daveshoneybun
    daveshoneybun Posts: 76 Member
    Question of the Day: Give me something that you are going to commit to doing for the next 7 days...with no room for negotiation, and why is this so important to you?

    For the next 7 days i commit to drinking more water and eating better. For the past couple of weeks i haven't been watching what i'm eating and drinking less water and doing less exercise so i'm going to do better this week.

    I really want to get to my goal weight by the new year my son is getting married in March and i want to be fit and trim by then.

    Good luck to everyone with there goal for the week.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi All!
    Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Work has been crazy and then it was Thanksgiving and we had house guests over the weekend. Totally forgot to weigh in this morning so will weigh in when I get up (am working night shifts this week!)

    QOD: I commit myself to getting back to basics... eating well, getting in at least 40 minutes a day of physical exercise and improving my water intake, which is dismal at the moment.

    Here's to a great week. Check in with you again tomorrow!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Well I am liking the commitments that I am seeing posted for this week. Remember to be conscious of them and write them down if you need to so that you do not forget what you are setting out to do.

    Question of the Day: How do you feel about people who use pills or weight loss surgeries to lose weight? This is totally not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but just to get an idea of how you feel personally about it.