Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Amazon Mom is amazing. If you have not signed up sign up right around when your shower is because if you use gift cards it still counts towards the $25 equals an extra month of free amazon Prime. After using gift cards I have a full year free (note you can only get up to 12 months free at a time):0) Also I love their baby registry. You can even print out a thank you list.

    babeed854: I've heard to put the car seat in the middle seat since most cars now have side airbags.

    nkster781 can you explain or message me on how that gift card thing works on AmazonMom? I'm using it quite a bit right now because it's free & the shipping is free...but would love to get a free year if I can swing it!!

    Ooo..never thought about the side airbags...will have to find out where ours our located...Middle seat, got it!! Thank you!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just keep in mind for those who is getting diapers online:

    Be careful not order too many size 1 or 2 or smaller diapers, because your baby will out grow those VERY fast! Most long lasting and useful size will be size 3 and 4. Unless you are gonna save those size 1 & 2 for your next one.

    Also, just checked Sam's Club online, they sell Pamper (comparing Amazon price for size 3):
    * Sam's: $0.18 piece
    * Amazon: $0.27ish piece
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Just keep in mind for those who is getting diapers online:

    Be careful not order too many size 1 or 2 or smaller diapers, because your baby will out grow those VERY fast! Most long lasting and useful size will be size 3 and 4. Unless you are gonna save those size 1 & 2 for your next one.

    Atom, knowing that it varies from baby to baby...maybe you can help me??

    A good friend of ours is throwing my husband a "Male Diaper shower" next month. Men, Beer, Poker & Diapers...Must have a package of diapers to get through the door and must have a package of diapers in order to get to play poker.

    What would you suggest I tell them to buy as far as sizes??
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Another good thing about ordering the diapers from Amazon is they offer 365 day free returns so if you have too many boxes of a specific size diaper you can return them for free and get the proper size. I ordered two 84 count newborn boxes and am switching to size 1 for my next shipment, then size 2, and so on and so forth.

    Our weekend in SC was fantastic! I love my in-laws! :) (His dad and step-mom are a different, long story. lol) I made some wine spritzers with the alcohol free chardonnay and it wasn't too bad with the club soda and slice of lemon. I liked it better that way than by itself. My belly got touched more than I would have liked, but since it was close family it wasn't so bad. lol Wish we could have stayed longer, but we'll be going back for a week at Christmas so I'm excited for that.

    Eric and I woke up Saturday morning and went for a 2.5mi jog/walk around his mom's neighborhood and the small pond within the neighborhood. It was so nice out. I napped instead of worked out yesterday and I felt a little guilty, but I was exhausted. We're hoping to jog today. The high is 72 and sunny. :) I haven't been as diligent about logging my food lately, but I think I'm still doing okay. I've gained about 10 pounds so far, which is more than I would have liked, but I think I'm still doing okay. My blood pressure was a tad higher than normal this morning so I'm wondering if the doctor will want to up the dosage on my medication. I have my monthly check up with the OB tomorrow and a follow-up with the kidney specialist on Thursday so we'll see what is said. :)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Belgian lady-Congrats!!! I am sure you will have your little ones at home with you soon. :flowerforyou:

    Last night was awful, I woke up for 3 hrs and couldn't fall back asleep. First I was hungry so I drank a cup of OJ and kept tossing and turning, and when I finally fell asleep on my left side a little sharp pain woke me up. :grumble:

    My legs were bothering me too, I only walked for 30 mins so I rubbed Alcohol on them. :frown:

    Kristin-cute belly pix.

    Atomdraco- I agree with not over stocking on the small diapers. My coworker has given me someleftovers from her lil girl and she said somehow they missed the transition from NB to size 1 and now she's in a size 2.

    babeed-You are right on top of things, good for you! My HB (hubbY) told me sunday that i am overwhelming him with everything and of course the hormones kick in and i :cry: . Wow, we had talked about not leaving everything for last min so it's not hard on us but I guess he thinks we still have plenty of time. Rude awakening! I will also, be installing the car seat in the middle of the back seat.

    Goal for today: Is to stay away from the vending machine: I can do it! I brought chicken & rice and a boiled sweet potatoe to calm the sugar cravings.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    nkster781 can you explain or message me on how that gift card thing works on AmazonMom? I'm using it quite a bit right now because it's free & the shipping is free...but would love to get a free year if I can swing it!!

    Ooo..never thought about the side airbags...will have to find out where ours our located...Middle seat, got it!! Thank you!!

    All Amazon Mom members qualify for three months of FREE Two-Day shipping with Amazon Prime. You can extend this benefit: for every $25 you spend in the Baby Store, you earn an extra month of free Prime shipping benefits, up to a year.

    I got some gift cards from as gifts and used them to buy stuff of my baby registry and it qualified towards the $25 you spend in the Baby Store, you earn an extra month of free Prime shipping benefits. If you are buying diapers you will probably also earn extra months pretty fast.

