Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #12



  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Have been having a great week and lost all the weight I gained on my recent trip(daily weigher) and stepped on the scale this morning to find it isn't working. Hope its just batteries. I had a terrible run in with a co-worker this afternoon and she attacked me hard core in front of my boss and two physician colleagues! I hope this doesn't cause me to ruin all the hard work of the week:) I will try and get batteries tomorrow and weigh in Sunday. Good weekend to everyone!

    I hope you're writing up that coworker for her totally inappropriate behavior!!
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Have been having a great week and lost all the weight I gained on my recent trip(daily weigher) and stepped on the scale this morning to find it isn't working. Hope its just batteries. I had a terrible run in with a co-worker this afternoon and she attacked me hard core in front of my boss and two physician colleagues! I hope this doesn't cause me to ruin all the hard work of the week:) I will try and get batteries tomorrow and weigh in Sunday. Good weekend to everyone!

    I hope you're writing up that coworker for her totally inappropriate behavior!!

    It was pretty intense and I am glad that my employer witnessed the whole thing. I think I will look into our abuse policy and make a complaint. totally unprofessional and shameful! Still very distressing to be on the other end of it:( Thanks for your support:)
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member

    This morning I put on my barn jacket which has gotten several years use from me & which I already know before putting it on that it doesn't zip over my hips. Well... this morning I thought I would give zipping it up a shot & it DID zip!! And not only that, but it wasn't even tight!!! Well that nsv lasted me most of the morning. It still makes me smile & I just wanted to share.

    What a great feeling that must've been!!! Congrats to you!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Have been having a great week and lost all the weight I gained on my recent trip(daily weigher) and stepped on the scale this morning to find it isn't working. Hope its just batteries. I had a terrible run in with a co-worker this afternoon and she attacked me hard core in front of my boss and two physician colleagues! I hope this doesn't cause me to ruin all the hard work of the week:) I will try and get batteries tomorrow and weigh in Sunday. Good weekend to everyone!

    I hope you're writing up that coworker for her totally inappropriate behavior!!

    It was pretty intense and I am glad that my employer witnessed the whole thing. I think I will look into our abuse policy and make a complaint. totally unprofessional and shameful! Still very distressing to be on the other end of it:( Thanks for your support:)

    Wow! I am learning that there are a lot of people in this world that can be quite mean and abusive like that. In my case, what has always seemed to cause it is jealousy. So, in a way, I guess that means that you must be an amazing person. Why else would she be jealous of you... perhaps I should also take my own advice on this one too... I encountered a new bump today and started to struggle again. I am not going to let one person destroy the person that I am. I will not stoop to her level and feel the need to be as nasty to her as she has been mean to me. However, I do whatever I can to protect myself. You should do the same thing too. Filing in a complaint and/or discussing it with your boss that witnessed it, might be a great place to start.

    I get my strength fro others. Talking to others has helped me a great deal tonight. I hope that knowing that you are not alone dealing with a nasty person, helps you a little. Take care of yourself, and hang in there. One of my favorite quote when the going gets tough is, "This too shall pass"
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Have been having a great week and lost all the weight I gained on my recent trip(daily weigher) and stepped on the scale this morning to find it isn't working. Hope its just batteries. I had a terrible run in with a co-worker this afternoon and she attacked me hard core in front of my boss and two physician colleagues! I hope this doesn't cause me to ruin all the hard work of the week:) I will try and get batteries tomorrow and weigh in Sunday. Good weekend to everyone!

    I hope you're writing up that coworker for her totally inappropriate behavior!!

    It was pretty intense and I am glad that my employer witnessed the whole thing. I think I will look into our abuse policy and make a complaint. totally unprofessional and shameful! Still very distressing to be on the other end of it:( Thanks for your support:)

    Wow that's crazy. I'll be honest, I'm surprised your boss isn't freaking that you'll sue them or something. (not saying you would, but people are sue happy now a days so employers are usually flipping out lol).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Current Weight: 218.0

    I'm excited. I have a mini goal to be 215 by November 5th. If I can just keep this up, I might actually make it (and maybe even pass it!)
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Weigh in 167.1
    .6 loss :)
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Well! I tried my new step aerobics dvd and it is so fast paced I can't keep up! It's not my exercise tolerance, it is my co-ordination that is the problem. I think I might have to watch it a few times before I try doing it properly again. It looks like fun once you've got the moves though.

