Do you have separate bank accounts or pool your money?



  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Sepeate accounts, he pays certain bills and I pay certain bills... it's worked for us, no complaints or fights.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Pool, its our money and we share everything. Of course, we are married. It would be foolish to share money if you are not. IMO

    This^^^^^ even when I worked full time...stupid to pay half and half or you pay this and I pay that...You "share" when you are married! If there isn't money for that certain toy you want you just don't get it. I never understood the need for a separate account.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Together. Being an accountant, I'm, well a little controlling when it comes to money (plus, I'm really good at managing it.) My husband, well, he would be okay with living in a card board box as long as it had the 60 inch TV. So, everything is together and he has little access to it. He has a credit card that is used for fuel only. We never fight about money. He never asks questions. He just knows he has a house, car, power, food, etc.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    well right now it's separate.

    And you know, I just may keep it that way. During the divorce process I was left pretty stranded.

    I refuse to let that happen again.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    We have his, mine and ours. I pay all the recurring bills from 'ours'. We buy our 'own' stuff from our own accounts. Day to day stuff, who ever has the most $$ that day pays LoL.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We have one joint account for strictly house expenses (mortgage, taxes, repairs, etc) and separate accounts for all other bills and our own spending. He gives me cash for his half of the shared bills (electric, cable, etc) and it's up to me to keep them paid currently. As long as those basics are taken care of and no one's going crazy with credit card debt, we have nothing to fight about as far as finances are concerned. It's a good thing!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    My fiance and I each have our own savings account but joint checking to pay the bills--ever since we moved in together, we paid for everything together. Works well--no money fights. I do the budgeting and it all works out :)
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    I am a SAHM and I've never worked since we got if we didn't have a joint account, he'd basically be giving me an "allowance" which is not okay haha.

    I don't buy things we don't need and we completely trust each other. We've been married for 3 years and have never had a fight about money!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Glad to hear that we are not outside the norm on this. My hubby and I function very well on our 2 separate accounts. I am a freelance designer, and he is an accountant for a country club. He pays the mortgage and keeps a savings account, I pay everything else. It has always worked for us so I suspect we will probably keep it this way. It's good to see it's working well for so many of you.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    We pool all our money, which is good since I don't make much as a grad student. I pay all the bills and balance the checkbook AND do the taxes. If he had his own account, he'd have to do that all himself....
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I do the budgeting and it all works out :)

    this is so funny to me, because, despite my hubby being an accountant, I still do our main budget. He uses his check to pay the one big mortgage bill (and his gas) each month, and I pay all of the other static and non-static bills. It really works best for us too.
  • VulcanLover
    Wow. I am always surprised that couples split money. That seems so weird and foreign to me. My husband and I have a few accounts and they are all OUR accounts. There is no such thing in our house as your money and my money, I do not think I could marry a man who proposed such an idea, honestly.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    One account. I've always made more than my wife, and now that she is a stay at home mom, that goes double. Didn't seem fair to me to share everything else in life, but keep "my money" and "her money".

    We never have had a disagreement about money, or what to buy, in twenty years of marriage.

    Yep, one account. Been together 17 years & married for 15.5. Practically from the day he asked me to marry him we have had a joint account. Don't believe in his & hers! Works for us. :-D

    Ditto except we've been married 18.5 years and didn't get a joint account until after we were married.
  • Tuffjourney
    Both. :bigsmile:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Separate, married. It works great. I always hear about couples fighting about money but we never do. It's pretty hard to fight about it when you are responsible for managing your own money.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Wow! Amazed at how many have seperate accounts! We started out seperate, but when I went to grad school (and stopped working) we went to one account. Now that I am graduated and employed and make almost as much as he does we fight about money ALL THE TIME. I hate it. We've talked about going back to seperate accounts. I like the idea that many of you are using three accounts: household, mine, and yours....maybe that would work for us.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been living together nearly 3 years and we've always had separate accounts. Our only joint bills are rent and cell phones, so we just give each other 1 check a month to cover it. I imagine if we move or buy a house, we'll have 1 account for those bills. The main reason we have separate accounts is we both brought very different debts into the relationship. I have student loans, a new car, and lots of credit card debt from my foolish youth days so I need to take responsibility with my earnings to pay those off before we get married and buy a house. He doesn't have nearly as much as me.

    Plus, I don't want to know what he spends on golf and he doesn't want to know what I spend at J Crew.
  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    seperate as he lives on the other side of the world :( we share our money as best we can though.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    We have separate bank accounts and will for the foreseeable future, even if we get married. The only bills we split are rent and cell phones; he writes me a check for half of both when he has the money. He pays for cable, I pay for utilities. It ends up being approximately the same. I make almost three times more than he does, but he doesn't let me pay more because of his silly pride.

    We'd be driving each other craaazy if we had one account. I know I'd constantly be overstepping and annoying him about taking out money for whatever. It's best we don't even go down that route.
  • mini_girl7
    mini_girl7 Posts: 32 Member
    Plus, I don't want to know what he spends on golf and he doesn't want to know what I spend at J Crew.

    HA HA *like* :laugh: