Creepy guy in the weight room advice



  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Go with your gut. Tell someone before it happens again. To all the men who think this is parnoid I feel that you are wrong, for this reason: Good guys don't often comprehend how many really creepy guy are in the world. My husband was one of those guys who thought teaching stranger danger was unnecessary and he felt that the idea of date rape was ubsurd, until I started showing him the statistics. When he realized how many women report rapes and how and assaults, and how many of them knew their attacker, he was shocked. Our daughters weren't taught to be paranoid but they were educated to think and be aware of their surroundings and to trust their instincts. Our sons were taught that no means no, you can't have everything or everyone that you want, and not to do things that might make a woman feel uncomfortable. Being creeped out usually means that something is very wrong.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    i caught a bum lying in the bushes outside my gym jerking it to the zumba class one time. this is not that bad.

    totally agree you're being a little paranoid, though. informing gym staff of one isolated of dude staring or even following you is a little extreme. if it happens again, yeah.
    Maybe he was staring at you without knowing he was freaking you if he was pointing at you, licking his lips,shaking his head up and down, then rubbing his hands together yeah I could see why you're freaked out.

    Ewww!!! HAhahahaha Honestly, just inform other staff members but don't freak out just yet unless he's as Scott described.

    I go to the gym anywhere from 8pm to 1 (sometimes 2)AM and I see a lot of people who give me weird vibes. I don't freak out over it though because I carry my mace and I do my best to park right in front and under lighting.
    If I were ever to have any sort of encounter, however, then I would certainly inform a staff member immediately and proceed to either have someone escort and/or watch me to my car from the front desk, or wait inside the gym until safe.
    I also carry mace and make sure to walk with my head up high.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You carry an ear of corn everywhere you go for protection?
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    Maybe he was staring at you without knowing he was freaking you if he was pointing at you, licking his lips,shaking his head up and down, then rubbing his hands together yeah I could see why you're freaked out.

  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Am I the only person who thinks she (or someone else at the gym) should approach him and engage him in friendly conversation? When I worked retail, they always said that if you see someone acting suspiciously, then you should engage them. It's disarming, lets them know that you've noticed them (and their behavior) and can give you a better read on whether he's a creeper, has some sort of disorder, or is just socially retarded so you can figure out a resolution from there.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Also the guys in here that think we're being overly-paranoid...fortunately for you, you will never have to live life with the fear that somebody will attack you simply because you're viewed as an inferior and weak person due to your gender. You don't have to carry rape whistles, mace, pepper spray, tasers and other precautions when going for a jog. You don't have to worry like a woman does. Is this guy more than likely harmless, of course, but as women who deal with living life like this, we have to be overly cautious. Women are always blamed for everything. "She wanted it", "she was dressed scantily" etc. We're always blamed and told it's out fault we're attacked and raped. So yeah, we are paranoid, because god forbid this guy is a sicko and thinks that in her workout clothes, she's trying to seduce him or whatever. We have to be overly cautious because society teaches us that if we aren't, bad things will happen to us and they will be our fault. Be lucky, you can live a much more worry free life.

    Go for a jog on the south side of CHicago, I don't care if you are a man or woman, you will feel that way. Its not as if men are impervious to fear. Stop generalizing. Men and boys are victims quite often as well. While I do agree that women may be more at risk, its not as if men never encounter such circumstances.

    And live a worry free life, this type of generalization is something to worry about. We can be pegged as a stalker by looking at someone.

    I think you should go with your gut, tell someone, and take precautions. If the behavior continues I'm sure the manager could confront the guy and remove his membership if it came to harrassment

    I'm not saying men don't have to fear as well but it's not the same as for women. Also, we are generalized as well. If a woman is dressed in a low cut shirt or a mini skirt, she's a slut or a *kitten*. Not all men are skeezy but regardless of all of the generalizations, she doesn't deserve to feel uncomfortable albeit from a man or woman.

    this is completely uncalled for. "Constant state of paranoia"? Why?

    I certainly don't feel like I am living under these said conditions. I also find it VERY hard to believe that most women live in a "constant state" of PARANIA that men are going to hurt them... That is actually extremely unhealthy if this is the case for you.

    ALSO--- YOU CANNOT judge someone's intent of actions or character based on a "VIBE". That is something women really enjoy doing, and they also "stick to their instincts".... but that is not a defense or grounds for a potential bad person.

