LADIES!!!! What qualities separate a "real man" from a man?
This isn't just a real man, but the PERFECT man
You know what's sad? That list isn't even close to hard to meet. It's just that so few guys nowadays bother to even try...IF they're even aware of what they should be doing in the first place.
Someone very important to me authored this piece. It's slightly related, because I think it depicts what many women consider to be a 'real man'. You guys might find it interesting:I have grown really tired of watching friends and relatives treat their spouses like garbage. And I think too much of it is a result of the blurring of lines between genders. I am not married yet, so I would like to thank my parents for teaching me all of the following things (and God for blessing me with common sense):
■As a woman in "modern" times, I'm not supposed to feel what I'm going to express here about men, women, and our respective roles in relationships. Society is screaming at all of us that we're equal and that gender roles shouldn't apply anymore. That's crap. If I wanted an equal, I'd become a lesbian.
■Men and women are very, very, VERY different creatures, and guess what. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE. If we could all put down our self-righteousness for a second, I think we'd agree that that's why we can't get enough of each other. So why is everyone so afraid to just accept that for what it is? Why are women so adamant about being "equal" to a man that they get pissed off if a guy opens a door? Newsflash, honey: he's well aware that you can open that door without his help. He's trying to treat you like a woman because it makes him feel like a man. I'm all about self-sufficiency, but men like to feel useful, especially where women are concerned, so take the stick out of your rear end and let a guy be nice every now and then. Capiche? Oh, and for the sake of everyone's sanity, let him drive. And do it in silence.
■Men, really, stop emasculating yourselves (or, worse, letting some woman emasculate you). Women who are worth the trouble (and we're ALL trouble, to some degree) kind of like it when you act like you know you wear the pants in the relationship. We LIKE men. We RESPECT men. We want you to ACT LIKE men. So please, open doors, pull out chairs, and offer to carry heavy objects with reckless abandon. And we (real women, I mean) will say thank you and smile at you like no other man on the planet could have done what you just did. We feel like a princess, you feel like a knight in shining armor, everyone wins.
■Nothing is a bigger turn-off for me than a guy who needs me to tell him what to do. I went on a date recently with a guy who wanted me to decide everything, right down to what he should order for dinner. When I called him on his BS, he said "I don't like making decisions." My first thought was "You don't have time for dinner. You've gotta find your balls, and that could take a while." Seriously, give me a man who takes the liberty of ordering MY food anyday over some guy who wants me to order his. I'm not into chicks, okay?
■There is something incredibly attractive to me about a man who is just unapologetically male ... one who is neither afraid of nor ashamed of his masculinity, who understands and appreciates the male vs. female dynamic, and gladly accepts his responsibility for the former (which includes being able to order your own freaking food). Also known as an alpha male, this is the kind of man who, invariably, is motivated more by his desire to be with someone than by his fear of rejection. He meets a woman he likes and says to himself "I want her, and whatever I have to do to get her, I'll do it," rather than "What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not her type? What if she says no?" As the Governator would say, don't be a girly man. There are enough of those in the world already.
■(Prepare yourselves, girls ... here's where I turn on you)
■Feminists, forgive me for saying this (actually, I don't really care if you forgive me or not because, again, I'm not into chicks), but you'll be a lot happier if you get over your fear of being women. There's no need to feel threatened or disrespected by men just because they're bigger, stronger, and a thousand times more reasonable than you are. You see, I believe (and I'm right) that God designed Man and Woman to complement each other, not to be exactly the same. He didn't give us the same things; instead, He hard-wired us to want and need what the other has. If you're a straight woman, are you sexually attracted to your chick friends? No. Why not? Because they don't have the right equipment. Let's just put it out there. And because men have different equipment, they do things differently. So why on Earth do you want a man who acts like you? In short, ladies, you can either wish for the world to be different than it is, or you can stop denying biology and start relating to men as they are, rather than how you wish they were.
■I do not use the term "man" loosely. I am fortunate enough to have had an abundance of good men in my life since the day I was born, so I know what they look like. I have no delusions of grandeur about being the romantic heroine who saves a "bad boy" from self-destruction. Unlike most women today, I don't have severe emotional problems that cause me to believe that "fixing" someone is my job in a relationship, let alone a marriage. Acting like marriage is going to solve your personal issues is a little bit completely insane.
■I believe real men are natural leaders, providers, and protectors of what belongs to them, and, if left to their own devices, with complete trust and without judgment, they will always put the people who depend on them first; that's their job, and they'll do it, if given the chance. A woman who is lucky enough to find a real man needs only to support him in that regard, and there are a lot of things involved in that, but primarily, it means you give him your advice and your faith, and you let him do what he thinks is best. He is not a child, and you are not his mother.
■Finally, if your man gets up, goes to work, and slays dragons for you all day, every day, he deserves to hear the words "thank you" every now and then. A man who loves you will level mountains to make you happy if you can get over yourself long enough to let him know you appreciate what he does for you.
■The End.
A spine. :flowerforyou: Sadly lacking in most men I know.
YES! A real man has integrity and SELF WORTH. I cannot stand a man who isn't as strong or stronger than I am.0 -
Integrity, responsibility, maturity (translated - has his priorities in order and while able to be childlike in some regards, isn't childish in any regard), respect for other people's opinions and boundaries, selflessness when it's important, and mindfulness of how his actions impact others as well as himself.0
This isn't just a real man, but the PERFECT man
You know what's sad? That list isn't even close to hard to meet. It's just that so few guys nowadays bother to even try...IF they're even aware of what they should be doing in the first place.
Someone very important to me authored this piece. It's slightly related, because I think it depicts what many women consider to be a 'real man'. You guys might find it interesting:I have grown really tired of watching friends and relatives treat their spouses like garbage. And I think too much of it is a result of the blurring of lines between genders. I am not married yet, so I would like to thank my parents for teaching me all of the following things (and God for blessing me with common sense):
■As a woman in "modern" times, I'm not supposed to feel what I'm going to express here about men, women, and our respective roles in relationships. Society is screaming at all of us that we're equal and that gender roles shouldn't apply anymore. That's crap. If I wanted an equal, I'd become a lesbian.
■Men and women are very, very, VERY different creatures, and guess what. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE. If we could all put down our self-righteousness for a second, I think we'd agree that that's why we can't get enough of each other. So why is everyone so afraid to just accept that for what it is? Why are women so adamant about being "equal" to a man that they get pissed off if a guy opens a door? Newsflash, honey: he's well aware that you can open that door without his help. He's trying to treat you like a woman because it makes him feel like a man. I'm all about self-sufficiency, but men like to feel useful, especially where women are concerned, so take the stick out of your rear end and let a guy be nice every now and then. Capiche? Oh, and for the sake of everyone's sanity, let him drive. And do it in silence.
■Men, really, stop emasculating yourselves (or, worse, letting some woman emasculate you). Women who are worth the trouble (and we're ALL trouble, to some degree) kind of like it when you act like you know you wear the pants in the relationship. We LIKE men. We RESPECT men. We want you to ACT LIKE men. So please, open doors, pull out chairs, and offer to carry heavy objects with reckless abandon. And we (real women, I mean) will say thank you and smile at you like no other man on the planet could have done what you just did. We feel like a princess, you feel like a knight in shining armor, everyone wins.
■Nothing is a bigger turn-off for me than a guy who needs me to tell him what to do. I went on a date recently with a guy who wanted me to decide everything, right down to what he should order for dinner. When I called him on his BS, he said "I don't like making decisions." My first thought was "You don't have time for dinner. You've gotta find your balls, and that could take a while." Seriously, give me a man who takes the liberty of ordering MY food anyday over some guy who wants me to order his. I'm not into chicks, okay?