    On the car seat question I'd like to hear what others have heard just to make sure.
  • batgirlrox
    Happy Tuesday Mom's to be!

    Rayna- I think I will also have a few friends that "disappear" or have a hard time relating once baby is closer to being here and I've started to tell people.

    Misti- Congratz to your son!

    Nkster- Love your nursery. So cute! I'm so glad you found someone that makes you feel comfortable and that has the same philosophy that you do. That has to take a huge amount of stress away.

    Heather- You're officially full term wahoo!!

    Taldie- Have fun with the Halloween party. I am pretty excited about attending my friend's daughter's preschool halloween party. ( I drive here there and watch her after preschool the days my friend is at work.) She is 4 and ooh so much fun!

    KTGator- Hope the nausea settles down. I had a bit of it in the early part of week six and then had almost none until yesterday when it returned.

    Belgian- Congratulations! I'm glad Claire and Vincent are doing so well for being fairly premature. I'm glad the hospital was able to work so efficiently for you and get the babes to "safety" before having both you and them put at a higher risk. I will pray Claire gains strength quickly and is able to have a little more strength soon! Keep us posted!

    Kristin- Congratz on the break from diapers for a few weeks!

    Kristy- Good work on the jogs keep it up! I wish the weather was that nice here. It is 40-50* here most days brr.

    My trip to Vegas last week was exhausting. Definitely got a lot of walking in although didn't eat very well. I was glad that the morning sickness left me alone for the most part while I was down there. I found 3 maternity shirts that are super cute and the 3 together only cost $20. Where I live (Alberta, Canada) I would be lucky to get one cute shirt for $20. Our plane landed late so I only got about 5 hours sleep before heading off to work Saturday morning. Work was nice and slow for my 48 hours so I got a few naps in and even got to sleep through both nights which is almost unheard of. Yesterday the morning/all day sickness returned. I spent most of the day very nauseated and noticed smells have really started to bother me(which they never have before). Hubby and I did have a wonderful Chicken cashew salad for supper last night and it was delicious!

    I woke up this morning to a bed full of dogs and no husband. The dogs aren't allowed up on the bed normally but I guessed they figured there was so much room with hubby gone it shouldn't go wasted. Anywhich way I found my hubby sleeping in the spare room downstairs so I woke him up and asked him what I had done wrong haha. He said you should probably stay away from me because he had been up all night puking. :( Well I hope he starts feeling better and hasn't shared his germs with me. I, myself, am still feeling pretty nauseated this morning. I have been trying to keep my fluid levels up but the thought of any food is just revolting to me these days. Anyways I hope everyone has a great day!

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hello baby mommas!

    KTgator- the first 3 months I was sick everyday, hang in there. I went on anti nausea from my Dr called Dicletin, helped alot

    Belgianlady- congrats on your babies!! Sending you positive thoughts. It must be tough for you not to hold them.

    Ultrasound went well yesterday. My bladder was extremly full, I had to empty 2 large cups and it was still full! Ate at A&W after tasted great, then immediately felt like crap, fail. Cooking a Jerk chicken concoction in the crock pot today hope it turns out. Hubbys away all week for work so Ill have to get the majority of my excerise in n my lunch break at work. Also have to miss my aquasize class tonight.:grumble: Shoot.

    We have our carseat on the passenger side...
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    babeed-You are right on top of things, good for you! My HB (hubbY) told me sunday that i am overwhelming him with everything and of course the hormones kick in and i :cry: . Wow, we had talked about not leaving everything for last min so it's not hard on us but I guess he thinks we still have plenty of time. Rude awakening! I will also, be installing the car seat in the middle of the back seat.

    Goal for today: Is to stay away from the vending machine: I can do it! I brought chicken & rice and a boiled sweet potatoe to calm the sugar cravings.

    Awww, I'm sorry Luna! Give your hubby a little more time sometimes it's a bit scary at how much needs to be done and we just need a little time to absorb everything. I know still have my freak out moments ((hugs)) Just give him a few days and then ask him again :wink:

    Just remember that with my hubby being unemployed at the moment he has NOTHING but time. So much time as a matter a fact that when I come home he has more projects that he wants to do or things he wants to change. Or research he's done that he considers extremely important to discuss. :grumble: Or things that he thinks we should go out and buy immediately. Ugh....Although, I can't complain he does overwhelm me quite often, and then I end up :sad:

    You can borrow him if you want :laugh: we'll both be happy!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Atom, knowing that it varies from baby to baby...maybe you can help me??

    A good friend of ours is throwing my husband a "Male Diaper shower" next month. Men, Beer, Poker & Diapers...Must have a package of diapers to get through the door and must have a package of diapers in order to get to play poker.

    What would you suggest I tell them to buy as far as sizes??

