so... who's the fatty in your relationship?



  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    It was ME from the beginning, and then I lost a lot while he gained some, so it became him. Now I've gained a few back while he has lost a couple, so we're almost neck-in-neck.

    Luckily, neither of us cares about each other's weights aesthetically. :heart:
  • My husband outweighs me. We are both at pretty much the average weight for our heights. I would not want to outweigh him though. I think it looks odd when the woman is larger than the man but i know that everyone deserves love. :) My goal is to lose another 14lbs and tone and he works out to build muscle so I'd say we are an even match. I would never want to compete for who has bigger muscles or who's thinner. LOL
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I weigh less than my husband but I am the fatty. He loves to work out and is very muscular. His waist is smaller than mine :\

    So I am working on there being NO fattys in this relationship!
  • We're both fatty's but I do outweigh him. He's losing faster then I am, without even trying! haha

    It does really bother me that I am bigger then he is. I've always wanted to be the cute, tiny, delicate girl with the big, strong man!
    But I'm still very young (21) and have time to make it happen! Can't change the past, but I can determine the future!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I'm the fatty in my relationship....mainly because I'm the only one in my relationship....and I'm fat...
  • Jokenmit
    Jokenmit Posts: 80 Member
    oh i have always been the fatty lol but it never seems to bother the men in my life so i never really thought about how i should feel about it.

    hmmm......but it did used to tick one old boyfriend off that i could pick him up (he was nearly 200 lbs) and he couldn't move me an inch ( i was 250 at the time) ..... ahhh good times lol

    thanks for the memory. and the giggle lol
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    :sad: I'm the fatty..*sigh*
    My hubby is 5'10, 190 lbs..and I'm 5'4, 218 lbs. I hate it soooo much. I've never been smaller than him because before I got pregnant I was 170 and he was probably 150 or so. I didn't feel bad then since I liked how I looked, but now I feel like I'm gonna squish him.
    I don't think he really cares, but I think being the woman, I should be smaller than him and hopefully it won't be long till I am! :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am the fatty lol my twig boyfriend is 5 foot 11 weighing 135!!! I'm not sure I'll ever weigh less then him lol.
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Hubby is 5'11" and 205lbs. I'm 5'6" and as of yesterday 281lbs. I've always been the fatty in this relationship, but the gap is closing :devil:
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    well I'm the fatkid aka the one who LOVES food and everything about it. But he's more the chubby one. When I met him he had a little chub but had a lot of muscle built up behind it...not so much now. So I'm pretty happy that he's jumping on board with me and he's wanting to buff up ;)
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    *rasies hand jumping up and down*

    As a woman, is it important for you to weigh less than your man?

    As a man, does it bother you to have a woman that out-weighs you?


    That would be me. :embarassed:

    And yes, it is very important to me to weigh less than him, which is going to be a challenge, b/c he's 6'0" but about 165 sopping wet, I'd guess, & even if I get to weigh less, he's always going to look smaller, I think; I'm always curvy, he's a beanpole.

    And yeah, it bothers him. Trust me, it bothers him. Why didn't I hold out for an amorous lumberjack? :tongue:
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    bf and I weigh the same but he's 6'3 and i'm 5'8 so I guess I am.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member

    I have huge image-issues with my height and he's the first and only guy I've ever been attracted to that is shorter than me (less than an inch maybe, but that means I never wear heels bc I feel like a giant) so I feel like I have always tried to be smaller than him in weight since I'll never been smaller than him in height. :ohwell:
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I weigh about 15 Ibs more then the hubby right now. He's also atleast 6" taller then me. :noway:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Why didn't I hold out for an amorous lumberjack? :tongue:
    This is not a line, but....

    I'm your Paul Bunyan

    in the voice of Doc Holiday from Tombstone popped into my head.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    my man is 6'3 and almost 300lbs...I'm 5'6 and 190...I pray I'm never EVER bigger than him lol
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I think from my profile picture, it's pretty obvious. I have outweighed him for quite a while now. It was so weird because one night I rolled over to spoon him and he had become as small as a little boy. (Nah, It was me getting huger, not him shrinking.) It is going to take me a long LONG time to weigh less than him again, but I am looking forward to the day it happens or at least that I get closer to the same weight as him.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Depends what you mean. I weigh more than my wife, but have much lower BF% (as men naturally have lower BF%).
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    He used to be 260, but now weighs 165....Ummm, I was 115 and now 100. I guess he is still the fatty, but not really.
  • I am the "fatty" in the marriage. I weight about 40 or so pounds more than my husband, but he loves me for me and not how much I weigh<3 Although, he best love me when I lose all this weight and become skinny and hot :tongue: