New to low carb, can somebody look at my meal plan?

2eggs 6egg whites
3 strips bacon or one piece ham (84g)

14g nuts (preferably almonds, but I'm poor right now so peanuts for now)

Whey Protein shake with water
two pieces ham (168g)
hard boiled egg

14g nuts

Beef top round 112g
2 cups broccoli
Big spinich salad with olive oil and sunflower seed kernals

please advise


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I would add some fruit and a bigger variety of veggies. Low carb is ok but that looks like almost NO carbs. Have you worked out how many grams of carbs that is? I'd be curious.
  • mdmarcha
    Yes, according to the labels on the food I have in the house, it's 20-25g carbs. I thought that fruit/sugar made you fat? I'll add some carrots or something though.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Fruit and sugar don't make you fat, eating more food than your body needs makes you fat. It's just best if most of the sugar you take in comes from natural sources and isn't added sugars.
  • mdmarcha
    hmmm...I'm a little confused. My trainer told me that carbs (and sugar) get turned in to insulin and insulin goes in to your fat. I'll have to ask him to clarify.
  • tahoemads
    tahoemads Posts: 64 Member
    When you have removed grains or other high carb foods from your diet, be sure to increase your complex carbs by adding in a variety of green vegetables and low GI vegetables. In fact, mashed turnips, cauliflower squash are great! That is a good way to switch up your dinner routine. Radish and celery is great with homemade hummus. How about avocados with a squeeze of lemon and sea salt? Avocado is a complete food, so don't be afraid of the fat -- it's so good for you (unless you're allergic). Munch on nuts and seeds and clean chicken or turkey. Because you've cut out the carbs, don't deprive yourself in the area of veggies and protein!
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    hmmm...I'm a little confused. My trainer told me that carbs (and sugar) get turned in to insulin and insulin goes in to your fat. I'll have to ask him to clarify.
    He's wrong.

    When you eat carbs, insulin (a hormone inside your body) is spiked. The act of insulin is to store glucose in the blood stream.

    Long story short: this is a normal process, and it does NOT make you fat. Your trainer is wrong if he is implying carbs make you fat. Excess calories make you fat. Period.

    The only person who need to really moderate carbs are those who are insulin resistant or diabetic.
  • mdmarcha
    that sounds like a good idea! I love avacado and calliflower, and they both seem low carb. Is there a certain amount I should aim for? My trainer said the lower the better, because I get tired after a meal he said carbs harm my body.
  • mdmarcha
    hmmm...I'm a little confused. My trainer told me that carbs (and sugar) get turned in to insulin and insulin goes in to your fat. I'll have to ask him to clarify.
    He's wrong.

    When you eat carbs, insulin (a hormone inside your body) is spiked. The act of insulin is to store glucose in the blood stream.

    Long story short: this is a normal process, and it does NOT make you fat. Your trainer is wrong if he is implying carbs make you fat. Excess calories make you fat. Period.

    The only person who need to really moderate carbs are those who are insulin resistant or diabetic.

    So insulin is like testosterone or estrogen? (those are the only "hormones" I know)
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    that sounds like a good idea! I love avacado and calliflower, and they both seem low carb. Is there a certain amount I should aim for? My trainer said the lower the better, because I get tired after a meal he said carbs harm my body.
    Stop taking your trainer's word on everything. He studied physiology, NOT nutrition.

    Ask a doctor if you're insulin resistant. If you aren't, then you will see NO METABOLIC BENEFIT to eating low carb. Unless you prefer to, there's really no reason to.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    So insulin is like testosterone or estrogen? (those are the only "hormones" I know)
    I mean, in the sense that they are hormones, yes. But insulin's function is nothing like testosterone or estrogen, which are sex hormones as you probably know.

    Excessive glucose in the blood stream = very dangerous. Insulin is secreted when your body has glucose in the blood stream, and insulin acts to store the glucose so it's not in the blood. So people who are diabetic have to take injections of insulin because their body won't secrete it on its own, and without those injections they will have chronically high blood glucose which, as said before, is dangerous.

    People have gotten it into their heads that insulin, which "stores carbs as fat" (false), is the enemy in weight loss.

    Ask your trainer two things:

    1) What can carbs be stored as?
    2) What is de novo lipogenesis?

    I'd love to hear what hesays.
  • mdmarcha
    that sounds like a good idea! I love avacado and calliflower, and they both seem low carb. Is there a certain amount I should aim for? My trainer said the lower the better, because I get tired after a meal he said carbs harm my body.
    Stop taking your trainer's word on everything. He studied physiology, NOT nutrition.

    Ask a doctor if you're insulin resistant. If you aren't, then you will see NO METABOLIC BENEFIT to eating low carb. Unless you prefer to, there's really no reason to.

    I'll call my doctor. Is there a danger of eating low carb for a few days if he can't see me right away?
  • hulk6
    hulk6 Posts: 13
    hmmm...I'm a little confused. My trainer told me that carbs (and sugar) get turned in to insulin and insulin goes in to your fat. I'll have to ask him to clarify.

    Don't tell me you're being coached by digitalsteel? loll
  • mdmarcha
    hmmm...I'm a little confused. My trainer told me that carbs (and sugar) get turned in to insulin and insulin goes in to your fat. I'll have to ask him to clarify.

    Don't tell me you're being coached by digitalsteel? loll

    ?? My trainers name is Jeremy
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I'll call my doctor. Is there a danger of eating low carb for a few days if he can't see me right away?
    Not that I've ever heard of.

    It's rare to be diabetic or insulin resistant, and odds are, you are neither. Of course there's a chance, and as such you should talk to your doctor, but just saying.

    For people who don't have a clinical condition requiring them to eat low carb, *there is no metabolic advantage to a low carb diet*
  • HunterCML
    What's going on in here? More people scared of carbs because they are ignorant on the scientific principals of daily energy balance?

    Good lord people, you take a relatively simple concept and try to micro-analyze everything until it has no relevance in the context of daily nutrition.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Pick lower glycemic fruits like berries and plums and ones with lots of fiber. I also try to eat protein with every meal that is a bit simple carb heavy - it will help attenuate the insulin response if you're concerned about that.
    Edit: I should edit that last bit before I get my head bitten off. Protein also stimulates insulin but it also stimulates another hormone (starts with a G, forgot the name right now) that has effects that oppose insulin to some extent.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    What's going on in here? More people scared of carbs because they are ignorant on the scientific principals of daily energy balance?

    Good lord people, you take a relatively simple concept and try to micro-analyze everything until it has no relevance in the context of daily nutrition.
  • mdmarcha
    What's going on in here? More people scared of carbs because they are ignorant on the scientific principals of daily energy balance?

    Good lord people, you take a relatively simple concept and try to micro-analyze everything until it has no relevance in the context of daily nutrition.

    I'm trying to eat good (non carb) calories and not bad calories (carbs) to lose weight. mynameisuntz is now telling me that good/bad calories don't matter?
  • HunterCML
    Pick lower glycemic fruits like berries and plums and ones with lots of fiber. I also try to eat protein with every meal - it will help attenuate the insulin response if you're concerned about that.

    Unless you're diabetic, insulin response has no relevance to body weight (and composition) changes in the context of daily nutrition. Energy balance does (calories in - calories out).
  • hulk6
    hulk6 Posts: 13
    Choose good carbs, a good carb is one that does not raise your insulin. So, as an example, fiber is a carb that does not raise your insulin. Technicaly speaking, any carbohydrate molecule that is too big to fit through your cell walls will be fine.
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