How much Protein is too Much??



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
  • Taubes has been dismissed by what exactly?
  • How dare you, you ignorant failure. It's one thing to dismiss my claim, its something completely different to attack me in that manor. I have spent years reading this. To sum it up as some copy-paste job is incredibly wrong, and insulting. You are a miserable human being.

    You sir, are the ignorant failure. Do you not realize that you lack clear understanding on energy balance? Have you ever read a science textbook? Yes? No?

    Let me educate you real fast. A calorie is a unit of energy. Your body uses calories (energy) for it's basic function and daily processes and tasks. The first Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can never be created or destroyed. What does this mean? Well, it means if you consume 2,000 calories and burn 2,500 calories in a day, the other 500 calories that you did not eat cannot just randomly manifest itself, and therefore is taken from your body. If you over consume calories in a way that there is more calories (over time) that your body can use for energy, it is stored.

    Some make the claim that a calorie is not a calorie.. well, yes and no. By definition all things are equal because a calorie is a standardized unit of energy. With relation to food the argument can be made that specific macronutrients undergo different metabolic pathways, some of which are more or less efficient resulting in variances in net caloric expenditure (this is referred to as the thermic effect of feeding in some cases). With that said, these miniscule variances are not enough to overthrow, disregard or demonize any particular macronutrient.

    While different macronutrients may, in short term, lead to different oxidation and storage processes by the body; in the long term they balance out.

    You lack a clear understanding of basic math/science/biochemistry/metabolic pathways, and you are nothing more than an ignorant alarmist who has no scientific evidence to back you claim, and no anecdotal evidence (nice avi.. lol) to lead anyone to believe you know anything about which you speak.

    If I were you, I would read some relevant studies.. or perhaps just attempt to educate yourself on nutritional basics.

    Please read this for a better understanding:

    Please respond.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    Taubes has been dismissed by what exactly?, what he has done has been reinforced every day by new studies.
  • Taubes has been dismissed by what exactly?, what he has done has been reinforced every day by new studies.

    Please post links to these relevant studies.
  • AlanAragon
    AlanAragon Posts: 17 Member
    Digitalsteel - I see that you didn't do too well in this debate, and you might need some help for future engagements. So, I've compiled a new set of references for you to cut/paste in your next debate (these are all indexed in Pubmed, so you're solid):
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Bailey T. The dummies guide to promoting wildlife conservation in the Middle East: telling tales of unicorns and ossifrages to save the hawk and leopard. J Avian Med Surg. 2011 Jun;25(2):136-43.

    Hortin GL. Of immunounreactive urinary albumin and unicorns. Am J Clin Pathol. 2008 Aug;130(2):314-5.

    O'Sullivan M. Unicorns or Tiger Woods: are lie detection experts myths or rarities? A response to on lie detection "wizards" by Bond and Uysal. Law Hum Behav. 2007 Feb;31(1):117-23.

    Frenking G, Krapp A. Unicorns in the world of chemical bonding models. J Comput Chem. 2007 Jan 15;28(1):15-24. Review.

    Sage WM, Kalyan DN. Horses or unicorns: can paying for performance make quality competition routine? J Health Polit Policy Law. 2006 Jun;31(3):531-56.

    Simon L. Research into the origins and characteristics of unicorns: mental illness as the unicorn. Ethical Hum Sci Serv. 2000 Fall-Winter;2(3):181-92.

    Askanas V, Engel WK. Unicorns, dragons, polymyositis, and other mythical beasts. Neurology. 2004 Jul 27;63(2):403-4; author reply 404.

    Hagan JC 3rd. Unicorns, obstetricians, neurosurgeons--three things hard to find in Missouri. Mo Med. 2004 Jan-Feb;101(1):4-5.

    Streiner DL. Unicorns do exist: a tutorial on "proving" the null hypothesis. Can J Psychiatry. 2003 Dec;48(11):756-61.

    Amato AA, Griggs RC. Unicorns, dragons, polymyositis, and other mythological beasts. Neurology. 2003 Aug 12;61(3):288-9.

    Howe EG. Unicorns, Carravaggio, and fetal surgery. J Clin Ethics. 2001 Winter;12(4):333-45.

    Ariew R. Leibniz on the unicorn and various other curiosities. Early Sci Med. 1998 Nov;3(4):267-88.

    Stahl FW. Unicorns revisited. Genetics. 1992 Dec;132(4):865-7.

    Foster PL. Directed mutation: between unicorns and goats. J Bacteriol. 1992 Mar;174(6):1711-6.

    Morreim EH. The law of nature and the law of the land: of horses, zebras, and unicorns. Pharos Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Med Soc. 1990 Spring;53(2):2-6.

    [No authors listed] Editorial: Why unicorns? Med J Aust. 1976 May 15;1(20):728-9.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member


  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    I love how instead of having an intelligent conversation, you simply wish to mock. Fine, mock away. Based on your responses of mockery rather than intelligence I do not wish to be involved with you.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hi Posters,

    Sorry, but I've been trying to chase down all the personal insults in this thread and delete them, and after three pages I can't manage it any more. I'm going to lock the thread and ask everybody to cool off. My apologies to those who are looking for, or posting, arguments central to the original topic. But the name calling and nastiness is too prevalent for me to spend any more time filtering it out.

    A reminder of forum rules:

    You may not attack or insult other users at any time, under any circumstance. If you've been attacked or insulted by another user, please use the "Report Post" link to let the moderators know and one of us will investigate as soon as possible. But if you attack back, you will be as guilty as they are. Members who violate our forum rules repeatedly can have their posting privileges suspended or can even be permanently banned from the site which we greatly prefer not to do.

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    Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Hope you are enjoying the site.

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    MyFitnessPal Staff
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