Christmas Challenge 2011-Chit Chat



  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Where is everyone??

    Well I am totally bummed. I had a great week with food & really good workouts...yet I weigh the same as last week?!?! All this hard work for nothing?! :( I hit a plateau of nearly 3 weeks around 190 lbs...I'm worried that I'm hitting another plateau...really don't want that to happen! Hopefully I'll magically drop at least a little by tomorrow. I'm headed to the gym for 30 minutes of elliptical, weights, & an hour of zumba, so I hope helps a little for tomorrow!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    No change for me yet this week either (although will officially check tomorrow). That seems to be my pattern, no change one week then loss the next. I guess as long as it isn't up! This week was rough for me too as I've been sick all week and haven't been able to work out. Next week will be better!
  • bump
  • salvarado08
    salvarado08 Posts: 20 Member
    Well, it sounds like many of us had the same experience this week. Just a small loss, but I can account for mine (had a little too much fun the last couple nights). Anyway, I just want to say to all of you who are a little stuck - DON'T GIVE UP!!! Keep at it, maybe change a couple things up a little and you WILL do it!!!!

    Have a great week!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I'm in the same boat this week as most others, came in with .6 down this week, so not outstanding but in the right direction. I went over my calories yesterday by a good bit, so it's not unexpected either. Hopefully it'll just keep moving in the right direction, with where I'm at now I think even a half a pound loss per week is pretty good~

    If I can get a full pound loss next week I'll be veeeery happy, keeping my fingers crossed and going to hope for that!
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    Happy weigh in day everyone! Hope everyone has a good week!
    I lost just under 5lbs this week! Thrilled as I wasnt expecting a loss, but tbh this week has been a busy one, and I havent logged food this week as I have been grabbing what I can, when I can,
  • I had a major blip over the last few weeks, but have managed to remotivate myself and lost the weight I put on. Good luck to you all :)
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    So happy, down 6.5 lbs so far with the Christmas Challenge. It really keeps me motivated to have to log on every week and tell all of you how much I lost or gained!

    Total weight loss for 8 weeks is 18.5 lbs. Can't wait to see my body in a bathing suit next summer. YES! I am thinking of that already. I looked horrible this summer.

    30 more pounds to go!
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    So happy, down 6.5 lbs so far with the Christmas Challenge. It really keeps me motivated to have to log on every week and tell all of you how much I lost or gained!

    Total weight loss for 8 weeks is 18.5 lbs. Can't wait to see my body in a bathing suit next summer. YES! I am thinking of that already. I looked horrible this summer.

    30 more pounds to go!

    Brilliant news. I love to hear such positivity to match such excellent results. You should be very proud!
  • No gain or loss this week. I am ok with that because I had several days where I went over my calorie goal. This week is a new week and I'm planning on hitting the gym at least 4 days. Good luck everyone this week!
  • batgirlmama
    batgirlmama Posts: 99 Member
    lost another two this week. so very happy! I have determined that I cannot get a haircut till I lose seven more. This is really motivating me. :laugh:
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Well I up a pound this week :angry: . It seems I'm just going up / down, up /down and can't get off this roller coaster :yawn: . I really have no one to blame but my self. I was not motivated to hit the gym as hard as I should. Being hypothyroid totally sucks! I have to exercise, exercise, exercise or I gain no matter how much or how little I eat. UGH . . . .

    Next week it's Kettle Bell Mania classes for me! I hoping this will shock my metabolism enough to start a continued weight loss again. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Yep, same as last week. So disappointed!!!! According to my calories & exercise, I should have lost, so i feel like I totally wasted a week! I'm off this week so I am hitting the gym every single day. Hopefully that will jump start something!

    Congrats to everyone with losses! For the rest of us, hopefully next week will be better!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I had a gain again this week too...Getting a little annoyed, but I also knew I would more than likely have a gain this week, esp since I was over every day but Saturday. So I can't say too much.

    Congrats to all those who loss this week and next week for us who didn't lose/gain or gained will be better, I'm sure it will! Remember, this is only the beginning.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello everyone, happy I caught up with you all I realized you were all over here! LOL

    Finally getting back to losing some weight thank goodness. Now at 243.2 so my 230 goal is looking good. Still trying to keep the sweets far far away which is really hard right now!!!

  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    only down 1 pound since last week's weigh-in, but I'll take it! Especially after the drinks last night and then some late night munchies when I got home!
  • Great job everyone!

    Last week both of my grandparents passed away, so I missed weigh-in and I've only had a teensy loss since two weeks ago. It's been a long week, but I've been able to keep much better control of emotional eating and I'm ready to get back on track. My goal is still attainable, but I need to re-focus.
  • my2kidsjm
    my2kidsjm Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I need some support! I lost a good amount so far but I have long way to go. I fell out of my routine of eating well and and walking daily and I feel that when it gets colder I'm not going to want to walk at all. Any support may get me back on track. If anyone has any ideas that work great for them to keep them motivated I would love some input. Thanks in advance!!!!! From Mom on a mission
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    On Sundays I usually don't have access to a scale in the morning so I guess I'll wait and see what I weigh tomorrow and average that and yesterday's weight. Hopefully it's down considerably because if I used yesterday's weight that shows I gained D: It seems I go strong for a few days, crash and burn for a day or two, repeat. The crash and burns are getting less severe and less frequent but they're still a bit too regular. I still weigh less than I did and that's what's important.

    On schedule with the 30ds and c25k is going well. Just started week 4 and flew through it, despite a lot of walking still I made it 2.3 miles at an average of just over 12 minutes. I guess there's a 5k around here around thanksgiving so I just may enter!
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    Well I up a pound this week :angry: . It seems I'm just going up / down, up /down and can't get off this roller coaster :yawn: . I really have no one to blame but my self. I was not motivated to hit the gym as hard as I should. Being hypothyroid totally sucks! I have to exercise, exercise, exercise or I gain no matter how much or how little I eat. UGH . . . .

    Next week it's Kettle Bell Mania classes for me! I hoping this will shock my metabolism enough to start a continued weight loss again. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    I know how you feel. I've been zigzagging as well. And I have hypothyroidism, so I can relate to that too! It's actually the main reason why I started exercising and doing this in the first place.

    I went up 2 in a half pounds this week.. But it's also that time of the month. So I'm not going to beat myself up too much over it.