is this the right thing to do?



  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    I didn't have time to read all the comments so if this is a repeat , sorry!

    Domestic Violence doesn't only mean physical violence. Everything you described is domestic violence.

    Physical violence doesn't always start at the beginning, sometimes it's progressive and it starts exactly how you described.

    I know, I've been there, married and pregnant with our fourth child. I was out before she was born. Best thing I ever did for them and for me.

    Good luck , doing whats right isn't always the same as doing whats easy.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    oh and one more thing ...

    one of the hardest parts for me was that it wasn't 'supposed' to be that way . We were married and had children and we were suppose to be together forever , through think and thin , good times and bad . I had a very hard time getting over my 'expectations' of what 'should' have been.

    The sooner you can get over it , the better off you will be. Sometimes its not whats meant to be and you have to make your own happy ending.
  • Hunny forget finding a place and funiture right now!! Get the hell out now and go to a family or friends house! One more day maybe to late!! If u don't care about urself then do it for ur child! My God bless you and protect u...
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    :( im still in love with the guy that he can be, but not the guy he is...

  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    For your safety, and for you and your baby girls future- you must leave. It will be difficult but I promise you its the right thing to do. I understand you still love him, and that's ok, but don't let the love blind or sway you.

    One thing I suggest is PLEASE find a support person/persons and have them stay with you or vice versa- just in case. Please don't be on your own throughout this.

    You ARE making the RIGHT CHOICE!!!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Could her taking her daughter be construed as kidnapping?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Sometimes in life we have to disengage with people we love (even if it's a family member). You need to be able to care for your daughter, but you cannot do that if he abuses you mentally or physically. If he's threatening physical harm, you need to take that seriously. I wish you had someplace to go immediately, without having to save up money secretly for furniture and an apartment. If he finds out and you're still living with him, it could be dangerous. Please, seek help from someone in your area. You are stronger than you think you are! Best wishes to you.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I just realized how young you are. Can you call your parents and ask for their help? Please contact someone!