Operation: Sexy Claus Week #4 10.10.11 (Closed Group)



  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Happy Hump Day! How is everyone's week going so far? I hope all is well and you all are kicking but like I know you all can.

    Topic of the Day: Triggers! I am a firm believer that most people have triggers that send them into eating things they know they shouldn't. Share some of your triggers and tell me what you do or are currently doing to keep them at bay.

    I know for me my #1 trigger is the week before TOM! Man oh man! I need everything with salt and/or chocolate. Nothing seems to satisfy me. Like last week before TOM reared his ugly head, I was craving birthday cake and hostess cupcakes. Ugh! I ended up giving in to this one and regretted it later because it turned my stomach. But normally, I try my best to keep almonds on hand and drink lots of water so that I feel full. Also, I find that I don't control what I eat in a social setting. So I definitely limit how much I go to dinner with friends.

    Ditto!!! Uncle TOM..... lol
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Also, I am pretty excited about getting my hair braided tomorrow...because this means I don't have to be afraid to sweat! LOL I was so sick of getting my hair straightened and then working out the next day, then coming to work looking like a mess for the whole week! Ugh! I know some of you ladies know what I am saying. LOL

    So I will also be going back to the boxing gym tomorrow. I have a 30 minute session with a trainer and then the other 30 minutes will be an assessment. So he is going to take bodyfat and all that good stuff...I am scared LOL. I haven't had my BF taken since high school and back then it was only 15% Lord how I wish I could get back there lol. I am sure I have that much in one thigh bahahaha. But no really, all jokes aside, this will give me an opportunity to see truly where I am at. Then I will attend a class on Saturday called Fast Track which is very similar to sports conditioning training (turning tractor tires, waving ropes, ladders, running sprints attached to a bungee cord, etc.) and kickboxing class on Sunday. I am hoping I can get home today and sneak in a workout before it gets too late.

    I can't wait to get into the gym and have assessment!!!! I think it will give you some more ouch and motivation, at least it would for me :). It's hard for me with 2 little ones because I don't have anyone here to watch them ever so that I can go to the gym. I am starting school in January and cannot be more excited because the boys will go to daycare and I will have some extra time so I can go to the gym finally!!!!
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
  • Topic of the Day: Triggers! I am a firm believer that most people have triggers that send them into eating things they know they shouldn't. Share some of your triggers and tell me what you do or are currently doing to keep them at bay.

    Also tell us a little about your week so far...how has it been? Anything new and exciting happening?

    Triggers ..... stress, anything emotional, I tend to just eat or want to eat. Excuses, I make them up so I can eat. For example, I am going to have to run an errand at lunch might as well eat out. Really I need to kick my own *kitten*. I have come such a long way and really need to stop doing this to myself. I feel like I am just giving up because I get to 228 and cant get past it. ... Going to be making a doctors appointment to talk to the doctor and get some blood work done. See if there is something else going on.

    My week has been ok. I have a meeting for work tonight at some resturant like an hour and a half away ... really not looking forward to it. I'd rather go home and zumba LOL
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm playing catch up here. I am going to commit to the 17 day diet for the next 17 days. I have tried pills in the past, Phenetermine worked for me but kept me up at night. I have not had any in over two years. I had a month's supply given to me I and lost 13 pounds. Friends and family is what triggers me. Family loves to cook and friends love to eat and drink. My week has been blah but I'm changing that today.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I have to agree that TOM makes me crave things like crazy!! I also know that when I give in and have junk (even tho it usually makes my tummy feel yucky) that I typically want more... My biggest problem is sweets.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Good Morning everyone! Happy Hump Day! How is everyone's week going so far? I hope all is well and you all are kicking but like I know you all can.

    Topic of the Day: Triggers! I am a firm believer that most people have triggers that send them into eating things they know they shouldn't. Share some of your triggers and tell me what you do or are currently doing to keep them at bay.