    I'm just gonna tell you that probably 75% of the time at least, GUYS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE EVEN DOING. People sometimes stare off into space, and you happen to be in their way... don't take it so personally....

    Sometimes people just happen to be LOOKING IN OUR direction, but that doesn't mean they are going to murder us!!!!

    I've been followed by a car while jogging (on multiple occasions)
    I get "hollered" at DAILY either while i'm running or just walking to school by guys
    I get checked out EVERY SINGLE TIME I'm at the gym

    Does it make me uncomfortable? Kinda.
    Did I die? No.
    Am I mentally scared for life? No.


    Women have it hard? I think not. At least we are not constantly accused of being a sexual preditor just because you happened to look in someones direction!!!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Maybe he was staring at you without knowing he was freaking you if he was pointing at you, licking his lips,shaking his head up and down, then rubbing his hands together yeah I could see why you're freaked out.

    THISSSS!!! OMGG. thank you !!!!!
  • cvaneaton
    cvaneaton Posts: 154
    Re the DR apt. Good one! Listen to your insticts and be safe!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    You carry an ear of corn everywhere you go for protection?

    Yeah! Doesn't everyone????

    PS. It's fixed now. haha
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    If you work there maybe you can go up to him and ask him if he is new, or if he needs any help with anything that you would be willing to find someone that can help him?

    Kinda just saying I see you see me? But if dont feel safe then you need to make sure you are with a buddy at all times. Good Luck hopefully it's a shy harmless new guy being awkward and not knowing it.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Probably best just to nuke the entire gym from space. Just to be sure.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Am I the only person who thinks she (or someone else at the gym) should approach him and engage him in friendly conversation? When I worked retail, they always said that if you see someone acting suspiciously, then you should engage them. It's disarming, lets them know that you've noticed them (and their behavior) and can give you a better read on whether he's a creeper, has some sort of disorder, or is just socially retarded so you can figure out a resolution from there.

    Exactly what I was just thinking!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think talking to him would be a mistake. If he is a stalker he'll take it as a come on. Get one of the men to talk to him and see what he's like.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I think talking to him would be a mistake. If he is a stalker he'll take it as a come on. Get one of the men to talk to him and see what he's like.

    bisexual? I'd hate to be that guy.
  • Nickstery
    Nickstery Posts: 324 Member
    I know that I am guilty of checking out the gym hottie when i go to work out. Typically it is just glances for the simple fact that I don't want to seem like a creeper... If both of them are getting that feeling it isn't because he is just checking them out it is the intent behind the stares that is causing that. As Guys we are generally oblivious to this unless it is happening to someone that we care about.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Aren't you a bit too paranoid? I mean he could simply be checking you out or perhaps want to ask for advice but to shy too ask?

    valid point

    Written and validated by guys...
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Aren't you a bit too paranoid? I mean he could simply be checking you out or perhaps want to ask for advice but to shy too ask?

    valid point

    Written and validated by guys...

    Of course. Sorry, but this is one male advise is worthless on. You are too trusting of other men. There ARE creeps out there who do hurt people. Every day.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Maybe he was staring at you without knowing he was freaking you if he was pointing at you, licking his lips,shaking his head up and down, then rubbing his hands together yeah I could see why you're freaked out.
    Short and sweet and more so DEAD ON!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Of course. Sorry, but this is one male advise is worthless on. You are too trusting of other men. There ARE creeps out there who do hurt people. Every day.

    No one is saying don't protect yourself or take precautions. We are saying don't assume he is a crazy rapist.

    By all means, make sure you protect yourself. Kind of like you don't take a drink from a stranger, or get into a van with someone offering you candy.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I have a wife and I daughter and I know if their "Mr Creepy" meter is going off it's for a good reason. (I think that's nature, not society) Should guys be hauled off because they checked a woman out in the gym? No, but this person followed her. That's a little more than a glance that lasted too long.

    I've only been going to my Y for 9 months. But I've been there long enough to know who the regulars are, and know some weird behavior if I saw it. I would imagine after 5 years something like this would stand out.

    Tell someone at the Gym because, you never know, she may not be the only one he's followed. I'm sure she won't be the first one to report an aleged creeper. Not like she's calling the police. More people being aware is the first line of defense against crime.