500 calories diet!! I need opinions.



  • PatientBearTiger
    I dont understand ! I am witnessing this guys! she is losing it. AND a nutrition recommended it! Technically I am obsessed. As for her metabolism she eats all her meals 8 x A DAY. it seems healthy.

    It's not. And if a nutritionist recommended it, they need to lose their job. Besides, there is NO way she is eat 8 meals a day and only having 500 calories. That's about 60 calories per meal. That's half a yogurt. Do yourself a favor - learn how to lose weight in a gradual and healthy manner. That way, when she gains all her weight back, you will know that is not YOUR future as well.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    of course she lost a lot of weight, she was practically starving herself!!
  • Chrissymmartin
    Chrissymmartin Posts: 22 Member
    Any of the "fad" diets, I would not recommend. "Dieting" is even a terrible word to use. If you want to lose weight and actually keep it off, you need to train yourself to eat healthy, everyday, not just for 20 days. Also, 500 calories a day is starving yourself. Your body naturally burns about 2000 calories (depending on your age, height, weight, gender etc) so if you're only giving yourself 500 calories, you will be literally starving. Also, without a certain amount of energy, your body will start breaking down your muscle, not your fat, to use as energy, and that will certainly make the scale go down, because muscle is heavier then fat, but you will not be doing so in a healthy manner. If you put all of your information into this website, and actually use it, track everything, work out, and turn to the people on here for support and guidance, you will be fine. I've seen my brother use this and he has dropped 25lbs in about 60 days, so it can be done. I've also lost about 10 in the 60 days, but I have not been near as strict as he has been. It is possible, you just need to learn how to properly eat, so that even later on when you're not "dieting" you'll make better decisions on what to eat.

    My advice... DON'T.
  • Brittshae
    Don't do it!!!! I know someone that is doing it. Trust me....it is not as easy as it seems!! Plus, it is not healthy!!! You can't continue to do that diet forever. When you start back eating, you are going to gain it all back in a matter of days!!! I repeat, DON'T DO IT!!!!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I dont understand ! I am witnessing this guys! she is losing it. AND a nutrition recommended it! Technically I am obsessed. As for her metabolism she eats all her meals 8 x A DAY. it seems healthy.

    Yeah, I believe it. Anyone would lose weight on 500 calories a day. But just wait... give it a few months, or years even. She will NOT be able to eat like a normal person after this-- not without a lot of work, anyway. She is losing the weight, but she is also losing a lot of muscle mass and killing her metabolism. Just wait, you'll see...
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    do a search on this site is my first friendly piece of advice. second is please don't consider this....
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You have been told by every single person on this thread that it's a bad idea. If you insist on defending it, that's fine, and you can do what you want, but don't say nobody warned you.

    Best of luck.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I eat 500 calories a day, and I just lost control only to spend the past 6 hours bingeing and purging. I don't recommend it, darling. Starving sucks. EDNOS sucks. Just follow MFP's calorie goals before it all goes downhill. :ohwell:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    sounds like a really stupid idea..i have never heard of a nutritionist recommending that..maybe for people who are handicapped or something who CANT get up and work out..not for normal, healthy people..i guess you will do what you want regardless, but you live and learn
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    You see her losing NOW. Not gaining it back LATER. Just cause one Nutritionist supposedly recommended it means nothing. It could just mean she is a stupid nutritionist! Low, Slow, an Healthy is the way to go.
  • ohraspberries13
    you kind of sound like your mind is made up.
    But I'd say no.
    There is nothing wrong with taking the slow steady road to lose weight. It has been tried and tested by pretty much everyone here.
  • SimplyDeLish
    I dont understand ! I am witnessing this guys! she is losing it. AND a nutrition recommended it! Technically I am obsessed. As for her metabolism she eats all her meals 8 x A DAY. it seems healthy.