■There is something incredibly attractive to me about a man who is just unapologetically male ... one who is neither afraid of nor ashamed of his masculinity, who understands and appreciates the male vs. female dynamic, and gladly accepts his responsibility for the former (which includes being able to order your own freaking food). Also known as an alpha male, this is the kind of man who, invariably, is motivated more by his desire to be with someone than by his fear of rejection. He meets a woman he likes and says to himself "I want her, and whatever I have to do to get her, I'll do it," rather than "What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not her type? What if she says no?" As the Governator would say, don't be a girly man. There are enough of those in the world already.
■(Prepare yourselves, girls ... here's where I turn on you)
■Feminists, forgive me for saying this (actually, I don't really care if you forgive me or not because, again, I'm not into chicks), but you'll be a lot happier if you get over your fear of being women. There's no need to feel threatened or disrespected by men just because they're bigger, stronger, and a thousand times more reasonable than you are. You see, I believe (and I'm right) that God designed Man and Woman to complement each other, not to be exactly the same. He didn't give us the same things; instead, He hard-wired us to want and need what the other has. If you're a straight woman, are you sexually attracted to your chick friends? No. Why not? Because they don't have the right equipment. Let's just put it out there. And because men have different equipment, they do things differently. So why on Earth do you want a man who acts like you? In short, ladies, you can either wish for the world to be different than it is, or you can stop denying biology and start relating to men as they are, rather than how you wish they were.
■I do not use the term "man" loosely. I am fortunate enough to have had an abundance of good men in my life since the day I was born, so I know what they look like. I have no delusions of grandeur about being the romantic heroine who saves a "bad boy" from self-destruction. Unlike most women today, I don't have severe emotional problems that cause me to believe that "fixing" someone is my job in a relationship, let alone a marriage. Acting like marriage is going to solve your personal issues is a little bit completely insane.
■I believe real men are natural leaders, providers, and protectors of what belongs to them, and, if left to their own devices, with complete trust and without judgment, they will always put the people who depend on them first; that's their job, and they'll do it, if given the chance. A woman who is lucky enough to find a real man needs only to support him in that regard, and there are a lot of things involved in that, but primarily, it means you give him your advice and your faith, and you let him do what he thinks is best. He is not a child, and you are not his mother.
■Finally, if your man gets up, goes to work, and slays dragons for you all day, every day, he deserves to hear the words "thank you" every now and then. A man who loves you will level mountains to make you happy if you can get over yourself long enough to let him know you appreciate what he does for you.
■The End.
Yep...she's very, very special...and of a breed that is quite rare these days.0 -
Well, I can tell you what qualities my hubby has that I consider most important:
Hey, I have one of those, too!0 -
I think a REAL MAN is the guy who can wear a pink shirt in public and not feel insecure... Plus 90% of what everyone else has said...
I automatically deduct 50% manness from men who run around wearing pink. It is not sexy no matter how hot you are.0 -
a real man doesn't sweat..
oh wait.. that's a commerciall...:laugh:0 -
Here you all go...the difinitive answer, via the internet...and edited by me. It's actually been a note on my facebook for a year or so I think now lol.An interesting and very accurate little tidbit I found somewhere on the internet. It's surprisingly in line with how I feel, though I did take the time to edit it some, and even add to it. Anything changed by me is in paranthases. If you actually take the time to read it...let me know how you feel about it. Hell, feel free to let me know your thoughts and if you have something to add, I'll amend it.
1.)A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his WOMAN first.
2.) A REAL MAN raises his kids, not JUST out of pocket either.
3.) A REAL MAN supports his woman to develop herself.
4.) A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN.
6.) A REAL MAN calls you BEAUTIFUL, not hot, sexy, or fine as #$#%.
8.) A REAL MAN calls you on a daily basis - NO MATTER HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS. (And I'll be honest...this is even more important if you live together. If he's too self absorbed to take a moment each day to let you know he's thinking of you via phone, text, email, or stopping by your work to see you unexpectedly...walk on).
9.) A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about you OR WHAT HIS FRIENDS THINK OF YOU!
10.) A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with you & won't get sick of you.
11.) A REAL MAN comes over JUST to watch movies with you.
12.) A REAL MAN kisses you on the forehead (cheek, lips, shoulder, neck) just because.
