Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Good Tuesday to all!

    Heather-Sexy momma!! Very nice picture!
    Thanks I did used to get leg cramps when I was young too, :sad: .
    The prune juice & benefiber are helping and I am integrating fiber, whole grain foods more in my daily meals.
    I did 20 min LB yoga, and window shop walked for another 30 mins.
    I forgot to mention I did gain 4 lbs from the 4th month to the 5th month :huh:

    Kristy-Congrats!!! :drinker:

    Babeed- Yay your U/S is around the corner. :wink:

    Elce-I did sign up for the amazonmom membership, I don't really shop online but maybe this will be something to try. Thanks for sharing.

    Everyone else have a nice day, sorry I read the boards & try to comment on most but when I click reply I already forgot what I needed to say. :ohwell:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Heather- your pics. are awesome!!! I should think about getting maternity photos done. We still need to catch up on Family photos. Wanted one more set before baby comes, then of course we will do it again. :) I'm hoping 39 weeks for you too then, if that's what you want I hope that's what happens!! :)

    Welcome to the new people joining!!

    Someone mentioned leg cramps, I've had that a few times, not too bad though. My doctor reccomended eat more things with potassium. It seems like it helped eating a bananna each day.

    Lunarokra - I was a little suprised that I was going with pink and brown, it just keeps drawing me in. LOL. Pink and purple are my fav colors. :)

    babeed - We love wrestling season, it's busy and expensive actually, but well worth it. It's my sons second year, so we know what were in for this time. :) It does make things busy, but at least I have my Sunday's. :)

    Kristy - CONGRATS!!!! Tons of baby girls!!!! It's about time, I think. It seems like everyone I know has BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!!! I'm ready for girls. That's awesome, excited for you!!

    Kristin - Sorry your sick. Try to drink tons of water and maybe chicken noodle soup. Good Luck.

    OK super busy day once again, so back to work I go for now. Will try to catch up more later!
  • millionsofpeaches
    YES!!! on the leg cramps. I've been getting also charlie horses in the middle of the night when I start stretching out!! AWFUL!! My midwife prescribed me a mix of Calcium and Magnesium 1500 mg, must be together because of the dosing and they have gone away!!! Not fun for sure. Ask your doctor or midwife about it and see what they say. :)

    Up your banana intake... It will help with the leg cramps.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Man, I'm having some pretty uncomfortable ligament pains on my left side today. I get a painful pulling sensation every now and then even just sitting here. Ouch!

    Thank for the congrats everyone! :) We're soooo super excited! Can't wait to start decorating. Although I plan on waiting until after the 20 week ultrasound for that just to make sure nothing sprouts up between those little legs. haha! Our 20 week u/s is scheduled for November 2nd so not much longer. :)

    I'm signed up with Amazon Mom and have been ordering one box of diapers per month. When you subscribe to the shipment you get 15% off for that and 15% for being Amazon Mom so a box of 84 newborn diapers ended up being like $14 or something like that. Free 2 day shipping and free returns for 365 days. We buy a lot of stuff from Amazon. I love it! We use our Amazon card for every day purchases (gas, groceries, etc) and will use the Amazon rewards for diapers. So we basically get our diapers for free. :)

    I looked at a crib and dresser at Ikea yesterday. I like the look, but just not sure about the quality. Not to mention, it's not a 4-in-1 crib. It converts to a toddler bed, but nothing further. I would really rather have something that converts so I don't have to buy more furniture down the road.

    I'm so tired today!! I need to go home and run/walk, but I'm seriously considering a nap instead. We didn't get much sleep this weekend because we had so much going on. Eric has a night flight tonight and will be leaving the house around 7pm so maybe I can do some yoga after he leaves. We'll see.

    Goals this week:
    Work out 3-4 days
    Eat healthy
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Kristy - thank you so much for mentioning about Amazon Mom!! I've been looking on that website and thought the prices were fantastic but I didn't know about the free mom membership that gets you all the deals! That is SO fantastic! I just signed up! :o)
    I am so excited about that site! I can't stop looking on there! lol
    Only thing is we're going to try to use cloth diapers with the biodegradable inserts - only I have no idea which brand to use and there are SO many! Have you purchased anything on there yet?

