Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    new mama's and existing mama's..... What is your fave diaper/wipe and why?

    i currently purchased some pampers swaddlers & pamer wipes. But I'm wondering if I should purchase differnet kinds until I know what kind I want?
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Babeed, I've found the Pampers swaddlers to be our favorite so far. A friend gave us some Huggies and neither my husband or I liked them! For wipes I've been using Pampers, I don't think it's the sensitive one, but it's free of perfumes/dyes etc. I'll try to remember to check the package.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Babeed - Suprisingly my favorite with my son was Luvs. They are cheap and smell so good. He always peed right through Huggies and pampers gave him a little rash on his belly. I love Huggies wipes though!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member

    new mama's and existing mama's..... What is your fave diaper/wipe and why?

    i currently purchased some pampers swaddlers & pamer wipes. But I'm wondering if I should purchase differnet kinds until I know what kind I want?

    Kirkland (Costco) wipe - cheaper and durable. Used it for my first kid. I do NOT like Huggie's wipe thought.
    Diaper - I know the best is Pampers, but I shop @ Costco, they only offer Huggies and their own brand. They seems works ok for our first kid.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Holly your daughter is adorable! I can’t wait to join you:0) I’m excited to have my body back and to see my precious girl.

    Heather, I love the pictures. I was on the fence about getting them done too. But I am so happy I did. I think they are a great way to show your child how much their parents love them and love each other.

    Better_Balance_2: I love the Muriel. It came out so cute! I love the ceiling!

    Heather and Andrea, you ladies will have those babies before you know it.

    Heather, I love your talk about the aqua aerobics class. Too cute, I can just see all these older women asking you about the baby and your tattoos. I love it!

    Rayna, your baby blanket turned out beautiful… Hope you feel better. The maternity message sounds amazing. I have a gift certificate for one that I need to use soon.

    Brenda and babeed854, I’m excited for you both to get to see your babies. Are you going to find out the gender?

    babeed854: My friend who is a social worker for kids and has also worked in daycares says she highly recommends Pampers swaddlers. I also have a Costco membership so I will probably just buy whatever they have. I have been stocking up whenever there are sales.

    taldie01: Have fun hosting your Halloween party. I love little kids in their Halloween costumes.

    Ash: Good luck finding a daycare... I went hiking around 14 weeks I think and it was fine. Just make sure to bring lots of water and some snacks. We hiked 6 miles and there were a lot of stairs. Have a great time and take lots of pictures.

    Mistibergman: That’s awesome that your son got first place:0) I hope the swelling goes down. How’s the weather? I swell up a bit more when it’s hot.

    Kistinbee: Hope you feel better! Being pregnant and sick is not fun.

    Sorry if I missed anyone. I’ve been meaning to catch up forever. Work is still crazy...

    AFM: I had my first meeting with my new midwife. I love her! I’m 31 weeks and was not sure about my OB/GYN. As I’ve said before I am doing hypnobirthing and the OB’s philosophies just did not line up with mine. So I decided to change to someone’s philosophy that does. Let me just tell you that I feel so much relief. You shouldn’t have to fight for what you want. So take it from me, if you are not 100% satisfied with your doctor go talk to other doctors until you find one you are really happy with. It’s so important. My midwife gave me her cell phone number and said to call her anytime, that blew me away. I already feel closer to her then I do with my 31 weeks with my first doctor and I just meet her today. I feel like I finally have the last piece to my puzzle:0)

    Well I’m going to go take a walk on the treadmill. Hope you all are doing well tonight. I’m hoping I sleep better than I did last night. I kept having to pee and my hips kept hurting even with the 3 pillows I am using (one is a body pillow).

  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Glad you all had good weekends - sorry to those of you fending of sickness, that's no fun!

    Rayna - I LOVE your blanket! I have a slew of crochet projects I'm looking forward to making for my baby, just waiting to find out a gender first! I've got plenty of projects for friends' babies to keep me entertained in the mean time =)

    nkster781 - Your nursery is gorgeous! Great work =)

    Love all of your goals for this week. My goals are:
    To watch my sodium intake. It's been out of control lately, and pregnant bloating is enough, thank you!

