chocolate treat.... UK ideas please ??



  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Daim bar - a proper chocolate bar with nutty and toffee crunchiness, and just 150 calories.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Just had a chocolate rice Krispie square. mmmmmm
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    So far I prefer half wholemeal pitta bread with small amount of chocolate spread inside, it lasts ages. Or half a Bournville chocolate bar if it fits in my calories.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Hairbo? What is that? I have to say it does not SOUND appetizing...

    Good lord.... Haribo are gummy sweets of a wide variety cola bottles and the such like. Very calorific in large quantities and the morish nature means you end up eating them in large quantities...
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I usually go for a kitkat or blue ribbon or cadbury freddo. Today I had a wispa - gorgeous! x

    WISPAS!!! I love them. VERY hard to find here. Occasionally in a specialty store that has imported stuff... Now I want a Wispa. At least I know I won't be able to get one! Have you ever had a wispa gold?

    Wispa gold is the stuff of gods! They used to sell them everywhere here in the uk, but for some reason stopped doing it. They came back for a while as a "special", but i cant find them anywhere now :(

    And its not Hairbo! It's a brand name of kiddy jelly fizzy sweets called Haribo.

  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    Jaffa cakes - 2 for under 100 calories and only 2 grams of fat. Either that or maltesers. I do have a square of dark chocolate mixed into my porridge in the morning :-)

    Haribo are jelly sweets. My favourites are the tangfastic sour mix ones - yum.
  • I usually go for a kitkat or blue ribbon or cadbury freddo. Today I had a wispa - gorgeous! x

    WISPAS!!! I love them. VERY hard to find here. Occasionally in a specialty store that has imported stuff... Now I want a Wispa. At least I know I won't be able to get one! Have you ever had a wispa gold?

    Wispa gold is heaven! So smooth and yummy!
  • It's not quite like eating a bar of chocolate but I do find that a mug of Options Hot Chocolate normally takes away any cravings I have. I normally crave something sweet after dinner and this does the trick and takes any temptation away! So chocolatty for being a low fat/calorie drink!
  • Jaffa cakes - 2 for under 100 calories and only 2 grams of fat. Either that or maltesers. I do have a square of dark chocolate mixed into my porridge in the morning :-)

    Haribo are jelly sweets. My favourites are the tangfastic sour mix ones - yum.

    I brought a pack of mini ones the other day and I was so naughty I ate the whole bag!!! Bad me! :)
  • I normally grab a Dark Chocolate Kit-Kat, that does it for me (although I am a secret Haribo addict :glasses: )

    Haribos are just delightful in every way! If I open a packet they all have to be eaten! :)

    I'm with you on that one, even though I know I will be having 700+ calories if I open a bag of Star Mix, just to have a few, and always end up eating the lot but at the time I just don't care :blushing:

    I know have the mini bags at 38 cals so I can have my fix :happy:

    It's a very bad guilty pleasure! :)
  • I get Alpro soya desserts. They're £1 for 4 at Tesco at the moment. They're vegan and contain soya protein and a pot is nice and takes the edge off but not so nice that I'd have 4 pots in one go. I can't have most other stuff in the house but I'm reasonably well behaved with these....:smile:

    Worth a go - they're in the Free From section in supermarkets

    I also have a hot chocolate sometimes but that leaves me still wanting chocolate if I'm in that kind of mood
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I get Alpro soya desserts. They're £1 for 4 at Tesco at the moment.

    Thats good enough for me, think i will give them a try this week :smile:
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    alpen light bar double chocolate yummy :)
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    Right now I'm eating a full size Daim (Dime) bar - only 155 cals and very worth it IMO.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I usually go for a kitkat or blue ribbon or cadbury freddo. Today I had a wispa - gorgeous! x

    WISPAS!!! I love them. VERY hard to find here. Occasionally in a specialty store that has imported stuff... Now I want a Wispa. At least I know I won't be able to get one! Have you ever had a wispa gold?

    Wispa Gold bars are gorgeous! They discontinued them, brought them back as limited edition and now they've gone again :( I used to love Spiras too, but they are no more either.
  • I get Alpro soya desserts. They're £1 for 4 at Tesco at the moment.

    Thats good enough for me, think i will give them a try this week :smile:

    Let me know what you think :smile:

    Although I went straight to the fridge and had one after typing that!! Gahh!! I'm a monster!!

    Sometimes a Freddo does the trick too but most of the time it's not quite enough for me

    One other thing I used to do was have a buddy - so you get a twix or twirl or similar and have a stick each.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    I knew i shouldn't of started to read this lol................... Have a bet with myself not to have any choc is any shape or form till xmas - its only been a week and 2 days. I was doing well but now i keep think bout wispa golds . oh how i miss those. lol.

    I am a right nightmare when it comes to chocolate if i have a little i just want more - i'm best not even getting the taste in my mouth if i do its normally maltesers or galaxy ripples.
  • Thin bars of dairy milk and milky bars in the freezer, this way you get used to eating frozen chocolate only saving you from the bars in the newsagents!xhope this helps!
  • Daim bar - a proper chocolate bar with nutty and toffee crunchiness, and just 150 calories.

    oooo i love daim bars! i havent had one in months i didnt realise they were only 150 cals ill have to get some thanks :)
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    Curly Wurlys aren't bad calorie wise - same for Maltesers and Ripples. My current favourite are the Thornton's halloween lollys on sale in Tesco - 2 for a pound and only 151 calories - they're quite thick and totally gorgeous dunked in a cup of coffee :love: AND THEY'RE SHApED LIKE SKELETONS bonus lol