Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome!! and congratulations on this wonderful journey!!! I gained about 50 lbs when pregnant the first time as well and since then I've adapted a lot healthier lifestyle and it has helped a lot and I've continued to exercise and eat healthy. I think you'll do GREAT!!!
    Hi, I am new to the group as I just found out that we are expecting. I am abuot 6 weeks along and would love to be part of a support preggers group on MFP. My first pregnancy I gained over 100 pounds. This go round I am going to be active and healthy.
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Morning Ladies! *Week 12*

    bmfrazie - Congrats and welcome!

    Ashley - That is exciting that you are working on your nursery. My husband and I have been completely remodeling our house since last September. We have one more room to totally gut and finish - the nursery! I can't wait to get started. Good goals this week.

    Kristin - Hope you are feeling better!

    I had a busy weekend - had to go out of town for work which of course included eating out and not exercising much. I do feel like I got a lot accomplised at home as far as cleaning, but was bummed about my exercising/eating.

    Goals for this week:
    *healthy dr. appointment on Thursday!
    *More water
    *Run 3x
    *walk, yoga, or swim 3x
    *log everything
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member

    I got a 30 min walk yesterday, great thing because i din't get leg cramps. Anyone experiencing those?? Awful! If I get them in the AM, I get up and do some stretching, some warrior poses until I feel better.

    Still on prune juice & benefiber, prob through this week. I have this full stomach sensation, I guess comes along w the constipation.

    I plan on doing LB DVD 3 X this week and continue walking.


    Ashley-kudos your nursery will turn out great! Have fun in your celebrations!

    Kristin-Hope you feel better.

    Elce-That's great you can workout easier with your belly support.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Wanted to share something on the breast pumps - I would suggest checking with your insurance to see if they offer any coverage. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that mine did. If I'd purchased through one of their preferred sellers, they would reimburse at 80%, I had already purchased mine through a recommended online site so they only reimbursed at 60%. Needless to say, I got the Medela Freestyle and after the insurance reimbursement only spent $114. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

    I managed to get my seven walks in last week so that will be my goal again for this week. I have noticed that I have greatly increased my speed so I think I may add a little more distance too.

    Wishing everyone a great week ahead with healthy eating and exercise!

  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Good Morning!!!!

    The weekend flew by way to fast!!!! It was a good one though. Last football game, and we won! I got all my cleaning and laundry done Saturday, then we played board games at my sisters that night and Sunday was a nice relaxing day. I did walk 3 miles on Sat. and 2 yesterday on the treadmil. So at least I got some exercise in. Feeling a little bit better, but not as good as I could.

    Decided to make the nursery the room next to mine instead of upstairs, so that will be a big project that I need to get started soon! I'm just going to paint it white I think then get brown and pink accents for the room. Those will be my colors but no theme really. My son had Pooh, then changed to Lightening McQueen, then went to Camo, now it's sports. I'm thinking a basic brown and pink will last a while longer and and won't need to be changed quite so often.

    Zack and I talked about names this weekend too. I finally decided he basically picked our sons so I'm picking our daughters. LOL. My son is named Isaac James after both his G-pa's, and I think I will name my daughter Mataya Rae, give her my middle name, since Isaac also has Zack's middle name. Not sure if this will stick, but he didn't say he disliked it and I like it so until something else pops in my head, I guess I'm going with that for now. :)

    Heather - you are so close!!!! I remember my son moving down and I felt better, even though it was painful in the pelvic area, but it was nice to breath again. Could be any time. My son was born at 37 weeks!

    Good job to everyone on their excercise and eating right. I think I also did pretty well this weekend and am planning to do just as good this week. Wrestling is in full swing now for my son, and this Sat. will be the first tournament so from now through the next 6 weeks, every Saturday will be taken up for all day tournaments. After this, the holidays will be here. Can't believe I'm almost 6 months along....this pregnancy is flying by!!!!
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    I'm so glad I joined this group! You're all very inspirational in staying healthy! I'm reading all of your posts thinking "Man! I've got to get exercising!"

    This week, though, my goal is to get healthy. Left work Friday with a 100.3 fever, luckily my OB called in some antibiotics, and between that and Tylenol, my fever was under control within a few hours. I'm still feeling sick, however, but I think I have a combo of allergies/cold/whatever is going around...and at this point I think it's just allergies and a little bit of the cold. I just wish it hadn't happened so early in my pregnancy - really freaks me out! Although, since this is my first pregnancy, I think everything is going to freak me out!

