
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Why am I posting this rant?!? Because I'm sick of posting my daily intake and feeling bad about how high my number is compared to the people complaining about their low numbers being too high
    You feel bad about YOUR you made a post to tell other grown people how they should eat to alleviate YOUR guilty feelings. Got it.

    Wisdom nugget: It's not always about you. Wow - just imagine - people eating how they want to because .....they want to. :noway:
    Don't get mad at me for posting this if you don't agree...
    You make this immature post on a public forum (read: instead of your blog) so that everyone can read about you and your important feelings - and then you tell everyone who disagrees with you to not get mad. Own up to the fact that you made a public post which many people think is rude and b*tchy,and be prepared to handle the negative responses that come from that. If they were anything like you, they'd demand that you not post here because it makes them "feel bad".
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    if you're frustrated, write a blog about it. that's what i and many others have done and i think it has worked out well. as someone who has always been naturally below the lowest number for a healthy BMI it is frustrating for me to have people like you refer to me as anorexic, and unfair to those who do have eating disorders. I have a degree in psychology, I know what an eating disorder is and only a very small part of an ED is what the person consumes, it's classed as a MENTAL illness for a reason. The problem lies in the individual's thinking. rant all you want, on your blog, not in a public forum. the forums are for questions and support.
  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member
    When I first came to MFP, according to their guided whatchamacallit, I was only given 1350 calories. It sucked so bad and that is why I went over to livestrong, because they gave me 1500 and some change. Same stats, was tough. I ended up back here because of the ease of use vs livestrong. Anyway, maybe that's why those people are eating that little...because that is what they are given and they have no idea how to customize, or perhaps they're afraid they'll sabotage themselves..
    I'm lucky, I get over 2000 cuz I'm trying to gain:bigsmile:

    yes I think this might be part of the issue. When I first signed up I was given 1200 and I thought that was too low, so I dropped the settings to 0.5 pounds a week and that increased me to 1480 which think is much more realistic
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    When I first came to MFP, according to their guided whatchamacallit, I was only given 1350 calories. It sucked so bad and that is why I went over to livestrong, because they gave me 1500 and some change. Same stats, was tough. I ended up back here because of the ease of use vs livestrong. Anyway, maybe that's why those people are eating that little...because that is what they are given and they have no idea how to customize, or perhaps they're afraid they'll sabotage themselves..
    I'm lucky, I get over 2000 cuz I'm trying to gain:bigsmile:

    yes I think this might be part of the issue. When I first signed up I was given 1200 and I thought that was too low, so I dropped the settings to 0.5 pounds a week and that increased me to 1480 which think is much more realistic

    It makes a difference also with what you list your daily activity at, so you may want to take yours off sedentary.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    You don't have to like what I do. I like it. And I won't force myself to eat if I feel full.

    So in conclusion...

    Eat me.
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Amen..or people who have weight loss goals that will put them at an anorexic BMI..
    What is considered anorexic? A BMI under 16.5? I've heard of an underweight BMI but not an anorexic one. Anorexia is a psychological condition. It is possible for an overweight person to have anorexia or anorexic tendencies. Forgive me if I am being ignorant.

    This is exactly right. I knew a girl who had what some ignorant people would call an "anorexic BMI" but there was nothing anorexic about her. We spent many days munching away on poutine (fries, cheese and gravy) and other goodies at the local diner. In any case, anorexia is a mental state that might or might not result in the person becoming underweight, but being underweight does not make one anorexic.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Why am I posting this rant?!? Because I'm sick of posting my daily intake and feeling bad about how high my number is compared to the people complaining about their low numbers being too high
    You feel bad about YOUR you made a post to tell other grown people how they should eat to alleviate YOUR guilty feelings. Got it.

    Wisdom nugget: It's not always about you. Wow - just imagine - people eating how they want to because .....they want to. :noway:
    Don't get mad at me for posting this if you don't agree...
    You make this immature post on a public forum (read: instead of your blog) so that everyone can read about you and your important feelings - and then you tell everyone who disagrees with you to not get mad. Own up to the fact that you made a public post which many people think is rude and b*tchy,and be prepared to handle the negative responses that come from that. If they were anything like you, they'd demand that you not post here because it makes them "feel bad".