    Keep a better eye on my calories - I don't plan on holding myself to certain calories, but counting my calories allows me to make healther choices.

    Get in 3-4 workouts this week

    Morning/evening sickness is starting to kick in...not very fun...but so far it isn't slowing me down. I'm only 4 days into week 6, so I'm sure it will get worse! But hopefully exercising will continue to help me get through it - it has so far.

    Anxiously waiting for Oct. 26 when I have my first check up/ultrasound! Hopefully time won't pass too slowly.

    Have a great week, ladies!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Holly-You rock!

    Nichole- Love the nursery it is amazing. Thanks for sharing. On Oct 7, i went in for a routine visit & the Doctor checked to see what it'll be and he said " there is nothing sticking out" so to me it's a Girl! It shall be confirmed in the complete OB.

    Rayna- beautiful blanket. There's nothing more meaningful to a mom to be able to create something for their little one right? :heart:

    Babeed- My coworker swears by Pampers. I can't remember what diapers we used for Jason but I am sure they were Huggies ummm 13 yrs ago. :laugh:

    KTGator-Good luck with the nauseau hope you find something you can hold there.

    Misti- I feel swollen sometimes too, last night when we walked the dogs I had to loosen my shoelaces. Tired as well, ready to :yawn: by 9pm
    :ohwell: Congrats to your son, sports are always exciting. My son's soccer team isn't doing so good.

    Ashley-Lovely murals, and the ceiling is awesome. Are you doing it by yourself?

    AshBeare-WTG on your hiking! Stay hydrated although that will send you to the potty too often. :drinker:

    Dish washing time and then off to walk the crazies=dogs. :laugh:
  • BelgianLady
    Hello ladies!

    wow I'm trying to catch up after 5 days of not being connected to the internet.
    and boy there is a lot going on here, congrats everyone for setting great goals.

    Heather - are you still hanging on?

    Hannah's nursery looks fabulous, lucky girl!

    I'm back from the hospital, Claire and Vincent showed up at 32weeks 5 days despite 10 days bedrest at home. I had LESS contractions than before but in the middle of the night my water broke and 2 hours later they were born already (by c section). It took us 1 hour to realize what had happened, call the hospital and get there. And only 1 hour for the hospital to check me in get all the doctors in in the middle of the night and prep me for the csection and deliver the babies! wow talk about efficiency.
    I was 3 centimeters dilated never felt anything!

    Both babies are at the NICU unit for at least 4 weeks. Doing extremely well for our son (the corticoid shot worked on him), he's already feeding by himself; a little less for our baby girl, she still needs an oxygen mask, fed by a siringe and is a bit weaker. Both of them will be alright, it is a matter of weeks.

    To answer a previous question, I started showing at 16 weeks, gained all my weight from week 20 to 28 (max weight gain 18- 19 pounds), then during the last month or so I started LOSING weight - total weight gain at the end of pregnancy = 12 pounds. Babies are both very big given that they are preterm, at 4lbs 6oz and 4lbs 8oz. The doctor says there was no more space for them so they decided it was time.

    I didnt weight myself at the hospital, but back home at 5 days post delivery I'm back to my prepregnancy weight at 110. I still look 3-4 months pregnant (belly still enlarged at the side, no waist left, and also protruding belly).

    Hang in there ladies and enjoy this very special time of pregnancy.

    Best wishes to you all
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    new mama's and existing mama's..... What is your fave diaper/wipe and why?

    i currently purchased some pampers swaddlers & pamer wipes. But I'm wondering if I should purchase differnet kinds until I know what kind I want?

    Pampers are great, but a little expensive for me, so I used Luvs with my daughter and loved them! And I use the target brand sensitive wipes. Seemed to work well for me! But now we are in BIG GIRL panties!!!! YAY!!!! Tomorrow will start week number two without diapers (except at bedtime!)
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Congrats Belgianlady!!!!! I know its not so great that they were born so early, but I'm sure they will be fine! They weigh a lot for preterm twins! My nieces were born at 34 weeks and were only about 3-4 pounds each and now they are 6 years old and completely healthy and fine. They were also in the NICU, one of them for a while actually and she also had oxygen and everything. I'm sure they will be strong enough to come home soon!