    If I manage to feel better soon, my plan is to get back into walking my dogs and hopefully hit up a few Zumba classes at my gym -- I am in need of some booty shaking!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hardcore Fitness Mama:

    "Amber Miller was nearly 39 weeks pregnant -- expecting her second child any day -- when she set off from the starting line of the Chicago Marathon Sunday.

    She ran and walked even as contractions started kicking in toward the end of the race. But she managed to cross the finish line -- and grab a bite to eat -- before giving birth to baby girl June Sunday night."

    More -,0,7434614.story
  • millionsofpeaches
    Rayna – Baby shower definitely before the baby arrives! You want to get all your gear in order before you take home your bundle of joy! Some of my friends have had a “Sip in See” after the baby arrives so people can stop by and say “hi”

    Babeed854 – I really like your Halloween idea! Cute.

    Lunaokra – Thanks for the deli meat suggestion… I have been craving Jimmy Johns. I am sure they will heat it up for me. Yea! Turkey Tom for me.

    Krstinbee – Feel better! Amp up on a vitamin C supplement, juice, and green tea!

    Regarding breast pumps – A lot of hospitals rent them if you are looking to save money. I have not really looked into them much yet. The whole breast pump thing sort of freaks me out… I know I need one but I can do the research in a bit.

    This past weekend was so beautiful outside!!! I didn't really get to enjoy it much. I have been so completely nauseous this past week. It has been pretty intense. Hopefully this week it will calm itself down a bit. I am cutting out starchy foods and drinking even more water. With that being said I hope this beautiful Fall weather persists so I can get out to enjoy it. I didn’t work out as much as I had hoped. This week I am aiming for 3 days of running this week and two days of some other exercise either yoga or walking.

    I hope all of you gorgeous ladies have a fit and fabulous week!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    Hey all you fabulously fit and pregnant woman... We have a new group on FB just for you!!

    I wanted to extend an invite to you ladies. We have a group on Facebook called "Fit for Life". It started as 1 group but we've had so much interest that we now have 6 groups, totally around 350 members. Well, noticing that we had left out a huge group of woman, I have just opened 'Fit for Life - Pregnancy'... This is a great place to learn and post and teach. Motivational and Inspiration quotes and photos, etc. We've already began posting things about staying fit and healthy during pregnancy. If you are interested, please visit our Facebook page; - the page is public but ALL groups are SECRET (only members know you're a member.) When you visit the page you can contact me 1 of 2 ways. Leave a message ON the page, or find me on the lower left hand side (Page Owner: Krystal--) and send me a personal/private message. When leaving your message, be sure to say "FFLP" :)

    I look forward to see you there! :)
  • runnergirl629
    Hi everyone- just wanted to say hi and join you all! I'm 26 weeks and have been way too lazy this pregnancy. I need to get on track before it's too late, and this seems like the perfect group for taht :)
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi Ladies! Haven't been abl to heck in here lately. Had a bad month last month- gained 10 pounds!!!! I got back on track last week, and met my weekly exercise goals for the first time in a while. Am starting this week off well, too- had bootcamp today and have eaten well. No more 10 pounds/month for me!! My goal is to continue meeting my weekly exercise goal and to keep calores in check. 31 weeks on Wednesday- can't believe it's going so fast! Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Wanted to share something on the breast pumps - I would suggest checking with your insurance to see if they offer any coverage. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that mine did. If I'd purchased through one of their preferred sellers, they would reimburse at 80%, I had already purchased mine through a recommended online site so they only reimbursed at 60%. Needless to say, I got the Medela Freestyle and after the insurance reimbursement only spent $114. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

    I managed to get my seven walks in last week so that will be my goal again for this week. I have noticed that I have greatly increased my speed so I think I may add a little more distance too.

    Wishing everyone a great week ahead with healthy eating and exercise!

    Thanks Holly! I emailed my insurance, hope to hear something soon.
    You are fantastic, and an inspiration for getting righ tback on track. :flowerforyou:

    baisleac - thanks for sharing, she is an inspiration too.

    Welcome -runnergirl!

    Misti- I love your nursery color choice, I looked at that this weekend while in Target. I like the pink & lime green combo too. I will end up with the Lavender, my fav color is purple.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    We had our 16 week ultrasound today.......and..................IT'S A GIRL!!! :) She had her little hand resting on the side of her head for the first part. It was so cute watching her move around. :) We're so excited! I'm pretty sure I've started to feel her move every now and then. So cool!!