    I know for me my #1 trigger is the week before TOM! Man oh man! I need everything with salt and/or chocolate. Nothing seems to satisfy me. Like last week before TOM reared his ugly head, I was craving birthday cake and hostess cupcakes. Ugh! I ended up giving in to this one and regretted it later because it turned my stomach. But normally, I try my best to keep almonds on hand and drink lots of water so that I feel full. Also, I find that I don't control what I eat in a social setting. So I definitely limit how much I go to dinner with friends.

    this is exactly me! i am ravenous the week before TOM and want to eat everything in sight, especially salty foods. i try to find healthy substitutes for the salty snacks i love (like nuts instead of chips) but it doesn't always work out for the best. i'm a work in progress on that lol. i also have a hard time with eating out with friends. i always think of it as a cheat meal and then i regret it after, so i too am limiting going out to dinner and i try to make the best decisions i can when i do go out.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    QOD: My triggers are my coworkers. I work with all males and none of them are healthy eaters. So when lunch rolls around and all the fast food starts rolling in, I start making excuses about why I can have it too. I really need to just shut it out and eat what I brought for lunch instead of running down the street to Wendy's or McD's.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    QOTD: My biggest trigger is boredom or procrastination. If I am trying to avoid doing something hard or am bored with I am doing, I tend to reach for a snack, be it healthy or unhealthy. I now give myself hourly breaks during work to walk the halls, walk the stairs, or just do something active to keep my mind off food. I am able to focus for 50 minutes knowing that I have a 5 to 10-minute break coming up.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Happy Hump Day! How is everyone's week going so far? I hope all is well and you all are kicking but like I know you all can.

    Topic of the Day: Triggers! I am a firm believer that most people have triggers that send them into eating things they know they shouldn't. Share some of your triggers and tell me what you do or are currently doing to keep them at bay.

    Also tell us a little about your week so far...how has it been? Anything new and exciting happening?

    For me my triggers are being at work bored it makes me want to snack and I know I'm not hungry just bored. Also my
    TOM I have to have some chocolate and then I want to follow that with some salty chips are something salty...uggggg can't stand it. My week is going ok so far. I've been sick this week so I haven't worked out at all I'm going to try to get back on my 30 Day Shred today hopefully I won't cough up a lung. I've done good with my eating though since I haven't worked out so hopefully I'll continue to lose.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Topic of the Day: Triggers! I am a firm believer that most people have triggers that send them into eating things they know they shouldn't. Share some of your triggers and tell me what you do or are currently doing to keep them at bay.

    Also tell us a little about your week so far...how has it been? Anything new and exciting happening?

    Honestly for me its boredom....if I'm busy I eat alot less sometimes not enough. Also I find I get hungry faster on weekends...I have no idea why.

    My week has been crazy so far...I had training for the past 2 days and for the rest of the week I will be at a Regional Confernece....its a very exciting time for me career wise but I'm not liking how its impacting on my healthy habits
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Question of the Day: How do you feel about people who use pills or weight loss surgeries to lose weight? This is totally not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but just to get an idea of how you feel personally about it.

    kiki said it best (and some others might have too, I'm sorry)...
    I honestly think to each it's own it's just not for me.
    I also agree with Stephinow.
    I don't want to get into my sociological perspective, so I won't. :smile: Anyone who knows me knows that I always go for anything natural and organic, and I only recommend the same.

    Topic of the Day: Triggers! I am a firm believer that most people have triggers that send them into eating things they know they shouldn't. Share some of your triggers and tell me what you do or are currently doing to keep them at bay.

    Family. Went home for the weekend and gained 4 lbs... I don't know how to live with them anymore (I did at the start of the year...), so I'm glad to be back at school again.
    jreese5226... Boredom and procrastination are my biggest ones now too! :devil:

    1RareJewel... I'm doing the 17DD as well. :drinker:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Oop! I just remembered now to log my weight from this morning, when I finally got the chance to weigh! 185.6! Up from 179.8 over a week ago. Holidays... I'm glad I enjoyed though. Now I can reel it in again.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. 4 days before weigh-in...gives us some times to burn some serious calories!!

    Question of the Day: What was your "A-HA" moment?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My A-HA moment was two-part. First, I had my son's father take pictures of me in underwear and a bra from all sides. This was in November of 2009 14 months after having my son. I didn't really get to see them until after I printed them out at Wal-Mart. I looked at the pictures and was absolutely mortified. I looked FAT, sloppy, unhealthy, and so unhappy and uncomfortable...you could see the look on my face in the pictures (the ones I have on here). I knew then, for sure, that I had truly let myself completely go over a span of 5 years.