13.) A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real. (This is HUGE!! This means, even if you're not going to like it, even if it makes you angry at him, even if, in the causes a real problem. Honesty in ANY relationship is PARAMOUNT. This doesn't mean be hurtful...this means be HONEST about how you feel...if she's worth being with, she'll not only handle it, she'll respect the love and faith you put in her by BEING ABLE to be truly honest with her at all times!!).
14.) A REAL MAN should be treated like one.
15.) A REAL MAN doesn't ask questions when you say you need something... him, sex, or money, a bed to sleep in. (Or just simple attention).
16.) A REAL MAN lets others know how he frels about his girl.
17.) A REAL MAN doesn't play games!!!!!!!!!!!
18.) A REAL MAN doesn't leave his girl to go and hang out with his friends if he hasn't seen her in a week and then call her at 4 in the morning because he needs some loving. (Actually, a real man doesn't leave his girl to go hang out with his friends PERIOD. 'Buddy' nights are cool...but if at any time, for ANY reason, his woman is uncomfortable or would just rather him be with her over them...the choice is pretty clear. If they're real friends, they won't care. REAL MEN live by #1 above).
19.) A REAL MAN doesn't deny you.
20.) A REAL MAN doesn't just think about sex. (This doesn't mean sex with YOU should ever be far from his just means that his love of being with you physically shouldn't be his only priority in your relationship...even if it has to share the top spot with the 'other' priorities lol).
21.) A REAL MAN Doesn't judge a book by the cover. (Take a look at all angles guys...put yourself in others shoes, look from their viewpoint. Often you'll find that you were wrong...and in admitting it, you can be right next time).
22.) A REAL MAN wouldn't use his friendship card to get what he wants.
23.) A REAL MAN knows the difference between a REAL WOMAN and a random girl. (This is can be blind. REAL MEN aren't proof of mistakes. I think of myself as a REAL MAN, or at least I try to be...and I've made this mistake in the past. Sometimes the heart is wrong...and a REAL MAN, is always true to his heart).
24.)A REAL MAN won't degrade a woman with words nor (SHOULD) he ever put his hand on her in anger.
25.) A REAL MAN sends you flowers just because.
(And #26...written by me, thus the paranthases - A REAL MAN may not fit all of the above criteria, nor is all criteria for being a REAL MAN listed above. He WILL however be willing to recognize his shortcomings and correct them HOWEVER NECESSARY in order to become a better man. He will ALSO be willing to change for the person/people (children/family) he says he loves. Being strong, confident, and true to yourself DOESN'T ALWAYS MEAN being a rock that is unwilling to be budged. Your opinions, feelings, and even your morality to an extent should be flexible and able to be corrected/adjusted for a given situation, and to better mate with those of your chosen partner in life (she should be willing to do the same). Being a REAL MAN means you should be so secure in who you are, that you can change NEARLY ALL OF IT if it were necessary, and yet still remain true to the whole).
It's really just something I found online, thought was funny, cleaned it up...and put it on my facebook lol. The capitols on every 'REAL MAN' were too funny not to keep.
Love this!0 -
In my opinion, a real man is kind, genuine, giving, compassionate, considerate, confident in who he is, willing to learn new things, encourages me to be a better person, doesn't put others down, takes charge (mostly because I am so tired of being the one in charge. it'd be nice to be taken care of every once in a while). He makes me feel safe, not scared. He knows when to keep his penis to himself. I could go on for days...0
I think a REAL MAN is the guy who can wear a pink shirt in public and not feel insecure... Plus 90% of what everyone else has said...
I automatically deduct 50% manness from men who run around wearing pink. It is not sexy no matter how hot you are.
The right man, the right shade of pink... and I melt...0 -
This isn't just a real man, but the PERFECT man
You know what's sad? That list isn't even close to hard to meet. It's just that so few guys nowadays bother to even try...IF they're even aware of what they should be doing in the first place.
