New to low carb, can somebody look at my meal plan?



  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    Okay, but do you not think that fat metabolism is increased when carb intake is low? What does the body use for energy if it doesn't have carbs coming in?
    Missing half the picture.

    When you reduce carbs, keep protein consistent, and subsequently increase fat - what do you think all that fat is getting stored as?

    Dietary fat is immediately stored as fat. The catch to a low carb diet which DOES result in a higher fat burn is this: you also GAIN more fat due to increased dietary fat. So you burn more fat because of the fact that you are also gaining more fat.

    Higher carbs means you gain less fat and burn less fat. Higher fat means you gain more fat and burn more fat. But the NET fat burn is the same in both cases.

    Make sense?

    But I thought you just said that hypocaloric diets cause fat metabolism... So are you now saying that isn't true in the case of dietary fat intake? Are you saying that if someone is restricting calories, the dietary fat that they're taking in is still being stored as fat?

    You still didn't answer my question? What is the body using for energy, if it's not taking in carbs?
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Missing half the picture.

    When you reduce carbs, keep protein consistent, and subsequently increase fat - what do you think all that fat is getting stored as?

    Dietary fat is immediately stored as fat. The catch to a low carb diet which DOES result in a higher fat burn is this: you also GAIN more fat due to increased dietary fat. So you burn more fat because of the fact that you are also gaining more fat.

    Higher carbs means you gain less fat and burn less fat. Higher fat means you gain more fat and burn more fat. But the NET fat burn is the same in both cases.

    Make sense?

    This is one of the most wrong statements I've seen on this forum yet.

    Do you know what triggers the body to store energy????


    Without insulin the body does not go into storage mode.

    The whole point of low carb eating plans is the reduce the amount of insulin in the blood stream.

    Dietary fat doesn't just go from your stomach to your thighs. Stop spewing all of this garbage on these forums and educate yourself on the metabolic pathways of energy storage/usage.

    Read up on the Insulin/Leptin response.
  • Okay, but do you not think that fat metabolism is increased when carb intake is low? What does the body use for energy if it doesn't have carbs coming in?
    Missing half the picture.

    When you reduce carbs, keep protein consistent, and subsequently increase fat - what do you think all that fat is getting stored as?

    Dietary fat is immediately stored as fat. The catch to a low carb diet which DOES result in a higher fat burn is this: you also GAIN more fat due to increased dietary fat. So you burn more fat because of the fact that you are also gaining more fat.

    Higher carbs means you gain less fat and burn less fat. Higher fat means you gain more fat and burn more fat. But the NET fat burn is the same in both cases.

    Make sense?

    But I thought you just said that hypocaloric diets cause fat metabolism... So are you now saying that isn't true in the case of dietary fat intake? Are you saying that if someone is restricting calories, the dietary fat that they're taking in is still being stored as fat?

    You still didn't answer my question? What is the body using for energy, if it's not taking in carbs?

    Calories are used for energy if Im not mistaken?
  • Donna_T_B
    Donna_T_B Posts: 24 Member
    If excess carbs make me so tired that I can't function and very restricted carbs gives me much more energy, then I'd say my low carb diet does have an affect on my metabolism.

    And to answer the question above, without carbs coming in, fat is used for energy. And that's a good thing.
  • All of you really need to read article and educate yourselves, because most of you are very confused.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    But I thought you just said that hypocaloric diets cause fat metabolism... So are you now saying that isn't true in the case of dietary fat intake? Are you saying that if someone is restricting calories, the dietary fat that they're taking in is still being stored as fat?

    You still didn't answer my question? What is the body using for energy, if it's not taking in carbs?

    Hypocaloric diets = NET fat metabolism.

    Eating meals with dietary fat = TEMPORARY fat gain.

    I am saying you gain more fat from all the instances of eating dietary fat adding up throughout the day - each of these instances = fat gain. But in the presence of a hypocaloric diet, you will see a NET loss in fat.

    Don't miss the forest for the trees. We gain and lose fat every minute of every day. Our bodies are doing one or the other at all times. More dietary fat intake = more instances of gaining fat, but that doesn't negate the fact that you will BURN that fat in the presence of a hypocaloric diet.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Wow, the OP asked if a meal was good for going low carb and it turned into this?

    There are a lot of benefits to doing a ketogenic diet (protein/muscle sparing, suppressed appetite...). Although it's true that you're calorie intake needs to be lower than what you burn, for some, carbohydrates have a huge effect on how hungry you feel and your energy level. Some people do fine eating large amounts of carbohydrates and can feel full when staying at or under their calorie goal. For others (IR), eating carbohydrates does nothing for satiety and even though they've consumed enough energy, they still feel hungry.

    It's up to everyone to find their own balance.

    *ninja edit
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    This is one of the most wrong statements I've seen on this forum yet.

    Do you know what triggers the body to store energy????


    Without insulin the body does not go into storage mode.

