

  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    Why hasn't everyone answered the QOTD? I just want to make sure that I am not missing anything.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    Omg I LOVE talking about money. I love money questions. MONEY! Personal finance is a lot like weightloss/fitness programs!

    I don't have to pay taxes right? Cuz that's the first thing I'd do if I did -- or at least set the tax money aside in a CD that came up when taxes were due.

    I'd probably set aside 3/4 of it right away as retirement money - work out a retirement plan and set of investments. Then the other 250k I'd.... hmm. Have to talk it out with my bf but I'd either do:

    PLAN A:
    1) Research Solar technology - if its pretty good I'd go ahead and install it now, if not I'd set aside some and install it in 5 years or whenever analysts think it will be great and then I'd install that + a pool heater. I assume this is around 10k?
    2) take a chunk of it and decorate the house including buy the furniture I want. (probably this would be about 20-30k?) And add AC (another 5-10k?)
    3) do a fun vegas weekend with about 5k of it.
    4) take another 20k and do a fabulous overseas vacation - but where and what?
    5) drop about 100k to pay off the principle on the house.
    6) leave the last 75k in the bank it for later.

    PLAN B:
    Take 200k and put a downpayment on a house we like better, (our dream houses were probably around the 600k -650k range and we just couldn't afford that so we settled for a place that's perfectly nice at 440k and yes, socal housing is very expensive) and then rent out our current house. And then 50k to decorate/buy furniture OR save it for later and decide what to do.

    I suspect we would do plan A because we'd have everything we want right now and THEN some AND its the more financially stable plan. But plan B is TEMPTING. Might depend on if we could rent our current house for the same amount as the mortgage or not. I think we could.

    See, I've totally thought about this before.

    I'd kind of want to take time off from working and really get in awesome shape, learn to cook, etc, but I'd worry about not being able to get a job after a long time not working and my boyfriend LIKES what he does.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    I would buy a new car (I have never had a new car, only used) not a fancy one or anything, just a regular new car. Then I would fix up my house and give it away to a needy family. I would have to buy a new house then, again nothing fancy just a 2000 square foot house, that would be almost double the size of any I have ever lived in. Around here I could get a very nice house that size for 150k. I'm simple.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Thursday, Oct 13 QOTD: what would I do with a milliin bucks?
    I would pay off all my bills and my daughter and her husband's student loans, put momey in bank for grandchildren education buy a new building for our church put rest in bank for retirement. Million bucks SPENT in 2 secinds!
  • Gazer362
    Gazer362 Posts: 35 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    For me there are a few...
    1. No one can do this for me. I have to find a way to do it for myself.
    2. If hunger isn't the problem, then food isn't the solution.
    3. I can complain about having to exercise, or I can complain about being fat.
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    I would pay off all my bills first. I would buy my mom a nice house, probably somewhere close are on my property. I would hire a chef to prepare all meals. I would enjoy life.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    1. Pay off all debts
    2. Money's gone, now what??? JUST KIDDING
    3. Go on a trip with the whole family
    4. Sell my house and buy one on the lake!
    5. Put the rest away for a rainy day.

  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    Chalene always says (well now always, just seems like always cuz everytime I play the DVD she says it!) "you can do this, you don't give yourself enough credit" OR "were with you, don't quit".
  • tessacope2
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    I would book a month long stay at the Biggest Loser Fitness Ridge. It would be so nice to have a life break and regroup!
  • tessacope2
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    I was raised in a very religious household, but as an adult, I haven't been an active member of any church. I still consider myself a faithful person though. Since staring this challenge, I've come across several women who put their trust in God. I like to read one of their ticker quotes....I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. This statement is so every aspect of my life.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    I was raised in a very religious household, but as an adult, I haven't been an active member of any church. I still consider myself a faithful person though. Since staring this challenge, I've come across several women who put their trust in God. I like to read one of their ticker quotes....I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. This statement is so every aspect of my life.

    I totally agree!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    Courtney from last season of the Biggest Loser was such a inspiration. Being so young and making a decision to lose 200 lbs, really help me to reflect on my own life. I was really in aww of her. She said "Trust in the Process, Believe in Yourself & Be Patient". I have to remind myself that losing weight is a process, a mental, spiritual and physical transformation of one self. You have to retrain your brain to relate to food, fitness and your environment. And it's not an easy process but if you believe in yourself and be patient the transformation will eventually happen.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    Pay off all my debt.... I know I am boring. but, that would be the first thing.
    Then I would go shopping, lord knows I need clothes (everything is too big)
    I would buy a new car - Volvo C70 Hardtop convertable
    Go on a major vacation!!!
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    I honestly don't have one. As I mentioned before, my self talk is pretty negative. So, the phrase I tell myself to keep me going is always "you aren't perfect yet, get your butt to the gym". Not very positive, but it works for me. :laugh:
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    Getting under 200lbs was the biggest! Being able do do pushups (yes girly, but still I can do over 15 of them!) now. Going for a walk with the dog and not wanting to die.

    if you can do 15 girly pushups you can probably do one regular one -- the way i moved up was I'd do as many regulars as I could (so like, 1 or 2 in the beginning) and then drop to my knees when I needed to and finsih them on my knees.

    Nice! I never thought about graduating to a regular push up... I was planning to do girly push ups for the rest of my life.... I have a goal guys! Watch out! You know how I get with goals! giggle.... ~high five~

    yeah! by the time you catch up we can start working on doing them with our legs elevated, or with a little hop off the ground (with your hands) when you come up, or up on pushup bars! You will be my pushup sister!! (I'm a big believer in exercises that work a lot of muscles at once - like pushups do arms, shoulders, chest, back, stomach, some lower body)

    I'm scared of you now! I am scared of P90X cause of that part where he is in a push up stance and then jumps up to clap his hands. Taking his entire body off the ground... O.O How in the world???????
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    1. Pay my tithes and offerings first.
    2. Pay my taxes.
    3. Pay off my bills including my student loans and my personal loans

    I would need guidance for the rest of the money. I have kids who need to go to college, I have parents who need a nice and safe place to retire, I have friends who I would like to thank for sticking by me... and I would love to be financially free for the rest of my life. I would speak with a financial advisor to help me figure that all out...

    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    I have a few:

    1. We/I Got THIS!
    2. We can Do THIS!
    3. Losing weight, ON PURPOSE!
    4. One pound/step/day at a time.
    5. WTG!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    1. Pay off all debts
    2. Money's gone, now what??? JUST KIDDING
    3. Go on a trip with the whole family
    4. Sell my house and buy one on the lake!
    5. Put the rest away for a rainy day.


    Funny, that's why I would skip the bill
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    My, trainer tells me often "You are what you eat". Eating healthy is a big deal for me. I am learning. :happy:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    I don't have one and I'm honestly not terribly motivated these days - not that I don't want to keep losing, but I don't care how fast it happens anymore because I have been eating a lot more (still under maintenance mostly) and I am SO HAPPY. So I don't care if it takes all year now - For a while I was like "nnnngh why isn't this happening FASTER" but now I feel pretty good. Sure I have lots of fat to lose still but I have a lot more energy and I'm healthier when I eat more.

    Mmmmm Foods.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. If you bite it you must write it.