Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    sorry for your loss.
    For me at the beginning I did the exact same thing. Going from drinking a gallon a day to maybe 16oz. What worked for me was ice cold water with sliced lemon.never before had I liked iced water. Just a suggestion. Good luck with everything.
    Hi everyone,--wow this board really does move fast. We are on page 9 already!
    Sorry havent been posting. My gma passed and yesterday went to the mortuary to make the final arrangements. Her funeral is not until Nov 8 & 9.
    Then I have my next ultrasound appt on the 11th and hopefully if baby is positioned i'll know the gender....

    welcome to the newcomers!

    2 day strength
    3 day cardio
    drink at least 80 oz of water (which i'm finding I'm drinking less, some water taste horrible and it has to be super cold for me to drink it now, so weird)
    eat at least 1 fruit & 1 veg/day
    start logging everything i eat (i always seem to not log at the end of the day)
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    svgarcia - sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    rayna - so awesome about the stroller! those are amazing!! and i have to say that you and i are in the same're one day after me and i have gained about the same exact weight. i have definitely talked about it with my dr and he is not concerned at all. its definitely tough because i know i tend to 'compare' and when you see people around the same week as you who have gained half as much - it just makes me think i am doing it wrong. but end of the day...we're creating a miracle inside of us and we have to be healthy for them and for ourselves! the weight will come off after the hang in there lady!!

    so i had my 2nd prenatal yoga class last night and i seriously love it. i love the practice of yoga and what it does to my mind and body! the idea of becoming certified is very appealing to me and i think i may look into it! there are just so many forms that i would want to choose the right one for me :) so we'll see...more to come on this!!!

    hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning to all my fit and fabulous mommy to be friends!

    So sorry to hear about your loss svgarcia.... I hope you have a strong support system to lean on. Your goals look awesome. Just make sure to take good care of yourself and don't get too overwhelmed with everything happening in your life. We are here for ya!

    Rayna you look absolutely awesome first and foremost! At this point all you can do is maybe cut out some desserts or unhealthy snacks and continue to stay active and workout as many days of the week as you can! It is not all lost though. My weight gain has slowed dramatically in the last trimester. So when people tell you that you will gain the most at the end, this is not necessarily true. I've only gained 9lbs in the past 16 weeks and baby is growing wonderful, I am eating when I'm hungry, and I'm continuing to exercise. So don't get discouraged...just be honest with yourself and if there are things you know you can change then make those changes, but if not and you are eating healthy and working out then just let your body do what it is going to do. Glad your chiro appt went well! And what a steal of a deal! I got some pretty great deals from friends as well.

    Ashley I'd have my arms fall asleep in the beginning when I first started sleeping on my side. I could have just been something pinched with the way you were sleeping.

    Heather 10lbs at 19 weeks is awesome! Don't be so hard on yourself! :)

    babeed so happy to hear that your appetite has come back! Make sure to pack in as much healthy protein as possible!

    Nichole so happy you are doing well! Been thinking about ya! Your cake is super cute! I love the whole owl theme...very hip! I got my support belt from a friend of mine but it says "Motherhood Maternity" on it so I'm guessing that's where she got it from. But they have them at babies r us and other places like that as well. They all do the same thing so I wouldn't worry about getting the best one.

    Water aerobics was decent. Definitely not my normal intensity level of a workout....but it felt really good and to be able to jump was awesome. lol The feeling of being weightless was nice. When I got out of the water I felt like I weighed a million pounds! I went and did some strength training afterward as well.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    This morning I weighed myself and am starting to get a little worried. I am down 4 pounds since the first of the month. This is WAY faster then I have ever lost weight. I do not have any morning sickness. I stopped counting calories and have just been eating when I was hungery which includes all meals and several snacks during the day. I was averaging about 1000 cals burnt a day and I have cut back to about 300-400. I was already in my healthy range for weight. SOOOO is this normal? Should I be alarmed yet?
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    jchecca - thanks so much, that made me feel so much better! I know I have to stop being so hard on myself ;) as for the yoga classes I am totally on the same page as you! I LOVE them! I am so bummed that I forgot my yoga stuff today...I'm supposed to have class tonight at 5:30 - shoot! I will just do my prenatal yoga video at home.

