Do you have separate bank accounts or pool your money?

ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
I thought of this because of another thread.

My wife and I have separate checking accounts (at different banks) and one "home" account which pays for the bills, mortgage and van. We pool our money on the home account, but use our own separate accounts for buying whatever we see fit to spend money on. We have NEVER argued about money at all.

So do you just have one account or split them up?


  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    myself and my boyfriend keep it seperate... we are only living together a year and its wsorking good for us so far!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    separate, it just works for us :) especially since our incomes are so incredibly different (he makes 4x as much as I do)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    We do the same thing niner. It was tough at first now we have it figured out! Its a good way to go I think.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    We have our own seperate checking and savings, and then we have a joint checking and savings for the house bills and such. Anything fun and extra for ourselves has to come out of our own accounts.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    My husband and I keep it seperate. I pay the majority of the bills, so I keep most of the funds.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    One account. I've always made more than my wife, and now that she is a stay at home mom, that goes double. Didn't seem fair to me to share everything else in life, but keep "my money" and "her money".

    We never have had a disagreement about money, or what to buy, in twenty years of marriage.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Married for 18 years, totally separate accounts. I have $xxx deposited into his account each pay period, he pays household bills out of that account. We pay separately for student loans, cell phones, play money. When we bought our house 8 years ago, we adopted an "inside/outside" split. I pay for everything inside (groceries, maintenance inside, laundry/paper goods), he pays for outside (lawn care, pool supplies, garden supplies, etc.)

    Seems to work for us.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Pool, its our money and we share everything. Of course, we are married. It would be foolish to share money if you are not. IMO
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    We have separeate acounts. We split up the bills and each pays the bills they can afford out of their own account.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    we pool it, and have a certain amount of spending money each month to spend on what we like after all our bills are paid. he buys tickets for sport, i go shopping!!
  • hollymcd1027
    We have all joint accounts and pool our money.

    When we first started living together and planning for our wedding/future we had a few fights about money, but really that was more about manageing our expectations and getting on the same page. It only took a few months and we had figured out the money thing that works for us.

    4 and a half years later and we never fight about money either. Really no matter how you do set it up, its all about communication one way or the other.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    I'd hate to be married to me, I cost alot to feed...
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    I just get a sugar daddy to load up my bank account. It's much easier.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    My boyfriend and I live together but have separate bank accounts. We each pay half for everything-rent, utilities, etc. but either I xfer money to him for certain bills or he does the same for me. When I was married my husband and I shared a bank account but he did all the banking. Not only was he burdened with keeping all of our finances straight I never knew if I could spend money! Keeping separate accounts works for me know because I know what bills I have and what "fun" money I have :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    No kids, about the same salary, separate accounts. She pays the "BIG" bill (house) so I give her about two grand per month for that, other than that we are separate. I don't recall us ever fighting about money and we've been married for 10 years coming up in March, so I guess it works.
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    I am single and keep multiple accounts. This will never change.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    Separate accounts. I pay some bills and my fiance pays some. We are, however, both pooling money on one of the accounts I had already set up dedicated for trips. It seems to work for us because even though the accounts are separate we both split expenses.
  • carrie564
    carrie564 Posts: 44 Member
    We share everything. All money between us is family money (unless it was a gift of course, like birthday money). But neither of us go on shopping sprees, either, or I might say that wouldn't work for some couples. We both just buy what's needed, and if we don't think it's needed, we talk about it first. We have specific financial goals that could only be reached that way. I don't see how maybe "I" could be saving all "my" money for a down payment on a house, and then watch "him" be spending all "his" money at Best Buy or something. That would drive me nuts. I think you've gotta be on the same page & completely open with all your financial stuff.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    One account. I've always made more than my wife, and now that she is a stay at home mom, that goes double. Didn't seem fair to me to share everything else in life, but keep "my money" and "her money".

    We never have had a disagreement about money, or what to buy, in twenty years of marriage.

    Yep, one account. Been together 17 years & married for 15.5. Practically from the day he asked me to marry him we have had a joint account. Don't believe in his & hers! Works for us. :-D

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  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I am married and we both keep separate bank accounts and each have designated bills that we pay. Rent we split 50/50 on and the others have a designated person to pay that bill. Since I make more money, I have more of the bills and pay for most of our food. Works for us, since we both are responsible with money.