40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Didn't have a workout scheduled today, but ended up getting a bit of a power cardio workout anyway :D I pushed a guy's pickup truck all over the parking lot while he popped the clutch trying to get it started, lol. First, I was surprised that I was able to get it moving at all. Next, I was surprised that I was actually able to get it going at a pretty good clip. Then, I was surprised I was able to do it 5 times and not be dead, lol.

    Gotta love it when the real world validates your fitness efforts :)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Sorry I've been missing the last few days, but I've been sick with a cold & flu since Wednesday. I was off work on Thursday night, sick all weekend and off work again last night. Don't get me wrong, I usually go to work and suffer, but this thing really put me down.

    I will try to catch up with your posts, but right now I am pretty busy at work!

    Have a great day!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good evening!

    Sorry I've been missing the last few days, but I've been sick with a cold & flu since Wednesday. I was off work on Thursday night, sick all weekend and off work again last night. Don't get me wrong, I usually go to work and suffer, but this thing really put me down.

    I will try to catch up with your posts, but right now I am pretty busy at work!

    Have a great day!

    Feel Better
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, I am hoping that you get better soon. Take care of yourself.

    Chris, you have gotten so much healthier. Here is the proof.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning,

    Stiring--so great to hear from you. I have missed your input. Glad you had a great time in your travels! So when you were traveling did you have to stop all your insanity/Px90? Did you do Cardio instead? I can imagine that must have been a shock to your system to be away from it. I'm at the point now if I don't do strength exercises for 2 days I can really feel it--kind of an itchy blobby feeling. YUCK! I'm sure it would be even tougher for you.

    What you said to Alf is really interesting. i have said to myself over the last year that "I'm ready for changes, I know my body will have them as the years go by and will adjust". But......the problem is, when the changes occur, it's probably very difficult to identify what exactly the trend is, and then of course, figure out what to adjust to address the changes. I can relate to the question about whether we really are the weight we should be. It would be so hard to train our minds to think we are A-OK at a higher weight. I probably could stand to gain 10 lbs--but believe me, if I gained 2 I would be in crazy "oh no" mode as well. Even if we look ok, that gets us into a new clothing size too....yikes!

    Alf, hugs to you in trying to figure this whole thing out once again.

    Not much new here, except yesterday I tried to practice my fly casting--the first time since my lesson a few weeks ago. I ended up losing half of the fly rod down the river and was soaked from head to toe trying to catch the part that flew off. That image is just like in the River Runs through it, right? Well, my hubby set me up w/another rod for today--one that does not break into 4 pieces--so I should be good to try practicing again today. I think it's the last nice day for awhile so I'm looking forward to it.

    have a good day everyone! Robin
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!!! :drinker: I read some of the posts yesterday but didnt have time to post myself. I have some people doing some home repairs and painting. Getting ready for family to visit next week. My parents are arriving on the 17th but they are staying with my brother the first week and with me the second. Then my sister from SC will be here on the 19th, my little brother who lives in PR is arriving on the 20th (surprise to everyone, shh), my nephew and his wife and baby the same day and then my older sister on the 21st. They are all coming to see the new addition to the family and also celebrate my husband's 50th birthday (21st). I am so excited but I am also very busy trying to get things done. My older brother (the baby's father) doesnt know the siblings are coming, he only knows about my parents. He will be pleasantly surprised.

    Sing, I hope you get better soon. :flowerforyou: Poor thing!!! I got my flu shot about 2 wks ago, I really hope I dont catch any flu bugs. Cross my fingers!!

    Stiring, great to hear that you had a great time with your hubby's family in Fl. And thank you for your advice. I really need to accept the changes that are going on in my body and try to embrace aging as much as possible. I am not going to stop taking care of myself though. I see a lot of people who just give up and stop taking care of themselves and blame it all on aging. LOL

    Robin, thank you for your understanding as well. I was trying to picture you in the river all wet LOL isnt the water very cold? Brr!!

