200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WI for next week (as i will be away from my scales until Tuesday):


    Down ANOTHER 1.5! This is some kind of miracle considering i've done no exercise the last few days and all that... but i think the scales are just taunting me as they won't look NEARLY that good when i get back next week!!

    Well done to everyone this week who lost. We're doing pretty well i think!

    Amy - Sorry to hear about your dog still being poorly!

    Kendal - I know how you feel about the scale suspicions. I am convinced mine is just gearing up to laugh at me when i get home from Melbourne!

    Nava - That's awesome about the London job... sucky about Joe staying in the US, but awesome that he is willing to put in the effort required for a long distance relationship. Sucky all up though.

    I am incredibly envious of everyone with pink bouncey things.

    I will be in Adelaide in 12 hours with my mum! So excited! Now just trying to make sure that i don't forget anything. Invites, check. Bridesmaid dresses, check. Hen's night shirts, check. Pretty sure i'm set.

    I just need to go and print the last of the invites off. Woo!

    Ok, that's me done for now. Don't know when i'll be able to post here properly again but i'll be thinking of you all!
  • jessicae1aine
    Victoria - They love it, but she still hates coming out, hates being brushed, hates having her hair trimmed (she had terrible mats when I got her)... I've got the battle wounds to prove it, too.

    Nava - Sorry about Joe. :( That really sucks. Can he not do classes online, as long as his permanent address is in the US?

    I totally failed to post my weight, btw. 264.2. I really did read the previous posts, I just feel like poo so I'm pretty out of it. Upset stomach, and I've slept for the last 2 days. I wasn't going to go into work today, but I'm glad I did because it never fails that orders get put in wrong and I have to fix them, and there were quite a few today. I've also got a huge cyst on the back of my arm that hurts like hell. On the plus side, I do get the neighbor's treadmill on payday - she's not using it so he convinced her to sell it to me for $50 (which is $10 less than a monthly membership to the gym for Nerd and I), so that's pretty awesome. Now, to lay down... have a good night, ladies.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats on getting the treadmill Jessie!!! Having it in your home is a much better idea!!! If possible, put it near the TV, a DVD player, the computer, or get a book on tape/MP3 so that you dong get bored on it. I love my audio books while on my treadmill...
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hello ladies! I feel so overwhelmed with trying to keep up with you all, let alone catch up with posting. I promise to do so in the next couple of days...promise!!!

    I finally went back to the gym, after 4 days of not systematic workout (intense housekeeping), and it felt so good!

    So question, maybe rather a poll: I'm trying to decide whether to go to NJ for Thanksgiving, as I promised last year simply to be able to have it in my house last year, or stay home again happy and relaxed with my own dinner. It is a tradition to always have Thanksgiving in my grandma's house, even though she's no longer alive, and my uncle is trying to uphold that tradition. My mom really wants to go, but wants us all to go with her. My girls don't care either way, although one may be scheduled to work during that week. My sisters, on the other hand, will not be going: One has to work the entire weekend (Walmart is NOT letting her off for Black Friday) and the other has a baby. They will, however, come to my house if I hold it here. So, the poll question is, how long do you continue a family tradition that is no longer relevant to your immediate family?

    Thanks, and I promise I'm not disappearing or just coming around for weigh-ins :wink:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Bobbie - most of my family works retail so we never get to celebrate on Thanksgiving weekend. We celebrate either a 1 to 2 weeks before or the week after. Thanksgiving is at my house. Being with family is more important than a date. I don't know what to suggest. Good luck with your decision !!!

    ETA - respond as you can and don't feel bad if you can't respond to everyone...
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    MTV's. I used to be fat season premiere! I love the trainer that they have on this episode. He is so cool for those boys bc he's so goofy.

    Btw, I worked out tonight. Woohoo!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Tues tons of ex but I only burned 2702 and ate 2962. This will be a bad scale week. I'm off to try the UML workout. I previewed it - tons of pushups. At least it's better than pullups. I'm feeling better about my routine since this week does have quite a bit of upperbody work. I have a full day of work, an evening walk with mom and yardwork tonight. The yard is full of leaves. Have a fantastic Humpity Hump Day!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

    Lacey - a normal pair of shoes will last about 200 miles of running or walking. Do you wear them just for ex or all day? If your feet are hurting, it may be smarter to get custom orthotics like Kendal.

