The Chemical Cause of obesity



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The bottom line is that for the vast majority the reason they are overweight is because calories in > calories out. Sure, in the minority of cases there may be other issues, but most people actually don't have anything wrong with them that a simple calorific deficit wouldn't get the weight off. They are just looking for excuses, which I'm sure we have all done at some point.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Plus, other than weight gain, there are other good reasons to avoid plastics. Because they are estrogen mimics, they are leading to the decline of the male principle in nature. Estrogen and estrogen mimic pollution in the Thames river is causing a decline sperm count in men. In the St Laurence river, downstream from the Great Lakes and the big industrial cities, fish and whales are inter-sex. This means that their gonads are both male and female at once. Male gonads are full of eggs, for example. I have a personal suspicion that the growth of gay culture may have a biological base in a supply of drinking water loaded with estrogen. Studies documenting this stuff are all available by doing a search on google.

    It's interesting to see that it has an impact on fat as well, though I agree with most posting here that the supersize phenomenon is also a great cause of obesity.

    Well that explains why I feel bloated today. Damn municipal water.

    Don't laugh. Most young men today have half the sperm their fathers did. Which is still plenty, but still..

    How do you know how much sperm my father had?

    Cute! But you'll notice I wasn't talking about you specifically :p
  • British spelling is lose not loose.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Plus, other than weight gain, there are other good reasons to avoid plastics. Because they are estrogen mimics, they are leading to the decline of the male principle in nature. Estrogen and estrogen mimic pollution in the Thames river is causing a decline sperm count in men. In the St Laurence river, downstream from the Great Lakes and the big industrial cities, fish and whales are inter-sex. This means that their gonads are both male and female at once. Male gonads are full of eggs, for example. I have a personal suspicion that the growth of gay culture may have a biological base in a supply of drinking water loaded with estrogen. Studies documenting this stuff are all available by doing a search on google.

    It's interesting to see that it has an impact on fat as well, though I agree with most posting here that the supersize phenomenon is also a great cause of obesity.

    So.... A person can catch gay by drinking contaminated water. Learn something new every day.