Weight loss tips that are helping me and i want to share



  • lexie516
    lexie516 Posts: 29 Member
    4 and 5 are my hardest. :( I can't stand wasting food so I just have to do my best not putting too much on there to begin with, and I always find myself picking at my toddlers leftovers! :( Anddd I'm really bad about late night snacking.

  • LolaOndine
    My "rules" (I like to call them guidelines because guidelines are for my own good, but rules I always want to break)

    1) No artificial sweeteners. I know the science is mixed on this, but sweet taste makes me crave sugar. I'd rather put real sugar in my coffee or tea and just have a cup. I tried drinking diet soda but it made me miserable all day and hungry.

    2) No food is off limits. Junk food, fast food, sweets, whatever I want as long as I stay under my calorie goal for the day. If I can't have something, I want it. But I find that I can just have a little and it takes care of the craving. Also I may want something, but once I look at how much it "costs" I may decide I don't want it that much.

    3) Drink water. Not that it is magic, but I can't stand "spending" calories on sodas. And its filling and good for you.

    That's about it. As long as I'm under my calories, I don't feel the need to be too restrictive. This works for me, but you do whatever works for you.
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member

    There's no magic "food turns to fat" cut off, so if I have that calories and I'm hungry, I eat. If there's no food, I'll go buy something. That may be a good thing though, since I have to bike to the store (4miles). :tongue:

    Now that is awesome.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Phooey! I typed up 6 tips, and forgot to pay attention to my battery's life...arghhh!!! Gotta start again. Humph

    1. Lots of color fruits, berries in particular, veggies, love fresh market tomatoes

    2. Lots of fiber keeps you full longer and helps with you know what

    3. Walk in the sunshine vitamin D and happy body

    4. Ditch the non nutritive sodas brew fresh iced tea instead, especially green. Jasmine is delicious

    5. Cook your own food you know what's in it, not some chef's concoction that'll think your wallet and fatten you up

    6. Read, watch, study anything about health this is where my obessesive nature works well for me! Keep you mind full of good!
  • tounyae1979
    I would NEVER follow #1.. i eat everything in moderation.. yes the amount of junk i consume now is far far less than say a year ago but if i cut junk out completely, I'd never have lost weight bc I'd just want it more so I'd binge.

    #4 I do like, but at the same time, i try to only put on my plate the correct portion sizes so I'll just finish it. However, I like #4 bc it can work if you go out to a restaurant !

    the other tips I love!
  • tounyae1979
    I agree that if I completely deprived myself of junk food I would go crazy, I eat it in moderation and a sensible amount.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't normally leave anything on the plate because I measure and weigh out every single calorie and I want to eat them! LOL

    i agree, if you have measured out what you're eating there is no reason to leave it!

    and i am looking forward to having a takeaway this evening... i prefer 'everything in moderation' to bannign something completely.

    my other tips would be, be patient and measure EVERYTHING!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Number 1 is the hardest... I have to indulge at least one or two meals a week or I go off the deep end. Not too much difficulty with the others... Except maybe leaving food on my plate!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Remember that not everything you eat has be eaten for it's nutritional value! Remember that actual TASTE is important to your moral too!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Like a lot of other people I don't 'leave a little on my plate' b/c I very carefully plan exactly what I'm going to put on it in the first place. And actually I do still eat my junk food if I must, I just eat less than I used to and again I plan it very carefully to fit into my day when I have it. :-)
  • sandhillcrane
    I saw a few things on Dr. Oz that have helped me. 1-konjac root. It is a supplement that is fiber and helps you to feel full. 2- shiratake noodles. I get them on Amazon but recently found them in my local grocery store in the Vegetarian section. 3-Cayenne Pepper supplement. It helps boost your metabolism.
    I am always open to suggestions! I have battled my weight all of my life.
    Good luck everyone! :glasses:
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    I cant stop smoking! it is terrible I need to quit but cant do it.... il go for a 10km run then have a ciggie straight after! im been super healthy that aside!

    smoking is harder than food for me to give up
    I quit smoking cold turkey 2 years and 4 months ago after smoking for 26 years. I think it's mind over matter.
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    I quit smoking 8 years ago - and it's soooo tough. You're addicted! I tried to quit so many times before it worked. I'm sorry - but they will kill you!!! Do everyone you love a favor and do whatever it takes to quit. I used the patch for a week when I quit, and it helped. Talk to your doctor - don't stop trying to quit. Not only will they ruin your body - but they are so gross & smelly - be honest with yourself about it but it's not that you're week - your body goes through withdrawal when you try to stop - so it's really going to be tough - but WORTH IT....!
  • reneekenhamlin
    reneekenhamlin Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, leaving food on the plate.....so hard and wanting my snacks late in the evening.....no more chips with Grays Anatomy AGHHHHH!!! Anyway just found out Im diabetic and there really is no other choice but to loose the weight and maintain.....never really been on a diet befor, let alone, being diabetic....so im new with MFP, thought It would be really helpful....thanks for any thoughts and ideas with all of this....keep strong everybody and remember....no more potato chips with private practice....right?????? HELP!!!!! LOL!!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Hi, leaving food on the plate.....so hard and wanting my snacks late in the evening.....no more chips with Grays Anatomy AGHHHHH!!! Anyway just found out Im diabetic and there really is no other choice but to loose the weight and maintain.....never really been on a diet befor, let alone, being diabetic....so im new with MFP, thought It would be really helpful....thanks for any thoughts and ideas with all of this....keep strong everybody and remember....no more potato chips with private practice....right?????? HELP!!!!! LOL!!

    Try thinking of it as a lifestyle change rather than a 'diet'. When people say they're 'on a diet' they intend it to be something short-term. What you really want to do is teach yourself to make better choices and intend to keep making those better choices. Especially with diabetes, you need to find a way to make it work for you long-term to stay healthy. If you post a topic asking for help from other people living with diabetes I bet you'll get tons of great suggestions.
  • friendtotortoise
    friendtotortoise Posts: 18 Member
    Mine is definitely snacking at night. It's just so FUN. The kids are finally asleep, so kick back and enjoy a yummy big bowl of ice cream with my husband. . . Not as fun as not having my waist band digging into me, but fun in the moment. : )
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I would have the hardest time with number 4 I was taught growing up to eat everything you put on your plate or anything that is put in front of you so this is def. a hard one for me this is why I've cut down on going out to eat and eating at home more where I can control the portions that go on my plate.
    I was taught this also. Actually was not alowed to leave the table until everything was finished. Sucks now 'cause I still try to do it whether I'm hungry or not. And as quickly as possible. Note to parents: Never force feed your children. It's wrong. Try to teach them to not be wasteful but in a different way. Thanks for listening!