Attention all Shorties!!!



  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    I am 5'1". When I started my journey on 07/25/11 I weighed 154.4. To get an idea of a normal BMI I calculated my range weight. To have a normal BMI my weight range is 98 lbs. (18.5BMI) to 132 lbs. (24.9BMI) So when I started in July I kind of made 128 my goal weight but now that I am only 6.6 pounds from there, I think I will see how I feel when I get there. Might bump it down a few more pounds. I can't imagine even being 98 pounds.....UNFATHOMABLE!!! I think I would look like walking death.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am 5' and even at 196 people did not believe I weighed that much. Now at i35 I am almost in the normal BMI and people are already saying I am too thin. IDK its all really weird. BMI is BS in my opinion being it only takes into account height and weight. But it is still really odd that I carry weight so well for my height. I think thats part of why I got as high in weight as I did. I did not look THAT big so I honestly did not realize how much I weighed.
  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    Don't worry, it all depends on your body frame!
  • izzyissy
    izzyissy Posts: 48 Member
    I have you all beat. I am only 4'7. I hate it. I don't remember when I was ever in the 120's. Right now I am 150. I can't believe I let myself get this big. And your right, it doesn't look that bad because I have an hour glass figure. I am considered OBESE!!! I had to do my own calculations because MFP said I couldn't lose 1lb a week because they don't recommend I eat under 1200 calories.
    So I worked out my BMI myself. My BMI is 1590, so to lose 1lb a week, you have to eat 500 calories less. So my Calorie intake a day is only 1090. It's very hard so I work out every day to give me at least 300 calories more to eat. (so I eat 1390 a day). Do you guys think this is ok? I just started. Will I lose weight this way??? Anyone else work out there calorie intake and changed MFP???? Thanks
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    BMI is a terrible measure of fitness in stumpy peoeple.

    For instance, when I wrestled in high school and college I was about 175-185 @ ~11-12% BF and I'm 5'6". I'm short with wide shoulders (52"), I've always had huge legs (27"), and a barrel chest (46"). By those numbers I was obese with having the first couple of abs showing and the others could be seen flexing.

    Since a fit male is around 15% and I was ~11%, and my BMI 29 which is just a little under obese, I think BF% is a better indicator.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have you all beat. I am only 4'7. I hate it. I don't remember when I was ever in the 120's. Right now I am 150. I can't believe I let myself get this big. And your right, it doesn't look that bad because I have an hour glass figure. I am considered OBESE!!! I had to do my own calculations because MFP said I couldn't lose 1lb a week because they don't recommend I eat under 1200 calories.
    So I worked out my BMI myself. My BMI is 1590, so to lose 1lb a week, you have to eat 500 calories less. So my Calorie intake a day is only 1090. It's very hard so I work out every day to give me at least 300 calories more to eat. (so I eat 1390 a day). Do you guys think this is ok? I just started. Will I lose weight this way??? Anyone else work out there calorie intake and changed MFP???? Thanks

    There's all sorts of science and stuff about this, but the bottom line is we're all individuals and your experience will be your experience. If it works for you, then it works for you.

    I don't think that it's realistic to say someone 5'10" has the same minimum calorie and nutritional requirements as someone who's 4'7". I'd say, though, that if you're concerned, talk with your doctor and don't go by what people on this site say.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I am 5ft tall. When I had my BMI and Body fat % done for insurance, I weighed 134 with BMI (i dont remember it I think it was 26.something) and body fat % of 33 which makes me clinically overweight. Do I look like it? To me a little bit yes, to everyone around me not at all or not really... buuuut being clinically overweight (IMO) doesnt necessarily mean someone is "fat" persey, just that their weight is unhealthy. Well with all the health issues in my family + having high triglycerides my self (at 23) I think its time to make a change, not necessarily for how I look (though I would like to be less flab and more toned so it'll be a plus) but more for my health
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I have you all beat. I am only 4'7. I hate it. I don't remember when I was ever in the 120's. Right now I am 150. I can't believe I let myself get this big. And your right, it doesn't look that bad because I have an hour glass figure. I am considered OBESE!!! I had to do my own calculations because MFP said I couldn't lose 1lb a week because they don't recommend I eat under 1200 calories.
    So I worked out my BMI myself. My BMI is 1590, so to lose 1lb a week, you have to eat 500 calories less. So my Calorie intake a day is only 1090. It's very hard so I work out every day to give me at least 300 calories more to eat. (so I eat 1390 a day). Do you guys think this is ok? I just started. Will I lose weight this way??? Anyone else work out there calorie intake and changed MFP???? Thanks

    I think your calculations are about right, mine comes out to a little over 1600, so ~1100 should be your target.

    You have to understand that MFP has to consider legal issues and for probably 95% of females 1200 should be the bare minimum. However, because you are so much smaller, I think 1000-1100 should be fine.
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    I think about it according to clothing size more than weight. If I am wearing a "small" shirt and a size 4 or 6, thats good enough for me. I put my goal smack in the middle of my 5'3" BMI range at 122. I think 135 is a better number for me though.
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    So glad to hear that I'm not the only one with this problem. I am 5ft 1in and the smallest I have ever been was 153, unfortunately, according to the BMI charts my weight should be between 97 and 125 lbs. Seriously? 97 lbs???!!!! Are you kidding me? The problem with BMI is that they do not take your family history or bone structure into account when they give you these numbers. Right now my goal weight is 150 lbs and once I reach that goal I will see how I feel about losing anymore weight. I say screw the BMI charts!!!!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    "SHORTIES" - Please read...

    You need to get off a GENERALIZED perception. What say you to a 5' individual that is RIPPED and weighs 160?? Would you call this person OBESE? NO!!!

    So I say to you this...Look at yourself, toss out all preconcieved and socially predispositioned imterpretations of what healthy is supposed to look like and understand that the BMI is an Averaged curve. If you truly want a GOOD BETTER BEST standing, get measurements to incorporate Body Fat %. This is a better scale to go from than a BMI or weight alone.
  • hazelmae123
    hazelmae123 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and I have been from 198 to 129. At 129, and I usually flux between 130-135, I am a size four and tiny, but I retain the same shape I have at my current 160, I just have more padding. I think it depends on your shape and also you muscle mass. I am always heavier in the legs but tone and muscular on top when very thin. I shoot for a range I have been in before 130, and then judge at that point.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Ahaha, it's always interesting to compare to other shorties. I WISH I could look normal and good at 140 pounds like others, but I look like a bloated whale at that weight. I'm 5'1'' as well but have a tiny frame and was naturally in the low 100's until I gained a ton my first year of college (after I stopped playing on a sports team). I'm almost two years out of college now and finally back down to a reasonable weight for me, but even at 113 I've still got thick thighs and a bit of a tummy! Getting to the lower end of the BMI scale is perfectly natural for me, I definitely look and feel better at 105 than 145!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I am 5'1 and I am currently considered morbidly obese according to the BMI I disagree. Before meeting my personal trainer I thought that my weight should be 120-130ish, however my trainer disagrees and says according to my body composition I will look like I'm that weight but realistically I shouldn't go below 140lbs. This is due to the fact that I am 126lbs of lean muscle mass and my 120 lbs goal would make me in the -ves for fat% and a healthy is between 15-25%ish.

    Honestly this process has made me realize that weight loss can be a slow process until you accept and learn to love yourself and that being comfortable in your own skin, and being healthier beats what the BMI category puts you in.