    Instead, I did level 1 AND level 2 back to back from 30 DS this morning and really enjoyed it. It still makes me drip with sweat but I can do it all now. My planks are really strong and I can do 1 minute of proper push ups without any problem - a month and a half ago, I struggled to do 3 push ups! Next aim - to up my weightsa from 1lb to 3lbs.

  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Current Weight: 218.0

    I'm excited. I have a mini goal to be 215 by November 5th. If I can just keep this up, I might actually make it (and maybe even pass it!)
    . You can do it! You can do it! Rarara!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Well! I tried my new step aerobics dvd and it is so fast paced I can't keep up! It's not my exercise tolerance, it is my co-ordination that is the problem. I think I might have to watch it a few times before I try doing it properly again. It looks like fun once you've got the moves though.

    Instead, I did level 1 AND level 2 back to back from 30 DS this morning and really enjoyed it. It still makes me drip with sweat but I can do it all now. My planks are really strong and I can do 1 minute of proper push ups without any problem - a month and a half ago, I struggled to do 3 push ups! Next aim - to up my weightsa from 1lb to 3lbs.

    Wow! You are doing so good! You are inspiring me to start pushing myself a bit more! Thanks!
  • shaverkl191
    CW: 129.6
    Stayed about the same this week.... which is surprising because I was totally off the wagon. But I'm off to do groceries for the upcoming week and going to buy lots of fresh fruit and veggies!!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    CW:134.2!! Lost a little gained from vacay!!!
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    cw: 152.4 A loss of 1.4.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend, and is able to let go of the stress of the week with all the job issues. Here in South Carolina we are having perfect weather. We are planning on going to an oyster roast ( I Don't eat oysters) and then a long walk on the beach.
  • johanna_elaine
    CW:185 !!!!
    10 pound lost so far!!!
    Supper excited!!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Have been having a great week and lost all the weight I gained on my recent trip(daily weigher) and stepped on the scale this morning to find it isn't working. Hope its just batteries. I had a terrible run in with a co-worker this afternoon and she attacked me hard core in front of my boss and two physician colleagues! I hope this doesn't cause me to ruin all the hard work of the week:) I will try and get batteries tomorrow and weigh in Sunday. Good weekend to everyone!

    I hope you're writing up that coworker for her totally inappropriate behavior!!

    It was pretty intense and I am glad that my employer witnessed the whole thing. I think I will look into our abuse policy and make a complaint. totally unprofessional and shameful! Still very distressing to be on the other end of it:( Thanks for your support:)

    Absolutely. I'm an RN and have seen this happen (and have been on the receiving end) myself. It can ruin your whole week! Hopefully you can de-stress a bit this weekend :)
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :drinker: Yes..we made it to the weekend! I hope you have some wonderful plans! I want to go with KcKramp to an oyster roast, that sounds like sooooooo much fun!!!!!

    Kthom ~ I hope you have recovered from the mess with your co worker!! I hope you come out on top after that!! Please don't let it ruin you weekend :wink:

    Sarah ~ You go girl - Please don't give up on the step. It is so fun once you get it. I still have alittle trouble with it but get better every time. My issue is different teachers.. most of the moves are the same but...still they have different styles. It took me about 10 or more classes before a kind of got it. I was not going to give up and it was fun!!! Step on!

    Angie ~ I hope your son is getting better everyday now that he is home. Thinking of you

    Kristinkt ~ Yippee - NSV I have really happy for you. That feels so great when things start to fit again

    Neurotic virgo ~ YOU WILL make you mini goal!!!! you only have a few pounds we are behind you!!!! Go for more!

    Well I got to the gym today and now I am at my Dad's. I help take care of him a few times a week. He has been paralyzed for 20 years, now his shoulders are worn out so we have to get him in and out of bed with a lift. This time of year is getting emontional for me.....last year on Halloween we were packing my parents to move closer to my sister and I. We were in the garage going through things when I watched my Mom's left side of her face drop and she started talking jibberish. She had a terrible stroke. Long story short she passed on November 19th 2010. She never got to live in her new house :cry: My Dad now lives alone and is doing GREAT! We have a caregiver who comes as much as he can afford and my sister and I share the rest of the time. Today is my day and some of the reason for sharing this is my Dad and his attitude. I got here after the gym and got him his coffee and paper. I asked " How are you today Dad??" He said Cheerfully...."I'm fine and I've decided I always will be!!!" :happy: He has taught me how to be positive and reminded me that we choose our attitude. We are also choosing our activity and what we put in our mouths. I love him :heart:

    I hope you all have a super fantastic weekend! And remember to make Good Choices!! :bigsmile:
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    :drinker: Yes..we made it to the weekend! I hope you have some wonderful plans! I want to go with KcKramp to an oyster roast, that sounds like sooooooo much fun!!!!!

