Gym Etiquette



  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yesterday I hopped on an open elliptical and right there on the display, someone had stuck their used gum! Ugh!
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Listen, yesterday I had the freak of all freaks next to me in spinning. He was sweating like I have never seen anyone sweat. Then he proceeded to sway his head from side to side (Stevie Wonder style) as we were climbing. I swear his sweat was flying everywhere. I was so going to go off on him if it landed on me. Good for you guy, for getting into your workout but keep that **** over there and away from me!
  • akhirani
    akhirani Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry for the rant....but really some people are too much.....I agree about the cell phone issue, the stink does not bother me....the pornographic noises however are too much. Seriously if it is that much work that you are grunting and well making odd noises...maybe you are doing too much and maybe showing off some. I wish people would be a little mindful of that, it is so not cool...and very very annoying!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I wish whiners would wear headphones or work out at home.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I really think people should be given a gym etiquette memo when they join a gym. Maybe its just me but i really wish people would put deodorant before they go to the gym and they should know not to talk on their phones for long periods of time while exercising. i don't want to hear the happenings of your life lol

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way :)

    I can only half agree with you there. Now if you naturally sweat and smell really bad, yes it would be nice if you put on deodorant...but at the same is a gym...sweat stinks, its not suppose to smell good...and its unavoidable...Most gyms play music, and at least 9/10 people have headphones on listening to music so they don't hear others conversations...Some gyms you can take a buddy at no additional charge...It's kind of ridiculous to ask someone to go there with you and not have a conversation...which would be about the same as someone talking on a just can't hear the other person...if it bothers you that much...I say A.Buy Headphones, or an MP3 player...or B.Don't go to the gym...thats not meant to be mean.

    But honestly what do you expect? The gym to smell like roses, and silence? People talk on their phones at my gym...I just ignore them...and chances are...I'm too focused in my workout to worry about what they're talking would be nice if they at least left the workout area, but I'm not really that bothered by have a few choices...
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    i dunno about the rest of you, but even with deoderant on, im gonna stink within about 10 minutes of starting.

    as for people talking on their phones, dont listen, i just stick my headphones on and off i go.


    Right...I go at my cardio workouts yeah in about 10 mins or so...I start sweating like crazy...and it doesn't smell pretty...and I do put deodorant on before and after I workout...Headphones...never leave home without it...its my pump me up music.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I find even with deodorant on I sweat like a pig but hey isn't that a good thing!!!


    Sweat=Good...if you aren't sweating at the end of your did something wrong.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    never had the BO issue at the gym...but the cell phone thing. WTF? if you are going to the gym, shouldn't one be focusing on that...not gabbing like a high school girl.

    i'm with you...i don't get it.

    TURN Off the cell phones and wipe up that damn sweat all over the treadmill

    Don't agree with you on the cell phone thing...I have a child in school...AND I use my phone to play it is NECESSARY for me to have my phone on me at all times...but I imagine you didn't consider the possibility that maybe someone carries their phone for purposes such as...they have children, or emergencies.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I HATE when people do not wipe of equipment after using it!!! It grosses me out sooooo bad. Haven't people heard of thing like MRSA and other bacterial infections. My gym makes it so easy to clean of the equipment. They provide pre-moistened wipes that can be found ALL over the gym. So I am forced to clean the machines before and after using them. I think that should be the number one in etiquette at the gym.

    I clean off before and after...just because it's sanitary, and I see people who don't clean it off, AND people who leave the bathroom without washing their hands.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Since I usually have music in my ears I don't notice the people on cellphones so much but I do remember seeing a girl doing the elliptical and talking on the phone. Usually I don't pay much attention to people at the gym but I remember thinking she's not going to be burning many calories like that!

    I probably smell at the gym so I can't really complain about that.

    One gym etiquette gripe though, people who hog several machines at once! There are guys at my gym who will put their towels and bottles across several pieces of equipment. Then they all take turns using it. My mum once complained to the staff because she couldn't get on the leg press!
  • SDMS
    SDMS Posts: 36 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when chicks (invariably it's girls that do this) go to the gym with their BFF and SIT and CHAT on the weight machines - I'm talking about 5 minute breaks in between sets of 10 reps!! WTF!!

    I see that all the time!

    And those are the same girls that wear a full face of make up just to go and "work out".
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when chicks (invariably it's girls that do this) go to the gym with their BFF and SIT and CHAT on the weight machines - I'm talking about 5 minute breaks in between sets of 10 reps!! WTF!!