    Heather - your pic is amazing! I am really excited to do my pregnancy photos but I'm a little bummed that it will be right in the dead of winter...not too many outdoor options at that point, I would have loved to have them done in the fall, the colors are so beautiful :)

    I had a fantastic long weekend, and only got one short walk in and ate a lot more than I probably should have...whoops! Oh well Thanksgiving is one of my weaknesses! I love turkey, stuffing, homemade buns, potatoes...corn, yams...YUM lol
    One thing that was good is we didn't have two turkey dinners this year, my husband's family made salmon instead this year, so that was good :) I may have consumed a little too much pumpkin, cherry & pecan pie...I can only resist so much! haha!
    I am really hoping to get some exercise in this week - I am going to turbo clean my house when I get home and de-clutter, and start organizing the computer room and packing up our massive book shelf so we can start getting the baby's room ready!
    I am on a mission to get my house in tip top shape before this baby comes! (I'm sure that will burn me some calories! lol)

    I have my next obgyn appointment tomorrow morning to go over everything from my ultrasound on the 28th I am SO excited, I can't wait! It's 9:30 tomorrow morning and it can't come soon enough!! :) I also have my first chiro appointment today at 2:00 and I'm very excited about that! I also booked myself a massage on Sunday at a spa called Sweet Mama, it's a spa dedicated especially for Pregnant women!! SO this week is my week of pampering myself because my back and hips are killing me! (thank goodness I can send in the receipts to my benefits!) Sleeping has been better with the body pillow so I've been getting more rest which is nice.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday!

    My goals this week:

    - declutter, organize. clean my house!
    - Take my dog for at least 3 walks this week.
    - 90 min yoga on Thurs
    - Do weights at home twice this week
    - Drink tons of water :) (i've been doing well on this one)
    - Get more veggies in (been doing good by having my green smoothie but have to get more veg in there throughout the day!)
    - Hopefully get my hubby to go swimming with me this weekend
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Rayna: Good luck with your appointment today. I can't wait till I finally get to go to the ob. Your week of pampering sounds so outstanding. I by the massage will be divine.

    My goals for the remainder of this week is to increase my water and make a few trips to the gym or find time for a nice run. I have noticed that my water in take has gone down in the last week. I think I stopped drinking so much because I was sick of spending so much time in the bathroom. I have only gone for one or two runs in the last week....slacker! I want to try to keep up running at least 3 miles as long as possible. I have a 5k race the end of Oct.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    So I know this type of question has been posted before & I do know all of the logical answers....but I'm just curious as to where YOU are at with your heart rate when working out....???
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    morning all!!

    Kristy...i am totally going to look into the amazon mom thing! i had never heard of that!

    Rayna...good luck with the apt today! i seriously look forward to all of mine and just get so excited to go! our next one is this coming monday!

    so yesterday marked something HUGE in our pregnancy!!!!!!! i was lying in bed and Parker was moving around so I had my hand on my belly I could feel it...but wasnt really sure if I could just because I knew what was going on I told my husband to put his hand on my stomach and see if he could feel and HE COULD!!!! I was seriously so excited!!!!!! this is one of those things i have been totally waiting for :happy: so i am super excited!!!

    tonight i have my second prenatal yoga! looking forward to it because the last time we did a whole lot of introductions and a little bit of this time hopefully we'll get the whole 90 minutes in!

    hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Awww jchecca that's awesome! Isn't that such an amazing experience?! Don't forget to write that one down! :) Hope you have a great time at your yoga class tonight.

    Heather my heart rate typically hangs out in the 150/160 range while working out but during some climbs/hills it will get up to 170/180 and then drops back down pretty quick. I feel fine so I don't worry. This is why the 140 rule is outdated because everyone has a different resting heart rate as well as a different physiological reaction to higher heart rates than others. Just as long as you are feeling okay then that is what I'd go off of.

    bmfrazie great goals!

    Rayna thanks for the sweet words :) I saw some cute ones where this couple went downtown and did some in the city when it was winter and she had on a cute coat and you could still see the bump...but I agree, Fall is awesome for maternity pics! How'd your Chiro appt go? Good luck at your OB appt today! I'm sure it will be great. And that spa sounds awesome! I wish they had something like that here. I got my massage yesterday and it was nice...I still miss regular full body massages. Your goals are awesome!

