New You for the New Year Challenge- A 12 Week Personal Chall



  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Ok so I think I sent requests to just about everyone...:) id love to have 12lbs gone by then...or more!
  • tawhiti98
    My names: Tarnz (Tania)
    Location: Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
    Current Weight: 68.8 kgs (I think this is 151.4 LBS???)
    Goal Weight: 60 kgs (I think this is 131 LBS??)
    (sorry guys we work in kilo's here in NZ :)

    Reason why Ive joined MFP: I want to do something for myself for a change and compete in my first bodybuilding comp next year in April :)

    Inspirational Quote:" Motivation gets you started, Habit keeps you going"
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Welcome to the people that have recently joined this Challenge- Keep em' coming!
  • ejllshaw
    ejllshaw Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I'm Lori I'm from Woodbury Nj, (hopefully this is temporary) and I'm on MFP because I wanted accountability and support losing baby weight in a healthy way
    My actual start weight was 196 currently I am 160 my goal for these twelve weeks is 140 pounds.

    My first week challenge will be to workout seriously 3 times and drink 80 ounces of water.
    "Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things."  1 Corinthians  13-7.  Right now I'm in a dark place in my life due to my husband wanting a divorce, so this verse is meaningful to both my desire to save my marriage but myself also.  I will love myself, I will trust myself and my gut, I will have hope for aspirations, and I will endure.
    I will not crumble because life is hard right now, I will rise above and achieve my goals.
  • Cely21
    Cely21 Posts: 50 Member
    Yay!!! I wanted to join a group!! Good luck to everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Name: Araceli Location: Stockton, CA
    Reason why I am on MFP I want to lose this weight because I’m terrified of becoming a Diabetic, or having hypertension and anything else that comes with being overweight. And like everyone else here I want to go shopping for clothes smaller clothes that are cute and comfortable. I want to be comfortable in my own skin.

    Challenge: I really don’t have a problem drinking water so if the challenge this week is drinking water I should be fine. We’ll see how this week goes and look forward to next week’s challenge.

    Motivational Statement- I don’t have a motivational statement yet... Just enjoying this ride as I go along and trying to make it fun for myself to stay motivated on this journey.

    I’m hoping to lose atleast 3lbs a week, but if not 2 is fine to. :happy:
    SW: 310 (08/31/2011)
    CW: 292.8
    GW: 136
  • nursinggirl64
    hello, my name is carolyn im 47 and live with my fiance of almost 4 yrs. i lost 93lbs 10 yrs ago with tops n rejoined 2 weeks ago lost 4.5lbs last week i wi on thurs evenings so thats when ile post my new up 2 ....206.6 right going to b at 179 by new years eve is my so glad to be doing this challenge. the biggest loser is my favorite tv. show. i love new friends so anyone can add me as a friend....
  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    Today is one of those days I just can't seem to drink enough water! I think I've only drank 4 glasses :( I WILL NOT go to bed until I get my 8, per the challenge!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Location: Buffalo, IN (very small town, right next to Indiana Beach!)
    Reason(s) Why I am on MFP: I am extremely insecure with very low confidence...I also have a lot of knee problems that my doctor has told me several times could go away with weight I really want to be healthy. I have a family history of diabetes, so I want to do everything I can to avoid getting that!

    Challenge: I love water challenges, because I always drink tons of water anyway!!

    Motivational Statement-When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of "rehearsal" for maintenance isn't the worst thing in the world When I saw this, I was (and still am) stuck at 181..This is now the 5th week I have been at this weight, and this statement has helped me push through it.

    I am so glad to be a part of another year end challenge! I am running my own challenge for 2012, and I like having extra challenges to help push me...especially since I've been stuck at 181 for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • teresastemen
    teresastemen Posts: 13 Member
    name: Teresa
    location: Tinley Park, IL. ( Southern Suburb of Cicago)
    Reasons on MFP: i used to be an athlete/dancer and i was so healthy and felt great. i miss that feeling. my husband is an athlete and looks amazing and i want people to stop looking at us like, " why is HE with HER?". i want to be healthier and if that means I look better by getting there, I am ok with that.

    Challange: I have a small kidney and I drink lots of water anyway but I'll try 100 oz, setting a goal always helps.
    also I want to make sure I move everyday for at least 30 minutes, walking, jogging, dancing, playing whatever, but move!

    i am currently at 149 lbs. At 4 feet 11 so basically I am a meatball
    Goal. 120lbs
  • teresastemen
    teresastemen Posts: 13 Member
    Oops forgot my motivational quote,

    The meak and weak are only percieved as so by the cruel and mean.

    I am little, but mighty!

    Run Like the wind Bullseye

    Hope everyone has a great week1!
  • phechan3
    Hi everyone. :) My name is Gina and I'm in California. I joined MFP because I've been steadily gaining weight (especially now that I'm a full time student) and I've been feeling terribly out of shape (or more so at least lol).

    Right now I'm 152/153. My immediate goal is to lose at least 5 pounds in the next 5 weeks, although I would like to eventually reach 130.

    One of my motivational quotes is "What is the value of a smile to one who has never known a frown?" I know this sounds like a downer, but to me it means tthat the hardships that I go through in life in the end will only make me stronger. It reminds me that the difficulties in life don't have to destroy me but can instead give me something to learn and grow from. And it is because of these obstacles that I have faced in the past that I can truly appreciate the good things in life when they come my way. :)
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Yeah!!! I am so glad I have new AND old faces joining me on this journey!!!!!

    How did we all do with water yesterday?? I was under my 100oz.... I will get over 100oz today! pinky-swear :laugh:
  • DisneySkaGirl
    I only got to 32 oz. yesterday, and that was even with an intense zumba session, so not enough at all, but I'm already nearly to that point today so I think I'll make it!
  • Brandy3827
    Brandy3827 Posts: 42 Member
    Name: Brandy

    Location: Kentucky

    Reason(s) Why I am on MFP: I want to be a better example for my daughter. I want to recognize the person I see in the mirror.

    Challenge: No caffeine!

    Motivational Statement- You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.
  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    I think I got about 6-7 glasses in (my goal is 8). Today I'm doing better so I should hit my goal easily today :)
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    I ended with 96oz, close enough, but i will hit 100oz today!
  • kelly81082
    kelly81082 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm Kelly, I'm 29 and from La Porte IN.
    I am new to MFP and joined because I was thin most of my life, have been putting on the weight for the past few years. I want to be thin again. I spend 3 hours a day in a car and 9 1/2 at a desk. I know thats a big contribution to my weight gain.

    My goal is 8 glasses of water a day. This will be really hard for me as I never drink it, but I need to start.
  • Trezzy
    Trezzy Posts: 52 Member
    I got 96oz yesterday. I'm happy with anything above 90 honestly.
  • bigdaddycowgill
    bigdaddycowgill Posts: 120 Member
    I'm at 88 oz so far today & got in only 68 oz yesterday.
  • teresastemen
    teresastemen Posts: 13 Member
    I got in 80oz yesterday, bit disapointed but more thsn 64, working on my 100 for today still.

    Keep up all the good work everyone!!!!