lose 5 Pounds A Month October 2011 Challenge



  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Week 1 - 202

    Week 2- 197.4

    Week 3 - 199.0

    I gained 2 lbs back but have lost a few inches. Guess I wont complain yet....
  • lavanyapk
    lavanyapk Posts: 2 Member
    Can any one give me tips how to loose 2 pounds per week .I always try but never loose even 1 pound. Wht should i do for loosing weight.
  • CCGwald
    CCGwald Posts: 35 Member
    Goal weight on Oct. 31st 204

    10/01: 209
    10/07: 207
    10/14: 205

    Additonal goal log 175 miles of running for the month!

    running week ending / total
    10/07 36.7 / 36.7
    10/14 36.1 / 72.8

    Keep at it Everybody!!! Half Way Home !!!
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    I know it's late but I want in, I've already lost 2pounds. This will help push me to lose rest.
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Starting weight 175.4
    10/8 - 173.8 yay
    10/15 - 172.4
    10/22 -
    10/29 -
  • 10.15 - 166 lbs
  • cryssybaby77
    cryssybaby77 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't know how to edit older post..
    Oct. 2-174
    Oct 9-173.4
    Oct 16- 172.4
    Oct 23-
    Oct 30-

    Today is the only day I didn't work out. woohoo for me.(unless I go outside and rake again today!)
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    Forgot to weigh in last week!!! As of this morning I am at 156.0... Over 2 lbs down!!! :D
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Oh my goodness! I SO fell off the wagon... dang it! Toward the end of last month, I totally messed things up, and didn't get back to eating right until last Sunday. But in that one week, I was able to get off all I gained, and I'm now down 2 more pounds :) Whew!

    Okay, so for my very 1st October weigh in...

    10/16/2011- 184.4

    I'm really hoping I can pull off 3 lbs in 2 weeks!
  • im in! next saturday will be my 1st way in since i havent been on in about 2 months!
  • Down by 1 pound!!!

    Oct 1st - 146 lbs
    Oct 8th - 144.6 lbs
    Oct 15th - 143.6lbs
    Oct 22nd -
    Oct 29th -
  • elinorrose
    elinorrose Posts: 16 Member
    Week One- 124.5
    Week Two- 120.5
    Week Three- 120.5

    Ha! I had a baaad weekend and put on any weight that I'd lost during the week, therefore I'm the same as last weeks weigh in :p I am going to have to try much harder this week!

    Good luck everyone.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I gained this week! Not sure how as I was within my calorie goal on 5 days (and within what is supposed to be maintenance on the other two) and I did zumba on 3 days and level 3 of the 30DS on 5 days... Oh well. :ohwell:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Here's another tip...

    9 Energy Boosters
    By Kristyn Kusek

    Tip 4 of 9: Get an Energy Boost From Exercise

    Regular workouts boost energy stores by conditioning the body to make optimal use of oxygen and glucose, its two primary fuel sources. You need only 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week, to get the cardiovascular benefits that lead to increased vitality,” says Woodson Merrell, M.D., director of integrative medicine at the Continuum Center for Health and Healing, at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.

    There’s good evidence that simply walking regularly can boost energy. Ongoing research on the relationship between mood and activity by Robert E. Thayer, a professor of psychology at California State University in Long Beach, has found that the more steps his research subjects take, the more energetic they report feeling.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I ran 4 miles yesterday! Whoo hoo! The scale likes me because of it...

    10/1: 146.4
    10/7: 144.8
    10/14: 143.7

    2.7 lb loss this month so far, I'm super happy about being back down to 143. This was the lowest place I got before I started to gain (3 years ago, then I got back down to 146 last year) so it's all down hill from here (up hill really, but you get the point)!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. Wish me luck on my first 5k race tomorrow. After the race I'm drinking beer at the Oktoberfest festival. Should be a good time.

    Jen+2, way to go on your run!! You've got some great numbers on the scale - keep up the great work! You will soon be in the 130's - doesn't that sound amazing?! I hope you enjoyed your 5k! (and the beer :drinker: )
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Oh my goodness! I SO fell off the wagon... dang it! Toward the end of last month, I totally messed things up, and didn't get back to eating right until last Sunday. But in that one week, I was able to get off all I gained, and I'm now down 2 more pounds :) Whew!

    Okay, so for my very 1st October weigh in...

    10/16/2011- 184.4

    I'm really hoping I can pull off 3 lbs in 2 weeks!

    Theresa, so glad you are back on track!! I have been on the fence for a few weeks, so I know how you feel. Let's stick with it for the rest of the month, and see if we can live up to this month's mission, and "punch October in the face"!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Oct 1st: 148
    Oct 3rd: 147 (-1 pound)
    Oct 17th: 147

    Even though I do not have a loss to report since my last weigh-in, I am actually quite happy not to be reporting a gain. I have been off and on track this month, lots of ups and downs. I realize I still have a long ways to go in the next 15 days to reach goal... The good news I keep reminding myself is that what I am losing right now is staying off. So even though I'm not losing it as fast as I might like, at least I am not gaining it back.

    After a blah week, my weekend was good:
    - I managed to get out for a walk/run on both Sat and Sun, which is excellent, because I had 6 "rest days" in a row prior to that. (BTW, not a good idea to take a week off if you want to maintain your running fitness...)
    - I went grocery shopping and replenished supplies of healthy foods.
    - We went out for dinner on Sat night and I still ate on plan (yummy salad with grilled salmon).
    - I spent some extra time in the kitchen last night, and made a batch of chili for my hectic night tonight (look at me, thinking ahead so I don't end up eating chips for supper like two weeks ago!)... I also made some veggie dip (with ff sour cream, greek yogurt, and a seasoning mix) and a Dukan oat bran galette. (Even though I am not actually following the Dukan diet, there are a few ideas that I have incorporated into my low-carb life.)

    So, my plan for the rest of the month:
    * Exercise every day: my goal is a 45 min walk/run, where run > 20 min; however my minimun plan is a 20 min walk.
    * Continue low-carb plan: focus on protein and veggies; drink lots of water :drinker: ...

    Sounds pretty simple, but easier said than done... :wink:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    October 1 - 174.0
    October 8 - 172.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    October 16 - 171.4 (-0.8 lbs)
    October 23-
    October 31 -

    Total lost: 2.6 lbs.
    I need to step it up just a bit this month. I'd like to make up for losing only three pounds last month.
  • steffae
    steffae Posts: 47
    Oct 8th: 180
    Lost a pound!

    October 17th
    179 :):)

    One more pound!
    But I want to try and be 175 by the end of the month, it was my original weight before I gained like 25 pounds.
    I'm aiming of a realistic goal for 165 by xmas
  • kcunleashed
    kcunleashed Posts: 10 Member
    Checking in...Somehow my last post didn't take.