    Chris, congrats!!!! :drinker: It must have been a great feeling!! It reminded me about the time I was leaving church and noticed an older lady had fallen and couldnt get up. There was no one around and I told her I could help her. She doubted me because she was a tall and larger woman and I was as she said "little". I told her how to place her legs, got behind her, bent my knees and lifted her like nothing. When she stood up I soon realized how big she was and was amazed at my strength. :drinker:

    Well gotta get ready, workers coming back today to finish painting. Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi All,

    I've been around, but not posting very much. This injury is really getting me down. :sad: I feel so frustrated that my body cannot move with the easy fluid way I am used to it having it move. It is now one month that I have been struggling with this. The good news is, I finally get to see a physio on Friday. I am positive it is my hip flexor and am trying to do the stretches and rest like advised, but it is so hard. I have been trying to modify some of my workouts, but every movement is a chore. :grumble:

    The weather has been spectacular here - unseasonable warm. Record high temps are being set all over the province. As a result of this beautiful weather, I have been out riding my bike as it does not seem to bother the hip flexor, and I'm still getting a bit of a workout.

    My eating has been all over the place, but got mad yesterday and told myself I needed to focus and get this party started again!
    It was our Thanksgiving and we had our family meal on Sunday. I did so well, until meal time. It's not that I ate junk, I just ate too much. :angry: I do this to myself time and again!
    Yesterday was a better eating and exercise day. But I still struggle with the sugars. They are EVIL!:devil:

    I have my day planned out for today - so here's hoping I can stick with it!

    Sing - I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Alf - how exciting to have all your family coming for a visit. It is a lot of work getting everything ready, but oh so wonderful when you are all together!

    Chris - you are amazing! You must be so darn proud of yourself and how far you have come. I think of you and your workouts often when I am doing my strength training...and when I struggle to drink all my water in a day.

    Swissmiss - you have 9 children??!! Blessings to you. I always said I wanted 9 kids, then it changed to 6 as I got older. When I got married, I said 4 and ended up with 2. :tongue: I always felt like my family was never complete. I guess that's why I always refer to my granddaughter as "my baby". :laugh:

    Robin - I was chuckling at your description of your fly fishing practice. Sounds like fun...I think. :wink:

    have a great day all. :flowerforyou:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbell Day: Squats, Bench Press, Bent Over Rows. Also worked on my chin-ups.

    Felt good, although it seems like slow progress. I looked back in my records to see what I was lifting a few months ago, and that was encouraging :)

    *silvana: Thanks :) It gives me motivation to know that I motivate others.

    Try to substitute refined sugars for natural, like honey and fruits and veggies. Also, try and get away from simple carbs and go with complex carbs instead. Both helped me kick the sugar habit. Hip Flexors take a long time to quiet down in my experience. Hope the Physio helps out! Keep your head up and just do your best :)

    *alf: Wow, sounds like a full house! Yes, it was a great feeling :) It's amazing what we willingly give up when we let ourselves get unfit.

    *singfree: Hope ya get better soon! I can feel my sinuses trying to get infected, hope I can fight it off.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My goodness...everyone is writing long posts !!!!

    Chris, you have definitely improved. Doesn't it feel so good?

    sdereski, some injuries just take a while to heal. The older we get, the longer it takes. Give it time. You will heal better that way and will be back to normal soon. Since you can not be as active as you want, you will need to watch carefully what you are eating. I didn't do that when I had my surgeries. I got bored and ate a lot. Not a good idea. Oh, I only have eight children. But, I should have nine. I lost the last one.:frown:

    :flowerforyou: alf, how exciting that your family will be all together. Unfortunately, the only time I see my sister is at funerals. :cry: Too many families are like that. But, you are from PR and I know that to you your family is very important.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, do you eat the fish that you catch? I really do not know much about it but a lot of my friends fish just for the fun of it but won't eat the fish. I would sure love for someone to catch some catfish for me. Then I wouldn't have to go to Cracker Barrel.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    singfree, I hope you get to feeling better. I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. Take care of yourself and thanks for checking in with us. :flowerforyou:

