Do you log EVERYTHING?



  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I try to log everything. Even to the point where I have the next day planned out if I switch I change it to reflect what I really had.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    yes. Lattes usually have 150+ calories. Be careful.

    Yeah I choose small nonfat double shot lattes so less milk, therefore less calories :P
  • Everything except sugar free gum.....

    On Sunday I even enter my beer!!!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    If you put it in your mouth, put it in your diary. All the little extras you don't log add up.

    Yep, it all adds up and before you know it..... AHHHH!
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Everthing, if I don't I'm only cheating myself..
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I log everything with calories, but I'm bad at logging water, plain tea, etc... But, if I indulge in a macchiato (sp?), I log it.
  • I try to as best as I can but like last night I ate my daughter's pizza crust but didn't add that in. I did have some excercise cals leftover so I was probably on target so as long as we know then our bodies aren't going to know we didnt input something on the computer. :)
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    i dont log coze zero, but i log everything else.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    What is the point if you don't log everything? It's all about being accountable to yourself. Some weekends I really blow it by drinking wine but I still account for it. Good luck!

    Yeah true, but I'm always under. If I logged the oil I used or the number of sips I've had from someone's drink then I'd probably be on track. It's not like I'm cheating myself... I'm not eating nuts or mini chocolates and then not logging them, ya know! It's more I can't be bothered sometimes haha and my internets slow.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Everything within reason, ie not gum, I don't chew enough. But otherwise, yes, otherwise you may be over and not realize it. Especially since the scale hasn't been moving for me, so I really started to log diligently and I think it'll really make a difference.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    I try to as best as I can but like last night I ate my daughter's pizza crust but didn't add that in. I did have some excercise cals leftover so I was probably on target so as long as we know then our bodies aren't going to know we didnt input something on the computer. :)

    Yep that's how I feel!
  • Read through the replies. WOW I wouldn't have thought to log vitamins, omega supplements, stevia, black coffee because I dind't think there were calories. should I definitely be doing that then?
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    What is the point if you don't log everything? It's all about being accountable to yourself. Some weekends I really blow it by drinking wine but I still account for it. Good luck!

    Yeah true, but I'm always under. If I logged the oil I used or the number of sips I've had from someone's drink then I'd probably be on track. It's not like I'm cheating myself... I'm not eating nuts or mini chocolates and then not logging them, ya know! It's more I can't be bothered sometimes haha and my internets slow.

    You don't log your olive oil either?
  • Lauren5280
    Lauren5280 Posts: 67 Member
    I am crazy about logging everything. I want to stay on track and it really helps me!
  • I dont log like gum and stuff like but otherwise everything

    I have to log my gum because I'm a chain chewer when it comes to gum - I just go through the entire pack. All of those 5 cal pieces really add up so it's really curbed my habit.

    I log everything I eat.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    I don't bother with my tea, 2 sweeteners, skimmed milk, as a) i drink tons of it (b) its next to no calories (c) Sometimes i only drink half the cup, other times a couple of mouthfuls, etc and (d) i leave myself a few hundred cals leeway at the end of each day.

    Yep, feeling you. Totally.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Everything other than a sprinkle of salt and pepper on food!
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    What is the point if you don't log everything? It's all about being accountable to yourself. Some weekends I really blow it by drinking wine but I still account for it. Good luck!

    Yeah true, but I'm always under. If I logged the oil I used or the number of sips I've had from someone's drink then I'd probably be on track. It's not like I'm cheating myself... I'm not eating nuts or mini chocolates and then not logging them, ya know! It's more I can't be bothered sometimes haha and my internets slow.

    You don't log your olive oil either?

    I usually don't use it so it's very occasional. I have recently been logging my salad dressings which includes olive oil. I give myself a few hundred calories leeway each day - oil and latte for example.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Read through the replies. WOW I wouldn't have thought to log vitamins, omega supplements, stevia, black coffee because I dind't think there were calories. should I definitely be doing that then?

    Stevia and black coffee doesn't have any calories. I wouldn't worry about it. Just log things with calories, I guess.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    What is the point if you don't log everything? It's all about being accountable to yourself. Some weekends I really blow it by drinking wine but I still account for it. Good luck!

    Yeah true, but I'm always under. If I logged the oil I used or the number of sips I've had from someone's drink then I'd probably be on track. It's not like I'm cheating myself... I'm not eating nuts or mini chocolates and then not logging them, ya know! It's more I can't be bothered sometimes haha and my internets slow.

    You don't log your olive oil either?

    I usually don't use it so it's very occasional. I have recently been logging my salad dressings which includes olive oil. I give myself a few hundred calories leeway each day - oil and latte for example.

    I can understand that. I used to not either, then I quickly learned that was mistake. There are 120 cal in 1 tbl of oil.

    To each their own. I just think there is no way to full know exactly how many calories we are eating a day so I like to log everything to have a better estimate.