I am so upset..I dont think I can do 30DS anymore :(

I feel like such a failure..like I am destined to be fat. My knees just hurt too much..I put on crosstrainers..didn't help..but this time I canbarely do the jumping jacks because it hurts..and when I was done the bottom of my feet felt strange and tinglly so I had to stop the dvd..now I am here..I really loved the results and Jillian..I just feel like the other low impact workouts wont give me the results I want..I wont get "shredded" doing a powerwalk dvd will I?


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    30DS is not a beginners workout. Don't feel like a failure! Start doing other workouts: walking, light jogging, etc. to build up your leg strength and endurance.

    I couldn't do it at first either. Don't you dare give up!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Make your own routine of all the exercises she does from all the levels that you CAN do. That's what I did with her kettlebell DVD. I could never do the ones that involve getting on the floor.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    She can be killer on the knees. Stick w/ the low impact moves throughout the workout. I also prefer Last Chance Workout over 30DS...it is less impact but no ab work.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    I feel like I am in your shoes!!!!
  • beautifulbrat
    I have yet to attempt the 30DS but I hear its intense. However, this video is one that I use to warm up with a LOT

  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    Well, depending where you are on your weight loss journey, power walking might be perfect! I started out walking, and as I gained strength and endurance I expanded my exercise. Find what works for you, right now! You can do it!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Please don't feel like you failed! I tried it at least three different times before I could do it...and I still haven't ever passed level one! Just do other things that are lower impact and build your way up. And next time you visit Jillian, you will do better!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Start out slower, and don't worry about shredding. I don't know of anyone who could do that kind of exercise without building up endurance. I agree with others who've posted. There's nothing wrong with doing some power walking. Your knees will thank you.
  • filmfanatic29
    You aren't a failure! Don't worry, I completely understand!! I've had a lot of knee issues in the past (and surgeries) and 30DS can be pretty rough on them. I decided to stop and then if I feel up to it I will try doing it at a later date. You'll find an exercise routine that works for you. Personally, I replaced 30 DS with Zumba.
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    If it's just the jumping jacks bothering u, modfify them. There is no jumping with a modified jumping jack so it should allow u to complete the rest of the workout. good luck!
  • jessicajoy87
    I do Leslie Sansome workouts and those are considered low impact aerobics. That plus counting my calories I have lost over 30 lbs in 2 months. As long as you are doing something I think that is all that matters.
  • briehill
    If you're having problems with your knees try doing stuff that's low impact. I'm not doing any of the dvd's right now just walking and swimming but I'm still losing it. My mom lost over 100 lbs and all she ever did was cardio (treadmill, bike, etc.) and weights. Don't feel bad if you can't do a dvd and as someone else said try something else for awhile till you get more comfortable doing higher impact workouts. Highly recommend swimming as it's low impact and works your entire body if you do it right.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    There is nothing wrong with walking. Set a good pace and you can still have intense cardio. If your knees are an issue, walk on turf like at a soccer or football field. Or if you have access to a soft track then get there. Just keep moving. The conditioning comes in time.

    When I started, my load bearing joints really rebelled against bearing a load at first. A year later things are MUCH better. I still can't really do a sustained jog because of the knees. However I have found many other things I can do.
  • adnorri
    adnorri Posts: 20
    I was doing a bootcamp with my friend and started having real problems with my knees. I went to my massage therapist and he fixed it within a couple of treatments. I dont know if this is something that you have access to but it really helps. I was so upset too when I thought that I wasnt going to be able to run or do the workouts anymore, but he said not to worry that he sees it all the time in people that are really active. I just needed to maintain my knees. He gave it a certain name and of course I cant remember what it was, but you may check that out and see if it helps.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I did 30DS when I started here. My knees KILLED at first. I modified. I would do the arms of the exercise, but instead of the squats or whatever, I'd do a knee lift or something. Or I didn't go as far down, went slower, etc. Whatever it took to get a workout without killing my knees. I NEVER did the jump lunges....6 months later and 30DS and Supreme 90 Day program later, I finally do a few, but only because I'm strong enough now. I just don't think that is a very safe exercise. And it is NOT for beginners.

    By the end of 30Ds, I had noticed quite a bit of improvement in my knees. They are like anything else, if they are weak it takes time. It's important to ease into knee work and proper form is imperative!!

    5 months later, my knees do pretty good. I weigh 30 lbs less, have better form and I'm stronger. You can get there too.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    You are not too fat...I am a running fool and am pretty tiny and there are workouts that I just won't do or can't do as they hurt my knees. 30DS and SOME of the FIRM DVD just have way too many squatty lungey things. I have found a DVD series called 10 minute solutions...they have 5 segments that are 10 minutes each...you can program them to play just one time, 2 or three of the segments, all five etc...there is no weight training in the 2 dvd's that I have but the cardio is fun...there are a few that I don't have that might have weight training. What I have found works for me is 10-30 minutes of 10 minute solution and then 10-20 minutes of weights ...exercises and sequences I have learned watching 30 DS and FIRM DVD and from a JAckie Warner total body circuit DVD...
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    Thank you guys for the encouragement..I can't stop crying. I just feel like I worked so hard at it for 10days..and now it hurts too much to continue..I feel like I can deal with the intensity just my stupid knees..I feel like going to walmart asap to pick up Leslie S. Dvd..I was doing so good...but im scared it wont burn enough calories.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Don't feel like that. You have to build up to that type of work out. You will be so proud when you work your way up and are slamming it! :happy:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thank you guys for the encouragement..I can't stop crying. I just feel like I worked so hard at it for 10days..and now it hurts too much to continue..I feel like I can deal with the intensity just my stupid knees..I feel like going to walmart asap to pick up Leslie S. Dvd..I was doing so good...but im scared it wont burn enough calories.

    You may want to talk to a doctor about the pain. If it's really sharp or a pinch pain, that could indicate knee problems that may need treatment. Don't do anything your body tells you is a really bad idea. :) No crying! Remember every day is a new one, and with it comes a chance to do things differently :)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Don't give up just because one type of workout didn't work for you. And remember, you're only truly a failure if you quit. SO DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!! I signed up for a six week walk/jog/run class at my gym a couple of months ago, but reality struck in the third week. The morning after my class, I could barely put weight on my left knee, and I wasn't able to work out the rest of the week because of knee pain. I had to drop the class, but I didn't give up trying to lose weight. I simply had to find a different way of pushing myself that was more realistic for someone as heavy as me. It's a learning process. You will learn that there are certain physical boundaries that, at this point in time, you are not capable of crossing yet. However, there are PLENTY of other exercise options out there. Walking is an excellent choice. Get a pedometer and time yourself...maybe make it a goal to walk at a pace of 20 min/mile. At the end of May, I weighed 297lbs. As of earlier this evening, I am now 259lbs. I can do things in my workouts now that I would not have thought possible five months ago. The results will come in time. "Put one foot in front of the other, until you're walking 'cross the floor. Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door." Baby steps.