Who here is addicted to chocoate????

So I have been doing great with everything my exercise, lots of veggies, great support and all I drink is water. One thing stands in my way and its name is CHOCOLATE :laugh: I decided to buy dark chocolate because its has flavonoids and its heart healthy but then i find myself binging on it and i know better. I have tried not to buy it at all but that just doesn work either :sad: I just dont know what to do I dont do this with any other sweets or other foods. Anybody have a solution??

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    So I have been doing great with everything my exercise, lots of veggies, great support and all I drink is water. One thing stands in my way and its name is CHOCOLATE :laugh: I decided to buy dark chocolate because its has flavonoids and its heart healthy but then i find myself binging on it and i know better. I have tried not to buy it at all but that just doesn work either :sad: I just dont know what to do I dont do this with any other sweets or other foods. Anybody have a solution??

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
    If you find it, please let me know...this is just a very bad time of year, what with chocolate being on sale every week until Halloween... LOL
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    yep...dont buy it. if you really want it then, you will have to go to the store and buy it! stops me 99% of the time!
  • SarahBeeMe
    SarahBeeMe Posts: 91 Member
    I have spent the whole afternoon battling with the same issue... I want chocolate! Chocolate flavoured things just don't have the same effect! And eating a small amount is frustrating....So if anyone has the solution I'd be interested too!
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I am definitely addicted to chocolate. I try not to buy it. If I am really craving it I look at the calorie and fat count. That usually curbs my cravings. Good luck!
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    Me! I love chocolate. When I say love, I MEAN LOVE!:heart:
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I love chocolate! Instead of eating actual chocolate, I bought some light hot cocoa, one cup is 20 calories..I always add some frozen cool whip, too. Its really good and the hot cocoa fills me up!
  • kristinathenina
    i do special dark hershey kisses, and give them to my fiance to put on the top shelf for me (i am very short). When I want some, he will get 3 down for me (20 cals each) and I will eat them very slowly letting them melt in my mouth. He wont get more than 3 for me in a day, and I normally wont go through the effort of climbing on a chair to get some more down for myself
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I prefer Mockolate™ the next traditional Thanksgiving food. It's what evil tastes like.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Hi I am Cathy and I'm a chocoholic! But really, I just keep telling myself that chocolate doesn't taste as good as skinny feels. I also keep weight watcher or skinny cow or Philly swirl ice-cream bars on hand for really bad cravings. Good luck.

    Might have been easier to ask who isn't addicted to chocolate :)
  • strwbrry15
    strwbrry15 Posts: 7 Member
    OMG!!! Me!! I get my chocolate fix with a Vita Brownie. It's loaded with all sorts of good stuff. For only 100 calories and it always hits the spot!
  • alliebeck2
    Solution? Don't fight it - eat chocolate every day. But I only eat a little bit. I buy 65-70% dark chocolate chips. For my desert every day, I weigh out 10g of chocolate chips and eat them very slowly, savoring each one. I don't feel deprived and I'm still on track with my weight loss.
  • jfjf
    jfjf Posts: 1
    Hi Heather,
    Join the club - I'm addicted to milk chocolate. Once I take that first bite, I'm done. My only defense is to have no chocolate in the house. I'm disciplined enough not to buy it, but once it is in front of me, or in the house, I'll eat it. Good luck!
  • meowow
    meowow Posts: 42 Member
    Vitalicious Deep Chocolate Vitatops will change your life! Look for them in the frozen food section. So delicious and nutritious! only 100 calories a muffin top!
  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    i love chocolate but i dont buy it either if i do i only buy a small candy bar and that is it when it is gone it is gone. i like the bars cause you can break them in smaller bars and stretch it for weeks but chocolate is hard to break.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    i am addicted to chocolate also!!! AHHH

    everything in moderation.. i eat chocolate daily
    mostly from chocolate flavored protein bars or something
  • ecaz
    ecaz Posts: 115
    Im a chocoholic too. I do fat free pudding cups, vitatop muffins, skinny cow ice cream, little weight watcher brand cakes. Skinny cow also now makes candy bars - they aren't too bad a litle over 100 cals each. They taste good, but I think the main ingredient is air. I only try to keep ONE of these things in the house at one time.
  • hargis70
    as weird as this sounds but a little bit of peanut butter seems to satisfy my cravings for sweets. Maybe it is just me. Hope it helps :) or try chocolate protein bars.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I don't think I'm addicted but I do like it and eat it when I feel like it. MILK CHOCOLATE though, no dark stuff. ha
    I think if you don't go crazy on it, you'll be ok.
  • Chunky_As_Charged
    When I buy chocolate, I tend to put it in an odd spot in the freezer - like in the back above behind the ice trays or on the bottom tray in the door. That way I don't see them very often, and I forget about them. Each time I have a few pieces, I'll move the bag to a different spot in the freezer, so the next time I go in there, my mind doesn't create a routine of looking at them.

    That being said, I'm a total chocaholic too! I love Dove pieces and cherry Andes mints. -gets lost on chocolate day dreams-
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    The question is, who really ISN'T? :P