    Chris, you are doing great! Don't you just love tracking improvements? It never ceases to amaze me when I look back on a few years ago and I couldn't do one push-up on my toes, and the last time I did P90X (this past spring), I was knocking out over 300 in that Chest/Back workout without thinking twice. Celebrate your progress!

    sdereski, I'm sorry to hear about the injury. The key is to let it heal. It will take time (alf had a hip flexor injury a couple of years ago and it took months to heal if I recall correctly). As Swissmiss pointed out, the key right now is to make sure you eat right. I've suffered a number of injuries over the years (I'm currently fighting tendonitis in both of my arms) and instead of thinking about what I can't do, I do what I can do and focus on doing the best with that. So if you can do anything like shadow boxing (no kickboxing, of course), upper body weights, etc, you can still get a good workout without impacting that hip flexor. Do what you can and forget the rest.

    Robin, I finished P90X in May and have been focusing more on cardio this summer with Asylum and my Insanity/Asylum rotation. But I hear you about the strength training. I hate going too long without it. I didn't do anything on this last vacation (to Florida), and I was going crazy (very literally) by the fifth day. I visit my mom in a few weeks, and I'm definitely taking workouts with me on that trip. I was hoping to get some running in while we were in Florida, but it didn't happen. So I figure if I take my workouts with me, I can control my ability to workout a little better than I did last week. I'm absolutely addicted to activity, that's for sure. It's kind of sad because I was cleaning this morning, and just doing that kind of activity made me feel good. You can only imagine how good my workouts have felt these past few days!!!

    About accepting changes in our bodies, it is tough. And I struggle with it all the time. But I also recognize that some things are just going to happen, and I'm going to do everything to prevent that which doesn't have to happen from happening that's for sure. But the trade-off I've promised myself for that is to not sweat too much about that which I can't control. And I can't control all of the aging process, so I'll accept what I have to and work my butt off to prevent what I don't have to accept. :tongue:

    alf, your time with your family sounds great. I hope you have so much fun. Like I said above, I totally agree with you about not throwing in the towel and chalking it up to aging. I won't do that either. I still think I'm too young to be my age! :laugh:

    All here is going well. I'm doing a week of whatever workouts feel good right now after coming down from some tough rotations. I leave for my mother's house in a few weeks so there isn't enough time to put together a complete routine in these three weeks so I'm doing what I want to do right now and it feels great. Today was a good kickboxing workout followed by a tough lower body routine. Tomorrow I'm thinking about doing a tough circuit workout. We'll see. Like I said above, I'm fighting tendonitis is both my arms right now, so I'm trying to lower the weights a bit on the upper body workouts to let them heal. This isn't the first time I've been down this road with my arms so I know what I need to do to take care of them. A few weeks of lighter load and I should be good as new.

    Hope this finds everybody well!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    I'm never growing up! No, it's not a Peter Pan moment, just a fact. I, too refuse to give in to growing older. We can NEVER stop trying to be the best we can be. Our lives depend on it!

    Well, I'm back on 12 hour shifts for the rest of the week...oh joy!

    I hope everyone is well. I'm still not exercising, but I plan to ease back into it this week.

    Gotta go back to work!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, I hope that your evening went well. Sort of hard to work in execising when you work nights.

    :flowerforyou: Wow stiring, you can do 300 push-ups ? That is terrific !!! I don't know why you are worrying about getting older. You look great !! I have had to change my facial care routine. Plus, we do have more wrinkles showing as we lose weight. Bummer.:grumble:

    I am hopeing to get to my weight class tonight. I was 15 minutes late for it on Monday. So, there were the instuctor and her mother there and since it looked like no one else was going go show, they left.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have fields to clear and too many apples and pears this year. Cant even get them to the food banks cause I just dont have the time. Miss you guys. Does anyone know how I can post pictures for you to see???? My field is filled with ghoast and goblins and Gear of war creatures( xbox video game) Yes I'm a gamer. LOL....

