HCG diet...



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm not saying that this is the best diet in the world. Just that I've known people to do it, and are perfectly healthy right now after being off it for a lengthy amount of time.

    This reminds me of the 700-pound woman that was just on Dr. Oz recently who is TRYING to reach 1700 pounds. She asserted over and over how healthy she was and that she wasn't diabetic. She claimed to be perfectly healthy. Dr. Oz tore her apart with a few standard medical tests that proved that she was actually diabetic and was incredibly unhealthy, perhaps even terminally unhealthy. There is no way that you can assert that these people are "perfectly healthy" without examining them and running a few blood tests.

    Perfectly healthy on a starvation diet? Not a chance.

    500 calories isn't even enough to maintain brain function! Of course, this could explain the bizzare dedication to this diet....
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    However, just because she is in good shape does not mean that I am saying that the HCG made her in good shape. So please don't twist my argument that way.

    I am not attempting to twist your argument in any way, but you should know that this:
    Just that I've known people to do it, and are perfectly healthy right now after being off it for a lengthy amount of time.

    is more than enough to make make someone believe that the hCG "die"t is to thank. Insinuation plays a major role here.
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    In that case, I'm sorry that I insinuated that HCG was the absolute, best, catch all diet if thats the case. All I meant to portray was that, Yes, I've known people that have done the HCG diet. For them, that was what they needed in order to jump start their lives into a healthier direction.

    Never did I mean to say that the HCG did all of the work for them. In fact, as stated in my first post, even though they lost weight on the diet, the reason they maintained their weight and were living healthy lives was due to exercise and proper nutrition afterwards.
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    In that case, I'm sorry that I insinuated that HCG was the absolute, best, catch all diet if thats the case. All I meant to portray was that, Yes, I've known people that have done the HCG diet. For them, that was what they needed in order to jump start their lives into a healthier direction.

    Never did I mean to say that the HCG did all of the work for them. In fact, as stated in my first post, even though they lost weight on the diet, the reason they maintained their weight and were living healthy lives was due to exercise and proper nutrition afterwards.

    Cheers. :) lol
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    If it can't sustain you for life why do it at all?
    This is genius...all summed up neatly in one little sentence.

    I thrice this sentiment.

    The entire premise of HCG is starvation. I can't for the life of me understand why people keep trying it.
  • Hi! I am on the hcg diet. My daughter Tara is my inspiration. She has lost almost 60 lbs and has kept it off. The hcg diet jump started her weight lose. I think she did it twice. Now she walk a lot and exercises several times a week. She eats healthy.
    She did notice her last go round that she got a little dizzy so she upped her calorie in take a bit... adding an apple or whatever and increased vitamins or added vitamins.

    So far I have lost 12 lbs. I am working through a nutritionists since I am older 55 and want to be more careful. I had back surgery 2.5 yrs ago so must get this weight off (I didn't gain weight until I was over 40 and began having thyroid problems). I take a natural thyroid, multi vitamins, vitamin B... And make sure to drink more water than what is called for (ice tea helps).

    Be wishes to you on this diet and good health to you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I so agree the hcg diet is a wonderful jump start... ! :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    So in conclusion:-

    There are stupid people who will believe this nonsense, spend their money and damage their health. Then there are the rest of us with common sense who won't.
  • I did HCG for only one week about a year ago and NOWAY would I reccomend this diet. Its not even a diet! In just the week I did HCG I lost 6 pounds but I felt awful and weak the whole time. You are litterally starving your body on HCG. I quit HCG and the weight all came back fast even though it was only 6 pounds. I started my journey of eating healthy and working out 5 days a week and I have lost 28 pounds in almost 3 months and I did it the right way. Ive lost pretty fast but im ok with it cause I know I did it right, 1200 calories of healthy food and cardio! Dont even try HCG it is not good at all!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    don't do it.
    lose it the right way and don't take the health risks.

    if your diet is on point, you'll make progress naturally.
    if your diet sucks, as soon as you quit taking the hcg, guess what? the weight comes back.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It's not about 'putting the weight back on' its about the the terrible results of starvation on the body.

    That, and no one likes spam.