    Fat gain CAN AND DOES OCCUR EVEN WHEN INSULIN IS NOT BEING SECRETED. If you think insulin is THE ONLY means in which our body gains and stores fat, then you are seriously mistaken. This line of thinking would tell you that eating 20,000 calories of pure olive oil would not result in fat gain. Does that sound reasonable to you?
    The whole point of low carb eating plans is the reduce the amount of insulin in the blood stream.

    Dietary fat doesn't just go from your stomach to your thighs. Stop spewing all of this garbage on these forums and educate yourself on the metabolic pathways of energy storage/usage.

    Read up on the Insulin/Leptin response.
    I know what "the point" of low carb is - and I am telling you it is no better. Protein secretes an insulin response, too. Should we avoid protein? inb4 glucagon.

    Tell me the conditions under which carbs are stored as fat. You make it sound like the second you eat carbs, you store fat. Are you aware that carbs are stored as fat via the metabolic pathway known as de novo lipogenesis which is rarely, IF EVER, activated in people who eat healthy and exercise?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Everyone - before responding further, PLEASE read the following:

    If you have any contentions with that article, which should take 5 minutes to read, bring it up here. I'd love to hear it.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    You are getting on everyones nerves
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    You are getting on everyones nerves
    At whose fault? Sorry you can't argue the facts. You keep spouting insulin without even understanding the most basic concepts of carbohydrate digestion within the human body.

    Carbs are stored as glycogen. They are stored as fat when glycogen capacity is exceeded, estimated to be 700-900g for the average person. Sometimes more, sometimes less. And it takes DAYS to accomplish this as a single day of overfeeding on carbs doesn't do it. So who is this relevant to? People who are morbidly obese, for starters. Or people carb-loading.

    So why are you telling me carbs will be stored as fat solely due to insulin when carbs are initially synthesized as glycogen?

    Google it if you think I'm wrong. You come in here saying insulin = fat gain without even MENTIONING glycogen.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You are getting on everyones nerves

    I actually find this discussion to be educational. As long as personal attacks aren't being made I don't see any harm in a discussion on science. Do you?
  • You are getting on everyones nerves

    So everyone hates the truth? LOL. "You don't agree with me so you should leave." You're basically just admitting you lost the debate and were proven wrong by someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
  • You are getting on everyones nerves

    Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells.

    please respond.
  • You are getting on everyones nerves

    Speak for yourself, sir.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    You know......I was just thinking.....

    You haven't started with the vegetarians yet. Why not pick on them?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You are getting on everyones nerves

    Then why are you still here?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    You know......I was just thinking.....

    You haven't started with the vegetarians yet. Why not pick on them?
    You're going to feel sooooo awkwaaaaard when I tell you I'm vegetarian.

    I'm not picking on you or people who do low carb; I am clearing up the misconception that it has a metabolic edge. Are you going to even try to refute anything I've said, or just keep telling me that I am annoying people and suggest I "pick on other groups."

    Do you disagree that carbs are stored as glycogen, or...?
  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    Untz and Hunter, I've read both of the articles that you've provided, and I still haven't found an answer to my questions. In fact the article you provided Untz, seemed to point towards eating low-carb:

    "But when you eat more carbs, you burn more carbs and burn less fat. And that’s why even if carbs aren’t directly converted to fat and stored as such, excess carbs can STILL MAKE YOU FAT. Basically, by inhibiting fat oxidation, excess carbs cause you to store all the fat you’re eating without burning any of it off. Did you get that? Let me repeat it again."

    My question still remains... What does the body use for energy if it is not taking in carbs?
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member from a Doctor who explains how the thyroid is affected by diet. "the problem with diagnosing low thyroid is that it's diagnosed with only one test... too many people fall between the cracks and are misdiagnosed." She recommends eating more iodide as the answer, and T3 medication. I ABSOLUTELY DON'T CONDONE HER "cure". This doctor is typical of most in America, trying to solve a symptom not the REASON for the symptom.

    Doctors of nutrition and metabolisim have found that a slow metabolisim and malfunctioning thyroid is because of anemia in the body, and too much insulin! Too many carb. = insulin = storage of fat = starvation mode. Starvation mode = anemia and fat storage.

    The Low calories, low fat diets cause a low (slow) metabolisim because they put the body into starvation mode! This can be healed NATURALLY, and is scientifically proven:
    Dr. Richard Johnson states tons of statistics as well as the danger of sugar in the blood caused by too much carb.s in the diet. By the 3:00 mark, he discusses the paleo (native american) diet and how it was the norm of eating for tribes in S. Am. that are now in horrible health due to the introduction of processed foods in the "western diet". He also mentions the Low Fat Myth and how it does not prevent cardiovascular disease! "'s sugar that's driving cardiovascular disease, it's sugar that's driving poor health...."

    ," is Sugar that is Driving Diabetes". sugar = carbs. hmmmm. "There was a study in Yemen of how immigrants...their caloric intake WENT DOWN, but their sugar [carbs] intake went up...and diabetes occured,..."

    Funny, sugar is sugar (carbohydrate) in the body. hmmm. well, it's a start of a wealth of info. for your low carb. inquiry.
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