    That same month, I went to the doctor and had a physical. My blood pressure was a little elevated and I had a vitamin D deficiency which is very common with obese women....and then she flat out said, "If you keep going like this...you are going to die". I remember feeling like I wanted to cry and crawl up into a ball right there. I was so embarrassed and really started to look inward and ask myself how I got there. I knew then that I had to change. I started walking everyday before work with my son, and she put me on a 1200 calorie diet. She told me to write down everything I ate, "If you put 1 grape in your mouth...I want you to write it down!". That first month I dropped 17lbs. Then when I moved to Atlanta a few months later, I was little depressed because I didn't have a job so fell off a little bit. In March, I decided to really get it together and look into how I was going to make my life better! And now...here I am :)
  • U look great! Keep up the good work!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    My A-HA moment actually started back in 2006... I had been away at college and then dropped out and was just working and going out alll the time. In 2007 I lost my job due to downsizing and I moved home with my parents. I started looking at all the pics from when I would go out to the bar with friends and I hated how I looked. I started eating smaller portions and trying to stay on the healthy side and working out when I could. I lost about 45 lbs or so and was a lot happier and continued to maintain. Then when got pregnant with my first son in 2008 (had him in '09) I went out of control with the eating because I used the excuse "I'm pregnant I can eat what I want when I want because I'm suppose to eat for 2" ya I gained like 60+ lbs. A year after my son was born I realized I hadn't lost anything since I had him and decided to get my butt in gear. After just over 2 Montserrat with MFP I lost about 30 lbs and was doing great and ended up pregnant with my 2nd son who I gave birth to this august. Thankfully this time around I only gained about 35 lbs. I am about 6 lbs away from that pre pregnancy weight now but definitely going thru some rough times with the eating and working out at the moment. Trying to stay on track. But the sweets and snacks are haunting me...
  • Good Morning everyone! Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. 4 days before weigh-in...gives us some times to burn some serious calories!!

    Question of the Day: What was your "A-HA" moment?

    Well I have had a few "a-ha" moments. One "a-ha" moment was a picture I took with my grandfather right before he passed away. I have always been heavy but I never realized how big other people saw me. My brother was getting married and I was a bridesmaid so I did weight watchers and curves and lost 40lbs. Wedding was over I was feeling good about myself starting dating (my fiance) and 40lbs came tumbling back. Started feeling like CRAP, all the nice smaller clothes I bought had been replaced with a bigger size AGAIN. Friend showed me this website and I have been here ever since.
  • _Splenda_
    _Splenda_ Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. 4 days before weigh-in...gives us some times to burn some serious calories!!

    Question of the Day: What was your "A-HA" moment?

    My A-Ha moment occurred last August when I went to the doctor & she informed me i had an enlarged liver due to my poor eating habits & lack of exercise. I was diagnosed with having a "fatty liver" which is exactly how it sounds. My poor eating habits and lack of exercise had caused excess fat to accumulate around my liver which, if not changed, could lead to me developing hardening of the liver and liver failure. I was freaked out & realized that I could not continue my life like this. i was only 21 years old having medical problems!!! That is ridiculous. So, on September 3rd, 2011 i made a promise to myself to reverse what I did to my body. Now over a year later, i am 40 pounds lighter & have much better eating and exercise habits. My doctor did inform me that this isn't something that just goes away but she encouraged me to keep going because i had already made hude strides in changing my life.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My A-HA moment happened this February when two things happened to me. The first was when we were celebrating my husband's birthday at a beer festival and a friend took a photo of me with my dad. I didn't recognize the person in the photo. She looked as miserable as she felt. And the second was that same month. My husband and I moved in with my mother-in-law two years ago after she had a stroke, broke her hip, and was diagnosed with Parkinsons. Her health has been slowly deteriorating and she can do fewer and fewer things on her own. I was helping her into bed last February and hurt my back because I was too weak to lift and move her 140-pound frame. I couldn't hold my kids, play with them, or do much of anything for a couple of weeks. To be able to care for my MIL in a way that would not jeopardize my own health I needed to make a change. Not to mention the need to improve my mental health so that my family could make it through this very challenging period of our lives. Having a 3- and 6-year old and having to sacrifice so much of our ability to just go do whatever we want whenever we want is difficult. But by being a happier person because I feel better about myself, I find that I am more motivated to find creative ways of doing things that include grandma. It's really been a win-win. I look forward to taking a photo with my dad in February 2012 at the same beer festival to compare how far I've come!