Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning mamas! Just wanted to quickly check in. We had a nice weekend. I got the mural done; still need to finish painting the whole wall but it turned out really cute. I am going to try to post:

    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    I got some walking in and the party was fun. Yesterday was spent mostly relaxing which was nice. The weather was gorgeous.

    This weeks goals:

    Work Outs
    Monday - 30 mins strength, 30 mins cardio or running
    Tuesday - swim (shoot for 3/4 - 1 mile)
    Wednesday - yoga
    Thursday - 30 mins strength, 30 mins cardio or running
    Weekend - walking

    This week I'd like to focus on my protein. We have a ton of leftover chili so that will help with packing some in at lunch this week.

    Have a great week ladies! Hope some babies come soon!

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Shoot, let me try this one:

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Alright, I give up. I need some help. I got it uploaded to Photobucket and pasted several of the photo codes to no avail. :sad:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! I can't believe it is already Monday...again! The weekends always go by so quickly.

    Millionsofpeaches I didn't start really showing until 6 months. Before then I just looked like I had let myself go a bit, which kinda stunk.

    Andrea I am SOOOO there too! I am right behind you and I'm feeling the same things....I'm so ready to meet this little girl and being pregnant (what seems like years now) all year long is wearing on me. I don't complain much cause this is what I've wanted forever (and took many many years and several losses to succeed)....but my body is to that point where every single night I have to soak in the tub cause I can't even lift my legs my lower back is so sore. I know I do too much (physically) and if I were to lay around and "take it easy" it would be better....but that's not my personality. As for getting things moving along...I would recommend acupuncture/acupressure. I did it last Friday and have had lots more contractions. It won't make anything happen that isn't ready to...but it can help. I haven't gotten to the point where I'm evicting her yet...I'm gonna wait a few more weeks and then start with the sex/acupuncture/nipple stimulation/etc.. :)

    madbabysmama so happy you got to see your baby! What an awesome gift that is! Glad everything is going well for you.

    atomdraco awesome workout and great goals for the week!!!

    ladydee please read the intro regarding calories. If you are working out and eating healthy then don't worry about one week gaining 2lbs vs 1. The idea is to stay active and healthy and eat nutritious, healthy foods when you are hungry. Good luck with everything.

    Brenda hope you got in your workout :) A belt really did help me with the pains and now I seem to need an entire belly belt...but since she is coming in a matter of weeks I think I will just make due.

    Amy you and Holly are such inspirations! You both are the reason as to why I started this group and love surrounding myself with people who have a passion for being healthy and vibrant in life! Life is way too short to be unhealthy and unhappy. :)

    Holly I hope you had a great visit with the inlaws. I'm sure they couldn't get enough of Ellie! And yes I am at least 25 if not 30 years younger than anyone else in the class. lol! Some of the ladies ask me about the baby...a few have asked about my tattoos (that's always a fun topic with a 70 year old woman!), and many of them just look at me funny, especially when the instructor calls me out when we do things like pullups on the side of the pool and she says "look even little mama can do it! so can you!" lol! It feels good and I'm moving my body. At this point that is my main goal. I'm still working in a few hikes a week and still doing my Tracy Anderson on most days so I've not totally gone "easy". :)

    taldie my go to snacks are fruit with a protein (like cheese stick), lara bars, almonds, bowl of kashi go lean crunch and almond milk...stuff like that.

    jchecca cute pic! You look great.

    Ashley hope you had an awesome anniversary dinner! And I love the nickname you gave to your little one! lol! I feel that same way all the time. I can feel her little heel in my side...and her leg across my I know she is there, but I can't see her. It is pretty crazy. Soon enough for us all!

    svgarcia glad you aren't as nauseous anymore and feeling better! Hope you are doing okay with all the stress. Take care of yourself!

    Misti I remember the first time someone insinuated I was pregnant (and not just chunky)! lol! It was great! Hope you got in all your workouts planned and didn't have too hectic of a weekend!

    I had quite the busy weekend. Between a baby shower and retirement ceremony on Saturday and then finishing up stuff in the baby's room and packing my bags (finally...I'm such a procrastinator! I wouldn't have done it but Al MADE me! lol) the weekend just flew by! Saturday night at about 7 I started having lots of contractions and a few of them were pretty uncomfortable. I ended up taking a warm bath and going to bed and they stopped by the morning. I had more last night. Enough to make me wake up from a dead sleep. I'm hoping this means things are moving along!