    Hope you are recuperating and doing well!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member

    I only use pampers because every other diaper gave my son a really bad rash bc they are too heavily scented. I LOVE cvs brand uncented wipes the best. I hate pampers brand and huggies brand. I go out of my way to buy the cvs brand actually. If I'm going out of town, I pack like 5 packs of cvs wipes so I don't have to buy the other brands. Also, they are pretty economical and the best quality. If your baby doesn't have very reactive skin, then luvs are pretty great and very economical. I actually find that the best way to purchase diapers is on amazon, they are usually already like 15% off the big cases and if you have amazon prime you get free two day shipping.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Oh WOW!!! Congratulations! Yay for Claire and Vincent!!! About 4 1/2lbs for twins is awesome! And to have only gained 12lbs...that is unheard of, but pretty awesome if at the end of the day the babies were a good size! I'm worried that's what will happen to me with the water breaking in the middle of the night cause that's when I've been having some pretty intense contractions. Thanks for sharing your birth story and yes I'm still hanging day at a time! lol! Take care of yourself and those babies! Keep us updated on how Claire and Vincent are doing!

    KTgator that bloating isn't necessarily from sodium intake....the first trimester is notorious for bloat! I was very strict with my sodium intake (I'm really sodium sensitive and balloon up like crazy if I ate a fatty/salty meal before I got pregnant) and I still bloated pretty badly. Make sure to snack often and eat lots of protein. I truly think that a healthy diet with adequate protein and snacking and exercise was the key to me not getting morning sickness.

    Nichole your nursery is absolutely adorable! I really do love the owl theme. It is so cute! And I'm so very happy for you that you found a birth attendant who you feel confident and comfortable with and connect with...You are right, that is so very important! Just like people, every doctor has their own ethics, ideals, and ways of doing things that should coincide with your own values and what you want out of your birthing experience! That is why I am so passionate about women being educated about the process and not just saying "Oh well my doctor is the experienced one so I will just go along with what they say"... So kudos for you for being a strong, educated woman who sought out what she wanted. I admire that. :)

    Kristen I hope you feel better soon!

    Misti thank you for the sweet words. Sometimes I find my drive to be somewhat debilitating for my own good...meaning my brain pushes me but my body has a hard time at this point following through. But at least I try and am trying really hard to "tone it down". And I'm glad I got stuff packed too. I still need to make a list of things that we couldn't pack but need to bring (pillows, clothes, etc). But for the most part we are ready to rock n roll...well when she says we

    Ash your hike sounds awesome!!! And yes, bring tp! lol!

    Holly I'm sure you understand....and thank you. I'm finding it hard to have a balance at this point in the pregnancy cause I know that I need to not push myself but at the same time I get so frustrated when it hurts to walk on the treadmill at a 3.5! You know how degrading that feels to someone who prides themselves on being fit?! Al keeps saying "But hun....there's a baby in there"... I like you want to instill in Charlee a passion for being healthy and fit. I guess I'm just finding it hard to find the balance between sitting on the couch and running a marathon at this point. Well I guess I can't ever be accused of not having the drive at At this point I'm just taking it one day at a time and trying to focus on the sweet prize at the end of it all. :) Good luck at your appointment today! I'm sure you will get the green light and will be running in no time!

    Elce I totally forgot to ask you how the run went this weekend?! I was thinking about you...Hope it went well! :)

    Taldie great goals for the week! Let us know how the u/s went!

    babeed I'm so happy for you that you have such wonderful, supportive people around you. What a blessing!

    Brenda thanks for the sweet words. I try and encourage by example and I guess that is why I find it so hard to slow things down these days....I want to keep on trucking along like I'm 27wks pregnant instead of the 37 I really am! lol

    Rayna your blanket is great and so sweet! I'm sure he will love it! I'm glad you enjoyed your massage and got it in before you got sick! And I surely hope you feel better soon! Make sure to drink lots of fluids and rest rest rest!