    Kristy Nov 2nd will be here before you know it! :)

    So my stomach has been SOOO itchy the past few days! I'm kinda worried that it is stretch marks trying to make their way onto my belly....I've only got a few more weeks left and I've managed to not get any so I'm really hoping that I don't. I've made it this far! lol I'm going to try out the water aerobics class today. I hope I get a good workout in. Then I'm going into the city to have a lunch with a girlfriend and hopefully pick up the chair that goes into the nursery (it was supposed to be in like 3 weeks ago...).

    My 36 week appt went well. I'm up 29lbs at this point. My original goal was 25lbs (before pregnancy) then after I had gained 12 in the first trimester (for any newbies this was caused by medication I was taking and not bad habits) my goal was less than 40lb gain....So I'm thinking I will at least be in the healthy range of 25-35lbs! Yay! Her head is definitely down and beginning to engage. My Group B strep test sucked....but it was over in a matter of a second (you get a swap to your lady parts and then your fun). I should get the results for that by Friday. Everything else looked great. The doc asked when I'd like to start doing cervical checks but I don't think I want to until maybe 38wks, and that's just cause I'm curious. I won't be disappointed if I'm not dilating.

    Well I hope you ladies have a wonderful and healthy day!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    So I know this type of question has been posted before & I do know all of the logical answers....but I'm just curious as to where YOU are at with your heart rate when working out....???

    It depends on my activity. If I'm walking the dog, around 100-115. If I'm running, up to 165. Lifting weights is usually in the 110-120 range depending on what I'm doing. Elliptical tends to stay in the 140's - 150's depending on how hard I'm working. Not sure about yoga. I forgot to wear my HRM last week but will tonight.

    My week has been so so on the goals. I walked around job sites yesterday and then walked the dog with Eric after dinner which was nice. Also walked at lunch and around some more Monday. My eating has been OK. Dinner last night was not - had pizza for a co-worker's going away but b/c of a small breakfast and lunch still stayed under on calories. Monday night I was beat so had not the best dinner - soup from a can and corn tortillas with cheese and leftover potato salad. Not one of my best performances in the kitchen. :wink: Typically if I am cooking I am using fresh proteins and veggies but I wasn't feeling it Monday. Tonight we're going to yoga and I hope to do fish tacos with Asian red slaw after. Tomorrow I plan on either a run or a swim; I'm leaving my options open. Then the birthdaversary festivities begin with dinner out Friday! I'm sure I'll get some walking in this weekend. And painting....there is always more painting.

    I wanted to ask anyone if they have experienced this. Monday night I was sleeping and slept pretty lightly after my bathroom break at 3am and woke up several times to feel whatever side I was laying on leg and/or arm slightly asleep. I was on my side not my back as I know some say you shouldn't lay on your back b/c the uterus and baby can smash some large artery. It hasn't happened since so maybe the baby was just laying a strange way.

    Hope you all have a great day! Better get some work done!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I read this story yesterday and got so freaking pumped for my Nike Woman's this coming Sunday in San Fran. I had been really feeling nervous and just didn't know if I could do it but geez!!!! this woman is just AMAZING!!! I probably won't be finishing in her time fram but oh well, I'll get it done and sporting my new Tiffany necklace by the end of it all!! Yay!
    Hardcore Fitness Mama:

    "Amber Miller was nearly 39 weeks pregnant -- expecting her second child any day -- when she set off from the starting line of the Chicago Marathon Sunday.

    She ran and walked even as contractions started kicking in toward the end of the race. But she managed to cross the finish line -- and grab a bite to eat -- before giving birth to baby girl June Sunday night."

    More -,0,7434614.story
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    jchecca ~ So exciting to feel it on the outside, right!? I just felt it on the outside for the first time this morning. Such a weird feeling, but still pretty cool! :smile:

    heather & Better Balance ~ Thanks for the heartrate info. I did zumba last night for the first time since before pregnancy & I had to keep telling myself that it was okay when it got kind of high (I think 169 was the highest), but I kept an eye on it & *tried* to "slow down" so it'd come back down to a more normal range (I would've been able to hold a conversation too). It's SO hard to restrain myself during zumba though!

    Tomorrow will be 19 weeks for me & the scale has been climbing steadily lately....The scale thinks I've gained about 10lbs :noway:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Had a minute to catch up with you guys....I think I have reached a new goal in my pregnancy. I'm hungry! I mean ravenously starving hungry!