    Just one note....well two...one on injuries......our injury set backs can and will be over come. We must focus on the fact that we are making ourselves better. A injury may be a time to work on the spirit, or emotions instead of physical training. Our thoughts control our actions. As far as hormones....male gyn use to say that menopause was in the mind....no physical reactions. Maybe there is some truth to it. (NOT)....What I'm saying is.....we need to keep in our mind that we are getting older, and we need to readdress our goal constantly to continue great rewards. Remember how happy we were as kids to be able to just play out side. Just keep it simple and set mini goals if the larger ones are just alittle out of reach. Oh also that great hormone we create while exercising helps with peri and menopause hot flashes.

    Miss you....Embrace getting older.. Hugs to all
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Not much time to be here today. Couldn't get on earlier. Supervisor changed the computer password on me.:angry:

    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia, thank you for the inspiring words. We can't help but age but we can stay young in mind, spirit and body.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Blech, I've been sick for over a week now & haven't had the energy to exercise. :sick: I was hoping to keep my stamina up since I have a 5K coming up in a few weeks. Oh well, hopefully I'll get back on the horse in the next few days.

    You're all doing so great! I feel like such a slug for not exercising.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hope all is well with everyone. We've spent a few extra days working in Nevada these past two weeks. One of the houses is done and put-on the market. The other one, I'm hoping, won't take too long to get done. But of course we got two notices for tenants moving out on the 1st..... It just never ends. At least my husband is selling this house and hopefully the next. I don't want to add to the amount of rentals we have especially when they aren't even in my area.

    My brother and his family are still living with us. We do all get along but it does put a strain on our budget and sometimes it's just nice to have the house quiet and be able to enjoy a book. That doesn't happen very often anymore. Yesterday I cleaned out my workout room to let the girls use it as a bedroom. They were all squished in one room and stepping on each other. So now I don't have access to my equipment. Not that I have used it much lately, gosh seems like the past year, because I am always on the go.

    Alf... I know it's hard to believe but trust me, you are very thin. But I can understand the worry when you put-on a couple of pounds too. We work so hard to lose it and it's so easy to gain back. Extremely frustrating.

    Stiring... Thanks for bringing up the topic of estrogen. It's had me thinking I should get mine tested along with my thyroid. There is absolutely no reason it should be so extremely hard for me to lose weight.

    Sing... Take care of yourself working all those hours.

    Tladame... Hope you feel better soon.

    Swiss... How's your daughters finger?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sorry, I haven't been here much lately. Just too busy at work. I am sooo tired. We are getting another employee on Monday. I am so tired of doing the work of two people. I think I will just crash for the weekend.

    tron, I see you asked about my daughter's finger. I am sure it is healed but she is still keeping it wrapped. She is sort of a whinny person. She just may play this one up for a few months.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Another week gone by!!! I am soooo tired!! :yawn: :yawn: I went to a concert last night with my daughter and some friends (Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull and Prince Royce) and got home late. But it was great fun!!!!! It looked like half of San Antonio was there, the place was packed!!! So there are a lot of sleepy drivers out there, including myself, not good...:noway: As far as exercise is concerned, this week pretty good but a little different due to different schedule. Eating has been ok, could have been better, definitely feeling the cravings for comfort foods due to seasonal changes. Must fight it!!! :laugh:

    Tron, how many houses do you own? Good to hear from you.

    tladame, good to hear from you again. I hope you feel better soon.

    Good to see everyone else!!! Sorry, at work, not much time. Take care!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... We own 7 in the Carson City, Nevada area and in California we own 5 houses, a duplex, and a four plex.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Alf... We own 7 in the Carson City, Nevada area and in California we own 5 houses, a duplex, and a four plex.

    Wow! That's quite an undertaking! I really wish we had the extra money to buy another house as a rental/investment property. Prices are so low right now (I'm in northern CA).