Soda addiction



  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    i can totally understand...... there was a one time in my life when i literally survived on sodas n never drank water.....!!!!!!!!!
    you need to to tell yourself that its bad n unhealthy for u...first of all....

    stop buying them..the reason i end up drinking them is coz i see them in my fridge so naturally i grab empty ur fridge n replace it wd healthy things....

    try to drink water instead n mix nice n delicious stuff in it..may b like ice tea...or green tea...plenty of other things.......

    and yes its okay to drink it once in a while.... i just had a glass few minutes ago.... thats just coz i worked out today and had plenty of cals for spare and also i hadn't had one in days.... :drinker:
  • Alice230
    You guys really don't miss the sodas? What do you do when you go out to eat? I thought for sure I would always miss it and crave it.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    have you tried making your own flavored sodas? i would opt for a BETTER option of soda, a natural version. i dont see anything wrong with it in MODERATION but seeing what i does to metals is just gross.....
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    I was in the same boat I would drink soda and exerise and yes I did lose about 10 pounds but it took me 2 years.I am a former addict and used to drink 2-2 liters a day of coke,pepsi you name it. Instead of food it was drink from morning till night. I stopped cold turkey and got massive headaches. After the 3 days of meds and drinking water I was doing ok. I bought walmart brand lemonaide low calorie drink and it gave me that sweet taste I needed for a bit. I now drink more water then anything else because water really does get rid of my thirst and I realized that with the soda I was putting 1600 extra useless calories in me each day. I have lost 18 pounds since Sept 1st and I am guessing most of it was from cutting out the soda. I can tell you this try the walmart brand low calorie drink mixes that you can mix with bottled water they have no sugur in them but taste really good as I hate the taste of diet soda the drink mixes are what I drink when I have a taste for something sweet.You can break the habit just think of it as a way to reach you weight loss goal faster.If you must have it then moderation is the key but it is hard to moderate when its so addicting.I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I have tried many times to give up soda and it never worked until now. I was addicted to sugar and caffeine. For the caffeine, I just switched to unsweetened coffee and tea. For the sugar, I gave up all sweets including soda. The problem was that I would have some sugar, feel good, then crash, and have some more sugar to feel good again. I had to get out of that cycle completely.

    I'm not saying you can't ever have sweets again, but for me it worked to eliminate them completely for a while. Now I have a piece of chocolate on occasion, but I don't crave it anymore.
    You guys really don't miss the sodas? What do you do when you go out to eat? I thought for sure I would always miss it and crave it.

    Water. Most places have iced tea but it doesn't always taste good.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I did use Coke to clean off the corrosion on my car battery last week. It worked really well probably prevented a trip to the shop. I wouldn't want to imagine what that does to your stomach. I would switch to diet/zero for a week and use natural sugars to replace all the sugar you used to take in with the coke (fruit, seltzer with a splash of cranberry juice). The next week I would switch to caffeine free diet (use advil for caffeine withdrawal it can be h*#!). Then cut back on the number until you no longer drink any.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Just switch to diet versions, and cut down a little. You don't have to cut it out completely. It'll save you a ton of calories! Worked great for me! 7 up Free tastes exactly the same as full calorie 7 up!

    And remember to wear the flame retardant suit for all those "zomg aspartame causes cancer!1!1!" zealots out there when you do switch!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    The switch to Diet Coke was tough for me. I would have the occasional can of "real" Coke as a treat. Then one day that can just didn't taste good to me. It was too sweet. I couldn't even drink the whole can. I've been on the Diet stuff ever since. Now, I'm trying to get rid of the Diet Coke. I don't buy it for the house any more and I try to drink iced tea (unsweetened) when we go out. I still get the random bottle when grocery shopping or filling up on gas, but that is it.
  • Alice230
    Thanks for all the advice everyone.
  • ohraspberries13
    Wow, it looks like we should start a Coca Cola Addicts support group. I was drinking like 2 cans a day but I had to stop cold turkey. I stopped because 3 of my friends got kidney stones in the same year, and I got scared I would get them too. But at least try to limit yourself.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    My husband drank like 4-5 Mountain Dew's a day when we met. He started buying cases of water for me when I came over, because that was mostly what I drank, and his (now our) house has well water. He began to like it a lot, and stopped with the soft drinks, and immediately lost like 25 lbs just from giving it up! Its not a requirement for weight loss, but it sure can help!
  • Alice230
    Wow, it looks like we should start a Coca Cola Addicts support group. I was drinking like 2 cans a day but I had to stop cold turkey. I stopped because 3 of my friends got kidney stones in the same year, and I got scared I would get them too. But at least try to limit yourself.

