Just found out I'm pregnant :)



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Congrats on your pregnancy! Usually the dr's will say that it's okay for you to continue whatever activity you're already used to, so long as it's not dangerous and there are no special concerns with your pregnancy. Definitely discuss it with your dr or midwife and see what they recommend. And somebody posted an awesome pregnancy calorie calculator the other day - I don't have the link but if you search I'm sure you can find it - it let you put in your age, height, weight, just like here on MFP but then it calculates how many calories you should be eating in each trimester for the recommended weight gain - it is based off of BMR like the recommendations here but then it adds a certain amount for each trimester (a little bit more than your BMR in the first, a bit more than that in the second, and finally the most in the third). Something like that would definitely help you keep your weight gain on track - you can manually change your calorie goals here on MFP to match up with those pregnancy recommendations and then keep track of your calories and important nutrients all in the same place. Just keep in mind that if you are also continuing to exercise, you're going to *really need* to eat back those calories b/c in general the dr's will not want you to have a deficit in pregnancy since you need energy to support your body and your baby's growth and development. But whatever you do, be sure to discuss your exercise and nutrition needs with your dr. or midwife first, as they may have specific recommendations based on their knowledge of your individual circumstances. Good luck and congrats again!
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Well CONGRATS TO YOU!!!! Just be healthy and eat healthy. Keep walking talk to your dr and see what kind of workout activity is ok and you will be fine girl! Walking will make it easier in the long run to have the baby according to people I know that stayed workout active while pg...wish you the best!
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm sure you can stay active but please talk to your doctor about what's ok and what's not...dont't take advice from a bunch of strangers on the internet who don't know you from Eve.

    Quoted for the truth!

    AMEN...honestly that is the best you can do...talk to the dr.
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member

    Talk to your doctor about the best type of exercise program to ensure that you are following all the rules, but keeping fit and active during pregnancy is totally doable!

    Hey, if a woman can finish the Chicago Marathon and then give birth a few hours later (happened just last week), I figure staying fit CAN be done ;)

    Best of luck and again, congratulations!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Congrats!! I agree with what everyone has said, you can probably continue with what you're use to, don't add anything new and definitely consult with your doctor. This is just my .02 but definitely keep doing something it will make a tremendous difference in delivery, recovery and the baby weight should fall off really quickly afterwards. I know this from experience, I was so out of shape with my first two and recovery was horrible, the weight never went away. I finally got serious lost 60 lbs, got pregnant which was a surprise for me as well and that pregnancy was a breeze, my c-section was nothing, I was recovered and working out again with in 3 weeks of my c-section. The baby weight was gone with in 2 weeks of delivery. It was amazing! Good luck and again congrats!!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Thanks guys! I will be discussing it with my doctor for sure. Gonna take it down a bit until then just as a precaution. :)
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    WOW that is Awesome!!! Happy to hear you are preggers and it's your 6th!!! Good for you...you'll do fine and your thinking has changed so that means healthy! Take care. BTW, Nice photo too!
  • brittmiles07
    Congratulations! Since you've been active for a while, you can continue doing exactly what you're doing now. If you had been inactive before, the OB-GYN would say take it slow and ease into it. I've got a friend who ran a half-marathon at 7 months pregnant, and another who did the 3-day 60 mile breast cancer walk at 6 months. But as long as you don't have any complications and you're not in pain, keep it up, mama! It'll make the pregnancy so much easier, and the weight will come off easier after the baby is born too. Congrats again!
  • juli3b2011
    juli3b2011 Posts: 77 Member
    Congratulations! Discuss the matter with your physician.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    OMG OMG OMG !!!! We are going to have a little baby pepper!!!! no advice on workouts but OMG OMG OMG!!!!

    CANT loves babies!!!
  • MountainMamaof2
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    That is great news!!! I think until you have talked with your doctor about exercise the best thing to do would be go light on the weights (may 5 lbs if that) and just do more reps, also do walking/slo or brisk, and swimming is good too, biking should also be fine :) Congrats and don't worry just the fact that you still want to stay active when "you have an excuse" to not me means great things for you, you will do great!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Awwww....congrats!!!! Jsut try and not to fall into old habits. If anything....walk!!!!
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Congratulations! I think you can keep up with most of your workout routine as long as you don't develop any issues, but definitely check with your doctor too. And walking is always good. :)
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Please, talk to your doctor! But, you can maintain walking and doing light cardio. Congrats!
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I have 2 daughters. (2yr & 4 month old)
    I used MFP through my last (and actual LAST) pregnancy. It actually helped me keep on track with nutritional goals, and not go overboard. (Not to say that some cravings didnt get me) but I was active the whole time. Dont do anything that strains the abdominal area. Walking and light weights are fine. However, that is assuming you have a healthy pregnancy. Ask your doctor what he/she prefers. But being active has more pros than cons when done properly. It can prevent Toxemia and many other complications. & of course always remember to get plenty of rest + water. You only need 300-400 more cals per day, & my pregnancy nutritionist said I didnt even have to worry about that until the second trimester.... :)

    Feel free to add me for support :)

    Good morning y'all and TGIF!!! I just confirmed this morning that I'm expecting again :) totally a surprise pregnancy, not planned.

    Anyway, I want to remain active with this pregnancy since this is A my 6th and B I'm 37 and C I just lost 47 lbs and I don't want them back...

    My normal routine at the gym is cardio via the Arc trainer or the 30 minute circuit training area plus weights. Can I keep up with the arc trainer and weights, but tone it down on the circuit trainer?

    I've never been active with my other pregnancies, so this is foreign to me.

    Thanks for any info you can share. :) I'm currently 7 weeks along, got a while to go ;)
  • phechan3
    Congratulations! Staying active is not only great for you, but it also helps the baby develop their vestibular system. :) Just make sure to talk to you doctor to get the OK.
  • onecrazyredhead
    onecrazyredhead Posts: 16 Member
    Wow you look great. Your progress is incredible. Congrats on the baby. If you gain during pregnancy, just remember......you can and will be able to take it off. Right now it is all about eating Right for you and the baby. Walk after each meal. It helped a friend of mine when she was pregnant. She actually lost weight when she was pregnant. Her doc told her to do it. Good luck with the new baby.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    WOOT WOOT! Congrats momma!
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member