Someone very important to me authored this piece. It's slightly related, because I think it depicts what many women consider to be a 'real man'. You guys might find it interesting:I have grown really tired of watching friends and relatives treat their spouses like garbage. And I think too much of it is a result of the blurring of lines between genders. I am not married yet, so I would like to thank my parents for teaching me all of the following things (and God for blessing me with common sense):
■As a woman in "modern" times, I'm not supposed to feel what I'm going to express here about men, women, and our respective roles in relationships. Society is screaming at all of us that we're equal and that gender roles shouldn't apply anymore. That's crap. If I wanted an equal, I'd become a lesbian.
■Men and women are very, very, VERY different creatures, and guess what. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE. If we could all put down our self-righteousness for a second, I think we'd agree that that's why we can't get enough of each other. So why is everyone so afraid to just accept that for what it is? Why are women so adamant about being "equal" to a man that they get pissed off if a guy opens a door? Newsflash, honey: he's well aware that you can open that door without his help. He's trying to treat you like a woman because it makes him feel like a man. I'm all about self-sufficiency, but men like to feel useful, especially where women are concerned, so take the stick out of your rear end and let a guy be nice every now and then. Capiche? Oh, and for the sake of everyone's sanity, let him drive. And do it in silence.
■Men, really, stop emasculating yourselves (or, worse, letting some woman emasculate you). Women who are worth the trouble (and we're ALL trouble, to some degree) kind of like it when you act like you know you wear the pants in the relationship. We LIKE men. We RESPECT men. We want you to ACT LIKE men. So please, open doors, pull out chairs, and offer to carry heavy objects with reckless abandon. And we (real women, I mean) will say thank you and smile at you like no other man on the planet could have done what you just did. We feel like a princess, you feel like a knight in shining armor, everyone wins.
■Nothing is a bigger turn-off for me than a guy who needs me to tell him what to do. I went on a date recently with a guy who wanted me to decide everything, right down to what he should order for dinner. When I called him on his BS, he said "I don't like making decisions." My first thought was "You don't have time for dinner. You've gotta find your balls, and that could take a while." Seriously, give me a man who takes the liberty of ordering MY food anyday over some guy who wants me to order his. I'm not into chicks, okay?
■There is something incredibly attractive to me about a man who is just unapologetically male ... one who is neither afraid of nor ashamed of his masculinity, who understands and appreciates the male vs. female dynamic, and gladly accepts his responsibility for the former (which includes being able to order your own freaking food). Also known as an alpha male, this is the kind of man who, invariably, is motivated more by his desire to be with someone than by his fear of rejection. He meets a woman he likes and says to himself "I want her, and whatever I have to do to get her, I'll do it," rather than "What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not her type? What if she says no?" As the Governator would say, don't be a girly man. There are enough of those in the world already.
■(Prepare yourselves, girls ... here's where I turn on you)
■Feminists, forgive me for saying this (actually, I don't really care if you forgive me or not because, again, I'm not into chicks), but you'll be a lot happier if you get over your fear of being women. There's no need to feel threatened or disrespected by men just because they're bigger, stronger, and a thousand times more reasonable than you are. You see, I believe (and I'm right) that God designed Man and Woman to complement each other, not to be exactly the same. He didn't give us the same things; instead, He hard-wired us to want and need what the other has. If you're a straight woman, are you sexually attracted to your chick friends? No. Why not? Because they don't have the right equipment. Let's just put it out there. And because men have different equipment, they do things differently. So why on Earth do you want a man who acts like you? In short, ladies, you can either wish for the world to be different than it is, or you can stop denying biology and start relating to men as they are, rather than how you wish they were.
■I do not use the term "man" loosely. I am fortunate enough to have had an abundance of good men in my life since the day I was born, so I know what they look like. I have no delusions of grandeur about being the romantic heroine who saves a "bad boy" from self-destruction. Unlike most women today, I don't have severe emotional problems that cause me to believe that "fixing" someone is my job in a relationship, let alone a marriage. Acting like marriage is going to solve your personal issues is a little bit completely insane.
