Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    OMG all this maternity pics are SO SO good!! :o) I LOVE them!! I can't wait to do mine!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Wow! Great pictures Heather & Nichole & the cake is amazing. Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    Holly - Ellie is adorable, thanks for sharing her with us. :flowerforyou:

    Taldie & Rayna- I think it's that each body is different and we gain weight differently, don't worry girlies about the weight gain.

    Babeed- Awww! yeah these hormones kick in easily.

    Misti- Yay babyshower invitations, how fun. :wink:

    Walking today for sure!
    I have been looking up some strollers, and breast pumps-my insurance does have a partner for discounts on BP, so it's better than none right? i also signed up for too, haven't bought yet.

    I have experienced that my hand will numb sometimes when I'm sleeping once in a while.

    i am so ready for the Weekend!!! :bigsmile:
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Thanks everyone for your sympathy! Heather, your words made me tear :)

    Heather & Nichole--i so love the pictures. You both look fabulous....I think I may wanna get one too later on.

    I was naughty this morning. I cant believe I ate strawberry ice cream about 4:45 am. My husband looked at me and was like what in the world? In my first trimester, ice cream tasted like spoiled milk and i even threw up eating Mcdonald's strawberry sundae. But my stomach took it in. Even coffee, I would normally drink blk coffee but it tastes junk but I was able to drink Mcdonald's kona coffee with 1 splenda & 1 cream and it tasted so good....I hope I'm getting my taste back. I'm not throwing up as much now, yay!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Heather and Nichole - OH MY GOODNESS! I LOVE your pictures!!! So adorable! I've been looking for ideas on what to do for ours and those are just awesome! It will be in the middle of winter when we do ours, but hopefully we'll get some good ones like that! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Cute pics ya'll! I'm excited to get mine done in a couple months and our furbaby will definitely be in them too.

    Well we tried to go to yoga last night but I looked at the wrong location schedule so we showed up and there was a training class for instructors going on so we left and I went home and did 25 or so minutes of yoga in my gym. I wore my HRM for hte first time and was a little surprised at how low my burn was. I know I don't work as hard at home, but interesting nonetheless. I may try wearing my HRM at the next class I go to and just use that as an estimate as I felt the band and watch were a little in the way and don't want to wear it on a regular basis to yoga. HOnestly yoga is much more about stretching and making my body more limber and feel good and mental relaxation than it is for calorie burn. Even with my short session, I am a little sore in the arms today so that's good.

    I've got a couple hours to kill before anniversary dinner tonight so I will probably get a walk in. Nothing too strenuous; I don't feel like washing and flat ironing my hair again. :wink:

    I noticced several people saying their babies were moving a lot last night. Baby GaGa (her nickname) was going nuts from about 9pm till I went to bed. Like whole sides of stomach moving crazy. So neat. What is amazing to me is that she's right there on the other side of my skin but I don't get to actually see her for another 3 + months.

    Have a great weekend all!

  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    busy day today...havent really had time to catch up on the board but wanted to say i LOOOOVE the maternity pictures!!! you ladies look beautiful!!!

    hope everyone is having a good day...will try to catch up later on!! :flowerforyou:
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Lumarokra- thanks for the encouragement

    man must be hormones but I have been down and out the past few days.

    I did a work out dvd last night and I couldnt do the bouncing around stuff. After I had my daughter ya I know this is bad but Id pee a bit if I was bouncing around, even running :blushing: And well ya it started to happen again last night. Just when I tried to hop. So I modified the work out. Just glad I did something. Hoping for a lunch time walk today. Dinner tonight with friends

    Question, what are you go to healthy snacks and sweet treats?

    Happy friday!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the sweet comments on Ellie! I too think she's pretty darn cute!!

    I've gotten in great walks all week and plan to go again today. My in-laws will be in town for the weekend and it will be fun to share Ellie with them. They are low-key and like to stay in a hotel so I don't anticipate them wrecking much in the way of my nutritional or exercise goals.

    Taldie, my healthy snacks include veggies (bell peppers, carrots, snap peas, tomatoes), fruit, hummus, string cheese, nuts (almonds are my favorite). For sweets (I have a HUGE sweet tooth!) I try to eat fruit, but if I want a true treat it's usually a cookie, mini size (the bite size ones or snack size) candy bar or yesterday it was a couple leftover mini cupcakes that I had baked for my advising session. I find if I allow myself a sweet when I really want it that it helps to soothe me and keep me in control. Great job getting in your workout video.