    I see that all the time!

    And those are the same girls that wear a full face of make up just to go and "work out".

    Since I don't use the machines, I consider them decorations
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    "My biggest problem at the gym, though, is with the few people who consistently do not wear sufficient clothing. No matter how hot you are at age 50, don't show up wearing hot pants and a sports bra. Shorts and a tank aren't that much more difficult...and a lot less distracting. I really think there should be a rule that you must have a shirt on/with you at all times."

    -TOTALLY AGREE - Just because you CAN wear it, doesn't necessarily mean that you SHOULD!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    My how things (and people's attitudes) have changed since I last ventured into a gym. (about 5-6 years ago)

    Behaviors that were rarely seen now seem to be annoyingly common. And things that commonly occured are now frowned upon.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Oh and one other thing, take off the sunglasses - you are not a superstar and never will be.

    Sometimes I keep my sunglasses on because the way the gym faces the sun while its going down. During the summer time it gets very bright and it never fails I'm on the elliptical and the sun is reflecting off a parked car.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I expect these things in a gym:

    1. Sweaty, smelly people.
    2. Noise: Banging weights together, people power lifting, the occiasional clank of weights being racked or set on a bar.
    3. Exertion: I don't expect people to go into convulsions. But I occaisionally will grunt when lifting. I don't see anything wrong with others doing it.

    A weight room is a place for people to improve themselves. I don't know how you facilitate that without sweat, noise, emotion, or exertion. If you're looking for a quite place to work-out go run in the country at 5am.

    Other than those three, my pet peeves are the same as others. Especially:

    "Curls In a Squat Rack Guy" - There are only two squat racks and this guy takes up one to do curls. (I have my own prejudice against iso curls in the first place)

    The Guy who unracks dumbells and then does their work out right next to the rack so no one else can get to the other dumbells.

    One of these days this might get me in trouble, but I don't hesitate to say something to these offenders. As for people not working out? That's their time, as long as it doesn't impede my time I don't really care.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Perfect bro.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    "My biggest problem at the gym, though, is with the few people who consistently do not wear sufficient clothing. No matter how hot you are at age 50, don't show up wearing hot pants and a sports bra. Shorts and a tank aren't that much more difficult...and a lot less distracting. I really think there should be a rule that you must have a shirt on/with you at all times."

    -TOTALLY AGREE - Just because you CAN wear it, doesn't necessarily mean that you SHOULD!

    Theres a lady at my gym that wears shorts and a sports top that cuts off a few inches below the chest...personally...I think she looks great...and it gives me see her wearing that...knowing thats what I'm working towards. Also...I don't really have enough time while I'm at the gym to pay attention to what everybodys each their own I say. I focus on me...not them
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    With regards to smelly people, I understand where the original poster is coming from--- there's a guy who wears the EXACT same shirt everyday and he doesn't do cardio-- he lifts weights and just stinks up the whole joint. That's ridiculous. Regular sweat and the inevitable smell of that is fine--- and in a weird way, motivating-- b/c I want to work as hard as I think that other person did. So that's totally cool/expected.
    Yeah, I kind of think it's rude when someone's kind of hovering over you while you're in the middle of a set of lifting weights or on a machine. I understand the person wants to be in line for it, but dang. A little space, will ya?
    And the whole not putting the weights back in their proper places can be a bit annoying for sure.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    "My biggest problem at the gym, though, is with the few people who consistently do not wear sufficient clothing. No matter how hot you are at age 50, don't show up wearing hot pants and a sports bra. Shorts and a tank aren't that much more difficult...and a lot less distracting. I really think there should be a rule that you must have a shirt on/with you at all times."

    -TOTALLY AGREE - Just because you CAN wear it, doesn't necessarily mean that you SHOULD!

    Theres a lady at my gym that wears shorts and a sports top that cuts off a few inches below the chest...personally...I think she looks great...and it gives me see her wearing that...knowing thats what I'm working towards. Also...I don't really have enough time while I'm at the gym to pay attention to what everybodys each their own I say. I focus on me...not them

    That's all well and fine, but when they are on the treadmill directly in front of you, well there really isn't much choice now is there...I don't go to the gym and "gawk" at people, I don't have time or the desire, but when it's put in my face I can't help notice...I have no problems with people who wear appropriate clothing for their body type...frankly, I don't want to see anyone's thunder thighs, hail damage, and muffin top oozing out of a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top that is way too doesn't look me...I don't put my chunky junk on display, I would appreciate if others would take that into consideration...