    Heather - thanks so much for your kind means a lot and you're totally right.

    emrogers - thanks for the suggestions I will definitely check out those links!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday! :o)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Rayna - don't sweat the weight gain. I know this is hard to do b/c I have struggled with it too. It is all worth it and you have the rest of your life (or until your next baby comes :smile: ) to lose it. Weight can fluctuate day to day too. I weigh myself weekly the same day every week and chart my progress in Excel (yes I am a dork). I have consistently gained that last 5 weeks and today was down 1.5. Could be water weight, could be too much salt; who knows. I just want to stay on track. If you are eating well and working out, don't worry. You look great!

    dmfrazie - I have no idea. Again weight fluctuates, but 4 pounds in a week seems kind of high. Maybe give your dr. a call? Good luck.

    svgarcia - sorry about your grandmother.

    nkster - your cake is too cute! We are doing bird theme in the nursery; I love owls too.

    Heather - thanks for the mention about limbs falling asleep. Water aerobics can be fun. Definitely low impact, but it's good to swtich things up every now and again and take some "easy days".

    I planned on yoga last night but Eric got home late from work so we went for a run/walk together. The weather was perfect and it is raining today, so i'm gald I switched it up. Tonight will be yoga. We did more walking than running, but still got a good burn in. I made homemade pizza after with turkey pepperoni, pickled okra and banana peppers. It was quite tasty. I need to work on my protein intake. The only proteins I had yesterday were deli turkey and turkey pepperoni; both processed and not so high in protein. I am one that has definitely not been craving meat either. When I put chicken in things, I would prefer to eat around it but suck it up. Maybe I need to start eating more eggs or beans; I do love beans. Or beef; I have been OK with beef. I could eat chili every other day and am making 2 pots for Eric's party Saturday so hopefully there will be leftovers to eat all next week. Goals for next week! Have a great day Mamas!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey ladies- board is moving rather fast and I haven't had a chance to read up....

    To the person that mentioned Amazon Mom - THANK YOU :flowerforyou: Hubby and I had just dicussed that we needed to start purchasing diapers (diposable) and wipes each paycheck just to start a stock pile. I was able to order the 720 count wipes & the 234 economy size box diapers for $60. Free shipping.

    My coworker also informed me that when you sign up with Babies R Us you get a $20 coupon. So I'm in the process of signing up iwth them to get the coupon-

    How much did you ladies spend the the first year the baby was born on medical bills? Not at the hospital, but after you brought the baby home....doctors visits, vaccinations, immunizations, ect... ((Yes I know it will vary from person to person)) just trying to get a rough estimate for my health insurance next year!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone -

    I've got a busy day ahead with an advising meeting this morning and then a lunch date with my sister and a friend with a baby boy born three days after Ellie - her first date! So far, I've gotten in good walks everyday this week and I should be able to get in one today after lunch too. I've definitely been adding distance and speed and am feeling good. So hope to get clearance to start working out next week!

    Ashley, yes my arms and legs fell asleep a lot especially towards the end of pregnancy. You are continuing to do great with your workouts! Have fun celebrating this weekend.

    Rayna, don't sweat the gain. I hardly gained at all in my third trimester. As Heather mentioned, just check your diet for maybe the not so healthy choices. And heck, just enjoy being pregnant and getting to add a little weight. It's the one time in life where you truly have an excuse to gain ;-)

    svgarcia, so sorry to hear of your loss. Ellie and I will be going to visit her great, great grandmothers in the midwest next month. They are 88 and 91 and I fear this may be the last time I get to see them. Thinking of you!

    Nichole, I was just wondering how you were doing! You look so adorable in your profile pic and love the shower cake. Be prepared for the gifts to keep coming, I am amazed at the generosity of people and how excited people are to buy things for your little one.

    Babeed, so glad to hear your appetite is returning!!

    Heather, you are doing great with the workouts. I know it's tough to slow down, but as we know listening to our bodies is the best thing to do. I did water aerobics in high school (had a friend who taught the class) and it was hysterical because everyone else was elderly....did you find the same thing with your class? You are in the home stretch! I'll be curious to see if you gain at all. From 36 on, I only maintained and even with eating lots couldn't manage to gain anymore.

    Okay, know I missed lots of people. My mom mush brain is not working so well....Husband was also okay with me giving you a little look at my sweetie :-)

    Have a great Thursday!

