Turbo Jammers 3/23-3/29



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Y'all from Texas!!
    Happy Friday - checking w/ 45 min of strength training (gunner peterson's accelerated core w/ weights and cardio intervals). It's so funny, I found myself "shakin it" while I was doing my reps and repeaating to myself " it's your workout it's supposed to be fun!!" So Chalene was with me anyway!!,, LOL! I was supposed to be on w/ strength for yesterday but i just HAD to do CP2 (love , love, love that one!!) I am going to do another 60 min of strength (Firm Hardcore Fusion) or Lower Body Jam tonight. It will probably be Lower Body Jam (Thanks for reminding me,Kimono :wink: )

    K - I ususally log it as strength training - but I don't have a HRM so not really sure. Seems to be okay to log it that way. What say you Beans?
    Megan - good to hear from you today, my friend, glad your workin it!!

    When anyone is interested in CE will you all please let me know - the more I hear about it the more I want to give it a try.

    (((HUGS))) to all,
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Megan...have fun with the parties!

    Amy...WTG on your workout!

    Kimono...no help w/ that one (don't have it).

    Checking in with 30 min of pilates, 20 min workout, and ab jam. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hi, Janet!

    Your rockin' your workouts, girl!!! Keep it up:drinker:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    checkin in...with NO workout :laugh: I haven't worked out in a whole week now....oh it's gonna be rough to get back into the swing of things. Good news however I'm at my mom's and so she is making healthy meals and if I put something in my mouth that I shouldn't she quickly comments on it....doesn't stop me for eating it but she comments :smile: weighed in this morning...still the same...and that's okay.

    Drivin home Sunday afternoon. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I love to see all of u workin it everyday. Great job.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hi, Lyn! Enjoy the rest of your weekend at your mom's house! Have a safe trip home!

    I did CP as well tonight...needed to get out some anger:grumble:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Just checking in - i have to be accountable - i so want to just watch movies w/ DH but that usually ends up involving snacks of some sort and I promised myself I would put my work in. I have to remember to keep not only promises made to others but those I make to myself!! So... it's off to get after it.. I think I'm going to do 20 + lower body jam or sculpt - That 20min one goes by so fast now but really gets the heart rate up!! I guess I have a motive ... I want to have my snacks(withn reason:wink:) and not feel guilty - ugh!! Guilt makes me sick, LOL!!!! I will definetly feel better after the workout and better enjoy the time with my Hubs.

    Drevans - we really miss you!! Enjoy your Mom ~ you'll be back at it in no time:flowerforyou:
    Gottaluv- good to see your feeling better and are able to workout!!

    Hope all are well!! Enjoy your families:heart:

  • MollysMom2005
    MollysMom2005 Posts: 58 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Thought I'd check in with some of my favorite faces on FP!

    Great job to everyone on some great workouts this week! Some of you simply amaze me! I feel fortunate to get one workout in a day. OK, so now for my excuses for NOT working out today:

    I have an earache.
    I have an allergy headache brought on by the lovely South Arkansas pollen.
    I was too busy today pampering myself with luxuries other than exercise...hair, nails, and toes.

    Ok...I still feel guilty for skipping out. At least I didn't overeat today. I'm looking forward to morning.

    About the neck strain on the floor section of TJ, as someone else stated, focus on your abs and don't forget to relax your head and neck. Pilates really helped me learn how to do floor work the correct way.

    Love you guys!!! Enjoy the weekend!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hi, everyone!!! Hope all of you are having a fantastic weekend:flowerforyou:

    Checking in with...TS, Ab Jam, 20 min workout, and BL Cardio Max (Levels 2 and 3)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Anyone else have this "problem"? I have a song from CP3 stuck in my head, and now I want to go and do it! LOL
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member