    Well I'm off to water aerobics and then to do some strength training. Hope you all have a healthy wonderful day!

    Oh and my goals for the week:

    No soda
    Eat out only twice
    make time to rest!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Alright, I give up. I need some help. I got it uploaded to Photobucket and pasted several of the photo codes to no avail. :sad:

    Use that same code but instead of "IMG" make them lowercase like "img" :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yay it worked! Thanks Heather.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Here's the ceiling. Smaller I hope.

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Morning all my fellow pregnant momma's to be! :o) Hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was busy busy...we had to go shopping to hunt down a car seat that is compatible with the bugaboo...NOT EASY...countless stores and 1 return/exchange later we finally got the right one ;) now we just need to order the adapters online! Hopefully that will go smoothly!
    I had no idea that buying a stroller and car seat separately would be such a hassle...oh well at least we are getting there ;)
    We even used the pretend baby we got to train Sophie with to practice putting the baby in the car seat and making sure we know how everything so funny ;)
    I also finished my first baby blanket this weekend!! Hopefully this picture works!


    I went out for dinner with an old girlfriend on Friday night and it was kind of strange...we are in such different places in our lives right now that it was kind of awkward for me...she seemed uncomfortable with all the pregnancy stuff - don't get me wrong I know she's excited for me but she just was squeemish and awkward when asking me questions about stuff...and all she wanted to talk about was all the partying/drinking/dating a younger guy and retelling all her latest getting drunk stories... :( kinda brutal for me...she also asked me if I wanted to come out and party with her friend on halloween...haha I was like...I think I'm good thanks though ;) it was funny. Oh well...I still love her to death it's just interesting how lives change and people change...anyway enough babbling. ;)

    I'm feeling really crappy today :( I think I might have a flu bug or something? My tummy's just not right and I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks...which sucks because I was supposed to go do my workout with my personal trainer tonight...SHOOT

    I had my pregnancy massage yesterday though, it was really nice! The had water beds for the massage tables and you just lied on your side with a pillow between your legs - I almost fell asleep! Totally awesome...I really needed it!

    Anyway - my goals for the week:
    - Fight this flu off!
    - Drink lots of water
    - Money's really tight right now so NO eating out this week
    - Incorporating more veggies into my meals.
    - exercise at least 3 times this week.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Oh! And Better_Balance_2 - I love your murals!! They are so good! Way to go!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I am entering my 20th week! :drinker:
    I am counting down to my complete OB U/S 11-03-11!!! Yay!

    I did walk this weekend even if it was 15 mins here and there. I am always in bed by 9pm and I easily fall asleep. :yawn:

    I really started showing at the end of my 4th month, I have yet to take a pix.

    Ashley-I love your murals & ceiling, beautiful!!

    Rayna-Great job on your baby blanket, I wish I knew how to do something like that. Heck, I even have a problem hemming stuff. LOL :blushing: Hope you feel better!

    Heather-Thanks for the encouragement you guys motivate the rest of us to keep working out. Wow, time has flown by and you're almost there.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Think I may have over done with the nieces/nephews this weekend. I had all 4 of them on different days this weekend. Kept me busy and kept me laughing :laugh:

    My SIL gave us some hand me down blankies, onsies, bottles, bottle sanitizer & her diaper changer. She also gifted us her bassinett which she only used a few months - still practically new!! And surprised us with a Graco snugrider infant car seat frame stroller & an extra base!! We were absoutely floored!! The turn radius is incredible, love the way the car seat just snaps into place and you still have space underneath for additional baggage! Plus she also kept in mind that we have a soft trail and like to walk Neena so the all terain tires will come in hand for sure!! She also gave me a manual breast pump she purchased and never used and suggested that I do not use it unless it's a dire emergency :laugh: but she have me some great tips!!

    Next monday is our sonogram so hopefully we start figuring out colors for the nursery. Better Balance, your mural is adorable!! I can't wait to see it completed!!

    Rayna- Love your baby blanket!! Did you needle point or crochet?? I can only crochet...never got the needle point down.

    Question: When do hormones finally subdue? I'm ashamed to say, mine were in full force this weekend :blushing: and I can still feel them flaring today over what I know in my mind and in my heart that is stupid petty things! But I can't help but either feel angry or start crying!! I can honestly say I don't think I've had them this bad!!

