ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
edited October 3 in Motivation and Support

Focusing on one week at a time, when the big picture seems to overwhelming. Small changes can bring on big results!!

FOR THE WEEK OF: October 16, 2011 to October 22, 2011

Choose one of more things you want to work on for just this week. Don't set it too high or unreachable!!

Please, make your week the week that works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!

You can reach your main goal if you break it into small actionable steps. It’s could be as easy as 1-2-3!

1) Choose something you know you can do easily.
2) Add more difficult tasks to your plan.
3) These small steps will get you started, motivated & help build routine for long term success!!

Anyone interested in joining us for another week, or a first week, or a get back on track week? All are welcome!


  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    My goals for the week:

    1. Start Lean phase of Chalean and keep up with her schedule, with cardio substitutions of Zumba as I can attend classes.
    2. Check in daily with you wonderful people and remind you how awesome you are.
    3. Continue recovery in the sickness department. I'd like to return to 100% before Zumba class on Thursday.
    4. Eat at least 3 fruits and/or veggies each day.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    going for 15 mile goal once again came close last week.
  • lalasmar
    lalasmar Posts: 18 Member
    This week I would like to:

    1. Do some sort of exercise everyday
    2. No mid afternoon snacking (this is my worst time of day)
    3. Get creative with vegetables
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    ladygloria--Thank you for the new thread! It's great to have you back on the road to recovery.

    New Goals (Mon-Sun):
    1) Keep monitoring macro ratios to reach Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%
    2) Identify highest fat content item of the day and research a lower fat alternative
    3) 3500 calorie deficit for the week
    4) Sodium under 2000

    I will check in later with today's closeout check in for last week. WooHOO for a new week with my FANTABULOUS MINI-GOAL CHALLENGERS!! Last week was challenging for so many of us in so many different ways, but I'm so glad that we've had to the support here to keep us motivated and encouraged throughout it all. Have a great week everyone!
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for starting this up!!! I love these little mini-challenges. :-)

    For this week

    1. Increase my crunches from 25 to 35 a day
    2. Do charger440's daily challenges
    3. No snacking after 7pm!

    I did well last week and want to keep it up. Lost almost 3 pounds this week and ithink it's because of having to be accountable with all you wonderful, supportive people. If it wasn't for you, I am certain I wouldn't have lost the 3 pounds so THANK YOU!!! Hugs
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    I'm back!! Sorry about last week, just a crazy one and didn't have time to commit to the thread. But, here I am for this week and I wish everyone luck with their new and continued goals. I'm making mine short and sweet this week:

    Goal Monday-Sunday:

    1. Walk both in the morning before school and after school once the kids are dismissed. :smile:

    I'm hoping the extra bit of walking will move the scale. The food doesn't seem to be my downfall so exercising more should do the trick (fingers crossed) :flowerforyou:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Quick goals check in before we head out for another busy day.

    My goals for the week.
    1. 30DS -level 3 starts today!!
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips)

    Life should be back to status quo tomorrow check all in with then. Let's have another great week.
  • Hi everyone.I'm Cassandra. This is my first day on this site and i'm still learning it. My week is going to be from Sunday-Saturday.

    1.)Drink more water,cut back on sugar drinks
    2.)eat more meals,portioned
    3.)exercise atleast 4xs this week

  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Hello all, have a great week. I hope to be back on schedule on Monday!

    I am keeping my goals from last week since I did not achieve them at all!
    1) P90X
    2) 64oz water
    3) No eating after 8pm
  • Hi all thanks ladygloria for starting the thread hope you feel better and stronger in a couple of days.Philosohoe love your goal about finding lower fat alternatives.
    Goals for week of Oct 16- 22

    1. Snack only on fruits/ skinny water
    2- Walk- 3000 steps after 5 pm.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Keeping the same goals for another round!:wink:

    Goals for this week (10/16-10/22)

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices, keep my water up.
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    Sunday Check-in

    1. food...ahhh..well, like I said I'm keeping the same goals to reinforce them! :blushing: Water seems to be going down good today though.
    2. Back to my regular workouts tomorrow (Monday) excited! Love working out!:love:
    3. Focusing on my goals and the jeans in my closet and how much better I feel putting good foods in my body!
    4. I'll be here each evening to check in and say hello to all my Sweet friends here, for accountability and for FUN!:smooched:

    Love you guys.... now let's P:heart: A:heart: R:heart: T:heart: Y!!

    CONGRATBURSTINGFIREWORKS.gif It's a brand new week with Veteran members and new folks alike, it's time to Celebrate another New Week!:drinker:
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Great goals for this week everyone!!

    Welcome to the newbies :-)

    Daily check-in

    1. 35 crunches - done
    2. Charger440's daily challenge - done
    3. No snacking after 7pm - no problem, I'm focused!! :-)

    Have a great evening everyone, rest well so we can kick butt tomorrow!! :-)
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm going to check in for Sunday first and then I'll name my goals for this week:

    1) Exercise 6 days - well I'm at 5 but I do plan to get something Tin tonight before bed
    2) 3 fruits/veggies - no every day unfortunately; today I'm only at 2 but I may have an apple later after workout.
    3) under sodium - today yes, but I've had a couple bad salt days.
    4) Log every day - just missed one day
    5) stress eating - think I was successful with this for the week.

    Ok for this next week:

    1) 3 fruits/veggies - I can do this!!!
    2) Watch sodium - be more aware of the salt content in what I eat (that's my problem).
    3) Water - been slacking off on this - want to get to at least 10 glasses a day.

    Think I'm keeping this at 3 this week. These are hard enough for me! :bigsmile:

    As heartsdesire says Let's party!!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Kris, I say you round up because you totally rocked the mileage last week. I’m very impressed.

