weight goal vs. size goal.... what is your vote



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    This is a good question - I started out with a weight goal but I'm still above that weight but in a smaller size than I ever imagined.

    So, now my aim is to stay in an Aussie size 10 - 12 (US 6-8) and around 70kg. Once I've managed this for 6 months to a year I think I'll have a better idea of whether I need to, or it is realistic to lose more weight.
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    I keep track of weight because it's easy to track. I set my "goal" at 135 (used to be 150, then I realized I WANT MORE!). But in reality, even if I was the weight I am now, if I was the SHAPE I want to be, then I wouldn't care. I'm generally very muscular. I mostly just want that to show. weight and clothing size doesn't matter.

    so I bought a body fat monitor and I'm aiming for 20%, which is a good healthy goal for a woman. The BFP is tricker to keep track of, and goes down slower! so I also keep track of weight (also because MFP logs weight and not BFP). But weight and/or size are not my final goals. it's having these powerful muscles show to the world!

    my real, internal, personal goals are to have no more double chin, less of the "bingo wings", and a tummy I'm not afraid to have seen in public. no matter the weight or size, that's where I'm going to be.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Scales lie.

    Clothing sizes are too variable.

    Body Fat all the way!
  • allsewnup13
    It's really a toss up for me at this point. Started off at 185 wearing a size 15 and now I'm down to 169 and wearing 11/13. My goal weight is 115 and my goal size is 2/4. I'm only 5'1 and have got a really small frame. If both happen at the same time great but I'll take whichever comes first so long as I am healthy and look good.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Right now I am in a 10 or 12 (depends on the brand). I have a pair of size 8 jeans and once those fit (again) I will be happy to stay there and maintain. I don't care what number the scale says. From those jeans fitting and on it's going to be all about firming up.
  • hecallsmeroses
    I don't put my proirity on the scale but I do weigh myself once a week just to keep things in check. I am all about the way my clothes fit and how I feel wearing certain things.
  • hecallsmeroses
    I don't put my proirity on the scale but I do weigh myself once a week just to keep things in check. I am all about the way my clothes fit and how I feel wearing certain things.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I just want to like what I look like when I stand in front of the mirror naked, in broad daylight. Whatever weight, clothing size, or body fat % that is, I don't care. As long as I am healthy and hot =P
  • Hissweetheart
    Hissweetheart Posts: 14 Member
    When I started losing weight I had 150 on my mind! Having NEVER weighed that, I did not know what to expect. Now that I'm a bit below that I am aiming for size.

    One other thing is that I have watched my weight increase a little because I am doing a lot of weight exercises. Although the scale is increasing because I am building muscle, my clothing size is decreasing.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I have a weight goal, but that goal is more based on size than anything else. If I get back into a size 38 pant and weight 225 I will be very happy. I am a big guy but getting my BMI into the healthy range of 175 isn't realistic to me. Even before I put on a lot of weight working construction put me over 200. If I can build muscle get rid of the beer belly and weigh between 210 and 225 I will be happy. The lower end will probably put me into a size 36 pants based on previous experience.
  • cindywhitney
    cindywhitney Posts: 25 Member
    I have finally learned after a long battle with the number on the scale, that it doesn't tell the whole story and not the only number to look at. Sizes are tricky as well since they vary so much (and are different since the last time I was thin), but both can give you a boost when the goal is reached.

    I'm not sure on my goal weight or size weight since I haven't been as close as I'd like since having kids (one was a c-section) and not sure what the ole stomach region will do once down to a certain number. Having kids, though, really made me realize how every body is different. I have one daughter that is built a lot like me...really dense and doesn't look like she weighs as much as I does. But boy, is she strong! We just have to work a little harder to get good at the monkey bars ;) (holding all that dead weight from our hands) but we do it! I always wanted to weigh what my friends did in high school and wanted skinnier knees, wrists and fingers (my bones are MUCH larger) and hated that I was more muscular, etc. I got a little boost in college when I tried on my mom's wedding dress with long fitted sleeves and a long fitted sillhoettte...I fit it in beautifully weighing around 140, and my mom wore it at around 115 pounds! (needless to say, I'm built like my dad's side of the family)

    Even now, I tend to lose sight of the goal (healthy weight and size FOR ME) and that number on the scale might not be as low as others. In the past, I've looked better at 140-150 with healthy muscle and wearing a smaller size that at 130 (after a breakup where I wasn't working out nor eating enough...I think a 'skinny fat') With my bone structure and height, I don't look too good anywhere near 130. I still need to remind myself of differences in body types since my sister is built like my mom's side of the family and has recently lost weight and can't stop telling me her weight and sizes...I just need to remember I'm built TOTALLY different and when we are the same weights, I actually wear a smaller size! (It is hilarious that I am remembering this stuff closing in at 40, when most of the time, I have put it into perspective and there are more important things to worry about, but it does help to identify things in the past that led to an unhealthy body image and address them.)

    Sorry this got a little long (and into a personal therapy session for me! lol!)...but bottom line: I started keeping track of my inches as well as weight...I find there are times when the scale doesn't show squat for all my hard work, then I check my inches, and I've lost a lot! I'm going to play it by ear and see how I look and feel when i get down more and decide what 'fit' looks like on me. I want to be happy and be able to maintain and still be strong and enjoy life :) I want to be at ease with my body and not self conscious about certain rolls or dimpling...not sure what weight or size that will be!