I want to cut it off with a blade



  • I feel your frustration, but wish you patience. A healthy weight loss is slow and that can be frustrating. Being too aggressive can back fire. The fact that you "have tried everything" is actually a concern. Inconsistencies and extreme measures really mess up your metabolism.

    Since your family has a history of being overweight, maybe you should consider seeing a doctor. Have you had your thyroid tested? Or could you have a gluten allergy?
  • Yoga_Lady
    Yoga_Lady Posts: 2 Member
    Aww come on. If you excersise, you DO build muscle and it DOES weigh more than fat. When I started working out I gained 4 lbs, but lost 2 inches - that's not BS - it's true! Don't ignore real encouragements just to feel worse about yourself!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Aww come on. If you excersise, you DO build muscle and it DOES weigh more than fat.

    This is incorrect. It takes a woman a long time of serious strength training in order to start building significant muscle mass...significant enough to start registering as a gain.

    Yoga_Lady, your initial gain was likely water retention...when you initially start an exercise program your muscles retain some water due to the breaking down/healing process.

    Muscle is "denser" than fat...not "weighs more than". I don't mean to pick on you but this is misinformation I see ALL of the time in the forums and it makes me crazy!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Two things I have notice, you are very inconsistant in logging your food and the stuff you do log is rather processed. Also, if you have a very active job and your workout a lot, you need to fuel up... aka eat a lot more food.

    There are a few methods you can utilize to figure out caloric needs. First is make sure you have MFP set up correctly (.5 lb per week) with a active lifestyle and then log your exercise calories and eat them back.

    The second method is requires an understanding of basal metabolic rates (BMR) and total daily energy expended (TDEE) to figure out caloric needs (method I have used with success). Based on the information you have provided your BMR is around 1500 calories; this is the amount of calories you would burn if you slept 24 hours. Based on your lifestyle (very active) you TDEE multiplier is 1.725. BMR *TDEE = maintenance calories = 2590. Factor in a 250 deficit for .5 lb per week and you are at 2240. This is about the amount of calories you will need to continue to lose weight but it will be slow. Also increasing muscle mass (lifting heavy) will help with body recomposition and toning (which this sounds like what you want).

    The biggest thing is consistancy.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Try switching up your settings in your goals to get more protein. I think it defaults to 15%... try 20-25%.

    I did best with a calorie goal about what yours is now (1450-1500) and eating exercise calories back, but once I started getting more protein, I had better results. I didn't aim for low carb, just higher protein, usually around 100g a day, and let the carbs and fat fall where they may. Doing so, my body composition changed, and I had a ton more energy and strength. I felt like I was running on brand new batteries. My actual weight LOSS wasn't that much, but since I retained a lot of muscle mass and lost fat, it looked like more.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member

    Muscle is "denser" than fat...not "weighs more than". I don't mean to pick on you but this is misinformation I see ALL of the time in the forums and it makes me crazy!

    What I said was "Muscle by volume weighs more than fat" which is exactly accurate.

    1 cubic inch of fat vs 1 cubic inch of muscle --> Muscle weighs more.

    We are saying the same thing ;)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Well, you could cut it off with a blade.....but I would recommend picking out your tombstone first so you don't get stuck with a fugly one.
    ^^ THIS! Best advice on here!
  • from looking at your food diary, you are eating the suggested amount of calories, or lower, but it doesn't look like the right kind of calories. just in the few days i looked at you ate cheeseburgers 5 times, and pizza 2 times. your eating very low calories for breakfast and huge amounts at dinner. try eating bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners and adding more water to your daily intake. it's a marathon, not a race. good luck and try not to be so hard on yourself.

  • Muscle is "denser" than fat...not "weighs more than". I don't mean to pick on you but this is misinformation I see ALL of the time in the forums and it makes me crazy!

    What I said was "Muscle by volume weighs more than fat" which is exactly accurate.

    1 cubic inch of fat vs 1 cubic inch of muscle --> Muscle weighs more.

    We are saying the same thing ;)

    Yes. Muscle weighs more:]
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Muscle is "denser" than fat...not "weighs more than". I don't mean to pick on you but this is misinformation I see ALL of the time in the forums and it makes me crazy!
    What I said was "Muscle by volume weighs more than fat" which is exactly accurate.

    I wasn't quoting your post, Avalonis! :wink:
  • There is a lot of good advice you got from this posting, good job OP. There are a lot of regular MFP's in this thread that know what they are talking about too, I've stalked them for a long time :)

    So you should come away from this with more insight or more help or a changed mind that maybe, just maybe: "You didn't try everything RIGHT".

    You aren't tracking your meals unless you are truly going weeks at a time without eating.
    I saw several days where there was ice cream and cookies during breakfast time.
    Burning 150-250 exercise calories sporadically during the week probably isn't enough unless you are just starting out in the obesity category and working your way up.

    You have maybe tried everything for one day.
    But you haven't tried anything RIGHT, and have done it RIGHT for a long time.

    Try again this time and try to do it right!
    Friend people on here who have had successes and are at their goal weight and can walk you through it.

    ...Blade?...(shaking head)...
  • I really appreciate the helpful answers. As for the useless ones don't bother commenting.
    And I guess it would seem easy to say eat healthier, but I live on a college campus. And for those of you who haven't had the chance to attend/live on a college campus, the food is very unhealthy hence the freshman 15. It exists and I still have never gotten those 15 pounds off, even after almost 4 years.
    So my question to all you weight loss experts: What kind of unhealthy food is the healthiest?
    My campus is chock full of candy, chocolate, ice cream, pizza and cheeseburgers. How am I supposed to lose weight?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I went to a major unversity and there was always a healthier option than grade d meat, lol. Look for stuff like chicken, salds, turkey, ham. If uou have a burger then you should go cheeseless. Also look at buying oatmeal or kashi for breakfast and stay away from sweets like cookies and ice cream.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have pizza (typically half of a DiGiorno rising crust) at least once a week. You can still have pizza and burgers... you just have to make sure it fits within your calories and macro ranges. And be aware that if it's processed food (just about anything frozen and microwavable), it's going to have a lot of sodium which sometimes makes you retain fluid and appear to not be losing weight. And I've found that those healthy frozen dinners are tiny for the number of calories. Make your own, and you can eat twice as much in volume for the same c

    For breakfast, I love Fiber One cereals. I might not love it so much if I had to sit in class after, because it can make one gassy. I also like English muffins with Nutella. Gives me a chocolate fix to start the day. Peanut butter on them is good, too. Look for one with no salt added. It tastes the same as regular PB! Nutella *and* Peanut butter is like having a Reese's cup!

    For lunch and dinner, I aim for a large-ish portion of meat (usually chicken, fish or shrimp), veggies (usually frozen, since it's most cost effective for the greatest variety... I liked the mixed bags), and a carb, like rice or pasta, sometimes garlic bread because it makes me very happy, and non one wants to be around me when I feel deprived. :wink:

    Snacks are usually Fiber One or Fiber Plus bars, fruit, yogurt, or sometimes an ice cream sandwich. One sandwich is about 150 calories, and it psychologically feels better to eat one entire sandwich than look at a teeny tiny scoop of ice cream in a bowl or cup. I also like having a glass of chocolate milk at bedtime. Again, about 150 calories, fills you up so you don't go to bed hungry, and tastes like dessert.