    Ashley your mural is awesome and your talent is amazing! I couldn't paint anything on a wall to save my life...I'm not even good with a flat coat of paint! Oh her nursery is going to be beautiful when it is all done! Great job!

    Well as I said earlier I ended up walking on the treadmill yesterday instead of going to water aerobics cause quite frankly I was being lazy and missed I knew I needed to do some kind of cardio. I set it to 3.5 and it was a struggle to walk the hour.... Makes me feel so unfit...but I know that is all in my head. I'm having some pretty intense contractions at night. Enough to wake me. I know a full bladder can cause it so I get up and pee...about 5 times a night now! I guess I'm just being prepared for all the sleeplessness that is about to ensue!

    I'm off to water aerobics with my little old lady friends :) Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!! WOW...I cannot even keep up with all the posts.

    Congratulations Belgianlady on your twins!! I hope recovery goes quickly for them...and you!

    To all you other beautiful ladies...hello and I hope you are well!

    AFM: Well...I am feeling much better today. Was finally able to sleep without coughing like crazy last night! Pretty sure I will try some yoga tonight and then my strength/cardio workout tomorrow. Hoping to get back into things!! On a bad note...I gained 3 pounds this week! And I KNOW it's not 3 pounds of baby!!! What a bummer! I hope I am retaining some water weight and that when I start back into my exercise I can slow back down!

    Pretty excited I bought a baby book this past week...that was the first thing I bought last time I was pregnant and I've been anxious to start one for this baby! I also have a baby blanket and ultrasound photo frame. Can't wait to have a photo to put in it! My doctor said we'll schedule it at my next appointment which is November 8th! I should get my ultrasound done right before Thanksgiving! I am SO ready!!!

    Well..I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'll check back later!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Nichole, I’m so happy that you are comfortable and happy with your midwife. I hope to not have the same issues, it was so hard finding a Dr. that would take on a new patient I’d never be able to find another if things didn’t work out with mine.

    Belgianlady, congrats on your two new editions to the family! I hope everything goes well and that you get to take them home soon, rest up!

    Heather, Hang in there! Those contractions at night sound awful, but I love how you chalk it up to preparations for the sleepless nights to come. Hope you get to have a few good night sleeps before Charlie comes!

    So I’ve been doing good food wise & with my workouts and yet I feel like I’m gaining way too much weight for this stage in my pregnancy. I’ve gained 8-10lbs and I’m only 15weeks today. I know there are a few things food wise I could have avoided or changed up but nothing big, not enough to explain this gain. Should I be worried about this, I really don’t want to gain so much that my joints hurt because of all the extra weight. What had you guys gained by 15weeks?

  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member

    AMAZON.CA is the canadian nevermind, took a look and realized it sucks. sorry.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Belginlady- congrats on Claire & Vincent!! I know it's early but I'm sure with special care and lots of loving they will be home in no time. Be sure to keep your strength up, I know going back and forth into the NICU can be draining. I'm so happy for you and your family!!

    THANK YOU to everyone that responded about the diapers & the wipes!! Be sure to check out as you can get an additional discount & free 2 day shipping....Definitely worth the deal if you can swing it. I think I'm going to stick to the Pampers (for now) and Misti I'll keep in mind the baby rash!! That is something that I didn't know....

    We were able to install both our car seats in both our vehicles last night....What side do you put it on? I think it would be easier behind the drivers seat?? Hubby says it should be behind the passenger seat??
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Thanks for all the compliments on the murals! I would love to say I did them free hand, but I had a little help from technology. I traced from a photo in AutoCAD (drafting software) and projected it on the wall, traced with pencil and then painted. I do have to say the painting part did take some skill. The whole thing was done with a 1" and 1/4" brush. I think it took me about 8-10 hours total over 2 Saturdays. I thought about adding some green accents, but stuck with the pink which I had wanted to be a little bolder, but I think it will be fine. Eric and I looked through a bunch of his brother's professional bird photos and picked some cool ones we want to matte and frame also. We've also talked about doing mismatched furntiure and getting a couple of antique pieces (not the crib). I'm getting to the point where I want to get the room set up. And we still haven't started registering yet. You all are making me feel like a slacker!