    Brenda, yeah on the insurance coverage for your breast pump - every little discount helps. Glad to hear you are still getting in the daily workouts.

    Kristy, Ellie was so into her date that she slept through the whole thing! It was okay since her date did the same thing! too cute.

    Ashley, I wore my HRM to yoga a few times to get an idea of my calorie burn and if I remember correctly I think it was something like 250-260 calories for a 70 minute class. I agree though that just the muscle work/strength benefit so outweighs the calorie burn. I almost always feel some part of my body differently after a yoga class. Always makes me think..hmmm...forgot there was a muscle there! Have fun celebrating this weekend!!

    Nichole and Heather, love, love, love your maternity pictures! You both look fantastic!

    Elce, I think your race is this weekend. Enjoy :-) Wish I could be there to run with you!

    Sabrina, Babeed, Ash, atomdraco, svgarcia (and everyone else I missed!) hope you are doing great and have a good weekend ahead.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Question, what are you go to healthy snacks and sweet treats?

    I keep plain almonds, dried apricots and kid sized granola bars in my desk at work. I keep fruit here too, but for some reason I don't go for fresh fruit as much. I love it; I think it's a mental thing. At home I always keep rice cakes b/c I love crunchy salty things and you can have one for 40 calories. I also love air popped popcorn with hot sauce and parmesean cheese.

    I can't even think about food right now. I just had a huge Mexican lunch. I love Mexican.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Love the maternity pics, Ladies. You both look wonderfully happy and full of life. Just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing! It's such an am amazing time in our lives and it deserves equally amazing photos.

    Like Holly, I've been doing daily walks and definitely adding speed and distance (even some hilly neighbourhoods). I feel like I'm back to my old pre-pregnancy self. My stomach is looking more defined every day. Can't wait to step up the exercise routine and really tone things up (arms and thighs mostly!).

    Rooting for you Pregnant Mamas! Almost time for some more Post-Partums to join the board!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    We got our first big baby purchase today!! A used bugaboo chameleon stroller! I'm so excited...these strollers are crazy!
    It feels really good to have something crossed off the list ;)
    I'm a little bummed out because the arms reach co-sleeper mini convertible bassinet that I was in LOVE with on doesn't ship to Canada :( FOR REAL??? WHY? Also the car seat we wanted off there that has adapters to fit on the bugaboo also does not ship to Canada...bummer. I guess I should have checked before I got my heart set on those two things! Lol...I wish there was a good Canadian site like doesn't have hardly ANY baby stuff boo ;)
    Oh well, we're heading out this weekend to go shop around locally and see what we can find. Fingers crossed.

    Someone at work today surprised me with a baby gift! It was so unexpected, we're not even in the same department and I barely see her but it was so thoughtful :o) Really made my day!

    I'm going to dinner tonight with a girlfriend I haven't seen since I first found out I was like 5 months ago! I'm really excited - it will be nice to go out for dinner, I haven't done that in a while! :)

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday!!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I did get my 30 min walk last night, and was at a good brisk pace at the end I began to feel lower left pain minor not too bad. That just means I need to get the belly support. I plan on doing some S/T workouts at least with my 5lb weights at home.

    Holly & 911Girl-thanks for the encouragement. You both are doing great!

    Healthy snacks:
    I bring yogurt, string cheese, wheat crackers, fruits, and 90 calorie bars, but my sweet tooth gets over me sometimes. :blushing:

    Jchecca-Cute belly bump!

    Rayna-That does suck, that you can't get things shipped to you in Canada. I hope you find what you need!

    Well everyone, have a nice weekend!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    I'm a little bummed out because the arms reach co-sleeper mini convertible bassinet that I was in LOVE with on doesn't ship to Canada :( FOR REAL??? WHY? Also the car seat we wanted off there that has adapters to fit on the bugaboo also does not ship to Canada...bummer. I guess I should have checked before I got my heart set on those two things! Lol...I wish there was a good Canadian site like doesn't have hardly ANY baby stuff boo ;)

    Hi Rayna, I hear you on the US shipping for certain Amazon orders! Luckily we're about 30 minutes away from our US border and we have a postal outlet we can ship to. I love Amazon!

