Does running make you fat?



  • jgilhen
    jgilhen Posts: 31
    Yes! If you run to Dunkin Doughnuts, you run to McD's, you run to the Ice Cream Truck!

    LMFAO, good one!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Yes! If you run to Dunkin Doughnuts, you run to McD's, you run to the Ice Cream Truck!

    haha love it!

    no it doesnt make you fat! unless you run and overcompensate with doughnuts!
  • niallse
    niallse Posts: 58
    With reference to the example given in the first paragraph, the article seems to have completely ommited to credit the calories consumed from having a "healthy lunch", as opposed to a burger and chips. The friend could still eat a "healthy lunch" and consume 300ish cals. It is the difference between the healthy and perceived unhealthy lunch (or indeed any meal) that may cause the failure to lose weight in those people who cannot make sensible eating choices most of the time.

    If a runner/dieter eats un-healthily whilst exercising they may not see the rewards the wish for as quickly as someone who can restrain thier eating urges. This is common sense.

    Another factor that is unaccounted for is the diet of the exerciser before trying to lose weight. If they eat 3x burgers and chips a day, but reduce that down to E.G. 1, and exercise at the correct intensity and duration, then they will lose weight from body fat, and replace some with muscle.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    I knew all that running I did as a kid made me fat
  • surfino
    surfino Posts: 17 Member