    Heather, I got "Happiest Baby on the Block" but haven't read it yet. I heard it's great.
    You all make great points about the bassinet so maybe we will do that for the first 2-3 months. We have a spare bedroom so Eric can sleep in there on the nights he has to fly the next day.

    Well, I just wanted to pop in and share the news about our precious baby girrrrrl! :) I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow! :)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! Are we suppose to post a weekly goal on here?

    First pregnancy question: my husband finds it very odd that my appointment isn't until I am 12 weeks. I told him I am sure it is normal. My question is when did you have your first appointment and when was your first ultrasound?
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    morning all! hope everyone had a great day was nuts at work and i literally had zero time to catch up on here!

    i honestly do not know what it is...i have been SO tired in the morning. i thought this was the trimester where i had all the energy!!! i mean through the rest of the day i am fine...but i could literally sleep till 9 every morning...its just been so hard getting up. i am wondering if the 'staying darker till later in the AM' has anything to do with it??? either way...i need to kick it because i have been dragging and i hate that feeling :yawn:

    goals for today:
    at least 6 cups of water at work
    no dessert at work
    walk at lunch time & DVD at home

    have a great day all!!!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    just read through what i have missed...THANK YOU for everyone who commented on the crib/bassinet...still not sure what we're going to do...but we'll get there!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! doctor does the first appointment at 8 weeks for an early ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy is viable. Then the "Big" Ultrasound is between 18 and 20 weeks when you can find out the babys gender if you so choose. However, if you are over 30 years old or have a complicated pregnancy, they do ultrasounds at every visit. Hope that helps.

    Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes. I am still feeling crummy! I did some yoga last night, and it may be what is planned for this evening as well depending on how I feel.

    Well...have a great day all!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Emrogers - Never thought of for furniture. What a concept! LOL... as far as they gym hubby and i both have a memebership and we don't want to give it up. Mainly for the daycare. Our schedules are flipped so we both know that as hard as it is we may have to use the daycare so we can at least get an our of work out in....Yes I'm from Dallas, or suburb...We live in The Colony which is just north of Dallas but we might as well live in Dallas as much time as we spend there, LOL!!

    BMFrazie- welcome!! Yes, some of us post weekly goals. Helps us to be more accountable of each other and for ourselves as well. I didnt' find out I was pregnant until about 7 weeks and then had to go in for bloodwork/urine testing, ect...and I had my first ultrasound shortly after that. because of my age I am considered more of a "risk" so we have ultra sounds done all the time.

    Kristinbee- I hope you get to feelin better soon!! take it easy, keep hydrated.

    better Balance- Woo Hoo to the baby showers!! I have no idea who is throwing mine or when we're having it. But my husband is having a "diaper shower" thrown for him and it's strictly men only. Apparently it's the new thing and he is just estatic about it!!

    Amee- I love your idea about logging everything. I've been extremely bad about that and I think you just gave me the kick that I needed to get back on that!! thank you.

    Luna- Hey hows the benefiber & prune juice working? It took me a few days before hte benefiber kicked in and now it's working great!!

    Smile Girl- Woo Hoo!!

    Misti- I grew up on wrestling and I remember loving it. What a childhood memory!!! Try to take it easy every now and then (you are always on teh go)!!

    KTGator- Hope you feel better soon.

    Million of Peaches- I think 3 days a week is excellent!!

    RunnerGirl- Welcome to the chaos!

    Khrys- I have been wondering how you have been doing! Remember to keep walking, when you can and keep hydrated that should help too!!

    Kristy- A beautiful baby girl!! Congrats!! Are you and your hubby just jumping with joy?? Do you have any names picked out?

    JC- Hang in there girl, you got this!!

    AFM- Its been quite on the home front. We continue getting bits and pieces of furniture for our nursery. We're anxiously waiting for Oct 24th so we can see what colors/theme we're going to go with!!