    LOL we can call CCAA Coca Cola Addicts Anonymous
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I refuse to give up Coke Zero, at this time. I actually stopped drinking soda and any caffeine for a month, and the migraines NEVER went away. I can't stand the taste of any other soda anymore, but if I'm sick I deal with ginger ale. It's my treat, really. It helps my sweet cravings. So, I think.. Coke Zero, or candy/cake/cookies/etc. Hm, yeah.. I'll stick with the diet soda.

    Wish I could give it up.. I tried, just can't deal with those migraines.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I gave up soda but I don't have any plans to give up caffeine! There are no-calorie sources! (Well, almost. I think coffee has 2 calories.)
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I think the flavored stuff you get to add to water is just as bad as diet sodas, because of the artificial sugar in it. I am addiacted to sodas. I drink alot of diet rite and diet coke every day. I need to get off the sodas, but i would like to drink only water.
  • Aussie4870
    soda is bad for or regular...and anything in large amounts is even worse...

    do you know what Coke does to your stomach? it basically rots is...

    to give you an example of what Coke does...get your dirty silverware and put it in a bucket filled with will never see your silverware so clean in you life since the Coke destoys anything on the outside...imagine what it is doing to your insides?
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I had to learn to drink diet soda. I am a regular pepsi and for a long time I refused to change to diet. I started slowly mixing diet with my regular soda. I did a small amount of diet and the rest regular and slowly started upping the amount of diet and lowering the amount of regular. It took some time. I am slowly trying to wean myself off of soda. Good luck
  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    Doesn't it ring a bell for anyone how we've all had a soda addiction AND we're all on a weight loss website?? When I go to a restaurant, 9 out of 10 of the people ordering pop are overweight. It's not a coincidence - soda makes you fat!

    You have to be ready to quit for it to work. You have to be sick and tired of the belly fat, and the acid refulx. You just have to be strong.

    Based on your question, it doesn't sound like you're ready to quit. But gnaw on this: Research shows that having as little as one serving of regular or diet soda per day increases belly fat. Is that worth it to you?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jrojeck
    jrojeck Posts: 51 Member
    You have to be ready to quit for it to work. You have to be sick and tired of the belly fat, and the acid refulx. You just have to be strong.

    Based on your question, it doesn't sound like you're ready to quit. But gnaw on this: Research shows that having as little as one serving of regular or diet soda per day increases belly fat. Is that worth it to you?

    This is very true. You need to be ready to make the change. I'm not the fiendish Coke-drinker I used to be but over the past few years, I've been trying to substitute other sweet drinks like watered down juice to curb my cravings for soda.

    Right now, I drink half an Honest Ade Pomegranate Blue Tea with a meal. Just enough sweetness to satisfy.

    You can do it! Imagine how much better you'll look and feel by cutting back. =)
  • Fnarkk
    Fnarkk Posts: 61 Member
    Does Coke contain enough acid to damage your stomach?
    Well, not really. While Coke does contain citric acid, phosphoric acid, and carbonic acid, the concentrations are very small. And while the acid is corrosive, the acid concentration in Coke is lower than that of orange juice or lemonade and the pH of that whole mess is actually much higher than that of your stomach acid (pH 1-2.0) ( We measured Coke from the fridge at the lab to be about 3.0 ) which means your stomach will just dissolve the weaker acids. Acid reflux is an entirely different phenomena. Oh, and you can use regular carbonated water to do all the cool coke cleaning tricks without leaving any of the sticky residue.