Gym Etiquette

I really think people should be given a gym etiquette memo when they join a gym. Maybe its just me but i really wish people would put deodorant before they go to the gym and they should know not to talk on their phones for long periods of time while exercising. i don't want to hear the happenings of your life lol

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way :)


  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i dunno about the rest of you, but even with deoderant on, im gonna stink within about 10 minutes of starting.

    as for people talking on their phones, dont listen, i just stick my headphones on and off i go.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    This thread speaks volumes.
  • hbarney
    hbarney Posts: 434
    I agree with most but regarding smell-it's not the lack of deo that bothers me but the perfume and cologne that some have on!! At the gym I go to there are 4 TV's and I HATE it when someone will turn one up so loud that you can't even think or hear your own iPod-!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    I find even with deodorant on I sweat like a pig but hey isn't that a good thing!!!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    i dunno about the rest of you, but even with deoderant on, im gonna stink within about 10 minutes of starting.

    as for people talking on their phones, dont listen, i just stick my headphones on and off i go.

    Agreed. Obviously people are going to smell at the gym. I sweat my deodorant off almost immediately when I run. I wear headphones so I don't have to listen to annoying people clanging weights together and what not.

    I consider gym etiquette to be putting the weights back, not getting chalk all over the place, not slamming the weights on the ground etc.

    If they're sitting on the equipment while talking on the phone that would be another story! :devil:
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    never had the BO issue at the gym...but the cell phone thing. if you are going to the gym, shouldn't one be focusing on that...

    i'm with you...i don't get it.

    TURN Off the cell phones and wipe up that sweat all over the treadmill
  • natersmama
    i smell pretty bad when i work out. and least i feel like i do. and i assure you, i wear deodorant. but the ppl on their phones only bother me when they talk so loud i can hear them over my ipod. the thing that bothers me most are the nasty sweaty people who dont sanitize their butt sweat off the weight benches after their done! EWWW!!:sick: and people who take 10 minute "breaks" in between sets and chill on the machine i'm trying to use. :mad:
  • aimstein
    I don't know....I think the gym is one place where you would expect people to be stinky. How do we know they didn't put on deodorant? They may just be busting *kitten* and smell like it. I think not putting the free weights back or wiping down machines after usage might be better examples of poor "gym ettiquette", but I typically don't notice what others are doing at the gym or worry too much about people on their phones because I'm always listening to music and doing my own thing. To each his/her own....
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Our gym staff points people to the lobby if they are on the floor with a cell phone. The cell phone policy is strictly enforced. Thankfully.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    it's not the lack of deo that bothers me but the perfume and cologne that some have on!!

    This is the only thing that ever bothers me enough to have to move away. I can't breathe and get an instant headache.
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    i dunno about the rest of you, but even with deoderant on, im gonna stink within about 10 minutes of starting.

    as for people talking on their phones, dont listen, i just stick my headphones on and off i go.

    Im with you - 10 mins on the treadmill and im dripping. people sweating is part and parcel of the gym and as much as hate beople with body oder in other situations ie work force etc - the gym is definately an exception
  • ANMitzel0
    I HATE when people do not wipe of equipment after using it!!! It grosses me out sooooo bad. Haven't people heard of thing like MRSA and other bacterial infections. My gym makes it so easy to clean of the equipment. They provide pre-moistened wipes that can be found ALL over the gym. So I am forced to clean the machines before and after using them. I think that should be the number one in etiquette at the gym.
  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    not wiping off their machines!!! Gross!!!!!
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I started working out in a hardcore bodybuilder-type gym, so gym etiquette was really hammered home. Now I work out in a more "mainstream" gym, the number of people who don't have a clue can get really annoying.

    Just little things like:

    1) Don't hog weights / machines / benches. Let other people use them - if someone else wants to use it while you're in the middle of a series of sets, then work in with them. (This is even more annoying when someone is sat on the machine for hours on end and just talking on their phone rather than actually working out).

    2) Bring a towel and wipe off equipment after use.

    3) Don't interrupt people in the middle of a set.

    4) Getting sweaty is good. Getting sweaty in kit that hasn't been washed for a week isn't. Don't stink out the whole gym (and this goes for deodorant, too. Too much deodorant in the air is hideous when you're out of breath).

    5) Don't needlessly monopolise equipment. Yes, the whole "doing curls in the squat rack" thing is now a bit of a gym cliché, but I've lost track of the number of times someone has decided to do curls in front of the chin bar while sitting on a bench (yes, three items tied up.... to do curls), just so they can see their mighty 11 inch guns curl that 10 lb weight in the mirror behind the chin bar.

    But of all of them, number 1 is IMO the most important and also the most widely ignored. I get off the bench etc after every set, but I've lost count of the number of times a "sitter" has then moved in and I've had to ask to work back in as the whole idea of "working in" or rotating sets is completely alien to them. I honestly wouldn't mind too much if someone was stuck on a machine I wanted to use if they were working hard. But usually they just use the equipment as a seat while they fiddle with their ipods or they end up using tiny weights with appalling form.

    Gah, don't get me started on gym etiquette.....
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    There's standard gym BO smell, and then there's, "Wow, I can tell you had onions last night from your sweat and I'm 20 yrds away" BO. The latter is a similar dislike I have of the practice that involves replacing soap with body spray.

    The tolerance level for smelling bad at the gym is definitely higher, but in every situation there are limits.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Ah! How could I forget putting the weights back!? If you're going to lift a weight however many times, is it really going to kill you to lift it once more to put back on the rack?

    Don't mind weights clanking, though, as someone else mentioned. On some lifts (like heavy dumbbell presses) dropping them is the only safe way to get them back on the ground. If you start objecting to that you're heading into Planet Fitness "come and work out but don't work out TOO hard" territory....
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    I guess really I am thinking about one guy at the gym who stinks as soon as he walks in (I wish I was exagerating) I go to a small gym. Anyway I stink sometimes when I work out really hard but this guy is a bit much for me I try not to go when he's there.
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    Smelling at the gym is simply going to happen, but yes not wiping machines, slamming weights, sitting on machines youre not using, etc is just plain RUDE!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when chicks (invariably it's girls that do this) go to the gym with their BFF and SIT and CHAT on the weight machines - I'm talking about 5 minute breaks in between sets of 10 reps!! WTF!!
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when chicks (invariably it's girls that do this) go to the gym with their BFF and SIT and CHAT on the weight machines - I'm talking about 5 minute breaks in between sets of 10 reps!! WTF!!

    I see that all the time!