    Water intake. Had way to much juice with the kiddos around
    Keep walking -before that 50 degree temp hits!!
    Get organized. Have to find a place for everything!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Lunarokra- good job on your walking

    Rayna- I know its funny when your life changes, ie having a family. I really realized who my true friends were after I had Avery. It was pretty sad too.

    atonraco- your a machine with your workouts!

    atynk- sounds like baby will be coming very soon. I did alot of lunges and streatching that seemed to help move things along.

    betterbalance2- awsome goals this wek

    babeed- great gifts you got, my hormones were in full force this weekend too, I was watching Long Island Medium and sat on the floor bawling... it was a really good one

    Had a nice relaxing weekend, got 2x 5kms runs in which was great. Im gearing up for my ultrasound today, chugging lots of water. Hope all is well in there.I decided to host a Halloween get together for some moms and thier kids from our birth and babies group. I stocked up on Halloween decorations. Not too sure how to occupy a bunch of 2 year olds, we will have a halloween story time, mabe decorate cookies. Its tough cause alot of stuff is still above them. But it will be fun. My daughter is excited to see her 'friends' too cute.

    Goals this week

    eat out only once
    walk on lunch breaks
    strength train 2x
    other cardio 2x 30 mins
    eat more veggies, healthier snacks!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather, glad to hear you and Charlee are still doing great. You are getting so very close now! This is when it starts getting tough because you become so anxious to meet your little one. Hang in there, she'll be here very, very soon. I love your story about water aerobics - the older ladies just crack me up! Personally, it doesn't sound to me like you are doing too much. If your body is screaming at you, then yes, maybe you are - just keep listening to it. I was having major contractions in the final weeks, but was completely wasn't until they had me on the monitor for a nst that I realized it. It just means the process is starting :-) I was slow to pack my bag too, happy to hear you got it done. Thanks for the sweet words, I really don't think of myself as being inspirational as this is just a way of life for me and one I hope to instill in Ellie as well. We had a nice visit with the in laws and they are heading back towards home today - the visits always seem so very short.

    Andrea, you are very close too. Be patient and you'll get your precious little girl! I tried all kinds of stimulants - sex, lots of exercise, bouncing on exercise ball, pelvic opening yoga positions, reflexology and massage and none worked for me! Mother nature and your baby have their own plans and will come on their own time. Best of luck to you - can't wait to hear the news.

    Rayna, Boo! Hope you can fend off whatever is ailing you. Your blanket is very cute, nice job. Happy you were able to get your car seat this weekend. Feels good to start checking things off the list doesn't it? Good luck with the workout, but don't be too hard on yourself if you aren't feeling up to it. Sometimes we just need the rest to get healthy again.

    Ashley, love your painting! You are quite talented - are your still going with a green and pink color theme? Those are my two favorite colors and I love them together. Glad you had a fun weekend and great goals for the week ahead, you are continuing to do awesome!

    Babeed, yeah for all the goodies from you SIL. It's so nice when people share. I didn't really have tons of mood swings with the hormones until the very end and then for the first couple of post partum weeks. I am sure it is very different for everyone! No need to be ashamed of the emotions as it's part of the process - hang in there and it will get better. Good luck with the weekly goals.

    Brenda, your ultrasound is sneaking up! Yeah for 20 weeks!! Great job sneaking in the exercise this week, every little bit counts!

    Amy, you are doing awesome! I hope you are getting the pretty weather that we are. A few weeks ago everyone was so excited for fall and I was thinking ugh! here comes the cold and rain, but the last few days have been beautiful and make me understand why others love the fall. Perfect weather for being outside. Hope you Annie and Colby are good!

    Someone asked about showing....for me it was about 26 weeks before it was obvious to others I was pregnant and not just letting myself go, but remember we all carry so differently and it will vary greatly from person to person.

    Best wishes to everyone for a healthy, fit and fabulous week ahead!

    I got in my seven walks last week and intend to do the same this week. I have my six week post-op appointment tomorrow and hope to get the green light to start running and working out again - wish me luck! If I get cleared, I will try to do a few slow, short runs this week and some strength training and abs too.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Rayna, sorry to hear you couldn’t get the stuff off, I’m lucky enough that my family lives by the border and we have friends of the family that I can send packages to across the border. But it does suck that they don’t deliver to Canada!
    Oh and I know that feeling of being in a different stage in life as an old friend, and unless you see the person regularly it can be awkward. The silver lining is how happy you are about your life when you remember that the days of bad dates and bad drunken memories are over!

