How to help motivate my boyfriend



  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Invite him to join MFP :bigsmile:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Invite him to join MFP :bigsmile:

    I like this idea. Share your love for MFP with him, see if he wants to join to "support" you.
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm in the same situation, distance relationship and both of us needing change. I think the best thing to do is nothing, at least not to him. You can't make someone do something they don't want to do, and they wont succeed if they aren't doing it for themselves.

    What I do is just stick to my guns. When we're visiting one another I still will get up in the morning and go for a run and workout, I always ask the night before if he wants to go with me but don't pressure him to do so. Sometimes he goes and sometimes he sleeps in. I also stick to my eating habits while he can do what he wants as long as my choices are respected. Lately, I've noticed that he's starting to try to work out and eat better. Not because I said so though, because he is choosing to do so. So just keep doing what you're doing and setting the good example.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    My husband is overweight as was I before coming here. I've been at this over a year and have lost quite a bit of weight. When we met I was overweight, then gained more...a lot more. I'm now 30 lbs less than when we met 8 years ago.
    I tried encouraging him to do this with me. He attempted it for a couple of months and then quit. He has yet to get back on the bandwagon, and I'm not saying anything about it. I figure, if seeing my weight loss hasn't done the trick, there is nothing I say that will help either. :ohwell:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    My husband is overweight as was I before coming here. I've been at this over a year and have lost quite a bit of weight. When we met I was overweight, then gained more...a lot more. I'm now 30 lbs less than when we met 8 years ago.
    I tried encouraging him to do this with me. He attempted it for a couple of months and then quit. He has yet to get back on the bandwagon, and I'm not saying anything about it. I figure, if seeing my weight loss hasn't done the trick, there is nothing I say that will help either. :ohwell:

    He will most likely come around, it took me a long time but I eventually did.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'll just leave him alone and see if my motivate with in turn motivate him. The last thing I want to do it hurt his feelings or make him feel like I don't like who he is, because I do!

    keep in mind that your unspoken acts may end up being his inspiration. We can all lead by example. others will choose whether or not to follow your lead.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    My husband is overweight as was I before coming here. I've been at this over a year and have lost quite a bit of weight. When we met I was overweight, then gained more...a lot more. I'm now 30 lbs less than when we met 8 years ago.
    I tried encouraging him to do this with me. He attempted it for a couple of months and then quit. He has yet to get back on the bandwagon, and I'm not saying anything about it. I figure, if seeing my weight loss hasn't done the trick, there is nothing I say that will help either. :ohwell:

    He will most likely come around, it took me a long time but I eventually did.

    I hope so! :smile:
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Yep, what others have said. My husband also needs to lose weight, but I've learned I can't force him to do it or give him the motivation. I hate it, but it's not something I can change :(
  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    My sister in law works hard to keep her husband "Johnny" on his diet. He has yo-yo'd from a low of 220 to a high of 350. (My husband and "Johnny" are brothers, and both are BIG guys).
    Everytime I even THINK about saying something to my guy about what he is eating I hear s-i-l's very shrill, loud voice yelling "Johnny that is your 3 third cookie" like he is a misbehaving 3 year old.
    I can't say anything to my guy. He can, will and has dug his heels in whenever I have tried to change his behavior. Right now, I am concentrating on my eating habits. If he wants to change his, I will encourage him - but it has to be his choice.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    tell him he can have sex with you if he can catch you. Then run like the wind.