    WHAT!? ONLY 200 MILES?!! That puts me about 400 miles overdue for shoes with a race on Sunday. Too late now...I'm not breaking in new shoes at the race, but maybe I'll reward myself with something super cute!!

    If they only last about 200 miles, is there a shoe I can buy that will last longer? It's not in the budget (not even the new one) for a pair of running shoes every month...and that's about how often I would need them ever 4-6 weeks.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Bobbie- eventually families get so large they have to do separate celebrations cause it's just too much to go to every single event. If it's not a big deal to you to not see those specific family members, (cause honestly I would think it's more important to stay where sisters/kids are), I wouldn't go. Or maybe you can say you'll either do Thanksgiving or Christmas, but not both.

    Ugh, the scale went down again. And I say that as "ugh" because I haven't worked out since Thursday and I was WAY over on sodium. WTF MATE? How am I supposed to figure out how to get consistent losses if I lose weight with those conditions?! Nothing is consistent!!! The one good thing is that Mr. Reunion and I decided to pick up some fast food, so we went to Chick Fila A and I got the grilled chicken sandwich with a fruit cup instead of fries. It's so dang good! The sandwich is only 350 cals and the fruit is about 50 so I stayed within cals yesterday.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I had a morning from hell. We woke up at 4ish to Sofie having a particularly rough diarrhea episode on the ONE freaking carpet in our entire house. The poor dog had a lot of blood in her poo so we scrambled to find the list we got when we moved here of emergency vets. Called the emergency vet and explained the situation and they said that it wasn't really an emergency and we should wait until the regular vet clinics open. So we spent the next 4 hours trying to anticipate when the dog needed to go out in order to avoid a repeat of the carpet incident and failed miserably at it. She just gave no notice whatever before she exploded. It was horrible. We did eventually get her to the vet and she got a shot to stop the diarrhea (so far it's worked) and antibiotics. The Hubbs went to work and I came home to be extremely grumpy while teaching Gabe about whatever it was school was about today (I honestly can't remember). I DID take a nap. Now the OTHER dog is puking...FML.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    AMY!!! That is HORRIBLE!! I am SO sorry. That just SUCKS!!

    Bobbie: I am a sucker for tradition, but I don't think I would go either. If everyone isn't going to be there and you have an opportunity to start a new tradition and make new memories, I would do that. Stay home. Make a feast, have the sisters et al over, and if it makes you feel better, invite the uncle. Just my two cents...

    Kendal: Yeah, I don't know either. I ate like a trucker at dinner last night and I am down a full pound. Well, damn! If THAT's how I lose weight, what the heck am I doing sweating my @$$ off to JM?!

    Megan: Great job working out! Each day, girl, make the choice.

    More panic this morning about the "Taper Time." Really. I woke up at 4:45 hyperventilating feeling like I needed to train. I did go. I ran 3 miles, but it didn't fix it. Gee Whiz!! Withdrawls anyone? What's next? The shakes? I think I'll do another 3 miles tonight just to stretch out the stems again. It felt great. Cross-training with JM cardio/plyo and some strength training. My eating, however, has sucked!! When I run, I am not nearly as hungry as when I don't run.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Shenanigans! There's all kinds of stuff going on and I'm so behind! Boo!

    Runner's World really is the greatest. I still haven't subscribed to the magazine itself, but I frequent the website. They are full of such awesome advice.

    My CamelBak is also the greatest. My back does get super duper sweaty, so I'll be curious to see how that goes after 13.1 miles on Saturday morning. Either way, I'm going to do another short run today and tomorrow just so I have more time logged with the CamelBak on. I'm thinking on Friday I am going to head into our local running/sports store (that is AWESOME) and pick up some BodyGlide and maybe a couple of gels. I'm also wondering if I should eat pre-run? I never have before. Not even on the 12 mile run. I've heard toast and peanut butter or a banana and peanut butter are a good idea. Sarah, I can't imagine how NERVOUS you are! I'm not even doing this in an actual race environment and I've got myself all psyched up about it!

