


  • My mom called me "Amanda Panda Bear"

    I was/am still called "Manda Panda"! XD
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    My last name is Crow and I'm short so:

    Little Crow

    Mighty Mouse (bing 5'6' and built like might mouse)
    Little Mike (because my uncle with the same name was taller)
  • Purecity
    Purecity Posts: 115 Member
    Moe. Probably since birth. People always tell me that there shouldnt be an E on the end and I tell them to F-off bc my dad gave me that nickname :) hahaha.

    Also M-O to the Tea. I'm half of Team-O which is a billiards team name.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    My name is Jamie, so most people call me James or J. My nephew calls me Mamie, he couldn't prounounce j's when he was little and it stuck. My close friends and family call my Baby Girl, because for the first 6 months of my life it was my legal name. No joke, they messed up my birth certificate and my mom didn't know about it until I got really sick and she took me to the hospital and there was no record of a Jamie, just Baby Girl. She had to actually get my name legally changed from Baby Girl to Jamie. So it stuck. My mom also called my her little PITA, it wasn't till I got older she told me it stood for Pain In the *kitten*. Gotta love her lol.

    OMG that is sooo weird... though baby girl didn't stick as a nick name for me (I was a bully and a tom boy as a kid) my parents couldnt decide on a name for me so for the first six weeks of my life, I was baby girl too
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    My dad calls me Bubba.

    My friends up north call me Jimmy or Jimmy Mac.

    People where I live now and others that are close to me call me Mac.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    Morgs - My sissy
    Morgy Pie - My auntie
    Morgana - My childhood friend
    Morgan Dollar - Fellow Bank Employees
    Mo - My BC
    M - My BFF
    *kitten* - Women in mty development ***Personal Favorite***

    haha the second ferret over in my sig is Captain Morgan, i usually call him Morgan or Morgs but when hes being silly i call him shMorgazboard...
  • garyolson43
    garyolson43 Posts: 28 Member
    I am 54 yrs old and they still call me Knobby back home in Minnesota. I live in Washington and no one is allowed to use that name here. I got the nickname Knobby from my uncle who noticed that when I was very young I would throw tantrum afterwhich I would have knobs on my head from banging my head on the wall and floor, :laugh:
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I call my 4 year old daughter:

    Baby (IDK why but it stuck )
    Baby Girl
    Sweet Pea
    Boots (she's my little monkey)
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i was called

    mimi -no idea, my mom has called me this my whole life
    nicki- my middle name
    spidey- because of my hair, they used to call me this when i was little
    light bright
  • When I was a child my mom's youngest brothers and sister called me Ham Bone, and it stuck. My uncle still calls me that to this day.

    My friend's gramma used to call me TamaLotus. Not really sure where that one came from.

    My sister used to call me
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    My mom called me "Amanda Panda Bear"

    I was/am still called "Manda Panda"! XD

    A third for the Amanda Panda Bear, though shortened to bearsie.

    Also, "nana" because that is what my little sister called me before she could pronounce my name. To this day those two are the only things my immediate family call me.

    And of course the good ol, you're a man, duh, from kids. Never got old :p
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    The only one that stuck was Kikko Pot Pie. :laugh: My brother named me that when he was six and I was 10. We were calling each other names and he yelled that out and dad liked it and it stuck. It got shortened to Kikko Pie, than just Kikko.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    amygirl.....but oddly never amygirl71.
  • G-simple enough, first initial of my name.
    Gina bean-My mom called me that as a child, and still does.:grumble:
    The Gazelle-My karate nickname because of my long legs and fast running.
    Amazon-I'm the tallest out of all my friends at 5'9" The nickname came from my friend who is a foot shorter than me.
    Deadleg-an insider with my best friend.

    There's more, but those are the most memorable.
  • Jhook
  • my dad called me tootiebug as a child...
    my hubby calls me lene...
    and my friends call me charlie
  • Littlemouse1973
    Littlemouse1973 Posts: 21 Member
    Mouse... came from my uncle when I was born he said I looked like a little mouse... and it stuck. Hubby calls me Nay, have had Nomes and Omes.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Name's Samantha - in grade school - they called me Spam and Ham because i was a chubby kid, haha!

    but Ive been called Spankus (a play on my last name) and Sam