    Great post.
    To OP: go rant in a blog. Or if you decide to rant here, don't be a baby and tell people how to feel about your post. What are you, the thought police?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I agree with most of what you said, but I don't understand the rant. The people eating too little aren't making you feel bad. You could simply ignore their logs or posts. And if you know you are doing the right thing and they are not, why would you feel bad?
  • I agree that you should post your frustrations in a blog, not on a public forum. :wink:
  • oh and you can let out that frustration by going for a nice run instead.

    Great suggestion - I agree. :smile:
  • ktsdad
    ktsdad Posts: 15 Member
    Don't get mad if others disagree with you either. If you post, expect good and bad feedback. That's the beauty of the internet. The 1200 calorie is a guideline, just like BMI is a guideline for a population, not individuals. When you get to the individual, things tend to go outside the 'norm'. It is simple statistics, bell curve type stuff.

    My individual diet is done with supervised meal replacements and strict logging of all food, down to coffee creamer. My situation is what is working for me, but it may not be what works for you.

    Since your name is runner girl, I assume you run. Imagine if you had a bad back or arthritis and couldn't run. Take those exercise calories away and put your lifestyle at sedentary for a desk job. Once that is done, compare it to your net calories now. I bet with burning exercise calories, your net is lower than others that are losing weight (an assumption - it may not be completely accurate). My point is some people reduce net calories by exercise, others by diet alone, but if you net lower than you burn, you lose either way.

    As for the ones crying about not eating enough to get to 1200 cal, rant away. If someone truly has an issue and posts about it, they should understand, the advice you get on the internet is worth what you pay for it. In the end you have to educate yourself and filter the information to get to something you can use.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    Hm, I think Id' like to make a post titled "Sanctimonious a**hats who just can't BELIEVE you could screw up this weight-loss thing SO badly when it's so easy for them to do it THE RIGHT WAY". Because other people's actions really get in the way of me living my life, and all...
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Wow, allow me to apologise for interfering in your wellbeing by meeting my own goals and eating the way I choose to. Perhaps if you feel insecure about your own calorie intake you could try not looking at other peoples' diaries, or remind yourself that everyone's goals are their own, and if you take in more calories than someone else its probably because, just maybe, your life is not the same as theirs.

    Sorry to be harsh but I feel quite strongly that forum posts aimed at shaming or judging the conduct of other members are generally unhelpful.

    I agree with each their own
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    The OP is just looking for drama..gotta love the drama queens and kings on here LMBO
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Hm, I think Id' like to make a post titled "Sanctimonious a**hats who just can't BELIEVE you could screw up this weight-loss thing SO badly when it's so easy for them to do it THE RIGHT WAY". Because other people's actions really get in the way of me living my life, and all...

    So, in what way has the OP's actions (posting this rant) actually gotten in the way of you living your life to the extent that you feel the need to counter-rant? You're welcome to disagree, of course, but don't pretend you're being any less sanctimonious with your own communication.

    People have, for example, simply suggested that a blog posting might have been a better choice.
  • sherborg
    sherborg Posts: 6 Member
    Im new to this site for about 2 months and just had this rant with my husband this morning who has plateaued! Welcome to dieting, I told him.

    Remember to use the tool to check your BMR which is the amount of calories you need to sustain at your current weight. To loose safely and keep it off you need to eat 500 calories LESS than that number daily. Otherwise, your body will go into STORE MODE.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    See I LIKE showing off how much I eat. I keep thinking if people see it, then see my results maybe they will figure out that they could eat more too.
  • mummychaz
    mummychaz Posts: 35 Member
    I am fairly new to MFP so this is my first experience of such a negative topic post on the message boards. I don't really understand why you've got in such a state over other people's weightloss approaches/journeys. If you don't agree with the way someone is doing their weightloss plan just ignore it!

    For me I am just seeing how I go on 1200 cals for a little while as I am very new to calorie counting at all so I don't even know how much I used to consume, if that's too low to maintain I will increase it, if increasing it stumps by weightloss I will bring it down until I find a manageable target...simples!

    Please, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all because you could really damage people's relationship with MFP - especially newbies like me!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Why am I posting this rant?!? Because I'm sick of posting my daily intake and feeling bad about how high my number is compared to the people complaining about their low numbers being too high.

    And why exactly do you feel bad about that? My goal weight is much higher than yours or about 90 percent of the women who post on here. I certainly don't feel bad about that. We're all on here for different reasons so why should you or me or anyone else feel bad for having different goals or calorie intake than others on here? Just curious...