    No nutritionist worth anything would put someone on a diet like that. It is NOT healthy. Yes, she may be eating 8x a day at about 60 calories...but she is starving her body. She will lose weight - but most likely not keep it off for the long run. But this journey is about being healthy - and 500 calories is not healthy for anyone! Be smart about this...you don't want to screw up your health. Take the few extra weeks to lose the weight you need to lose the right way.
  • idcatiej22
    idcatiej22 Posts: 49 Member
    that sounds scary dangerous. trust me, i've been there (hardcore dancer for 15 years). you NEED to be getting a minimum of 1000 calories in your system. mfp sets up your daily calorie allotments based off of what is safe and healthy for you. go into your tools and see how many calories you burn a day just laying around - it's over 1000. also, there could be underlying health issues you don't know about. i - personally - am hypoglycemic. so those crazy fad crash diets would NEVER work for me. why? my blood sugar would be all over the place, i'd be a cranky mess, and by the end of the day, i'd most likely be taking a nice ride to the hospital in an ambulance. assuming you don't have any health issues and you try a 500 cal/day diet, you could still end up hurting yourself or end up quitting after one day. 500 cal/day isn't meant to sustain you.

    to put this more into perspective, let's look at what meals should look like based on calories alone. meals should be 250-350 calories; snacks should be 120-200 (this is based off of a 1200 cal/day with 3 meals and 3 snacks (my personal calorie allotment from mfp)). do my meals perfectly work out this way? no. do i try to get at 1200 cal/day in me? you bet your butt!!!

    at the end of the day, 500 cal/day is a bad bad bad idea. crash diets lead to binging. lifestyle changes lead to a better and healthier you.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    That nutritionist should be fired. That is TERRIBLE advice!!! She needs to find a new one. That is an anorexic's amount. As soon as she starts eating normally she will gain it ALL BACK... just watch!
  • frugalmomsrock
    Let’s look at some of the uncomfortable side effects of very low calorie diets:

    Dry mouth
    Fatigue and weakness
    Cold intolerance
    Dry skin and nails
    Menstrual irregularities in women
    Hair loss
    Irritability and confusion
    Inability to concentrate
    Muscle breakdown
    Problems with nerve and muscle function due to an imbalance in minerals and electrolytes
    Conditions such as osteoporosis, anaemia, gout, gallstones, clinical depression, heart problems, renal failure, and liver disease




    I'd rather do it slow and steady than to risk my health. I'm doing this (getting healthy) so I can be around for my kids for a LONG time to come. Kind of defeats the purpose to kill myself to do it, doesn't it?
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    I did the 500 calorie diet. It was nice to get the boost I needed to think I could actually lose weight. I however also had a lot of hair falling out. I felt ran down all the time. I found myself eating other things also because 500 calories just wasn't enough and I needed more protein. I have a friend that works in a hospital and they are finding that a lot of people that have been on HCG diet are having health problems. I don't know if it is related but I now have a gall bladder issue that I am being treated for. My suggestion is DON"T do it. Its not healthy. I gained some weight back by doing it. I do best by counting calories and working out and with that feel great. I have more energy by working out and eating right. Yes the weight comes off slower but it will also in turn stay off. Hope this helps.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It'll work... if you want to give up food for the rest of your life. If you're okay with that and the fact that you will damage your health, lose your hair, and have no energy... go for it, you'll lose weight fast.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    I dont understand ! I am witnessing this guys! she is losing it. AND a nutrition recommended it! Technically I am obsessed. As for her metabolism she eats all her meals 8 x A DAY. it seems healthy.
    A nutritionist? Well they need their license revoked then. What don't you understand? Let's put it this way: people who suffer from anorexia eat THIS WAY.
    Before you embark on a FAD, learn how the body actually works. I've been at this for a long time and anyone who does crazy stuff like this ends up have a compromised metabolism, side effect (hair falls out, nail crack) or they gain back all the weight in a very short time plus add more because of a lower metabolic rate.
    Many learn through mistakes, but this isn't one you try to see if it is a mistake.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    The fact that you say "technically I am obsessed" leads me to believe you have some bigger issues here. This can very quickly get you in over your head.

    Is your friend morbidly obese? Because that would be the only reason to try this, and only under a doctor's supervision who is educated in weight loss as a specialty. Would you smoke crack if your friend did, too?

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The title "nutritionist" does not necessarily mean that you will get good information.

    This 500/day idea is absolutely horrible.

    I am going to tell you a big secret about dieting, and I'm dead serious:

    There are no GOOD shortcuts. NONE. NONE.


    Consistancy wins this race m'am, and you would do yourself a huge favor by doing the following things:
    1) Eat at a reasonable caloric intake. Roughly 20% less than what your body needs AFTER ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE.
    2) Consume adequate macronutrients.
    3) Lift weights and do other physical activities to get in shape. Cardio, a class of some sort/etc.'

    Do this, and only this, and you will develop an aesethetic physique.

    Take short cuts and the likelihood that you will fail is VERY HIGH.
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