    It's true each baby is different but one thing they seems in common is grow out of size NB & 1 fast. :-) I would ask them get more on size 3, 4 (especially 3 & 4). It might sounds you won't be used it for a little while, but you will need lots of those (3, 4) sizes). May be tell one individual to get size 1 and one to get size 2 (depends on how big of the package). To me, it's safer to get size 1 myself and just get gifts for 2-4.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Another good thing about ordering the diapers from Amazon is they offer 365 day free returns so if you have too many boxes of a specific size diaper you can return them for free and get the proper size. I ordered two 84 count newborn boxes and am switching to size 1 for my next shipment, then size 2, and so on and so forth.


    Question: if you have opened a box, will they let you exchange half box? Was return shipping is free too? Just curious.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Last weekend we finished working on the nursery (all except hanging picture frames in a grouping above the pink rocker). So I wanted to share our labor of love! And let me be clear...90% of those clothes in that closet were given to me by friends with little girls that never ended up wearing them...I only bought a few of those outfits! lol!

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    @ Heathercrist1, omg that is stunning! Every detail, love it love it love it!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Heather & atynk--wow, you are almost there!! Soon you'll be able to meet Your bundle of joy.

    Ashley, heather & Nkstar--i LOVE LOVE LOVE ya'll nursery. OMG--it is so adorable...

    Rayna--cute & lovely blanket

    Babeed--I'm so there with you on your hormones. I'm either so grouchy or so sensitive. I've been watching Army Wives series and I cry...

    Kristinbee- I am right behind ya, will be 15 wks on Friday.

    Belgianlady--Congrats on your twins. I'll keep both babies in prayer that they'll continue to be in good health. and wow! 12 pounds only gained?! and back to pre-pregnancy. that is awesome!!

    I will be doing my next 5k this Saturday, Walk for the Hunger! I'm so excited. My goal is to be under 40 min as my very first was 46 min.
    I've started c25k again, week 1, day 1 yesterday. I've also managed to do strength training -upperbody. Did my jog and jumping jacks with my students today for P.E. Feels good!!!
    Cant wait for my next ultrasound to see what ii'm getting. it will be nov 11.

    cardio 3x
    strength 3x
    Drink more water
    Keep logging calories.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm popping over from the Trying To Conceive group to say a quick hello and tell Heather... I :heart: LOVE :heart: your nursery!!!!! It is my dream nursery! Love it!!!!
    Hi to everyone else I know!
  • batgirlrox
    Heather- Love your nursery!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Another good thing about ordering the diapers from Amazon is they offer 365 day free returns so if you have too many boxes of a specific size diaper you can return them for free and get the proper size. I ordered two 84 count newborn boxes and am switching to size 1 for my next shipment, then size 2, and so on and so forth.


    Question: if you have opened a box, will they let you exchange half box? Was return shipping is free too? Just curious.

    No, not opened boxes. Yes, return shipping is free too, if I read it correctly.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Cute nursery Heather. I love the chandelier and colors.

    I surprised myself and swam a mile last night and it felt really good. Did OK on protein yesterday desptie having leftover pizza for dinner (thin crust Dominos so not too bad). I still reached almost 100g. We're going to yoga tonight so that will be good. I'm still a little sore from my run/walk on Monday but good sore.

    I am noticing I am irritated by things a lot lately, mostly irritating people I work with. I feel like kind of a *****. Not that I'm acting on anything, just typically annoyed. And I was oh so annoyed at the cheese factor on The X Factor last night. I wanted to punch the *****cat Doll in the face for her over the top emotion. That's all.

    Hope you all have great days!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thank you all for your very sweet compliments. Her room was definitely a labor of love that I'd been dreaming about for many many years. I'm so happy that my dream was able to happen.

    So the baby is back in my right ribs...with a vengeance! There is a constant pressure and I can actually pop my ribs back into place and hear it pop! Sometimes it will pop immediately back out because of the pressure though from the inside. I've been doing warm baths at night and a heat pack when I go to bed. I don't like taking anything for discomfort or pain but last night I caved and took two Tylenol but that didn't touch it. I am going to the chiro on Friday but I really think that the only way this pain is going to subside is for her to be born at this point. She is just getting so big that she has nowhere else to go! Lets just hope it is sooner rather than later!

    Gonna switch it up this morning. My workout partner is coming over and we are going to do Tracy Anderson and then go to the gym and do the elliptical for an hour.

    Oh and my 37wk appt went well. Negative on the strep B (yay!). Baby is measuring 37wks (last week I was measuring 35 so I know she grew!!!). I'm at 32lb gain according to their scale (but last week I was wearing shorts, and this week I was wearing jeans and a sweater so...I'm gonna go with my scale on this one and say I'm at 29lbs still lol). Besides that it was pretty uneventful. She asked if I wanted to be checked and I told her no. I am curious, but really cervical checks don't really tell you much in terms of when you will go into labor. Some women can be dilated to a 4 for a month, while other women won't be dilated at all and will give birth that same day. My next appointment is next week and I told her she could check me then if she really wanted to.

    I hope you all have an awesome day! Stay fit and healthy my friends!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Your nursery is beautiful!!! the attention to the details shows the amount of love and the dedication of time you have :heart:
    Absoutely gorgeous!