    911girl, I didn’t realize that about the car seats, thanks for the info. Now I wont bother looking in the U.S.

    Atynk, I heard that there a few spots on the ankles that can bring on labor, so maybe you can convince your husband to give you a foot & ankle massage & if it doesn’t work, well then at least you got a massage out of it!

    Millionsofpeaches, I started feeling like my pants were getting tight and uncomfortable around 10weeks or so but no one notice (or were too nice to say anything), but now I’m starting to get a visible pouch (but it actually looks like I just gained a few pounds that went straight to my midsection). It’s different for everyone though and I’m sure it has a lot to do with body type too. Oh and best of luck with the nausea!

    Heather, I hope your little girl comes out healthy and soon too!

    Ashley, I love the murals, so cute!

    So I’ve been pretty scarce here lately and probably will continue to be, but I’m reading the posts I swear! I just don’t always have time to reply.
    I took Friday off this week and Bobby’s aunt and I are going to look at daycares and have my name put on the lists! I’ll be happy to have that scratched off my list of things to do. I’ve been pretty good at keeping up with my workouts last week and hope it will continue this week, but I think it’s because I plan on going on a long hike this weekend and wanted to be sure I’m in top shape for it. So weather permitting it’ll be about 6hours of hiking (3 ½ hours up & 2 ½ hours down), I’m not too concerned about the hike as I am about being without a bathroom for that long! I guess I need to remember to bring toilet paper.

  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning to all my fellow prego friends!!!

    The boards been busy, it took me 30 minutes to catch up on everything!!

    Babeed854 - That's awesome about your SIL giving you that stuff. Sounds like your getting quite a bit now.

    Lunarokra - YAY - your half way there!! I've taken a few pics, but I'm really bad about posting....I'm going to have to try and do that soon. You can definately tell I'm pregnant now!!! My belly is BIG!

    Better Balance - Your mural is awesome!!! It's so cute. Awesome job. It looks great!

    Heather - You are doing so AWESOME!! I need to think about you on the days I feel like doing NOTHING! Like today, LOL! Your so close, at least time is flying by fast and your staying busy, your lil' babe will be here before you know it!!! I'm glad Al made you pack your bags too!! I had mine packed early with my son, but when I went to my appt. totally not expecting that I would be getting induced that day (dang blood pressure), I didn't have anything with me. Luckily my parents drove me and they came back home and got all my stuff then brought it with them the next morning, before baby came of course. Hubby was out of town, and came from the other direction, but luckily he made it in time too. :)

    Rayna - Isn't it so weird how friendships change once you have a baby or are pregnant. I love my friends to death, and it was hard when I was young the first time, it's like they all dissappeared! I knew they were around, but they didn't call, we never hung out or did anything together. Luckily for me, I live close to a lot of family, so that helped.

    I know I missed a bunch of people, but I better get to work before my boss notices I've been here for an hour and haven't done anything.

    I had a super busy weekend! Wrestling tournament Sat., got up at 3:30 a.m. drove for 2.5 hours, my son got 1st place!!! Woo Hoo, he did so good! It was a long day but worth it! Of course yesterday was my day to catch up on sleep and my son was up before 7:00 a.m.!

    Tired today and swollen, can't figure out where the swelling is coming from.....did pretty well at eating this weekend, maybe double my water intake today and see what happens!

    Goals for the week:

    Walk at least 7 miles
    Yoga 3 - 4 times
    Drink at least 12 cups of water a day
    Go to bed early!

    Still trying to figure out when I'm going to get time to work on the nursery. Need to clean out computer room, (move everything to upstairs room), paint it and start decorating!

    Once wrestling is over I will be 30 weeks, so I really need to find time on Sunday's to get this stuff done!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Almost done with the nursery:0) Just got to hang up her name.

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    nkster781 - Hannah's nursery is so cute! :o) Love the cute little owls!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi gals! Just quick check in! Been fighting a sinus infection, so exercise may be limited this week. But we shall see... I'll be 15 weeks on Wednesday...Yay!

    P.S. All the pictures look great gals!
  • millionsofpeaches
    Almost done with the nursery:0) Just got to hang up her name.


    This is so adorable!!!