    Over the past 2-3 days both my husband and I have noticed that I am not only eating more protein but I can't seem to get enough of it at this whereas before it would make me naseaus! LOL :laugh: funny how things work...

    I'm eating a full breakfast, and packing 2 snacks to hold me over until lunch (which they don't) and then I eat lunch and I have to have at least another snack and I'm ravenous by the time I get home at 5pm!! I'll have another snack and a good healthy dinner!

    I have a feeling the 16 lbs I've lost are about to pack back on! and I can't help but think that maybe this baby is growing after all!! :smooched:
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Funny you say this because for the past week I've noticed that i've been waking up STARVING!! I mean I haven't even opened my eyes and my stomach is growling. :( Last night after my walk, I was STARVING!!!! had soup which my MIL made and I think I over ate. :( But I couldn't help it I was just so dang hungry. I'm starting to worry that I'll gain a ton this time around. I don't go back until Halloween day so I'm curious to see the damage by then. However, I feel that baby is probably growing right now and I haven't had that type of appetite since getting pregnant so now that I'm a few days away from 6 months, I'm thinking its all starting to catch up to me. :)
    Morning ladies,

    Had a minute to catch up with you guys....I think I have reached a new goal in my pregnancy. I'm hungry! I mean ravenously starving hungry!

    Over the past 2-3 days both my husband and I have noticed that I am not only eating more protein but I can't seem to get enough of it at this whereas before it would make me naseaus! LOL :laugh: funny how things work...

    I'm eating a full breakfast, and packing 2 snacks to hold me over until lunch (which they don't) and then I eat lunch and I have to have at least another snack and I'm ravenous by the time I get home at 5pm!! I'll have another snack and a good healthy dinner!

    I have a feeling the 16 lbs I've lost are about to pack back on! and I can't help but think that maybe this baby is growing after all!! :smooched:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry I have been Mia for so long. Work has been super busy but is making the weeks fly by. I'm 30 weeks along now and I can't believe it. I had an awesome Zumba class this morning. My only complaints is that ever so often I get a little soar on my right side (I think I need a support band, any recommendations?) and my feet get soar easier carrying all this extra weight. I have to wear my normal sneakers because my Zumba sneakers are too narrow.

    I had both my showers and they were awesome people were so generous and we barely have anything left to get. We also moved all the furniture around and actually have a nursery. I can't wait to decorate it this weekend. I can't wait and I will definitley post pics when it is done. We are doing an owl theme which I absolutely love.

    This is the cake my sister in law made for my shower:


    Well I gotta go, more work to do, blah....

    Hope you all are well. I've been reading your posts but just have not been good at replying. Hoping next week will calm down.

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    So I know this type of question has been posted before & I do know all of the logical answers....but I'm just curious as to where YOU are at with your heart rate when working out....???

    * When I walk, it's between 135-145, up to 155+ if with constant hills (I walk really fast);
    * When I run, it's between 150-170, usually try to keep it under 170 by slowing down or switch to a walk (not based on heart rate, but usually in upper 160s, I won't be able to talk - I test myself from time to time to make sure I'm not out of breath)
    * When I ride my bike, it's between 145-170, again try to keep it under 170 (same reason as running)
    * When I doing lap swimming, it's between 145-165, depends on how much "HIIT" I'm doing.
    * Doesn't need to worry about doing DVD workout, usually too low to be concerned.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I had a really good appointment this morning :o) Other then finding out my weight gain so far...I've already gained 24 lbs in total...and I'm only at 5 months :( I'm obviously eating WAY too much and I need to reign it in! My doctor told me my weight gain is normal and not to be concerned but I really don't want to gain more than 30 -35 lbs in this pregnancy...and if I've already gained 24 it's not looking so good!
    But GOOD news is our baby is perfectly healthy and they found no abnormalities in the ultrasound on the 28th - his heart rate was 150 today and my dr said he had quite a growth spurt and my uterus is now sitting above my belly button. My urine tests have been normal and everything looks really good. So I'm super happy with that!