    Kthom ~ I hope you have recovered from the mess with your co worker!! I hope you come out on top after that!! Please don't let it ruin you weekend :wink:

    Sarah ~ You go girl - Please don't give up on the step. It is so fun once you get it. I still have alittle trouble with it but get better every time. My issue is different teachers.. most of the moves are the same but...still they have different styles. It took me about 10 or more classes before a kind of got it. I was not going to give up and it was fun!!! Step on!

    Angie ~ I hope your son is getting better everyday now that he is home. Thinking of you

    Kristinkt ~ Yippee - NSV I have really happy for you. That feels so great when things start to fit again

    Neurotic virgo ~ YOU WILL make you mini goal!!!! you only have a few pounds we are behind you!!!! Go for more!

    Well I got to the gym today and now I am at my Dad's. I help take care of him a few times a week. He has been paralyzed for 20 years, now his shoulders are worn out so we have to get him in and out of bed with a lift. This time of year is getting emontional for me.....last year on Halloween we were packing my parents to move closer to my sister and I. We were in the garage going through things when I watched my Mom's left side of her face drop and she started talking jibberish. She had a terrible stroke. Long story short she passed on November 19th 2010. She never got to live in her new house :cry: My Dad now lives alone and is doing GREAT! We have a caregiver who comes as much as he can afford and my sister and I share the rest of the time. Today is my day and some of the reason for sharing this is my Dad and his attitude. I got here after the gym and got him his coffee and paper. I asked " How are you today Dad??" He said Cheerfully...."I'm fine and I've decided I always will be!!!" :happy: He has taught me how to be positive and reminded me that we choose our attitude. We are also choosing our activity and what we put in our mouths. I love him :heart:

    I hope you all have a super fantastic weekend! And remember to make Good Choices!! :bigsmile:
    am thinking of you and your family this time of the year. Sorry to hear about your mother. Your father sounds like an amazing man. It does show that we do get to choose our attitudes no matter what happens. I hope I can be half that gracious with the challenges I have and will show the same kind of strength as your father for challenges I will face in the future.
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    CW = 168 :(
    Eating too much junk food! The temptation is killing me! :sad:
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Wt today: 192.4

    Up 0.2 from last week.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Have been having a great week and lost all the weight I gained on my recent trip(daily weigher) and stepped on the scale this morning to find it isn't working. Hope its just batteries. I had a terrible run in with a co-worker this afternoon and she attacked me hard core in front of my boss and two physician colleagues! I hope this doesn't cause me to ruin all the hard work of the week:) I will try and get batteries tomorrow and weigh in Sunday. Good weekend to everyone!

    I hope you're writing up that coworker for her totally inappropriate behavior!!

    It was pretty intense and I am glad that my employer witnessed the whole thing. I think I will look into our abuse policy and make a complaint. totally unprofessional and shameful! Still very distressing to be on the other end of it:( Thanks for your support:)

    Wow! I am learning that there are a lot of people in this world that can be quite mean and abusive like that. In my case, what has always seemed to cause it is jealousy. So, in a way, I guess that means that you must be an amazing person. Why else would she be jealous of you... perhaps I should also take my own advice on this one too... I encountered a new bump today and started to struggle again. I am not going to let one person destroy the person that I am. I will not stoop to her level and feel the need to be as nasty to her as she has been mean to me. However, I do whatever I can to protect myself. You should do the same thing too. Filing in a complaint and/or discussing it with your boss that witnessed it, might be a great place to start.

    I get my strength fro others. Talking to others has helped me a great deal tonight. I hope that knowing that you are not alone dealing with a nasty person, helps you a little. Take care of yourself, and hang in there. One of my favorite quote when the going gets tough is, "This too shall pass"

    Thanks I have looked at it with a new light today and it really is her problem, not mine. I am not going to give her the power to affect how I treat myself:)