    Decrease fruits by half (doing good in this area)
    Increase protien by half (doing so so in this area)
    Increase water intake
    Increase walking from 15 min to 30 min
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    jchecca you will probably go through spurts of fatigue and energy throughout the second least I did. I don't take naps so I learned that being in bed by 830pm and on my way to dreamland by 9 worked best for me. I've always needed a lot of sleep, but think that being able to sleep longer amounts at night have helped with my energy levels during the day this entire pregnancy so far. Great goals for the day!

    bmfrazie welcome to the group! Please make sure you read the introduction on the first page :) As for when everyone had their first appt, it depends on what is normal for your area or your doc office and if you have had any previous problems or not. I had my first appt at 5 weeks, but I was on fertility medication as well as having had 2 miscarriages in 3 months. So my circumstances will be different than others. 12 weeks sounds fairly standard. During the first trimester there isn't a whole lot that can be done if something goes wrong with the some docs just prefer to start prenatal care at 12 weeks.

    Kristy CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an awesome experience! I'm so happy for you! I swear this board is getting swallowed up by beautiful little girls! lol!

    Kristen hope you feel better soon!

    khrys welcome back and you've made the first step which is realizing that things got a little crazy and getting back on track! You can do it!

    Welcome runnergirl! Read our intro on the first page and jump right in! Glad to have you!

    millionsofpeaches hope your nausea goes away soon! The weather here has been perfect as well. What an awesome time to be pregnant! Good luck on your goals for the week!

    KTgator I hope you feel better. Being sick while pregnant stinks. I never get sick (pretty healthy immune system) but I managed to get sick several times over this pregnancy.... Good luck on your goals. Baby will come out dancing if you start your booty shakin now! :)

    Misti I love the brown and pink together. My best friend has that in her nursery and it is so cute. There are lots of accessories now with those colors so you shouldn't have an problems decorating in that color scheme. Mataya is very pretty :) And I'm kinda hoping for 39 weeks for some reason...I've got way too much to do in the next two weeks to have a baby! lol!

    Holly wow how time flies! I can't believe Ellie is already a month and four days old! I can only imagine how it is flying for you! You are doing awesome! I bet you can't wait for the next week and a half to fly by so you can get the okay to get back into your workouts! I'm rooting for you!

    Brenda leg cramps are super common unfortunately. First thing in the morning I can feel them coming on if I stretch my legs to much but I always manage to pull back and not get one (THANK GOODNESS!). I remember getting them when I was younger and jumping up out of bed screaming and walking around until it went away. Not fun! Keep up the good work on your workouts!

    Aimee not every week/end is going to be an "optimal" one... You have great goals for this week so don't be hard on yourself and just go from here. You are doing great!

    Ashley I too eat lunch meat quite often. The risk is so low like you said. Let me know if you need assistance putting up a pic on here. :) As for your weight gain I think it is totally normal to have a few months where you gain more and then it levels off. Just continue to workout and eat healthy the majority of the time. You are doing awesome.

    Elce glad the support belt helped you. It really has helped me tons.

    Amanda I hope you are feeling better. Make sure to snack often. That might help with your dizziness. Hope you have a blast in Vegas (and aren't too sick)!

    I had a pretty good 3 day weekend with the hubby. We went to the Homecoming parade at the University I graduated from and the weather was awesome. Then my family came over on Sunday and we had dinner together. Yesterday I got in a 4 1/2 mile hike and some Tracy Anderson arms and didn't feel so bad this time. My pelvis isn't aching near as bad as it was the end of the week last week. I'm feeling pretty great this morning actually. I have my 36 week appt this morning and I'm getting tested for Group B Strep...ugh. I REALLY hope it comes back negative cause I don't want to be held down by being attached to an IV pole during my labor/delivery. From now on I'm on weekly doctor's visits.... It is getting real that's for sure! I'm not sure if I will get in a workout today because after my doc appt I have a prenatal massage scheduled. (Which I'm super excited about of course!) :)

    Well I hope you ladies have an awesome day and continue to keep staying healthy and FIT! :)
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    YES!!! on the leg cramps. I've been getting also charlie horses in the middle of the night when I start stretching out!! AWFUL!! My midwife prescribed me a mix of Calcium and Magnesium 1500 mg, must be together because of the dosing and they have gone away!!! Not fun for sure. Ask your doctor or midwife about it and see what they say. :)

    I got a 30 min walk yesterday, great thing because i din't get leg cramps. Anyone experiencing those?? Awful! If I get them in the AM, I get up and do some stretching, some warrior poses until I feel better.

    Still on prune juice & benefiber, prob through this week. I have this full stomach sensation, I guess comes along w the constipation.

    I plan on doing LB DVD 3 X this week and continue walking.


    Ashley-kudos your nursery will turn out great! Have fun in your celebrations!

    Kristin-Hope you feel better.

    Elce-That's great you can workout easier with your belly support.