1570 calories and can't do it.



  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    I can't eat carbs first thing, or I'll be hungry all day. I usually have eggs or a protein bar. I try not to eat crackers, cereal, or bread for snacks. I realized a long time ago I was a carbohydrate addict. Starting with carbs, especially simple carbs like sugar, make me crave more.

    Hope this helps.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I looked at your diary for the last couple days, are you measuring everything... I saw 3 c of half and half on there yesterday? Maybe counting cals isn't the approach you should take right now. Maybe you should try lower carbs/higher protein approach?? Check out marksdailyapple.com or atkins.com, there is good info on both of those sites

    Good luck!
  • KelleyJoL
    KelleyJoL Posts: 19 Member
    This site is very helpful to record what is eaten, but not in teaching how to eat. I have found that increasing my protein helps keep the hunger away. Try having eggs, a lean meat, or a protein shake. You might still go over your goal, but probably not as much. And probably with less hunger. I'm trying to do it in 1280. Very hard. I am on some medications, and 2 of them cause weight gain. So, I am struggling just to maintain, and any gain seems doubly hard. I wish you well. Keep talking. It helps.
  • pastem73
    instead of putting more cheese on ur sandwhich u should probly put more lean meat on it. drink water before every meal. and add more protein.
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    Fruits and veggies are good tummy fillers. I have to have apples and oranges on hand for snacking.

    Try to avoid the empty calories. Sugar in your oatmeal is one. I like mine sweet too, have you tried splenda or mixing in berries. Watch your cheese intake and those high calorie condiments. If you can, weigh out your lunch meat portion. I found out I was only using half of what I could eat in a serving. Allowing the more meat on the one sandwich helped me stop eating two in a sitting. More protein helps you feel fuller.

    Feel free to look at my food diary. I get a base of 1200 plus whatever I exercise. Today I did about 300 calories of exercise so that puts me in the same range as you.

    Don't despair. We all have those days. :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I eat 1200 a day, max. I try to stay under that and usually don't eat my exercise calories. Usually in the morning I start with 3/4 cup of bran flakes and 1/2 cup 1% milk, and a cup of orange juice. That usually fills me up really well. Bran flakes are very filling. For lunch I try to stick with something small like a piece of fruit and a piece of toast with "Bettern" peanut butter. It's really good and only has 2 grams of fat per 2 tablespoons, which is awesome. Or I'll have a granola bar with some orange juice. Try drinking loads of water throughout the day too, that will help make you feel more full! For dinner I try to stick with light foods like fish or chicken with veggies and whole grain rice or pasta if I do have something like that with it. Portion size is everything, and of course drinking water or unsweet tea (something without sugar) is important to help fill up your tummy in between bites. :) I hope this helps! I know it's very hard at first, because you have to suffer while your stomach shrinks and adjusts to the smaller amount of food, but you can do it! Just keep trying. Good luck!

  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I eat lots of fruits and vegetables which are really low in calories. I eat every two to three hours so I never get so hungry that I overeat. A can of tuna is 60 calories. A large Fuji apple, 60 calories.100 calorie popcorn snack packs. I drinks LOTS of water. Light turkey (8 slices deli) pita bread, with provolone cheese and light lays potato chips is only 273 calories and very filling for me. I rarely drink any of my calories. Diet soda and water are my staples. I will have 1 cup of milk with my breakfast. I am on 1650 calories/day and haven't eaten all of them yet. Not hungry either. I think it has more to do with what you are eating and not how much. Drink lots of water, don't waste any calories on drinks. Measure and record everything.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    Your stomach will shrink. Mine did. After the first 2-3 days it will be alot easier - yuo will literally feel too full on a small meal. The main problem for me is sticking through those first couple of days. And yes - protein/fats do keep you feeling fuller longer. :) Best wishes! You CAN do this!!!
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    One of the suggestions I saw recently was to make your 3 main meals about 250 calories & then morning & afternoon tea around 150 calories. I work with that & can adjust my morning & afternoon tea to more calories if I'm hungry.

    I eat every 2 hours, that way I never get a rumbling tummy. Some days I feel like my life revolves around eating, I feel like I've eaten soooo much!!

    Drink lots of water, that helps fill your belly :wink:
  • susan1024
    susan1024 Posts: 41 Member
    Try eating more protein. Hard boiled eggs and greek yogurt are low cal and fill you up. Try using Truvia instead of regular sugar in your oatmeal. Like ellekay22, I do not eat many grain products. My carbs come in the form of vegetables, you'd be amazed at how many vegetables you can have. Hope this helps.
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    i was the same as you when i first joined, i was allocated 1200 calories for my weight loss goals and it was not enough to fuel my body which led to bing eating, this time round i worked out what my calorie count should be nutritionally with this formula:
    Formula for working out your daily kilojoule and calorie intake.
    Kj: your goal weight x by 100 Cal: kj / 4.2
    Example: my goal weight is 65kgs x 100 = 6500kj divide this by 4.2 = 1547 calories

    i then changed my weekly weight loss goal to what gave me the closest calories:) and i havent been struggling at all. if you have a short time, mid and then long term goal maybe work out your calories for your first goal, this will help with your stomach shrinking and you will still lose weight, then once you get close to that goal work out your calories for the next milestone:)

    my calorie count is a similar number to yours, feel free to add me and check out my food habits:) maybe they will give you ideas for lower gi foods that keep you fuller for longer:)

    hope this helps:) good luck

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Im on 1200 cal a day, and have gotten alot of meal ideas from others on this site. I have found the best filling lunch for me is a huge salad with lots of veg. For me it helped to browse other diarys to get ideas so feel free to add me if you'd like to see mine.