■I believe real men are natural leaders, providers, and protectors of what belongs to them, and, if left to their own devices, with complete trust and without judgment, they will always put the people who depend on them first; that's their job, and they'll do it, if given the chance. A woman who is lucky enough to find a real man needs only to support him in that regard, and there are a lot of things involved in that, but primarily, it means you give him your advice and your faith, and you let him do what he thinks is best. He is not a child, and you are not his mother.
■Finally, if your man gets up, goes to work, and slays dragons for you all day, every day, he deserves to hear the words "thank you" every now and then. A man who loves you will level mountains to make you happy if you can get over yourself long enough to let him know you appreciate what he does for you.
■The End.
May I share this? I know someone who really needs to read it...0 -
The first word that popped to mind was the word responsibility. For himself, his life, his kids, his spouse. But really that's just being a grown up, which applies equally to either sex and seems to be more rare than one might hope.
When I hear a question like this I always think of Ruydard Kipling's poem "If"
I pretty much agree with him.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Way better than the other long lists that are on this thread, imo.0 -
i real man wld take me out on a friday night0
Well, first off, having a weiner helps.0
Simply a man that is of his word, has utmost respect and , takes care of him own responsibilities. I have then best man!!! What can I say!! I went through a lot of losers to get there, but then how would I know he was the best if I didnt go through the bad???0
The first word that popped to mind was the word responsibility. For himself, his life, his kids, his spouse. But really that's just being a grown up, which applies equally to either sex and seems to be more rare than one might hope.
When I hear a question like this I always think of Ruydard Kipling's poem "If"
I pretty much agree with him.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Way better than the other long lists that are on this thread, imo.
That is definitely a wonderful verse, I agree.0 -
definately their sense of responsibility, goals, determination...
a real man has goals, takes care of his responsibilities, has his priorities straight, is determined and focused.
a non real man doesn't know what he wants, his priorities are all jacked up and loses his focus too easiliy.0 -
A man
I do love this quote though: "Real men are not available. They are climbing mountains. They are swimming across rivers. What are YOU doing? Making spagetti?!?!?!"0 -
A man
I do love this quote though: "Real men are not available. They are climbing mountains. They are swimming across rivers. What are YOU doing? Making spagetti?!?!?!"
ha! I love your signature quote!0 -
A real man is a guy you want to share your life with because he...
Will love you more then his life.
Wll never allow harm to come to you.
Is never,ever mean to you in any way.
Always will do what is right to take care of you.
Can take you in his arms and both let you cry or cry with you.
Plus dozens of more things that make him decent and caring.0 -
Carl ur such a good man0
This isn't just a real man, but the PERFECT man
You know what's sad? That list isn't even close to hard to meet. It's just that so few guys nowadays bother to even try...IF they're even aware of what they should be doing in the first place.
Someone very important to me authored this piece. It's slightly related, because I think it depicts what many women consider to be a 'real man'. You guys might find it interesting:I have grown really tired of watching friends and relatives treat their spouses like garbage. And I think too much of it is a result of the blurring of lines between genders. I am not married yet, so I would like to thank my parents for teaching me all of the following things (and God for blessing me with common sense):
■As a woman in "modern" times, I'm not supposed to feel what I'm going to express here about men, women, and our respective roles in relationships. Society is screaming at all of us that we're equal and that gender roles shouldn't apply anymore. That's crap. If I wanted an equal, I'd become a lesbian.
■Men and women are very, very, VERY different creatures, and guess what. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE. If we could all put down our self-righteousness for a second, I think we'd agree that that's why we can't get enough of each other. So why is everyone so afraid to just accept that for what it is? Why are women so adamant about being "equal" to a man that they get pissed off if a guy opens a door? Newsflash, honey: he's well aware that you can open that door without his help. He's trying to treat you like a woman because it makes him feel like a man. I'm all about self-sufficiency, but men like to feel useful, especially where women are concerned, so take the stick out of your rear end and let a guy be nice every now and then. Capiche? Oh, and for the sake of everyone's sanity, let him drive. And do it in silence.
