Slimfast..... Is it the devil??... Special K???



  • luv2run
    luv2run Posts: 54 Member
    Slimfast is probably the devil, You would probably be better off buying a good quality whey protein mix if you want to have a "milkshake" type of thing, I think Special K is the devil too, Some of the special K stuff has HFCS and Hydrogenated oils in it so read the labels.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Anyone using meal replacement drinks?? Which are the good ones???

    What about Special K cereal, bars and shakes??

    Eat REAL food, not fake, processed food.
  • cronus404
    i work long hours and dont often have the time to stop and have a real meal during the day. As a result i was cramming in a lot of calories at the end of the night just to keep my cal levels up. I got around this by having an atkins advantage bar or a special k meal bar in the morning and another one later in the day. The high amounts of protein help keep my hunger at bay so i dont snack but the calories keep me from having to gorge at the end of the night. I wouldnt want to live off of them but as a snack or a meal alternative i havent noticed any negative side effects.
  • kshaymcg
    kshaymcg Posts: 2 Member
    This has NOTHING to do with the "shake" question....but, I am DESPARATE!! So many of you on this thread have lost 15-30+ pounds & I would really appreciate your honest feedback, as to how I can do the same?

    I have been tracking my calories and staying under 1400 for almost 2 months now. I keep seeing the scale go up and down....without any REAL weight loss consistency. I am also doing Zumba about 4 times a week, for 40 minutes each time.

    I am 39 years old, 5'3", and need to lose about 40-50 pounds. Can anyone tell me if I just need to do something different?? I have ALWAYS heard and read that I shouldn't go below 1200 calories a day, and I know that for me....(especially with 3 small children)....if I go below 1200 calories, I am just plain MEAN to everyone!!

    I do have thyroid issues, and have been on medication for 9 years b/c of it.....but, I regularly get it checked & it is normalized w/ my medicine. So, I don't think that is the problem.

    Any suggestions?