    Lalasmar, welcome to the challenge. I think your goals are great. If you find any creative ways to have veggies, fill me in. I’m a closet hater of them and am trying my best to get them in anyway.

    Philosohoe, it’s great to be back. I love this group. I’m once again super excited about your research goals. Got to love a goal where everyone can benefit.

    34again, week by week does make it feel more doable and also easier to continue if you don’t meet everything. So glad to see you back for another round. Congrats on the amazing loss!

    Danlyn, great goal and glad you’re back. It’s hectic when you’re working in a school building. Glad to see you making yourself a priority as well in the exercise department.

    Mak, way to keep your goals. Your BLT one has been improving and I’m so impressed that you’re 20 days into the shred already. My how time flies when you’re having fun.

    Cassandra, welcome to the group! We love to have new people. I think your goals are awesome and you can do it! Can’t wait to hear how it goes.

    La_nanita, if at first you don’t success, try and try again. LOL! Sorry, I couldn’t help it. As I’ve said before, we all have bad days/weeks. The important point is that we pick ourselves back up and try again. We will make it this week!

    Littemount, thanks. Is your time portion of your goal to encourage movement after work? If so, I like how you did that. I will have to do something similar in the future.

    Hearts Desire, what exercises do you enjoy the most? Glad to have you back and keep working on those goals until they are habits you don’t even think about anymore. You can do this!

    Bhurley, I understand wanting to keep a number you can do. Sometimes I do two, three, or four goals. Very rarely do I do more than that and when I do have four, like this week, I make one easier than the others so that I’m sure to find success without realizing it.

    My progress:
    1. Start Lean phase of Chalean and keep up with her schedule, with cardio substitutions of Zumba as I can attend classes.-today was a rest day. Tomorrow is Lean 1, week 1. Eeek!
    2. Check in daily with you wonderful people and remind you how awesome you are.-here I am, twice in one day even!
    3. Continue recovery in the sickness department. I'd like to return to 100% before Zumba class on Thursday. –spent most of the day resting, so I’m doing as well as I can.
    4. Eat at least 3 fruits and/or veggies each day.-I totally did this today. It was great!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    Hi everyone. My week last week =epic fail! So this week going to try again.

    1. Log all food
    2. Exercise a total of 5 hours
    3. Make better food choices.

    Hope you all have a great week and kick booty!
  • Kessyrene
    Kessyrene Posts: 19 Member
    I am keeping my goals from last week since I did not achieve them at all!
    For this week(10/17-10/24): Goals: (1) Workout 4-5 days this week (2) NO SODAS! (3) Minimum 2 litres of water daily
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hi Everyone! Welcome new challengers! I will comment more later in the week, but for now, my closeout check in for last week...

    Sunday Check In:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat-- 49.7/16.6/33.8

    Final Averages for the week--48.8/19.3/31.9 I hope to make improvements on this over the next couple of weeks with my research goal. However, I do feel like I just had an A-HA! moment. I was closing up my food diary for the day, and I was looking at my protein & fat grams, and I was thinking, "those are pretty close; I should be okay on my percentages tonight." Then I plugged into my excel spreadsheet and still ended up with a way higher fat percentage than I expected. All of sudden, it hit me. Fat grams have more calories than protein grams, so at equal quantities, fat percentage will be HIGHER. DUH!!!!! I even programmed the formulas in the spreadsheet to do just that, but for some reason, I just hadn't made a meaningful connection between the two. Hopefully with this "OMG this is so obvious" realization fresh in my mind, and my lower fat alternatives research, I will be able to puzzle out this beast soon.

    2) Sodium under 2000--2418 still a little higher than I'm comfortable with, but not bad considering that I still ate out for lunch today
    Final sodium avg for the week--2375 Just noticed a pattern with my sodium that about every other week, I have a one or two way high days that pull my average up, but the following week, I stay under pretty well. That means that this new week should a good one for this goal.
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--ACHEIVED! Final deficit count 4474. Sweet! I'm hoping this actually translates into a loss on tomorrow's weigh in.
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY--I did not weigh in today. I had to do a little bit of reminder chanting, but I stayed FOCUSED :happy: and stayed OFF the scale. Tomorrow is weigh in. I'm close to -20, but I'm really trying not to obsess about it, and just be happy with whatever happens. I had a really rough week, so even if I show a gain (GASP!) I'm going to be okay with it because it's just a blip, not a pattern. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will find my inner peace with it. (And I won't even fill that inner piece with chocolate.):laugh:

    This concludes my 12th week on MFP. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Ladygloria and MAK for continuing the wonderful tradition of encouragement and support started by the lovely MISSDEEHERE. I know that the last 12 weeks would not have been as productive or as fun without your wonderful attitudes, this AWESOME group, and all the fantastic new mfPALS I've found here.:smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

    Goodnight All, and let's have a great week!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Hello all, I've missed you!

    This last week was hell, to put it mildly, and this week proves to be little better, minus the computer access and non-traveling. I need this group!

    Chalean, four times this week, any comblination of whatever I can manage.
    2 fruits/veggies
    Just staying within calories. I care not about balancing yet.
    Don't emotionally eat this week, the toughest goal I'm sure to hit.

    Oh, NSV moment this week: I need new jeans badly and went shopping yesterday because I had a coupon. Tried on soooo many jeans (ended up not buying any) but I'm a size 2, or size 26, depending on the store and what they go by. Amazing!! Hope not to screw this up and go back to being size 10 pants.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    A little e-gift for my mini-goaler friends from Paris! (taken 2 hours ago from Montmartre)

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Papillon-amazing, thank you for sharing. Envious!
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