  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Holly - Ellie is adorable!!!! Is she nervous for her first date today? ;-) hehe
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Rayna - I wouldn't worry about the weight gain too much. It's just your little baby boy growing as much as you work out you should lose any extra weight quickly after his arrival. You do look great and I think your doing awesome!!

    Nkster - your theme is so CUTE!!

    Kristy - Thanks for letting us all know about Amazon Mom, I signed up Tuesday and also registered there for my baby shower. They have awesome stuff and most of it is cheaper than what I've seen in other places!!! YAY! Actually found the carseat and stroller set that I will be ordering very soon!! :)

    Emrogers - Good Luck with your run!!!!!

    bmfrazie - I would call your doctor. Sometimes they say losing a few pounds here and there is normal, but I would definately call to see what they think about 4 lbs. Seems like a lot so soon.

    Heather - I've heard water aerobics is nice and kind of relaxing.........we only have an outdoor pool where I live, and it is closed in the cold months. Would've been nice to try while being pregnant. My friend went last summer when she was pregnant and she really liked it.

    Ashley - Thanks for the idea!! My sister makes the best chili. I'm gonna have to have her make me some. It sounds so good.

    AFM: I finally got asked if I was pregnant!!!! I'm thinking a lot of people still don't know and they all probably think I'm just getting fat! LOL..After I said yes, she couldn't believe I was almost 6 months. I can say I am way smaller, or I should say carrying totally different than I did w/ my son. Healthy eating is the trick!!!! 10lbs @ almost 24 weeks! I got so much accomplished last cleaned, 2 loads of laundry done, baked salmon, steamed asparagus and mashed potatoes for dinner, did spelling words with my son and did yoga!! Woo Hoo! Felt good to have energy after work! Tonight I am planning on waking a couple miles, then start filling out baby shower invitations. :)
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hi ladies, Ive been mia for a few days. The cabin was great, except I was super tired and ate too much. Managed one 5kms run. Did aquasize on Tuesday, I always feel better after that class. I will feel crummy all day then after being in the water I feel great! I did a weight video yesterday, not too intense. I have the hardest time trying to do weights. I think Im going to invest in a treadmill soon, well after christmas anyways.

    Have my first ultrasound next week, so thats exciting I guess.

    I weighed myself and am up 10lbs.... 10lbs!!!! at 11 weeks. This had made me very depressed today.:ohwell:

    Hope to get some cardio in tonight, then weights tomorrow, and a 5kms run this weeke

    Hope everyone is having a great day, Im overally emotional and almost started bawling in my car on my way to work listening to a sad song.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I have been MIA this week, it has been really busy here. I’ve been doing pretty good food and exercise wise but am concerned that I may need to skip my Wednesday Zumba class (its more intense than my Friday one) because I got home last night from class with major lower ab crams (assuming it was round ligament pains). So there goes another workout from my repertoire! I did start looking into a prenatal yoga class this week, so hopefully I’ll be able to start that up soon!
    I had to go out and buy my first pair of maternity pants this past weekend! My stomach is starting to get a bump and my pants are just uncomfortable, but oddly my weight hasn’t changed. I had gained about 6lbs the first 12weeks and have stayed at the same weight for the last two weeks, weird right?

  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    I promise to catch up later but just wanted to share some of our maternity pics:




  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I promise to catch up later but just wanted to share some of our maternity pics:

    So adorable!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    nkster781 Your pregnancy pics are SO cute!! :) Lovely! :flowerforyou:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Love the pics Nichole!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    nkster781 your pictures are precious!! love love love the outdoors, colors, picnic, and that you even included your dog!! Awww!!!

    Dog gawn it, that last one with Hannah on the bench just made me cry! darn hormones! :ohwell:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Oh Nichole I LOVE your pics! They are absolutely adorable!!! :) Made me wanna share a few more of mine as well. The photographer only did a few to give me a peak...but the ones she did I love... (And I obviously don't know how to size them correctly cause half the picture is being cropped out...but you get the idea lol) I was on the fence about getting maternity pics...but if any of you ladies are questioning whether to or not I would say it is better to do it and not regret not doing them! We had lots of fun and I'm so happy I have them to remember this time!



  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Love all the pictures!!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Love the pics Heather, you look beautiful!