    I had a great workout last night. I went for a 1 hour walk/run and managed to get about 4.5 miles done. My calves were getting tired towards the beginning but eventually got used to it but by the end I was having some pressure in my low belly and it felt very bouncy. I may need to get a support belt to continue with my running. Overall it felt great and wore me out! I packed my suit today and plan on a swim which I haven't done in weeks. I hope my suit still fits.

    I also got lots of protein in yesterday - over 100g (which I know I should be shooting for but rarely reach). I made tilapia parmesean which is basically just tilapia rolled in bread crumbs, parmesean, and basil, baked and topped with marinara and shredded mozzerella. I also made asparagus risotta and chopped some fresh tomatoes out of the garden. I just hacked away at our plants over the weekend so hopefully the 15 or so tomatoes left can ripen. I can't believe I'm still waiting for tomatoes to ripen in mid October! If they don't we'll be having lots of fried green tomatoes.

    Congrats on the twins Belgian Lady!

    Nkster I love the owls! So cute.

    Heather, quit being so hard on yourself! You're about to have a baby! :smile: I admire your motivation but make sure to take some time for you and rest up. I tend to be on the very motivated side too, but have gotten to the point where I am okay with being lazy every now and again. Typically I lead a very busy life between work, working out, being a wife, spending time with friends, keeping up with the house, etc. and so if I spend a Sunday afternoon on the couch, I'm OK with it. I figure my life will be forever changed and free time slim to none in about 3 months. So embrace the free time while you have it!

    Good job to everyone on their goals! Hope you all have great weeks!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I’ve been doing good food wise & with my workouts and yet I feel like I’m gaining way too much weight for this stage in my pregnancy. I’ve gained 8-10lbs and I’m only 15weeks today. I know there are a few things food wise I could have avoided or changed up but nothing big, not enough to explain this gain. Should I be worried about this, I really don’t want to gain so much that my joints hurt because of all the extra weight. What had you guys gained by 15weeks?


    Ash...I am one day behind you and I have gained about the same also...9 pounds when you add in my 3 pound gain last week (I hope that all doesn't stick!) I think we are okay as long as we continue to try and eat well and incorporate some exercise. My goal is to only gain 25-30 pounds this pregnancy, and I still see that as a very realistic goal. Maybe we can help keep each other motivated since we are so close! Is this your first baby?
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Belginlady- congrats on your baby twins arriving!

    Amazon Mom is amazing. If you have not signed up sign up right around when your shower is because if you use gift cards it still counts towards the $25 equals an extra month of free amazon Prime. After using gift cards I have a full year free (note you can only get up to 12 months free at a time):0) Also I love their baby registry. You can even print out a thank you list.

    Better_Balance_2: Nice workout:0)

    abeare: I know the weight gain is hard. Just think of how much your body is changing. Just keep active and try to eat healthy.

    babeed854: I've heard to put the car seat in the middle seat since most cars now have side airbags.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    new mama's and existing mama's..... What is your fave diaper/wipe and why?

    i currently purchased some pampers swaddlers & pamer wipes. But I'm wondering if I should purchase differnet kinds until I know what kind I want?

    Pampers are great, but a little expensive for me, so I used Luvs with my daughter and loved them! And I use the target brand sensitive wipes. Seemed to work well for me! But now we are in BIG GIRL panties!!!! YAY!!!! Tomorrow will start week number two without diapers (except at bedtime!)

    I've been purchasing the Pampers from AmazonMom and they are cheaper than walmart/BabyRUs least so far they are, LOL!! As far as your daughter YAY for her!! What an exciting step for her and for you guys as well!! Just think it'll be a few montsh before your back to using diapers again :wink: :laugh: