Anyone else feel this way??

So I realized this week that if my husband and college-aged daughter were not here I would have time to exercise more and would be able to eat better. I love them both so much, but sharing the family room with them and trying to fit in work-outs sucks. I like to work-out right after work and I have them both constantly asking me "how much longer"! Argh! It is driving me crazy!

Anyone else feel this way? I feel so awful even thinking it. But darn, those single people must have it made!!! Nobody to pick up after, make meals for, spend time with. LOL I AM KIDDING! I don't want to be single but want to figure out a way to get my family to understand that this is important to me and they need to learn to deal with it. I only spend 30-50 minutes doing work-outs and any treadmill time I do is with them while we watch TV.


I would never have realized it but there were 2 nights that my daughter had class and my husband worked late. I was able to come home and get right into the work out without having to deal with dinner, chores, etc. It was nice to be able to work-out without anyone bugging me. :smile:


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    I actually prefer being single. Good luck.
  • yes weekends when my husband is off i gain all the weight ive lost during the week.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Oh I understand! I have young kids. One is in school but the other is home with me and they big me when I exercise. I feel mean but I want to just concentrate and be alone while I work out. And sometimes I wish I could fit another workout in but I can't because I am running them around to activities or have cleaning to do and things like that. But I just do what I have to do. I make them play upstairs for 30 minutes or I get up before htem in the early morning and/or work out after everyone is in bed. Like right now I just did a quick 10 minute aerobic. I'd rather relax at the end of my day, but I figure I have to do what I have to do for now anyway!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would tell them "Look, I'm going to come home and workout for 30 mins. As soon as I'm done, you can have the tv, I will fix dinner, etc" and then do it. Don't let them distract you from it or annoy you with their asking. If they ask "How much longer?" Tell them "I'll be done when I'm done". You deserve this time for YOU - they can wait. :)

    Just be firm and don't allow them to sway you from your goals. It won't be easy, but they'll live for the 30-50 mins you are working out.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Instead of them waiting around for you to finish your workout, put THEM to work with dinner, chores, etc.
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    hubby and I work out together... He's down 95 lbs and I'm down 48..... Together we've lost a whole person... And we'er empty nesters .... Good luck !
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    I utterly despise being alone, but I will say that my workouts are far more consistent when there's no one around.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I am single and am SO glad I am during this period of 1200 calories. I honestly don't see how people with significant others can do it! I have tons of admiration for people who manage to get healthy while maintaining a normal family life.
  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member
    I actually prefer being single. Good luck.

  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    I guess I am lucky. I get up with my 2 oldest to get them ready for school and the youngest 2 and hubby r still sleeping so I am able to get dishes going and get in some of my workout before my 3 yr old comes in. Although unlike most kids his age he doesn't harp on watching toons he would rather ask me to get the wii out if i'm not using it so we can run togeather. Even if I do it in the afternoon my daughter who is 5 usually asks to do it with me. Years ago hubby would laugh or ask me when I was going to be done but now if he is awake when I am doing them he just sits there and does his own thing and occasionally tells me to keep going I haven't done enough since I am not sweating enough. I prefer doing it first thing when they r still sleeping but thats me and I have a 1 yr old so I gotta get it done when hes not crawling around under my feet calling momma. lol hopefully you will find a balance and be able to work it out. How about changing when you work out when they are home some to see if that helps out any. just a thought. good luck with your weight loss journey.
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Yepp..It's always harder for me to eat right and get my exercise in when the hubby is home. My son is 2 and not too much of a problem..I just have to workout while's he's asleep :P My hubby on the other hand has the most unhealthy eating habits ever..and is always taking up the tv when he's home. :(
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    I am a mother of 5 and I have a husband that to say the least is a tooth pick so Yes I feel your pain I actually waited tell everyone went to bed to do a work out and that limits me as far as what I can do unless I go outside and since I use my Exercise TV for motivation and great workouts that isn't possible! I do feel your pain!! I also dont like them staring at me asking are you almost done there's a movie coming on I would like to watch!! Just kills me WHY cant I HAVE 30 MIN to work out!!??? WHY??
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Could you possibly join a gym or the Y? I love going to the gym three or four times a week and knowing that my time there is mine, without any interruptions or critiques. I do some working out at home and lots of walking outside, but the gym is where I get the most vigorous exercise.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm single, but I notice that it's so much harder to eat healthy/excercise when I have more of a social life! If I really don't have anything to do, I'm great about planning out all of my meals and getting to the gym every time. However, as soon as I get really busy doing social stuff, it seems my diet and excercise go out the window. Last year I moved to this town over 10,000 miles away from anyone I knew for a job. It was really tough to make friends at first, so the first few months I was here I literally didn't do anything outside of work unless it was a small function with co-workers. I lost 20 pounds and was the thinnest I'd been in years. After a few months, I started to make some friends and actually be out and about on the weekends, and I gained all of that back VERY quickly. So here I am, haha.
  • I know the feeling! I would LOVE to come home work out or just go off for a nice walk without having to deal with. "can't we just chill and watch this show?"

    Or I'd adore to have a nice meal that involves something not greasy or bad for me, but I walk into this "Oh we're having hot dogs!" OR "want pizza?"

    *face palm*

    I love my boyfriend and my family, but its kind of getting difficult with them trying to keep me all sedentary and hooked up on junk food.
  • talia25
    talia25 Posts: 35 Member
    My hubby works away a bit, and I find it so much easier to eat healthy and exercise more when he isnt home. But, then I miss him and it does get a bit lonely as well, so its definitely hard to find the happy medium so Im feeling you
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    when hubby is home...I use the exercycle whilst watching tv... he's even started using it this week - YAY
  • Glad to know I am not alone. :)

    I will push through but it isn't easy! My husband lost all of his weight through diet alone and is at his ideal weight. My daughter has always been thin (lucky her!) so she doesn't get it.

    Thanks everyone! I will have to just annoy them and please me I guess. :laugh:
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    If you're determined to workout in that room at that time (could you get creative and set up a workout space in a less-used room? could you force yourself to become an AM exerciser?), tell them you're going to have 30 minutes alone in there when you get home from work. Each time they interrupt you, add 5 minutes. Keep doing this and they should get the idea. (However, I think that if my mom had tried this when I was younger, it wouldn't have worked because everyone else would have been too pushy and she would have been too nice. Don't be too nice! It's your house too.) Good luck!

  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Sorry, but your daughter is of a rightful age to take care of herself. You could make dinner meals for your husband. Or have it baking while you are working out. Some workout is better than no workout! You can do it. Just gotta be multi-tasking.

    I get it too, from my boyfriend. I feel I have to "hide" working out. Or find ways to keep him entertained so I can go workout and not feel guilty that he is alone or siting at home waiting for me. lol.