    I had to drive to Detroit for a training for work yesterday, and it was seriously the biggest waste of 7 hours of my life. I learned nothing. 2 of the trainers came in and said "So yeah... I don't normally teach this class so you'll have to excuse me while I stumble through this." I hate things like this. If you don't know what you are talking about, DON'T TEACH. Grr.

    Kendal, your office looks awesome and adorable. LOVE IT!

    Nava, I have major mixed emotions on everything with you and Joe. Its so awesome that you are getting this opportunity (OMG ENGLAND!!!! EXCITING!!!!!), and its really great that he is going back to school, but I can't imagine being that far apart. Would it just be for the year while he is in school? Or do you not know that?

    Victoria, I heart you and all of the incredible advice you give around here. Thanks thanks thanks! And I'm totally making that pumpkin dip to take up to the cabin this weekend. Yum yum yum!

    Lacey, I totally think you need new shoes. I had an amazing pair of Mizunos that I loved, so I started wearing them at work, and then out of the blue I had the most excrutiating foot pain and it got so bad in the arch of my left foot that I had an entire day where I couldn't move my foot. At all. I went to the store, talked to a shoe guy, got new shoes, and BAM! It was seriously immediately better. I know everyone's situation is different, but I definitely think that's the place to start.

    Sarah, I would trust Victoria, but I had thought shoes could go up to 500 miles prior to needing replacement. I thought I rememered reading that between 300-500 is when you should replace. And I don't know of any shoe that lasts longer, which sucks. I know a lot of people buy 2 pairs of shoes at the same time (cuz maybe you get a buy one get one 1/2 off deal or something), and then rotate back and forth between the 2 pairs.

    Amy, how are the dogs? What a messy and ridiculous pain that is to be dealing with! I hope for their sake and yours that they are feeling better. That all sounds awful. At least you have a bad@ss bouncy ball to bounce out your aggression!

    Pam, get your bootie out of bed in the morning and do some Jillian! Strength training is SO good for you. Your weekend sounds perfectly fally and wonderful. I'm jealous!

    Bobbie, I think you have to do whatever is best for your immediate family. At some point you just have to start making your own traditions. I vote you stay home. Have your own Thanksgiving. Chris and I have gotten really good about scheduling alternate holidays... so we pick a separate weekend to do Thanksgiving or Christmas with my family, and that way we don't have to drive to Illinois on the actual holiday weekends. This frees us up to do Christmas eve with his parents, and then Christmas Day we normally spend just the 2 of us. If we ever have kids, then it would be Christmas with just our family. It seems to work well. And if anyone in your family tries to make you feel guilty for this, then screw them.

    Okay, one last thing... so on Monday night while watching the Lions kick the Bears bootie (yay!), Chris and I finally went through our closets and got everything that is too big set aside to donate to Goodwill. It ended up being about 5 garbage bags full of clothes. Crazy. Anyway, at one point in time I left the room, and when I came back in, Chris was standing there with his hands on his hips and a big old grin on his face and said "Look baby! I'm a size 14 woman from Banana Republic!" He was wearing a pair of my jeans that were in the donate pile. It was HILARIOUS. The ridiculous thing is, the pants looked amazing on him. They're just your standard bootcut, so they aren't girly looking at all. So funny.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    LOL that is too funny, Kerry.

    I've been meaning to ask for awhile, since I wasn't part of the group from the get go, are you open to posting before/after pics! I would love to see a comparison of your progress. If not, just tell me to shut up and mind my own business haha.

    That pumpkin dip does look so good, I'm also thinking of whipping up a batch.

    2:30 can't come fast enough today. I'm off tomorrow for my baby's birthday. Assuming it doesn't rain, we are heading to a pumpkin patch/corn maze for the day before I have to go to class.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Rain- I love sharing before/after photos and I'm sure everyone here will too!

    First pic was Oct 2009 (about 260lb), the second is New Years this year
  • jessicae1aine
    Victoria - Thanks. :) I have a netbook and I'm going to get a treadmill book shelf for it, so I can watch Netflix while I go. :) That, or I'll use my phone as an mp3 player some more. I struggle with audio books because they sound so different out loud than they do in my head! I did enjoy listening to Stephen King's Duma Key, though. If nothing else, I can work on my Korean comprehension while I walk.