■Men, really, stop emasculating yourselves (or, worse, letting some woman emasculate you). Women who are worth the trouble (and we're ALL trouble, to some degree) kind of like it when you act like you know you wear the pants in the relationship. We LIKE men. We RESPECT men. We want you to ACT LIKE men. So please, open doors, pull out chairs, and offer to carry heavy objects with reckless abandon. And we (real women, I mean) will say thank you and smile at you like no other man on the planet could have done what you just did. We feel like a princess, you feel like a knight in shining armor, everyone wins.
■Nothing is a bigger turn-off for me than a guy who needs me to tell him what to do. I went on a date recently with a guy who wanted me to decide everything, right down to what he should order for dinner. When I called him on his BS, he said "I don't like making decisions." My first thought was "You don't have time for dinner. You've gotta find your balls, and that could take a while." Seriously, give me a man who takes the liberty of ordering MY food anyday over some guy who wants me to order his. I'm not into chicks, okay?
■There is something incredibly attractive to me about a man who is just unapologetically male ... one who is neither afraid of nor ashamed of his masculinity, who understands and appreciates the male vs. female dynamic, and gladly accepts his responsibility for the former (which includes being able to order your own freaking food). Also known as an alpha male, this is the kind of man who, invariably, is motivated more by his desire to be with someone than by his fear of rejection. He meets a woman he likes and says to himself "I want her, and whatever I have to do to get her, I'll do it," rather than "What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not her type? What if she says no?" As the Governator would say, don't be a girly man. There are enough of those in the world already.
■(Prepare yourselves, girls ... here's where I turn on you)
■Feminists, forgive me for saying this (actually, I don't really care if you forgive me or not because, again, I'm not into chicks), but you'll be a lot happier if you get over your fear of being women. There's no need to feel threatened or disrespected by men just because they're bigger, stronger, and a thousand times more reasonable than you are. You see, I believe (and I'm right) that God designed Man and Woman to complement each other, not to be exactly the same. He didn't give us the same things; instead, He hard-wired us to want and need what the other has. If you're a straight woman, are you sexually attracted to your chick friends? No. Why not? Because they don't have the right equipment. Let's just put it out there. And because men have different equipment, they do things differently. So why on Earth do you want a man who acts like you? In short, ladies, you can either wish for the world to be different than it is, or you can stop denying biology and start relating to men as they are, rather than how you wish they were.
■I do not use the term "man" loosely. I am fortunate enough to have had an abundance of good men in my life since the day I was born, so I know what they look like. I have no delusions of grandeur about being the romantic heroine who saves a "bad boy" from self-destruction. Unlike most women today, I don't have severe emotional problems that cause me to believe that "fixing" someone is my job in a relationship, let alone a marriage. Acting like marriage is going to solve your personal issues is a little bit completely insane.
■I believe real men are natural leaders, providers, and protectors of what belongs to them, and, if left to their own devices, with complete trust and without judgment, they will always put the people who depend on them first; that's their job, and they'll do it, if given the chance. A woman who is lucky enough to find a real man needs only to support him in that regard, and there are a lot of things involved in that, but primarily, it means you give him your advice and your faith, and you let him do what he thinks is best. He is not a child, and you are not his mother.
■Finally, if your man gets up, goes to work, and slays dragons for you all day, every day, he deserves to hear the words "thank you" every now and then. A man who loves you will level mountains to make you happy if you can get over yourself long enough to let him know you appreciate what he does for you.
■The End.
Agree.0 -
A real man is a guy you want to share your life with because he...
Will love you more then his life.
Wll never allow harm to come to you.
Is never,ever mean to you in any way.
Always will do what is right to take care of you.
Can take you in his arms and both let you cry or cry with you.
Plus dozens of more things that make him decent and caring.
this is my siggy. And he has done everything to show this everytime he can.
And this is why you are going to make somebody very very happy.0 -
Dependable, honest/loyal, hard-working, supportive, protective of his family, has a sensitive side, and is ambitious.0
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