    Just so you are aware - carseats bought in other countries are not legal for use in Canada. The hospital will check before discharging you. When we were in the hospital with Annie we saw one poor new Dad and his carseat get turned away for their discharge. He had to run out and buy another one in a hurry. And God forbid a car accident with your US carseat, you would not be covered. Probably best you're shopping locally!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    911Girl - thanks SO much for pointing that out! I had no idea about that...good thing we're going to have to buy locally now! Whew! ;)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Rayna you can order the arms reach from babies r us as well! :)
  • ladydeee
    ladydeee Posts: 29 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I increased my calories to gain a half pound per week since I just entered my 2nd trimester. I didn't eat all the extra calories this week because I was full and am not used to eating that much everyday. Today I did my weekly weigh in and gained 2 lbs instead of a half of pound. Does your body automatically gain the weight regardless of how much you eat? Should I adjust my caloric intake to gain less than a half pound so I can actually stay within range? My doc said I should gain .5 to 1 lb per week. I'm confused because when I had my calories set to maintenance mode I really did maintain my weight.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just a quick check in...

    I'm super sore yesterday after a 1 hour pretty tough strength workout by Bob Harper, then follow a walk in very windy condition. I was pooped last night. Still sore today, but not as bad. We went for a Trick or Treat Path event last night and my kid had fun doing it with one of his best friend from school. Got 2 party to go this weekend, one for adult, one is a kid bday party. Busy, busy, busy.

    * Next week will be in the 50s here, so I'm planning to not eat out more than once and try to get my walk after lunch in @ work.
    * Gonna give a try for Bob Harper's Yoga DVD, which I heard it's a killer yoga workout. I'm sick of thinking doing (not in the mode) easier version of prenatal DVDs at the moment. :-)
    * Not sure if I can get a bike ride in or not, may be just ride around the block instead of in the forest preserve (don't have time to do so).
    * Started back to my 100-push-up and 200 squat programs this week. Will continue those 2 next week.
    * Try to drink lot of water and not eating too much. (I need to stop buying Dove dark chocolate...)

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hi, all, it's been a busy week, probably for most of you as well. I went for my first trimester screening yesterday and got a wonderful long ultrasound - baby looks great, and we'll hope my blood work comes back great, too. My parents and daughter came to the US with me, they really enjoyed seeing the baby! So thrilling to share it with them.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    OMG week 37 and sooo ready for this to be over. I know the baby will come when she is ready but I am ready now and so uncomfortable and tired of feeling this way! I am still doing my workouts everyday and just brought my treadmill out so I can walk on it since its getting colder our now and I don't want to go stir crazy. I am doing everything I can to not delay this- I don't slouch, I sit on an exercise ball instead lol, lots of sex, exercise, and going to start with the raspberry tea to get the cervix ready. Any other tips from you ladies?
  • millionsofpeaches
    Hi ladies! This board moves so quickly... It is hard to keep up with everyone. I had a good weekend and the nausea subsided a bit. I hope that it will last through the week so fingers crossed. I think I am starting to show... My husband says no. But there is definitely more than before since it used to be flat. When did you ladies start showing? Good luck this week... I hope I can stop puking this week if I do... I want to go to yoga, walk, and run. I hope it will happen!

    Heathercrist1 – I can relate to the early bed time… 9:00 on the dot every night and I am out like a light.

    Mistibergman – Regarding the photo shoot… A lot of photography places do a bundle package so you can do a maternity shoot and then one after the baby arrives, or when the baby arrives and then a family one a few months later.

    H_82 – They say regarding HR that 140 is the norm… However that was set back in 1985. I read in “How to Exercise When You’re Expecting” by Lindsay Brin. It basically says that you can have your HR at your comfort level with the rule of thumb: Being able to keep up a conversation. For me that is around 150-160. I sing the abc’s as I run.

    Babeed854 – I am hungry lots as well… I find when I do not eat every 4 hours that I get all queasy feeling.

    Nkster781 – That cake is absolutely amazing!

    Regarding the snack question – I have been having celery w/ hummus or celery w/ peanut butter. Or I will have some wheat thins w/ a laughing cow cheese wedge, strawberries cut up, or some honey wheat pretzels. I have been craving salty. Or grapes… I am loving grapes right now. As for cravings… Mexican. We had turkey tacos twice last week.