    Bobbie - I would go if it's within the first 2 years of your grandmother's death. After my mom died, my sister tried to carry on the tradition of having about a billion of us together for Thanksgiving. It meant a lot to both her and my dad that most of us showed up. After a couple of years, though, people should be able to be moving on well enough that tradition fades away and starts to make room for new ones of your own. :)

    Amy - I hope your pups are feeling better, and you can get some rest! <3 Sorry about the rough night.

    Kerry - Your "Shenanigans!" made me laugh. We watched Super Troopers the other night, so lots of random things (like ordering soda last night for Nerd, and trying so hard not to order a "liter of cola") will make me laugh for the next few weeks. Adorable on the "size 14 woman" thing, too. :P

    Rain - I'm all for before and after photos, but I only have a "before" at this point. :P I'll share later, it's almost meeting time.

    On the 200 miles/pair of shoes front, I went almost 3 years before my MBTs started to break down. They're pretty pricy, but I was walking at least 2 miles a day, and most days around 5-6, and they held up incredibly. They are roundy-bottom shoes, which some people don't like, but they made walking a lot less painful for my knee.

    I've got no clue how to post links (still), but would you ladies mind voting for my picture here, please? I'd so appreciate it.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Rain, heck yeah before and after pics! SO FUN! I actually have been holding off, cuz I wanted to wait til I hit my "goal weight" of 150, (or maybe 145, who knows!) but this is still fun. The before pic is me in December of 2010, right at about 242 pounds. Second is in the end of September at the Detroit Zoo... I think in that pic I was weighing in at 165 or so.

  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

    The first pic was mid-May at 220 lb. The second pic was about 2 months ago: 190ish.


    ^^ This one was last weekend at 180^^
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kendal: HOLY SMOKES! What a huge difference in your face.

    Jesi: Anxiously awaiting before shots...I need to post some as well. Maybe even a progress pic.

    Kerry: Your weight in your before picture is what I weighed before I got pregnant in 2008. Right now I'm 10 lbs below that. So, we were about the same size...I can't wait to look like your after picture, I WILL accomplish it! Great work, woman. You look incredible.

    Keep em coming! You girls are all gorgeous, by the way. So jealous.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am in a terrible mood today. Really bad, terrible mood. Mad at the world and wanting to take people out kind of mood. Probably pms hitting..but my daughter being overly emotional for the past five days isn't helping and then work is stress right now too. On a good note, I get to go out and run today. When I got in the car this morning all I could think about was saying screw today and going back inside and changing clothes and hitting the road. I think I'd be a morning runner if I had someone to watch G for me for an hour. My feet are feeling good today..I think they are just sore, as in my muscles are sore. I will be buying another pair of shoes Friday when I get paid. I bought the first pair in like March and the second pair in June..so if I buy another pair every six months I should be good. Yes its a lot of money but I don't want ****ed up feet.

    Amy - what did your dogs get into that is causing them both to puke now?? Scarey! Are you going to take Loki in stat? I wonder if they got parvo or something weird like that? My brothers dogs both got that, same symptoms and we had to force feed them pedialyte, chicken broth, etc. for two weeks until they started to get better. They were feverish too. Poor babies, I hope they are better soon!

    Sarah - I guess as long as your feet are feeling okay then you don't need new shoes, but I would be careful. I get not spending money, but the cost of a surgery or orthotics can be even more. Try www.endless.com for running shoes. You will be fine on your race day!! You go girl!

    Kerry - you go girl too on your race day!

    Kendal - I am also in the scale going down and having two days of unbelievably high sodium. So. Weird.

    Thats all I can remmeber and all I have time for.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Jessi, he could probably find a similar program in the UK, but it's a certification that can't be done online because they have lots of labs and working on machinery and what not.

    Kerry, first of all... picture is awesome! Second, I hope it would only be for a year... I think the current idea is he goes to school for the year to get that stuff done, we get married, then hopefully we can find him a job either with my company or an oil company with offices nearby. As it stands, my company won't help him get a visa or anything, but if we were married, they could get him a work visa and help locate a job. And I'm right there with you on the mixed emotions. I feel like I should be jumping for joy at the opportunity, but I've been crying every day instead because I'm so scared to lose Joe. He keeps reassuring me he's not going anywhere, and I suppose it's reassuring that he is reassuring me at all, if that makes sense.