    Good Luck :)
  • mai_ngo216
    mai_ngo216 Posts: 4 Member
    What you should do is eat foods that are high in fiber. It will keep you full longer. Take fiber supplements also. For dinner, I take fiber supplements like 15 minutes prior to eating dinner so I don't overeat (I learned that from Dr. Oz show and it definitely helped me.) Drink lots of water through out the day. It takes time and your body will eventually get use to it. I felt like I was starving too when I first started this low calorie diet (my calorie goal is 1200.) I started to listen to what my body wants and need in order to feel full and satisfied. Eat an apple before because it will help you to not over eat or after your meal to keep you full longer. I tend to snack on fruits in between my meals so i dont eat too much or pig out when it comes to lunch and dinner. Hope this helps! Good luck and don't give up girl!
  • juliapm7
    Try having some more protein in the morning! A typical breakfast for me is two egg whites with a slice of turkey bacon, a multigrain english muffin with some slices of tomato with black tea.

    I try to keep breakfast under 250 cal, lunch between 300-400 cal, and dinner around 500. I workout in the mornings before work, but after breakfast so have a healthy snack to get me through to lunch. I try not to eat back all of my exercise calories, but the portion that I do eat accounts for my snacks. I'm only alloted 1200 calories a day so I try to get creative and keep it interesting. My absolute favorite lunch right now is a veggie wrap (lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cucumbers, red peppers) on a fajita size tortilla with only a tablespoon of shredded cheese and balsamic vinegrette.

    For foods that used to eat in large quantites, I just scale down the serving size to a manageable amount so I can at least get a taste of it.
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    try adding protein shakes in ur diet along with tons of water
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    From glancing at your diary- It looks like you eat a considerable amount of bread (one day had 6 slices I think) so maybe instead get a good quality hearty whole grain bread that will maybe be 100 calories per slice but more filling. I'm in no way an anti-carb or whatever person but I do think nutritionally it makes sense to make them count. Also, eggs or egg whites for breakfast are great. Eat a hearty veggie as snacks, such as maybe 1 or 2 cups of steamed broccoli and cauliflower with some Mrs.Dash and lime juice or something. You've gotten some great suggestions though from previous posters.
    One thing I haven't seen mentioned- natural appetite suppressant for me is working out! I'm simply not very hungry after I work out.
    Good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I can't eat carbs first thing, or I'll be hungry all day. I usually have eggs or a protein bar. I try not to eat crackers, cereal, or bread for snacks. I realized a long time ago I was a carbohydrate addict. Starting with carbs, especially simple carbs like sugar, make me crave more.

    Hope this helps.

    Same here. I can't do complex carbs in the morning or I am starving halfway to lunch. My usual breakfast is hard boiled eggs, 1-2 slices low sodium bacon, and a cup of homemade OJ (no sugar added).
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    from my experience bread or pasta = I will eat more!!! Eat more protein such as chicken or have yourself a thick piece of steak. try black beans with brown/wild rice... beans will keep you full bc of the fiber and protein! eat chilli or fish. Anything with protein. Try eatin 4 hard boiled eggs for a meal.
  • ewatters8
    Im at 1200 a day. I think what one person already said was a good point. you are not having a whole lot of protein. also drinking lots of water and the broth before eating is good too. This isnt the first time I am losing weight. I lost about 90 lbs years and years ago. I let my depression take over and now I am losing it again.

    I eat cereal (bran) with almond milk in the morning

    a snack 2-3 hours later usually some kind of fruit or veggie thing.

    lunch I eat a sandwich with cheese,lots of lettuce cucmbers,tomato,and an avacado spread and sprouts. I admit i eat the normal "sub" type bread for this meal. sometimes it is wheat sub.

    Dinner I have a prepackaged meal. I usually try to stay below 300...or close to that. I also will add veggies to that.

    My nutritionist told me a lot of starvation can be from needing more water and also not eating enough times a day. I am supposed to eat every 2-3 hours. no longer than 3 hours should pass without something.

    Another thing that helped me is, the nutritionist told me to chew gum and drink water at the same time cos sometimes your body gets "tricked" into thinking it is eating.

    I was also told that it can take 21-30 days for your body to really get used to changes like in a diet. After 30 days or so it is supposed to get a little easier. Dont deprive yourself completely either. I am allowed one thing of my choice a week. within reason. Like if i want sweet I get 1 of the reeses pnut butter cup things like they have at the checkout register. I dont keep anything more than i need in the house cos i personally will want to eat it haha.

    2-3 hours later a snack. I eat a cereal bar or even those green giant for one veggie mixes you put in the microwave. I will eat 2 of some of them cos some have 50 calories per container.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    I took a look at your food diary
    1)breast feeding, if you are breast feeding you need more calories (you had this on a few days)
    2)You have a lot of high calorie items: ice cream peach cobbler ect
    3)Did not see a lot of veggies 1 cup broccoli is like 60 cals
    4)If your enter all you eat your meals are very spuratic your skipping breakfast some days and then dinner others

    My advice to you is to eat whole foods, more whole wheat and other complex carbs. as well as protein. Eat 3 meals a day 300-400cal and then 2-3 snacks around 100cal great snack foods carrots 3 oz Apple, Banana, string cheese. If you would like take a look at my diary I often don't eat 1600 cal in a day and I am rarely hungry, nor lacking energy I am a carpenter and this site tells me I need to eat a crazy amount of calories. If your breast feeding you need to adjust your goals as well as you may wish to take a look at them is your daily activity level accurate if not adjust it and it will give you more cals.

    Hope this Helps,

    Feel free to freind me if you looking for suport