    My chiro appointment yesterday was really good, really LONG but really good ;) she asked me TONS of questions (which is really good) and did a hip, lower back and mid back adjustment as well as tens and heat. She told me also that if I am wanting to not use an epidural during pregnancy that renting a tens and using it while in labour can really help....interesting! I am definitely going to look into that. She said it blocks the pain receptors and really helps ease labour pains. Now hopefully they are not super $$$$ to rent ;)

    In other news some friends of friends are moving and the husband facebook msg'd me yesterday asking if I wanted to buy his bugaboo cameleon stroller off them (he bought it for $1200 - which is INSANE) and he said we could have it for $350! CRAZY...we looked up bugaboo online and watched the videos on this is seriously is amazing, I can't believe how many different things it can do! So needless to say we are jumping on this deal ;) he is dropping it off at my work tomorrow. I am pretty excited about it!

    Also a friend offered me a pretty much brand new vibrating chair and some really good baby books and unisex toys etc :) So that's helping to cut down on some costs! lol Yay for friends!

    My husband and I literally spend like 3 hours on last night trying to research which cloth diapers to use. There are SO many brands, it is OVERWHELMING! We think we've decided on the gDiapers but we'll see. My brain still hurts from looking at all the choices! lol

    I'm also almost done knitting my baby's first little blanket! I'm so excited and can't wait to be done, I will definitely post a pic when I'm next project is a bunny buddy which is SO cute :)

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday...well back to work!

  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone,--wow this board really does move fast. We are on page 9 already!
    Sorry havent been posting. My gma passed and yesterday went to the mortuary to make the final arrangements. Her funeral is not until Nov 8 & 9.
    Then I have my next ultrasound appt on the 11th and hopefully if baby is positioned i'll know the gender....

    welcome to the newcomers!

    2 day strength
    3 day cardio
    drink at least 80 oz of water (which i'm finding I'm drinking less, some water taste horrible and it has to be super cold for me to drink it now, so weird)
    eat at least 1 fruit & 1 veg/day
    start logging everything i eat (i always seem to not log at the end of the day)
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Just checking to see if my new ticker worked.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Rayna, I'm using cloth diapers and have ordered 10 of them already. I'm using fuzzibunz diapers, one size. They grow with baby from 7lbs to 35. Check out the website and I've found that there the best for the price plus they have great reviews. Check out every once in a while because I found mine on ever
    there for half price.
    Kristy - thank you so much for mentioning about Amazon Mom!! I've been looking on that website and thought the prices were fantastic but I didn't know about the free mom membership that gets you all the deals! That is SO fantastic! I just signed up! :o)
    I am so excited about that site! I can't stop looking on there! lol
    Only thing is we're going to try to use cloth diapers with the biodegradable inserts - only I have no idea which brand to use and there are SO many! Have you purchased anything on there yet?

    Heather - your pic is amazing! I am really excited to do my pregnancy photos but I'm a little bummed that it will be right in the dead of winter...not too many outdoor options at that point, I would have loved to have them done in the fall, the colors are so beautiful :)

    I had a fantastic long weekend, and only got one short walk in and ate a lot more than I probably should have...whoops! Oh well Thanksgiving is one of my weaknesses! I love turkey, stuffing, homemade buns, potatoes...corn, yams...YUM lol
    One thing that was good is we didn't have two turkey dinners this year, my husband's family made salmon instead this year, so that was good :) I may have consumed a little too much pumpkin, cherry & pecan pie...I can only resist so much! haha!
    I am really hoping to get some exercise in this week - I am going to turbo clean my house when I get home and de-clutter, and start organizing the computer room and packing up our massive book shelf so we can start getting the baby's room ready!
    I am on a mission to get my house in tip top shape before this baby comes! (I'm sure that will burn me some calories! lol)

    I have my next obgyn appointment tomorrow morning to go over everything from my ultrasound on the 28th I am SO excited, I can't wait! It's 9:30 tomorrow morning and it can't come soon enough!! :) I also have my first chiro appointment today at 2:00 and I'm very excited about that! I also booked myself a massage on Sunday at a spa called Sweet Mama, it's a spa dedicated especially for Pregnant women!! SO this week is my week of pampering myself because my back and hips are killing me! (thank goodness I can send in the receipts to my benefits!) Sleeping has been better with the body pillow so I've been getting more rest which is nice.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday!

    My goals this week:

    - declutter, organize. clean my house!
    - Take my dog for at least 3 walks this week.
    - 90 min yoga on Thurs
    - Do weights at home twice this week
    - Drink tons of water :) (i've been doing well on this one)
    - Get more veggies in (been doing good by having my green smoothie but have to get more veg in there throughout the day!)
    - Hopefully get my hubby to go swimming with me this weekend