How can i stay 1200 and not going over? please help

I loveeeeeeeeeeee to eat and i have thyroid problems and im always hungry :( But i need to loose this baby fat tummy i have. Can anyone with the same 1200 goal tell me what you eat please.

When im at work I dont eat much and my mind is off food. (I work at a daycare also babysit)

This is my todays goal so far. I have 850 plus what im eating now and i have not added it yet.

Goal Food Exercise = Net
1200 475 - 125 350

Need help.

The most hard times is at night after 8 I am hungry so i just drink some COLD water.


  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I loveeeeeeeeeeee to eat and i have thyroid problems and im always hungry :( But i need to loose this baby fat tummy i have. Can anyone with the same 1200 goal tell me what you eat please.

    When im at work I dont eat much and my mind is off food. (I work at a daycare also babysit)

    This is my todays goal so far. I have 850 plus what im eating now and i have not added it yet.

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 475 - 125 350

    Need help.

    The most hard times is at night after 8 I am hungry so i just drink some COLD water.

    Aim for 1500 a day. Ur not eating enough
  • You need to eat during the day when you're at work. That's the only way you'll lose weight, keep it off and be healthy. Might not be easy but hey - you'd do anything to lose that baby weight right? Then eat ;).
  • I'm following a lot of recipes from Jillian Michaels Making the Cut book. I have yet to have something I didn't like.
  • I added you as my friend. I also have a 1200 calorie a day diet. You can go ahead and look at some of the stuff that I eat every day. Good luck to you!
  • I stay under easily, only get to 800/900 most days. Basically, I only drink water, and have about 6 litres per day. Good tip for when you feel hungry, but know you don't need to eat - drink water. Should take away the hunger.

    For breakfast I'll have an apple, and a banana. For lunch it will be something like soup, or salad with chicken and then dinner probably pasta or something like that, with salad.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    if you look through my diary about 2 weeks ago or so(i have been ill) or look from today onwards for the next week and a half!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I'd say add like 150 more cals per day and exercise, so you can eat more.
  • I'd suggest not focusing so much on the calories, but where are those calories coming from. Each of us is so different and we really need to find what works for us. I like the 40/40/20 rule..... 40% from carbs, 40% from lean protein, and 20% from fat. You might also find it easier to make sure you are eating 5-6 times a day (small meals) and give yourself snacks to keep from being hungry by the time "lunch" or "dinner" comes around. Hope this helps!
  • Part of the incentive of adding your exercise is so that you can then eat the calories you have burned. REMEMBER 1200 is the MINIMUM ur body needs a day so going slightly over or exercising and “Earning” more calories is part of the life change. Keep motivated :-)

  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hi, my goal calories are 1200 but I exercise and get 500-700 more. Since I started eating all my calories, that means 1200 + How ever many I get, so its really closer to 2,000. I have been losing weight fast than when I was trying to stay close to the 1200....does that make sense?
  • have small meals every two to three hours...i also have 1200 calories and i eat like six times a day. I have egg whites and oatmeal in the morning. fruit and string cheese for snacks....half of a protein bar at different times during the day. have a protein rich salad for lunch. for dinner i usually have about 200 calories left so i'll eat a lean protein like fish with a salad. i feel satisfied and i also work out. lots of green tea and water too! try the small meals and you'll see a difference!! good luck!
  • achtracy
    achtracy Posts: 17 Member
    I moved to 1250 calories last week and have had a good week. I don't ever feel like I'm cheated. You do have to choose what works for you though. Feel free to go thru my diary. Good Luck!

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  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    Instead of focusing on how many calories you are taking in each day focus on the type of food you are eating. Making healthier choices will most likely bring you into your range. Plus, the more nourished your body is the less cravings you will have and the more you'll realize you WANT to eat healthy foods. Processed foods are what make you crave unhealthy foods. Stick to foods that have at one time been alive and have had little to no processing (brown or wild rice over white rice, turbinado sugar instead of regular sugar, steele cut oats instead of instant oatmeal...) nuts, veggies, dried fruit (in moderation) are great snacks to have on hand. Everyone is right, you need to keep a steady supply of energy to your body by eating throughout the day. You're cravings at night to eat might be a craving for something else... perhaps you should create a pamper yourself routine at night to nourish your soul instead of your tummy.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Hi, my goal calories are 1200 but I exercise and get 500-700 more. Since I started eating all my calories, that means 1200 + How ever many I get, so its really closer to 2,000. I have been losing weight fast than when I was trying to stay close to the 1200....does that make sense?

    Exactly! If you are still hungry eating only 1200, then you need to exercise to earn more. Earn more, eat more!
  • loriltx
    loriltx Posts: 7 Member
    There are a lot of good suggestions above. Whatever you do, however, do not go below 1200 calories a day. It is extremely unhealthy, and, even though you may lose a lot of weight in the beginning, your weight loss will taper off and your metabolism will slow down. Also, spread out your calories. If you must eat the majority of your calories at one meal, make it your breakfast. Good luck!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    You say that you care for children--that sure as heck isn't a desk job. You might want to up your activity level setting and see what the calorie recommendation is for that. Also, lots and lots of vegetables. Find filling foods that are lower in calories. Good luck. :happy:
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I stay under easily, only get to 800/900 most days. Basically, I only drink water, and have about 6 litres per day. Good tip for when you feel hungry, but know you don't need to eat - drink water. Should take away the hunger.

    For breakfast I'll have an apple, and a banana. For lunch it will be something like soup, or salad with chicken and then dinner probably pasta or something like that, with salad.

    Very worrying. You need to read up on getting enough calories. Also I'm pretty sure that 6 litres of water is heading into dangerous territory.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thank you guys so much! I will Workout more and like that i can eat more :) Im new to this site so im learn this site and my new diet. I dont drink alot of water but today so far i had 2 bottles. How can I change my activity level? I will look to see if i can find it. Thanks so much guys.
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    I drink water or tea only and use unsweetened almond milk (only 40 calories per cup).

    For dinner, I rarely used olive oil A little is okay, but measure it out - it packs a lot of calories and you dont need to use it. Omit butter/oil and you wont notice the difference.

    I eat a LOT of vegetables for dinner and snack on things like fatfree hummus or salsa with vegetables or a few corn chips.

    A good way to think of eating is to only eat things that are nourishing. Dont deprive your body and starve it. If you are hungry, eat! But make it the healthiest thing you can find that fits your craving.
    If you are craving sweet, have a baked apple with a tbsp of maple syrup or have a banana or homemade lowfat hot cocoa or some dark chocolate.

    If you want salty, have air popped popcorn or a few blue corn chips. If you want creamy, have a 1/2 cup of organic coconut icecream and top it with fruit or a few chopped nuts.

    1200 is the recommended amt. Dont beat yourself up if some days you have 1400 or 1500. If you made healthy choices, you will see and feel the difference!
  • mon696
    mon696 Posts: 64 Member
    For your nighttime cravings, make sure you have berries on hand just so you can have something to eat if you really want it. Blueberries are great! They are high in fiber and antioxidants. I will have some blueberries and strawberries with a small amount of Truvia sprinkled over them, a great nighttime snack that doesn't ruin the whole day!